Dalai Lama 17:307
as expression of inner 1ife 3:111-12
a»uidin9 8:224,229-30
Jot rapturous 'state of' consciousness 10:175-76
consciousness dispel 3:l01
rising in the consciousness 17:97-98,124,158
Significance of 8:90-91,93
Divine 16:383
Death 4:23,171-72; 9:33-36; 12:l89; 15;174,197
after death 4 : l91-92 , l95 ,204-05 ,321 ; 5 1116
,134-36,261-64 ,267 ; after death
attitude towards 4:355-56
causes of 3:87; 5:72,112; 9:34-35
conquest of 3:138,211; 5:314-19; 6;38-62; 12:82-92
expect nothing from 3:198 Page-55
life and 5:3 ; 10:166-68; 17:156 means of awakening spiritual consciousness 9:33-34 mental personality and 10:27-28 mortal and immortal , synthesis of 5:111 the Mother's; experiences, and knowledge of 11:17,61-63,113,
169-70,209,220,222,239,205 no difference between 'Living and 10:i49 not a necessity 3:36--37,90, 169 , of the body 5:112-16,135-36; 6:54-57; 9:35 of Caesar and Christ 10:61 of desires 17:62-63 of instrument o-f evi1 5:377 of people governed by adverse force 6:246-47 of Stalin 5:377 overcoming 16:429 paradises and bells in mental regions 8:319 physical mind dissolves at 3:149 possibiity of integral realisation ceases 16:164 progress and 7:208-09; 12:346; 16:429 psychic chooses next life at time of 5:215-16,261-65 passim, 260-69, 8:202; 15:136; see also Psychic, the, reincarnation of
reasons for for 8:203,337-386 12:343-46; 17:ll3 ,
receiving news of 16:416 religion and 12:85 replies questions on 12:340-48
represented by Mira 3:188 science and 10:207 Self and 10:27-28 spirit of 3: 36-40,193-94 survival of parts of the being after 3:l44-46 . thinking about, usual way of 8:87
thought of brings detachment from material things ,3:l87-86 .
true significance and use of 3:37 vibrations of Buddha continuing after 5:19 victory over 11:107 visions of the dead 15:347-58 vital takes shelter in living person after 4:191,204; 9;362-64 vital world and 6:55-56,448-49 wish for 17-405 world of 6:52-57 self. also Mother's body, the, transformation of to 1ive
Rebirth/Reincarnafrion of the Divine 3:5 of the self age. Self-deception of the vital 11:22-23 : Decisions , . about collective yoga 7:200,414 about marriage 17:415 . contradictory argument and 17:46,283-84 depends on need 17 :53 differences of opinion and 17 :333-34 Page-56 ego and 17:263,302 inwardly leaving them to the Mother 17:263,387 mind hamper is Brace in 17:271 the Mother's 10:132; 16:47-50; 17:385 of psychic consciousness 7:221 right attitude? towards 6:340-41 to change 4:78-79 to practice yoga 4:78
without consulting the Mother 17:387 of subconscient 16:425
victory of 8:401-02 in ourselves and others 5:357-58; 16:299 progress and 16:299 removed by yoga 3:221 reverse side of a quality 2:91 Page-57 Deformations
in Nature 16:287-88 of Divine action 11:264 of Divine power 4:381 of love 5:239-40,242-43 of spiritual 1ife 9:8
of the vital 10:81
new creation and 11:117,126 bliss, true delight 9:8-9,40; 12:l6 cells will share' in 9:42 desire and true" 9:21-23 detachment to Feel 8:327-28
drop of honey, divine bliss 9:23-25 fear and l0:332 in progress 10:52 in unity 9:7-9 infinite 10:158 inner, the first experience 9:62-63 knowledge and 10:256 Krishna message of freedom and 10 :60 meaning of 3:254 of being 8:226-27,327; 9:l-2; 11:109 of play 10s5"l-52 only way to conquer adverse forces 915,9 opposite of joy and pleasure 9r9;i 12i!l0 pain and 10i158,334-35,351 perfect unity of creation with it® Creator 9s7-9 pleasure and 9:22-23,40-41 soul and 10:333 suffering and 10:246; 14:266; 16;18 world of , ca11ing 16:255
see also Ananda; Bliss Joys Pleasure
increasing 17:231
nature of 10:311-12 excessive 16:178 praise and 16:l70
Depression 6:32-34; 14;263-66,359; 17:17,2S,35-36,59,68, causing i11ness 17:118 created by hostile forces 3:139 desire and 17:99 difficulties and 17:84,111-12 discipline and 17:74 do not open door- to 16:65,67-68 egoism and 4 :10 endurance and 14:174; 16:145 enemy of yoga 16:196 energy 1ost 4:10 humility and 3:139 impatience causing 17:116 joy, pleasure and 8:84-85,191-92 mastering 4:342 nerves and 16:120 Page-58 never accept 16:65 none in the Divine 17:28 not the Mother's will l7:ll8 passing it to others 17:77 physical fatigue and 6:32 progress and 4:ll6; 7:10-11 psychic and 6:32,34; 17:27-26 revolt through 4:52 shake off 16:119,145 solitude and 17:105 State of , contagious 7 :25 study and 12:131,134; 17:77,115 taking about 17:168 thieves of the, vital wor1d and 16:73 vital l being gets depressed 16:134 vital and 4:248-49; 5:257-58; 6:32-33; 8:192, 17:120 nark to pass through 14:337-38; 16:137; 17:213
see also Despair; Discouragement ascension and, double 1ine of Yoga 3:30 ascent, manifestation and 8:133-34 bearing pressure of Divine 3:11 fourth dimension and 12:431 into physical consciousness 17:87 into the vital and physical 6:303 miracies from aspiration and 11:313-15 of Ananda aspect of the mother 6:291-93,302-04 of consciousness , 4:251; 9:237-38; 10:74 of Divine Consciousness 3:39-39; 5:323-24; ll:l57-59
of Divine Love, supreme sacrifice 3:172; 4:240-42; 8:226 fn, of Divine Truth and Force 3:79-80 of First World War 5:305-06 of hostile force 5:306-07; 10:53 of the Mother on earth 17:76,119 of peace 15:424-25 of power 11:52,155,315 of Supramental consciousness and power 3:173 of Supramental truth 3:156 of supermental world 3: l57, 178, 180, 188; 11:316-17 of Truth 1ight 17:404 see also supermental descent Desire's (s) 10:261-62,304-05; 14:269-76 abolition of 2:51; 16:431 action and 2:61,84,92,106-08; 4:1-2,72,358; 7:292-93; 10:177-78 after death death 4:191; 5:134-36 anxiety and fear springing from 2:90 aspiration and 4:101,136-37,336; 6:328,336-38,409; 7:64,241-43; 16;409 at pranam 17:99 atmosphere of 6:279-81 bliss and 17:107-06
Buddha on 4:382-83; 6 :336-38 ,409 ; 7
:37-39,292-93 ,316-18,320 cause of unhappiness 17:101 Central knot of 16:245-46 charity and 2:101 could personality 3:117 Page-59
contagious 7:37 Create a personal creation and 9:8 curing 7:58--59 death of 17 :62-63 ; defense against 4 :325 deforms 4:12 ,113 ,293 delight and 9:21-22 depression and 37:99 detachment from, to feel Ananda 8:327-213,369 discernment of 8:14,53; 10:293 dissolving, effect on world 5:19-20 Diviner and 3 :5-6 ,9-10; 6:238-40; 17:178 eating without 7 :62 education and 6:412-15; 12:l21 effort of 16:31 ego and 8:367,399; 16:246 energies for reproduction and 16:430 error and 3 :1 92 evil and 10:263 evolution and 17 :108 falsifies experience 10:32-33 fear and 2:90 for life 7:317-18 for progress and perfection ,2:93,103; ,12:171 for sacrifice 2:56; 5:350 formations and 5:l7-21; 16:30 getting rid of an 3:268; 17:408 grace and 10:263 help and obstacle 4:3,341;7:298 humanity and 3:150; 6:411-15, 9:98-102 ignorance and 7:31-18 illness and 15:159--60 : in agreement with Divine will 3:l9 in madmen 11:189-90 in ordinary life and in Ashram 16:134 increase of vital 10:55 indispensable for growth ,8:367 is insatiable; 16:266 joy of mastering and overcoming .9:21 judgment and 16:321 justified by the mind 6:156-59 justified under pretense of liberation 10:l5-16 life of each individual 5sl6 ; love and 4:136; 5:151-52; ,7:37-40; l0:409 making you act 8:70-71
mastering 7:38-39; 9:21 mental and vital 10:25 mental formations 16:30 methods for satisfying 16:28-29 misfortune and 10:58
most obscure and obscuring movement of 1ower nature, 3:11 need(s) and 4 :49.332,384-85; 8:123-24; 16:226 not physical 4:325 obsession and 4:346 of body 16:302 of ideas 2:75 overcoming 16:303 Page-60 preference and 4:1,12,388; 8:256,398-99,407 progress and 10:263; 16:428
physic being being and 16:431 rebelling 17:95 renunciation and satisfaction of 7:38-40; 9:99; 10:I76-82 right 3:193-94
sacrifice of bargaining with the Divine 5:350-51 "soul of desire" 3:304 ,306-07 ,324 fn sources of 7:37; 8:70-71 taken for reality 2:50
to become conscious; of everything 2:53 true happiness and 16:134 true intimacy and 16:16
unsatisfied 17:99 using the Divine as cloak for 4:77; 5:5-7; 15:87 vanishing devine of 16:177 Vibrations of 2:87-88; 4:382-83; 8;535 10:l76-82 Violent 16:117 Vital 3:133,135; 4:58,191; 5:101; 6:335-56; 9:30; 10:25,55; 16:113,196-97,343 Will and 6:410-11; 10:176-82
see also Preference faith and 10:56-57 no reason for 17:270 revolt in 4:52 suggestions of , source 16:73
see also Depression; Discouragement Circumstances of 1ife organised 6:386-87 determinism , freedom and 9:l75-76; see also Freedom.
determinism and
master of fol1owing the thread of one's 9:18-19
predestined , answer to Ashram chi1dren 5:299 Page-61 Detachment 8:70-71,104,381,398; 17:91,105,109 from action 4:163,278; 8:104,324-25 from desire 8:327-29,369 ;
from material things 3:187-88 from sadness 17:129,194 from world 16:190 self-detachment 2 :57 suffering and 2 :57
yoga and 4:163,304,383-84; 8:327-28 absolute 3:66,90 catastrophe; preventing 5:191-93 change by Divine will 4:84,160-61,428 different 1evels of 5:86-93
-freedom and 3:29-30; 5:86-93; 6:283-86; 9:175,265-67
mind's way of conceiving 3:162
predetermination and 1iberty 3:28-29
voyage of the Eternal 9:265-67
cf freedom; Karma; Liberation
13:344-45; 16:301 of earth 7:361-62 at faculties 8:189; 9:396-97 , of forma 6:83-89; 9:106 of groups 2:59-60 of humanity l0:52; of individual 7:366,371-72; 9:197-98,348-49; 10:97,237; 16 :304 of individuality 6)261 of mind 5:129; 6:18-20; 9:344,349,401-03; 10:60; 12:5-6,26
139-41; 16;121; 17;126,153 Page - 62 of power of observation 6:8-9, 78-79, 82-91, 335-36 of the psychic 4:144, 146, 243, 246; 7:399-400 of the psychic being 5:206-07, 265 of sense of colour 6:85-86 of sense of organisation 6:86-89 of senses 6: 78-79 of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16 : 3-5, 7-8 of taste 7: 57-59, 185 of thought 12 : 142; 16 : 244 of universe 9 : 33-35 of will 12: 22-23 self-development 16 : 239 spiritual 16 : 317 Devil God and 10: 341 pessimism weapon of 11 : 256-57 Devotion 14 : 103 egoistic ends in 8: 39 food for vital beings 6: 194-97 greatest in silence 17 : 380 human and divine love and 6: 174-75 liberation and 10 : 331 of a cat 5: 244-45 path of 8 : 43 , 252-53, 324 relation to action and knowledge 10 ;331 surrender through 3 : 126 yoga of 16 : 238 Dhamma 3 : 207 Dhammapada 9 : 196-97 meaning of faith in 3: 189 the Mother on the 3: 183-298; 9 :372 thought in 2: 87 Dharma 5 : 356-57 ; 8: 280, 326, 387 Difficulty (ies) 17 : 84, 388 as blessings 17 : 406 aspiration to overcome 4 : 180, 383; 14 : 243, 246, 249 assurance of overcoming 16 : 169 atavistic 4 : 160-62, 198, 261 attitude in 9 : 423-24 avoiding danger 8 : 224, 229-30 awareness of 16 : 284; 17 : 85, 93, 112, 119, 130, 310, 322 beginning of 17 : 120 break down resistance 6 ; 323-25 burned up by Agni 17 : 148 change and 5 :P 303-04; 16 : 248 cheerfulness and 16 :69 collective 7 : 413-421 comes from oneself 16 : 190 coming in 1955 6 :453, 457-61, 463-64 confidence and 16 : 69 consciousness regarding 17 :113, 130-31 created by a rigid principle 17 : 283 depression and 17 : 84, 111-12 destroying memory of 6 :369 the Divine and 6 : 357-58, 461-63; 14 : 234-51 do not brood over 16 : 68 do not exist in psychic 17 : 102-03 each has central 23 :55; 4 : 44-45; 7 : 419-20 effort and 9 : 423-24 facing 7 :9 ; 8 :41-42; 17 : 414 Page - 63 faith and 6 :440-45; 17 :414 fatigue from listening to 17 :323 fighting 9 :74 getting rid of (out of ) 16 :216, 227 Grace and 3 : 143; 6 :242-44, 323-25, 442-45; 14 :99-102 greatest 11 :234 humanity creates 11 :66, 282, 286-88 "impossibility" and 7 :415-20 in ignorance and in sincerity 4 :251 ; 6 :325-26 in the Ashram 16 :38-39 increased by pressure of Force 8 :220-21 joy at heart of 8 :253 love and 16 :217 makes Mantra spring up 4 :389-90 material 16 :354 the Mother's help in 16 :89 narration of, indicates nature of victory 3 :6-7 not to think of 8 :220-21 of India 17 :219, 282, 304 of the individual and of the world 6 :446-47 of lower nature 8 :290-91 of the Mother's body 16 :354 ; see also Mother's body, the, transformation of of others, never talk about 16 :63 of physical world 6 :207-08, 446-47 offering 8 :253 only way out of 16 :206 opening to 16 :116 opening to Grace 6 :323-25 ordeal of fire and 4 :354 overcoming 6 :442-45; 16 :122, 144-147, 164, 185-86, 364, 383, 421, 433;17:124, 130-31, 133 patience and 16 :144 perseverance and 16 :133 persisting in error 4 :74, 333 progress and 6 :242-44, 332-36, 357-58, 464; 17 :84 proportionate to individual consciousness 4 :44, 74 the psychic and 17 :102-03 psychic being and 7 :21, 401 psychic contact and 6 :33-34 psychological 17 :398 questioning, resistance increases 7 :8 raison d' etre of 4 :118; 16 :431 rejecting 4 :170, 337-38 regarding money 17 :236-37, 244,246,251,253,296 self-forgetting 8:288 the shadow 6:17,263-64 sincerity and 4:74; 6:242-44;14:242-43 smile (s) and 8:23; 16:69,100,220 solution to 7 :106-07; 16 :429-30 sources of 7 :33-34 standing back from 4 :72-73 start when one begins to advance 3 :264 suffering and 17 :129,149 surrender and 14 :236-37 turned to opportunities 6 :242-44 Truth and 14 "236,250 vanish in true consciousness 7 : 400 vital 4 : 52, 248-52, 335; 14 :247 Page - 64 "widen yourself when in" 8 :286-88 with workers and projects 16 :38-39 work helps you pass through 14 :337-42; 16 :137; 17 : 213 yoga and 7 : 197-99 see also Depression ; Despair ; Discontentment; Discouragement Digestion attitude and 3 :292 Dignity 12 :370; 14 : 188; 17 :372 Dimensions 4 :19, 139-40, 220; 8 :314 fourth 10 :140; 12 :431-32 inner 7 :249 understanding other 7 :240 Diploma (Degree) 7 :392; 12 :119, 202 Dirt and yogi 16 :192 Discernment 4 :50,244, 295, 385-87 between Spirit and Nature 8 :11 between things favourable and harmful to progress 8 :160-61, 210,374-75 ego, personal will and 10 :287 of adverse forces 5 :102 of desire 8 :14,53; 10 : 293 of outside influences 8 :22,393 power of 3 :185 reason 8: 373-74 surest means to 8 :3 through surrender 8 :3 will to develop 5 :198-200 see also Discrimination Disciple given new name by Sri Aurobindo 17 : 190 in and outside the Ashram 17 :190-91 Discipline (s) 4 : 5, 124, 126, 153, 363; 12 : 113, 130,132, 155-56, 198, 287-88, 363-64 ; 13 : 168, 170, 204; 14 : 46 before sleep 5 : 26 calm and 12 : 338-39 collective, rules of initiation-schools 8 : 197-98 communal 12 : 382-83 create 17 : 74 depression and 17 : 74 Eightfold Path 3 : 248-50 for knowledge 7 : 320 fourfold 12 : 4-8 freedom and 8 : 184-86 ; 10 : 257; 16 : 286 growth of higher consciousness and 10 : 258 illness and 10 :383 in the Ashram 8 :185-86, 353-57; 16 : 8, 296, 339; 17 :191 in children, how to maintain 12 : 334-38 in education 12 : 193-94 in work and study 17 : 75 indispensable in life 8 : 185-86, 356-57; 12 : 382-84 integral yoga and 16 : 300 law and 10 : 121 moves earth toward supramental 10 : 31 nothing can be done without 16 : 273 of the body 9 : 98-102 of initiation 10 : 257 of self-control 17 : 376 of spiritual life 16 : 139 Page - 65 of students and teachers in Ashram school 8 : 185-86, 353-57 of work 4 : 364, 372; 16 : 145; 17 :75 of yoga 3 : 221; 4 : 343-44, 7 : 216; 9 :291; 16 : 300; 17 : 74 path of tapasya and 3 : 4 ; 12 : 12, 382, 399-400 physical 16 : 127 ; 17 :164 physical education and 12 : 382-84, 392, 395 progress and 3 :20-21; 12 : 382-84 realising anything and 16 : 132 regularity and 17 : 156, 164 science and 7 : 320 spiritual, readiness for 12 : 398; 16 : 301 students and 12 : 412-15 study and 17 : 66, 74-75, 79-80, 90, 98, 146 surrender and 3 :18-19; 4 : 72 to understand true joy 9 :21-23 training the mind 9 : 250-52, 402 the vital and 4 :345; 12: 6-7 without it one can achieve nothing 16 : 123-24 see also Asceticism/ Ascetics ; Austerity ; Tapasya Discontentment disappearance of 16 : 67 the Mother never allowed to be 16 : 121 the Mother's help and 16 : 67 see also Depression ; Difficulties Discretion inner 16 :286 of psychic consciousness 16 : 286 Discrimination 12 : 303-04 ; 17 : 37-38, 323-24 between good and bad influences 16 : 135 between truth and falsehood 17 : 386 between types of suggestions 16 : 45 see also Discernment Disease curing 15 : 163-66; see also Illness, cure/curing divine health and 10 : 326 in animals 5 : 273 incomprehensible disorders and 16 : 421 medical science and 10 : 324-28 the Mother's body and 13 : 60 of the body 10 : 246, 324 of man 9 : 100-01 psychological and physical 16 : 72 soul and 10 : 271 see also Illness, Disequilibrium 6 : 35-36 ; 9 : 120-22 equilibrium and 16 : 323-24 illness is 5 : 122-23, 170-82 Disharmony illness and 7 : 36 in the Ashram 16 : 326 Disinterestedness 2 :163 ; 17 :109; 407 charity and 2 : 98 egoistic personality and 2 : 66-67 in action 16 : 82 in wymon 2 : 145 Page - 66 in work 5 : 55-56; 12 : 365 Disobedience prevents progress 17 : 64 Disorder 5 : 310 faith is only help against 17 : 231 harmony and 10 : 192; 11 : 141; 16 : 323-24; 17 : 238, 241-44, 283-85, 289 illness and 16 : 421; 17 : 186 organisation and 13 : 160-63 Truth and 16 : 341 vital world of 4 : 141 fn Dispersion 7 : 256-57 concentration and 4 : 4; 12 : 260-61; 16 : 224; 17 : 169, 361 Dispute 10 : 301 Dissatisfaction of the vital 17 : 54-55 pessimism and 17 : 408 poison of 16 : 74 progress and 17 : 122 receptivity and 16 : 67 with the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education 12 : 164-65 Dissipation 17 : 71 Disturbance 17 : 57, 59, 74, 90, 218 don't remain idle 16 : 114 to get rid of 17 : 82, 163 wrong to get disturbed 16 : 185 Divine, the (the Lord, the Supreme) 3 : 5, 23-24; 13 : 27, 133; 14 : 11-13, 17-18; 15 : 49; 16 : 53 absolutely perfect and absolutely humble 3 : 175 accepts and answers all sincere aspirations 10 : 345; 16 : 172 : acting in us 5 : 56-59, 75 fn; 17 : 177 action see Divine action actions helpful for contact with 6 : 393; 16 : 181-82 adverse forces and 4 : 188; 5 : 375-77; 6 : 169-73, 247-48; 9 : 206-07; 16 : 388 all action belongs to 10 : 47 all are 5 : 380, 385; 6 : 133; 8 : 32, 47, 81, 232; 11 : 260-; 16 : 320, 383-84 all attracted by Him 8 : 3-4 all powerful 4 : 115 alone can liberate us 16 : 431 alone exists (experience of the Divine, the Lord, the presence, the Supreme, That, everywhere) 5 : 16; 10 : 102-03 ; 11 :55, 108-10, 132-38, 144, 147, 158, 165-68, 173, 179, 185, 215, 235, 254, 259-60, 273-74, 290 alone knows results 9 : 317 alone knows where injustice lies 17 : 170 alone with us 17 : 381 ananda 8 : 121-22, 192, 369; 16 :297-98 anti-Divine and 15 : 366 appearance of 10 : 106 approaching 7 :374; 10 : 105 atmy of 6 : 389-90 asking for things from 8 : 122-25 aspects, different for individual 8 : 44-45 aspire sincerely for 6 : 133, 176-77 ; 16 : 177, 359,371 aspiration of 8 : 79 Asuras, men and 6 : 169-73 ; 15 : 22-29 ; 16 : 388 at centre of all things 9 : 156, 209-10 at centre of our being 7 : 193, 240; 16 : 377 attitude of average man towards 3 : 2-3 Page - 67 Avatar and 15 : 20-21 awaiting 17 : 178-79 awareness of 7 : 240 bargaining with 5 : 20,239, 350-51, 371 ; 8 : 17, 129-30 basis of all existence 10 : 99 battle of life and 30: 170-71 be under exclusive influence of 14 : 299-302 beauty expresses 8 : 216 being and becoming, by identity 8 : 94, 109-10, 284-85, 377-79 belief in, and Yoga 16 : 341-43 belonging to 5 : 119 ; 14 : 299-302 beyond all gender 12 : 70-71, 105 beyond good and evil 10 : 311 bliss of 9: 23-25 blows from 4 : 122 ; 10 : 48, 57-58 ; 16 :92 body and 14 : 383, 389 Buddha as form of 5 : 79 call from 3 : 2 ; 8 : 223 calling 3 : 160 ; 7 : 415 ; 8 : 93 ; 16 : 290 ; 17 : 238, 365, 378-79 can't conceive intellectually 10 : 70 cells have faith in 10 : 171 challenging 5 : 371 chooses human instruments 5 : 252 ; 8 : 23, 27,31 choosing and being chosen by 7 : 343 christ as from of 5 : 79 collaboration with 5 : 63-66 command received in silence 10 : 292 communion with 3 : 156 ; 16 :425 ; 17 : 176, 178 concentration and 3 : 20 ; 16 : 180, 190 ; 17 : 47, 158, 278, 379 conceptions of 8 : 1-3, 33, 120 ; 11 : 6 condition for earth's return to 10 : 121-22 conditions laid upon 6 : 205-06 conquest of 17 : 276 consciousness see Divine Consciousness consciousness is 11 : 260 consecration to 3 : 20, 126-27 ; 5 : 119 ; 7 : 192, 243 ; 14 : 105 ; 16 : 61, 135-36 ; 17 : 32-33, 69-70, 176, 374, 409 contact in all circumstances 10 : 350 contact, with psychic 6 : 160-61 ; 7 : 424 contact with 69 : 393, 401 ; 16 : 371 ; 17 :195 contact with others through 9 : 133 cosmic consciousness and 3 : 168 creating a better world than 5 : 16 creation and 4 : 328 ; 5 : 163-64, 309-12 ; 16 : 377, 415 ; 17 : 379 cruelty as expression of 10 : 106 cure from 4 : 251 dealing with virtue 10 : 342 ; 16 : 378 decides length of time on earth 10 : 320 definition of 8 : 33-34 ; 11 : 64-67 denial of 6 : 211-12 ; 8 : 231-32 descent of 3 : 11 desires and 3 : 5-6, 9-10 ; 6 : 238-40 ; 17 : 178 destiny and 16 : 219 different ways of approaching 7 : 228, 374-76 difficulties and 6 : 357-58, 461-63 ; 14 : 234-50. discovery of, in oneself 8 : 35, 94 discriminates between Truth and falsehood 17 : 386 divine disgust 6 : 286 drawing near to 16 : 173 duality, permanent and simultaneous 8 : 109-140 ; 15 : 298 duty to 17 : 162 Page - 68 ego and 4 : 411 ; 6 : 254-61 element and totality of 8 : 29 emanations of 5 : 265 ; 17 : 186 enemy of 8 : 3, 230-32 essence of our being 7 : 193, 240 everyone will return to 16 : 243-44 everything in Him 10 : 147-48 everywhere equally 5 : 12-13 ; 7 : 306, 379 evil and 4 : 288 ; 7 : 425 ; 16 : 185 example of integral activity 2 : 70 exclusive receptivity to 6 : 213-15 experience of all as 5 : 79-80 ; 6 : 362-65 expressing himself 17 : 87 expressing, a million ways of 5 : 73-74, 322-23 expressing in life as art 5 : 321-22 ; 8 : 158-59, 191 extra-terrestrial and manifested, contrast between 8 : 44 faith in omnipotence of 10 : 328 faith, trust, confidence and 6 : 120-25 faithfulness to 14 : 164-65 ; 16 : 434 fighting and loving same in end 10 : 358 finding 4 : 68 ; 6 : 341-42, 393 ; 8 : 44, 120 ; 11 : 254 ; 14 : 3-8 ; 16 : 161, 173, 296, 432 first cause of world 3 : 170 force see Divine force forgiveness and 10 : 47-48 forgotten Himself 4 : 252 free choice 5 : 310, 374-75, 379-82 freedom and 14 : 202-03 ; 16 : 422 gap between life as it is and 11 : 236 get rid of weakness to draw near 10 : 357 "gives Himself " 7 : 247 gives what one desires 6 : 238-40 giving oneself to 15 : 320 ; 16 : 427, 431 glimpse of Divine Reality 3 : 21 global vision 6 : 458-59 goal and ignorance 10 : 260 god and 4 : 2 ; 5 : 133, 160, 311-12 ; 8 : 44, 120 gods, origin, second emanations 5 : 373 good and bad and 16 : 378 government alone is true 10 : 315 Grace see Grace (Divine Grace) gratitude to 14 : 162-63 ; 16 : 315 guilty 4 : 411 has equal love for all 10 : 298 has sent down His Consciousness 16 : 414 healing evil and 7 : 425 ; 10 : 71-74 ; 16 : 185 heals weaknesses 4 ; 391 heart and 14 : 373-74 ; 16 : 161, 172 ; 17 : 142 help and guidance of 7 : 246 ; 14 : 89-96 ; 15 : 245-49 ; 16 : 154, 320, 377,394,396 ; 17 : 12 hiding something from 16 : 27 hostile forces and 15 : 22-29 ; 16 : 388 human love for 6 : 102, 174-75 ; 12 :69-70 ; 14 : 136-38 ; 16 : 26 human relations and 14 : 303, 306-08 human will and 6 : 454, 457-61 humanity and 5 : 249-50 ; 14 : 17-25, 135-36 ; 17 : 318 humility before 5 : 46 identification with 5 : 225-26, 312, 322 ; 7 : 355-56 ; 8 : 44-48 ; 16 : 384 ; 17 : 177 identity, separation and union 8 : 94, 225-27, 377-79 ; 10 : 198 ignorance made by ? 17 : 106 Page - 69 illness not given by 5 : 170 illumination by 17 : 177 imagination and 7: 234
immanent in all 7 : 340 ; 16 : 223, 253; 17 : 340 impersonal and personal 7 : 244, 248, 250 impulsion 10 : 197 in the inconscient 8 : 35, 79 in material things 14 : 345 individuality not lost in 3 : 169 influence of 6 ; 129-32, 168-69, 213-15 ; 7 : 245-46 ; 16 : 251, 388, 421 instrument of 5 : 48-51 integral idea of 8 : 2 intelligence, fire symbolising 2 : 89 intervention of 7 : 306-07 is the life of our life 16 : 180 is our soul support 4 : 339, 391 is within each man 2 : 38 judges not as man judges 5 : 22-23 ; 16 : 352 justice and 4 : 13, 91 ; 6 : 238-39 Kali 10 : 85 knowing 5 : 225 ; 11 : 66 ; 16 : 428 known only by experience 10 : 34 ; 16 : 239 knows better what is good for us 8 : 123-24, 255-56 knows, does, is 17 : 211, 247 Krishna as immanent 5 : 79 ; 10 : 51 ; 11 : 342 leaning on 4 : 339, 391 leave result in hands of 3 : 132 living for 16 : 295-96 love see Divine love love for 6 : 102, 174-75 ; 10 : 335 ; 12 : 69-70 ; 14 : 136-38 ; 16 : 26, 177, 217, 276 ; 17 : 54, 135, 378 made us ignorant ? 17 : 106 man and 2 : 38, 44 ; 13 : 77-78 ; see also Man, the Divine and man, animals and 15 : 368-69 man as aspect of 10 : 83 manifestation of 3 : 158-59, 180 ; 8 : 34, 109-10, 325 ; 10 : 343, 299 adverse forces oppose 7 : 466 in everyone 8 : 45-46, 48-49 on earth 7 : 193, 228, 380 man's idea of 5 : 133, 160 ; 7 : 381 ; 8 : 1-3 Master of Existence and the World-Mother 8 : 113-14 matter and 8 : 4 ; 10 : 343 ; 15 : 91-92 mind 10 : 343, 362 ; 14 : 361-62 ; 16 : 227 money and 6 : 251-52 morality of 4 : 81, 176 ; 5 : 349-50 the Mother and 5 : 162-63 ; 8 : 211 ; 10 : 154-55 ; 11 : 132-38, 227-29 ; 13 : 51 the Mother as servant of 2 : 73 the Mother's experiences of transformation and 11 : 4-5, 108-09, 259-60, 266-68, 273, 277-78, 286-90, 294-95, 297-99, 323, 325, 327, 332 must do the battling 11 : 324 Nature and 10 : 50 ; 15 : 13 negation of 10 : 121 no correct conception of 16 : 239 no depression in 17 : 28 no other influence than 17 : 67 not remote 12 : 430 not touch by destruction 17 : 256, 287-88 obedience to 14 : 165-66 objectivisation of 5 : 372-73 obliged to come if twelve men call 8 : 93 Page - 70 offering to 5 : 53 ; 8 : 89-90, 160, 166 ; 12 : 391 ; 14 : 104, 319-29, 336-37, 348 ; 16 : 181, 317, 379 omnipotent creator 5 : 163 ; 10 : 328 oneness and multiplicity 7 : 228, 241, 379-80 only Divine knows 10 : 26 ; 16 : 422 only individual can unite with 6 : 256-61 only safety 11 : 262 only true freedom 13 : 221 only true judge 14 : 292-94 opening to 3 : 133 ; 6 : 388-89 ; 8 : 82-83 ; 17 : 17, 61 order and law 10 : 259 original of all 7 : 424 ; 8 : 81 pain, suffering and 5 : 385-86 ; 6 : 287-89 ; 16 : 411 peace and 14 : 148 ; 17 : 378 perfect love exists only in 16 : 255 perfection of 10 : 58, 104-05 ; 16 : 320 personal and transcendent 16 : 250-53 personal effort and 6 : 225-26 physical being and 16 : 359 physical consciousness and 16 : 431 physical presence of 10 : 154 Play of 6 : 267-68 ; 10 : 51-52 ; 11 : 39-40 pleasing 4 : 17 plunging into 3 : 21-22 "possesses by" 7 : 237-378 possesses eternal power of Truth 10 : 288 power and 10 : 260 Presence of see Divine Presence principles, individual, transcendental, universal 4 : 392-93 progress and 15 : 84 protection of 5 : 167-68 ; 8 : 224 ; 15 : 50-52 ; 17 : 110 proximity to "sinners" 5 : 350 psychic and 7 : 227 ; 8 : 299 ; 14 : 354, 358, 360 ; 16 : 167-68, 247 ; 17 : 80 psychic being and 3 : 62-63 ; 4 : 147 ; 8 : 299-300 ; 16 : 167-68 psychic contact with man through 6 : 160-61 pulling, and self-giving and receptivity 6 : 137-41 punishment and 16 : 352 purity 9 : 469 ; 10 : 105 ; 14 : 156-57 qualities of 10 : 85 raison d'etre of 5 : 351 rare for man ti listen to Him 16 : 320 realisation of 4 : 255 ; 5 : 83-85, 385 ; 6 : 169-70 ; 8 : 21, 35-36, 141, 147-48, 191, 235 ; 16 : 139, 173, 384, 407-08 ; 17 : 116 rebelling against 17 : 28 receptivity to 4 : 96, 210, 400-01 ; 6 : 168-69, 214-15 ; 8 : 45 ; 17 : 19, 61 refuge in 14 : 9-10, 14, 16 refuse what leads away from 17 : 66 reign of, on earth 10 : 323 ; 16 : 365 reincarnation and 3 : 148-49 relation (s) with 4 : 351 ; 8 : 28-29, 121-22, 280-81 ; 10 : 114 ; 16 : 415 religion and 4 : 289 ; 15 : 30-34, 37 remembrance of 3 : 26-27 ; 4 : 121, 388-89 ; 16 : 374 sacrifice of 4 : 240, 316 ; 5 : 388-89 ; 8 : 74-75, 79 sacrifice to 8 : 74-76, 79-81 secret of incarnation in individual form 10 : 73-74 seeing, in all things 5 : 79-80, 385-86 sees things in time differently 10 : 147 seeing for 5 : 17 ; 7 : 425 ; 17 ; 178-80, 379 "self-creator" 8 : 108 self-giving to 5 : 13-16 ; 8 : 74-77,79 ; 9 : 316-17, 359-60, 421, 428 14 : 106-09 ; 16 : 180, 297 Page - 71 selfishness and 14 : 278-79 separation from 5 : 310 ; 8 : 77-79 service to 9 : 49-50 ; 10 : 353, 356 ; 13 : 115-17 ; 14 : 110-12, 426-27 ; 16 357, 433 ; 17 : 135, 162, 180 shares no nonsense 17 : 211 shines in all 10 : 46 soul and 10 : 304-05 : 14 351-52 ; 16 229, 250 subconscient and 14 : 388-89 Sufi's words on 5 : 58 Supramental and 5 : 283-85 ; 10 : 31, 316 ; 11 : 315-17 ; 15 : 123 ; 17 : 80-81 surpasses everything 11 : 310 surrender to 7:255; 8:298-99, 370; 10:304-05, 327; 14:113-15;16 226, 324, 389, 433-34 sympathy for 17 : 147 tears, anguish and 16 : 371-72 think only of 17 : 394,407 time and 10 : 147, 320 ; 16 : 153 to be discovered 17 : 11 to come to, abandon mental conceptions 3 : 54-55 to know and to feel 16 : 270 to live for 16 : 295-96, 364-65 ; 17 : 113, 121, 162, 181 to merge with 17 : 52 total vision of 16 : 338 transcendent 4 : 393-95 ; 16 : 352-53, 374-75 transformation and 5 : 322-24 ; 15 : 91-95 treatment He receives 17 : 279 true liberty and 10 : 258 true servitors of 16 : 433 trust in 14 : 96-99 ; 16 : 27 ; 17 : 47, 157, 387, 415 truth, falsehood and 14 : 209-11 unconsciousness made by ? 17 : 106 undivine and 11 : 108-10 ; see also Separation union / uniting with 3 : 23, 167-68 ; 4 : 153, 401 ; 5 : 328-29 ; 7 : 211 ; 8 : 46, 76-77, 157, 226-27, 235, 245, 257, 269, 327 ; 10 : 288, 343 ; 16 : 161-62, 165, 181, 319, 360, 374, 399, 411, 421, 425, 4312 ; 17 : 147, 178-79, 181, 375 universal consciousness and 3 : 168 universe and 4 : 160-64 ; 5 : 82-83, 375 ; 6 : 267-68 ; 11 : 132-38 ; 15 : 3-10 using as cloak for desire 4 : 77 ; 5 : 5-7 ; 15 : 87 veiled by lower nature 3 : 163 ; 4 : 370 victory of 3 : 3 ; 15 : 88-90 vision of 16 : 338 vital and 14 : 378 vital bring appearing as 5 : 284 wants that you find yourself 16 : 154 way of working of 4 : 115-16, 354, 368 ways of approaching 7 : 228, 374-76 ; 10 : 105 ; 16 : 171 wealth and 6 : 249-53 ; 15 : 53-58, 279 ; 16 : 372 who belongs to 10 : 320-21 Will of see Divine will will never fail you 17 : 387 withdrawal from universe, impossible 5 : 82-83 withdrawal of emanation of 17 : 185-86 work as offering to 8 : 90, 160, 166 ; 14 : 319-29, 336-37, 348 ; 16 : 181 working for Divine in place of will 5 : 47-48 ; 7 : 191-92 world and 3 : 170 ; 4 : 288, 292 ; 5:322-23 ; 6:105-06; 8:106 ; 15:3-10, 297; 16:324 Yoga, for sake of 3 : 1-2 see also Divine.....; Force, the; Lord, the; Supreme, the Divine action 3 : 170 ; 9 : 30 ; 11 : 273 deformation of 11:264 denial of 11:319 Page - 72 simple no tricks 5:91 upon life 9:25-26 upon matter 5:308-09 Devine beings 11:86 Devine child 17:184 Devine compassion 11:42-44; 14:138-39 Devine consciousness 4:160-64,247; 8:74-79; 4:10-11,201,265,268; 15:4,7,91-92 accomplishes all 4:379-80 acting according to and going against 13:51 acting through you 5:79-80 aim of life and and 14:4,7 awakening of, in resurrection 3:147 can change tamas 17:287-88 condition to receive 16:68 descent of 3:38-39 difficult to brings and 16:425 direct experience of 3:134-35 exclusive influences of 14:307 hostile beings and 16:425 human beings and 16:425 identification with 16:61 in cells 10:193; 16:360 in the conscient 9:11,207 in material things 14:345;17:88 in material world 16:184 individual manifests one aspects of 3:116 knowledge by unity with 3:167-168 knows and affects 3:167 the Mother's experiences of transformation and 11:86,132-34, 157-60, 232,249-50,286-88 neither past, present nor future 10:178-79 the supreme 5:201 opening to 17:211 opposites and 10:341-42 ordinary vital forces of life and 6:389-90 realise to know true love 16:119 reincarnation and 3:148-49 replace ego with 11:307,316 separation from 6:100-01 spark of 3:150 suffering and 11:141,282 there no help 17:349 thirst of cells for 16:369 tragedies and 10:279 the true self is 17:68-69 union with 3:133-35,167-72; 4:153,401; 10:175; 16:158; 17:309-10 upsets people 4:96,98 vision of 10:128 vital forces and 6:389-90 Devine embraces 16:254 Devine forces 16:271,367-68; 17:185 accomplishes all 4:379-80 alone can do transformation 17:350 becoming conscious of 6:398-400; 16:350 calling on 3:160 choose its instrument for manifestation 17:350 conscious instrument of 8:174-75 descent of 3:79-80 Page-73 experience of contact seized by mind and vital 6:396-97 flowing through the body 17:253 in integral yoga 16:367-68 the mother and 11:270-71,324 ordinary vital forces of life and 6:389-90 part of being opens to 6:394 personal strength and 17:12 play of 4:163,407;4:267-68 power to bear 17:51 pulling 5:22; 6:409 receiving in silence and concentration 17:55,361 receptivity to 6:403-04 transformation and 7:322; 17:350 trust in great supreme 2:62 turn towards, to deliver you 16:271 upsets people 4:96,98 vital and 4:396-97 what prevents working of 17:171 work and 17:12-13,295 see also Devine power , force, the Devine forces 6:458-59 condition to receive 16:69 limitations and 16:271 Devine grace see Grace (Devine) Devine help 17:377 Devine influence 16:251,421 Devine knowledge 16:217 Devine life 2:68-70; 8:133; 17:39,96 human life and 16:157 fear of 11:311 in a devine body 9:110 parts refusing 17:113 preparation for 17:251 wanting 17:62-63,116 Devine love 6:102; 7:370,378; 12:305; 14:122-25,139; 15:94-95; 16:72,,217 above quarrels 16:175 aspiration for 130-31; 4:244 becoming conscious of 4:244-46 blows and 10:58 can transform suffering into an ocean of delight 14:266; 16:18 Chaldean legend about 7:370-71,378 complete act of 8:235-36 consciousness is inconscient 9:11,207 descend of 3:172; 4:241-42; 8:226 fn, 339-40; 10:204 do not belittle 16:100 double play of 10:350 essence of truth 17:386 has power to save 16:72 hostile being and 8:340 human beings and 8:340 human love and 3:69-75; 10:83,356,361; 12:68-69; 14:125-30; 16:298-99,409 is the only Reality 17:354 Kali's force and 16:370 Mahakali's 17:374 manifestation of 3:69-75; 8:226 fn ; 10:74 necessary in our age 10:353 open to 16:365 other kinds of ":love" and 8:301-03; 16:409; 17:62,165,183,
Page-74 241,374 power of transformation and 3:371-72; 10:261 psychic and 4:245 rapture and 10:175 realising through 8:191,235 receptivity to 6:135-36 self-love and 16:19 suffering and 14:266,268; 16:18 transformation and 3:171-72; 10:261,300 true 16:175 understanding 8:339-40 vibration clothing 4:245 vital being and 3:72-73 vital , psychic and 16:176 Devine man 17:361 Devine Mother see Mother <1> , the Devine oneness 17:104 Devine order 3:163,179; 8:3; 10:259 Devine peace bring down 17:316 supermental future and 17:72 Devine power 2:51,147; 10:215; 16:187,195 aspects behind 5:82 deformation of 4:381 Devine will and 12:383 each person is special manifestation of 2:51 manifested on earth 4:381 no limit to 16:195 psychic being and 10:243 trust in 16:187 see also Devine force ; Devine shakti ; power (s) Devine presence 4:20,81; 7:247,339,408-10; 8:46-77,136,232,305-06; 9:321; 10:43-44; 14:10-11,13,15; 17:35,372 acting 5:75 fn aim of life and 14:3-5 assurance of 17:103,196,204,213,361 becoming conscious of 5:74-76; 6:393; 10:296: 17:123,182,381 contact with 5:349-50; 16:424 everything is full of 16:119 experience of 4:134-35,325; 9:134-36; 16:161 feeling 16:160; 17:95,103,133,144-45,151,167 find in the heart 16:161,172; 17:142 finding in the body 8:35, 176,214 in all 16:387 in the atom 4:139,240 in child, plant, animal 4:26 in higher mind 17:142 in inner solitude 17:126 in matter 8:35, 78-79 in Nature 8:223-24 in the psychic 4:26 in the subtle physical 10:154 in work 17:212-13 in the world 5:235 is beauty and joy 7:402; 8:122 keeping in touch with 3:154 living in 7:410 Page-75 loss of 16:160,17:151 man united by 8:75-76 the Mother's assurance of 17:103,196,204,213,361 the Mother's experiences of transformation and 16:424-25; see also Mother's body, the transformation of never forget 17:95 of the Lord 16:435 the everything 16:256 of the Mother 16:92,173-74 on earth 4:242 physical being and 16:359 pleasure and 8:121; 10:69 psychic being and 16:424 remembrance of the Devine and 16:374 self -giving and 16:98 sensation and 16:390-91 silence filled with 16:435 spark of, present in atom 4:140-41 spiritual life and 16:155 sublime 17:179 unification around 17:316-17 union with 17:272,379 work increases receptivity to 17:166,303 Devine protection 17:110 Devine shakti 4:358,393-95,16:389 see also Devine power Devine solicitude 374-75 Devine truth 3:79-80; 10:102,288; 312-13; 14:209-11; 15:87 fn ; 17:386 Devine vibration 10:155; 11:193,195-96 physical world and 11:249-50 ; 16:382 see also Devine power; Mahashakti Devine will 3:133-35,167-72; 8:205-06,256-58,267; 9:130; 10:65; 14:115-21, 301-02,331,347,354 acting in accordance with 4:87-89,114,117 actions and 9:30-32; 16:18 actions of 5:308-09; 9:25-26,176 adherence to 6:438-39 adverse forces distort 3:170 always prevails 17:321 becoming conscious instrument of 16:259,389 belonging to 5:5-7 carrying out 17:55 change determinism 4:84,160-61,408 contact with 4:135.215 creation and 9:7-9 Devine Mother and 16:153 Devine power and 12:382 error to suppose that it always act openly 3:162-64,170-71 expression of in universe 10:289 feeling the 4:2,115 follow 10:293 God and Nature playing hide-and-seek 9:9-13 great being of Over mind and the new creation 9:150 human will and 6:454,457-61 hypnotism and 7:268 identifying with and expression 17:181 ignorance and 3:170 individual will and 5:196; 10:74 judging the 4:388 Page-76 Knowing the 4:2; 17:114,117,172 life is expression of 7:68-70,317 little done according to 17:75 manifestation of 6:159 mind in communication with 3:156 the Mother's body's experiences and 11:260 nothing is outsides of 10:105 origin of creation , essentially Delight 9:7-9 perfect sincerity and 6:398 personal and 6:369-73 plastic to 4:207-08 power and 12:383;17:11 preference to carry out 17:55 progress and 7:373; 9:129-30; 15:84 recognising the 3:8-9 relying on 17:308-09 social relations and 6:369-73 surrender to 7:255; 8:298-99,370; 14:119-21; 16:266,324,389,434 to know whether one's will or desire ids in ingreement with 3:19 to make progress 9:130 true friend 9:57 union with 3:133-35,167-72 unshakable faith, sign of presence of 3:97; 17:125,376 us and 16:179 vital and 16:196,401 will be manifest upon earth 6:159 will of 3:8 will triumph in time 16:153 world and 14:331 Devine work 7:191,389-90; 16:155 developed psychic everything a part of 4:115 faithfulness to 17:114,219 forces for against 16:10 money for 5:161-62 readiness for 16:309 study for 5:28-51; 6:153-55 Division 6:101; 11:289 creation and 6:273 Doctors confidence in 17:403 faith in 10:324-25 humanity is slave of 10:327 illness and 5:123-24; 17:231,349-50,353,403 incompetence of 16:302-03 should not talk about patients 16:63 words of the Mother on 15:167-77 see also Medical opinion ; Medical science cf . illness Dogma 2:162; 4:25,284; 1c:97; 14:212-13 Dogmatism Sri Aurobindo's teaching and 13:22; 15:361 Dogs 5: 248; 6:182-83; 17:4 Page-77 Doubt 14:214,262 conquering 10:13-14 cultivation of 6:121 experience and 10:12 in aspiration, prevents receiving the answer 5:396-97 in the Cosciousness 17:138 in the mind 9:351 is a poison 16:74,220 lingering in the consciousness 16:41 physical mind and 6:224-25 progress and 10:27 questionings and 10:212 receptivity and 6:404 reject all 17:139 spoils intervention of Grace 5:367 veils the consciousness 16:41 waiting to be free from 17:51 Drama <s>5:223-24 not the highest of the arts 3:108 written by the Mother 7:301-04,308-09, 316,323; 12:451-516 Dream <s>12:93-94;15:143-46, 329-30,341-43,347-54, 378-79; 17:3,11,49,158 about the Mother 4:113; 6:142-50; 15:350-51 16:334; 17:55, 74, 218-19 about people one meets afterwards 3:16 as erratic activities of mental facilities 2:31-32 as vision and revelations 2:37; 3:13-15 bad , mental fermentation 16:277 becoming conscious of 2:30-37; 3:14-15,19; 16:23 being disturbed 17:218 children's 4:128,149; 8:116-19; 9:161-62 conscious will and 5:25-27 contact with occult worlds in 8:219 death seen in 7:123,134 different kinds 4:57,60 disordered stomach, and a 6:74 distinguishing other activities other activities of night from 16:232 effect of supermental descent on 8:293 entering the worlds beyond in 6:448-49; 8:116 exercising conscious will on 5:25-27; 16:23 experience after death and 6:448-49 experience <s> 6:147-48;185-86; 7:79-80,119-20; 16:317 explanations of 4:319-21 exteriorisation during 8:116-19 fear and 6:192; 17:230 fear in 4:60; 16:261-62 forgetting, reason for 5:37-39 habit of reviewing 2:37 happenings as in 17:123 imagery in , materialist 5:29 importance of 5:25 in the psychic consciousness 4:149 in sleep 3:14-16; 16:408 in the vital world 5:27-28,37-40; 8:116-19; 15:352-54 inner being seeking revenge 2:32 interpretation of 2:34-45; 3:14; 11:10-12 knowledge and 10:125-30 learning in 7:124 lights in 17:42,44-45 meeting other persons in 16:408 Page-78 meeting unknown people in 4:108 memory of 2:36-37; 5:37-40; 7:67,121; 16:220 mental activity and 2:30 mental confusion revealed in 2:32 mental fermentation in 16:228 the Mother helping people in 15:350 the Mothers 2:131-36; 4:62; 5:27-28 the Mother's world about 2:30-37 "Mother of " 4:1,10 monkey and crows in 17:158-59 musical composition in 4:127 " my jewelled dreams of you " 17:363-64 nature of 2:30-37 nightmares 3:47,165; 4:129,192-94; 7:24,121; 16:189 noting 4:59,62 objectivation of of subconscient images 11:33,35-36 occur in vital space and time 3:165 of a departed person 17:367-68 of elevator crash 5:191; 10:130-31 of the Mother's friend 3:166 peculiar 17:391 premonitory 10:125,130-31; 17:35,278 purely mechanical 2:31 recurring 7:124 relation to working state 2:30 remembering 2:36-37; 5:37-40; 7:67,121; 16:228 remembrance of past lives 4:148-49 scorpions and snakes in 17:56 seeing places, people, trains, etc. 4:107-08, 319-21 snakes in 16:261-62 stomach and 6:74 story in fairy-tale 8:118-19 subconscient and 15:348-49; 16:385 symbols in 4:107,149; 5:28-29; 6:142-43, 147-50; 7:129-30; 17:393 time and 3:165 "unlived dreams " 8:222 unpleasant 17:390 vital consciousness and 16:428 waking consciousness and 16:23 white serpent , two - headed 7:427-29 why do we dream? 7:132 working to realise beautiful 16:80 Drouet, Minou child prodigy 8:318 Drugs 11:35-36; 13:246,352-53; 17:195-96,352-54,405,407,410-11 Dryness 17:112,198 depends on inner state 16:173 love behind 16:207 Dualities 8:109-10; 15:6-7,298,366; see also Opposites Duality and oneness 16:374 Dullness 17:316 getting rid of 16:62 Durga age-long battle of 5:97-98 cult of kali and 8:244-46 expressing herself through the Mother's body 11:104 Hymn to 12:43-44 Puja 7:352 see also Kali Page-79 Duty 2:154; 5:301; 12:367; 14:306; 17:162 transform oneself 16:426 Dynamism 2:108; 8:8,254 Page-80 |