Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works
































first condition for acquiring power 12:279-80

of the physical body 4:79

responsibility and 17:168

surrender and 6:63-64 ,204 ; 8:299

to the; Divine 14:165-66

to Sri Aurobindo 16:147

Objectivity 11:79-83

subjectivity and 6:363-64; 11:36-38

Obscurity 17:73-74 ,90-91 ,107 ,116 ,142

depths of 16:67

destroyed by Agni 17:106

in material things 17:104

matter not a synonym for 3:102

over coming 5:19-20

violent sensations increase 16:148


attentive 4:35

children's 12:22-25

development of power of 6:8-9;78-79 ,82-91 ,335-36

distinguishing  inf1uences  and 6:130-33

inner vision and 6:378-79

the Mother's 4:27-28;  6:166-67

of the ego 6:402

of the law 10:257

of one-self 4:361-62; 5:6,199-204;6:262-64,402; 7:l9-20; 8:405
12:22; 17:375

of thoughts 2:23-25,61,75; 3:183-84 ,230-31

of universal farces and vibrations 6:419-20

of workings of the body 6:36-37

sincere 16:317

superficial 16:289

work of 2:128

cf. Attentiveness; Consciousness
4 :346; 17:104-05

do not fear 16:149

help and 4:3,349; 7:298

hypocrisy is 17:132

in yoga 3:52-53

necessary for perfect realisation 4:118

to art 5:337-38

to charity 2:98-99

to higher nature 10:ll-12

to progress 7:298-99;10:27

to receiving the supramental 10:115

to self-giving  10:122-23

to the soul 10:24

to suppleness 10:118


Saint Genevieve and 16:34-35

Occult approach to transformation 11:60
Occult powers

better not to mention "powers" 16:36

magic and 7:264-67

Occult systems 16:235-36
Occu1t work

in the Mother's sleep 16:4


Occult worlds 4:392; 15:338-43,366,376-80

gradations of 8:217-21

Occultism 4:124,130,230,314; 8:163-64,254,277-78,337 ; 15:34-36

adverse being , dissolving 5:96 -97,119

black magic, perverted occ:u1 t knowledge 5:180

books and 12:148

capacity for 6:109-90

children and 6:39-41

clairvoyance  in 4:12 5

Consciousness; in vital worlds necessary 9:344

creation, story of , on occult plane 5; 374
death, spirit of , prevent in  5:136-38

earth, importance of in 5:7

earth-memory, domain of 5:278-82
.fear and 6:38-43,50,189-93

formation of new bodies in supramental life 9 :86,127-31 ;


formations, power of 5:133-34

future, seeing the 5: 88

hallucination and  10:41

human science and 10:354

identification, processes of 5:219-26

:in the supermental   worId 9:184-88

keeping aura of protect ion 10:133

knowledge of 4:397-98; 5:180; .10:253 ;15:376,380

knowledge of, in dreams 10:125-35

magic and true 7:265-67; 9:185 (36,391-93 '

"mediums" 15:395 

the Mother's practice of 6;40-41

physical science and 9:393-94; see a1so be1ow science and

reminiscences of Tlemcen 9:58-63 ;

science and 6 :38-40 ,190 ; 7:265-67 ; 9:393-94 ; 10: 253-54  12:88-92; 16:190

seventh creation 10:219 ..

spirit of fire 5:136-38

spirits, communication with 5:36

subtle senses and 10:133

successive palayas of universes 10:107

symbol of Paradise with serpent 10:93 

tradition in, formation of first human beings 9:236-38

true 16:49

yoga and 6:189-90

see a1so Experiences, of other worlds; Occult...

Offering 14:105

attitude in 4:133

a difficulty 8:253

egoistic aim and 16:269-70

everything to the Divine 8:89-90

fans 17:228-29

fire and 17:127-28

flowers to the Mother 3:132 

food 4:335

general and detailed 3:23

individual to Supreme Will 10:74

knowledge of 2:19-20

made with sincerity 16:21.5

means of transformation 4:339,373

money as 17:206,292

necessarily to the Supreme 16:243

of the day to the Divine 16:317

of ego to Divine 16:379


of one's defect 16:246

of physical activities 12:391

of what one does .16:269-70,396

patience 16:396

receptivity of the whole being 4:122

surrender, consecration and 4:132-34; 5:54

to the' Divine 8:90,160,166.; 12:391; 14:319-29,336-37,348; 16:181

to the Lord 5:53 ; 14:104; 16:243 ,250 ,31.7 ,^79 ; 17:290

to the Mother 17:127

union through 3:23

use of the term 6:226-29

the wil1 4:117,208

work as an 8:90; 16:181

work as basis in Ashram 4:93
wrong movements 8:83-84,294,309-10,399

see also Consecration; Giving; Sacrifice; Self-giving;

Soumission; Submission; Surrender —

Old Age

causes of 12:122-23

progress and 3:238; 12:259

Olympic Rings 12:267-68
OM (AUM) 2:64; 12:449; 15:36-37
Omnipotence 3:135

meaning of 10:77-78 

of the Divine  10:328

Oneness 8:75-77,245

means identity in origin 16:383


attention turned towards 16:131

blaming 16:289-90,309-10

changing 4:129,77-78,118,253,338

consecration of 4:33-37; 16:276

consciousness of 2:129; 4:33-37 ,179--81 ; 12:3,21-22

correcting 9:306-07

curing 4:266-67

difficulties come from 16:190

emptiness in 4:203

forget 16:178

giving, to the; Divine 15:320; 16:247,431

habit of referring everything to 2:49,101

imagination of 16:190

Judging 4:38-39

knowing 4:33-39,292; 5:201-02,300,303-04; 7:194-95; 12:167

observing 4:88,99,338,361-62,388; 5:6,199-204; 6:262-64,402;

7:19-20; 8:405; 12:22; 17:375

responsibility for 3:256-57

transforming 10:269-70; 16:426; 17:171,375

Opening (Openness) 8:145-46,305; 14:151-52

experience of sudden 6:422-23

in the vital world 7:80

the mind 4:18; 8:282,345-46; 9:345-46,399

of chakras 16:367-68

of children 11:251-52

of the psychic 4:20; 5:217

only to Divine  Consciousness 17:211

passive 16:l92

receptivity and 8:345-46

self-giving and 16:98

sincerity, surrender and 8:82-83; 17:133,151 ;

tamas, dullness and 16:62

to cosmic consciousness 7:270


to difficulty 16:116

to the Divine 3:133; 5:117; 6:388-89; 8:82-83; 17:17,61

to divine knowledge 16:217

to Divine love 16:365

to the Grace 6:323-25

to inf1uences 9:110- 11; 16:192

to the Light 4:359; 16:62

to the Mother 3:l32; 16:52,67,146-47,169; 17:61-69,128,

t o over code difficulties 16:383

 to receive energy 16:110 , 146

to the spiritual force 16:122

to superman hood 2:160-61

to the supramental force 9:5,39 ,110-11 ,117-l8; l :241-42

why difficult 16:l46

see also Receptivity


action and 10:236-38

difference of 17:333-34

knowledge and 16:321

medical 17:189;  see  a1so Medical opinion

nature of 10:235-39

of others 4:379; 8:348-49

study displeasing 10:301 10 ; 301

thought and 2;23--24

Truth and 3:138; 10:865 14:214-15; 16:338

wisdom and 10:236

Opposites/Contraries 4:119; 10:81-82,118

co-existence of all  10:197

identity of 11:109,111-14,198-202,204,212,220,236

of joy 9:9; 12:18

perfection through 10:68

reconciling 4:12; 10:341-42

stimulus to progress 10:166-70

synthesis of 16:347

transformation and 5:276

Truth above all 10:315 

union of 10:304

see a1so Dualities

Opposition 9:85-86 

against Divine transformation 17:390

between men and wymon 2:143-47

meeting 6:370

to effort 10:66; 17:133

Optimism 6:29-30
Oracle 8:188
Order 11:253

chaos and 6:90-91

discipline of work and 4:364,372; 16:145

divine 10:259

movements in accordance with 8:3 ;

supramental god to bring back true 3:179
unity of purpose and action 3:163

experiences of universal 17:184

freedom and 12:317; 16:292

lack of, causes waste 16:43

law of, in universe 2;106

Nature and 6:90-91; 8:238-39,241

of transformation of planes 9:106

of truth 4:406

story illustrating 2:226-30


cf . Organisation
Orders, of the Mother

catastrophe if disobeyed 17:302

only for those perfectly surrendered 17:232

Ordinary conscience

voice of 16:249-50

Ordinary consciousness 3:167; 10:181

appearances and 10:179

determinism and 6a357

education deaden 5:290

falsehood of 10:347

science and 3:161

spiritual and 12:405; 16:227; 17:19,92-96,114

supramental and 5:302;  9:275-77,280-82
transformation of 3:178

voice of 16:249-50

Ordinary life 3:123!; 12:153-54,165; 17:379

artificaity of 9:277-78

A s h ram and 16:332

boredom in 4:89,205-06

consciousness drawn to 17:72

desires in 16:134

giving up pleasures of 16:139

higher or 17:379

ideal of 8:57-58

indissolubly linked with suffering 3:248

reading about 17:152,364-65

ruled by mind 3:183

satisfactions of 16:136

spiritual life and 10:69; 12:403-06; 16:335

Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 16:382

students and 12:361-63

way of 9:18-195 11:213-19


around the psychic 6:5-6; 8:22,174-76, 337-38, 381; 10:97;  11:29:1-92

around the psychic centre 4:40,195,229

castes, social 5:247-48

children and 6:12-13

consciousness and 6:14,320

developing sense of 6:86-89

disorder and 13:160-63

for the elite 12:181

freedom and 16:292

in the Ash ram see Sri Aurobindo Ashram, organisation of

inner, for progress 5:50,336,339; 16:164

lack of, causes waste 16:43

mind and 15:329-33

of Aurovi11e 13:205-06,225

of the  body, falsehood in 11:226-27

of circumstances 6:175-77; 386-87

of c consciousness 6:320 ; 8:174 - 76 ,337-38 ,381 ; 17:156

of life and work 6:13-16; 17:156-57,244,293-94

of the universe 6:284

origin and, of ideas 6:13-14; 8:346; 9:250-52

resistance to 17:167

thoughts and 9:251-54

cf. Order


Others 2:92

acting like 9:43-48 . .
actions for spiritual good of 2:67-70
advising 16:46-47
affinities for 9:179-81; 17:94
appreciation of 16:265-68
are a mirror .16: 299 -347
atmosphere of 17:97,121,140
attitude between the Mother and 12:332
attitude towards 10:22-23;  17:57
blaming 6:97

choose your relationships well 16:119-21
communicating peace and joy to. 16:192
comparison with 17:31
contact with 9:133-34; 17:56-58 ,61 ,94 ,116-17
contempt. for 17:306

criticism of 12:185; 16:273,275,282
defects in ourselves and 5:257-58; 16:299
differences of opinion with 17:333-34
difficulties of 16:63

dissociation (detaching) from 16:191; 17:137,206
error to ridicule  10:21
experience  <E> o f 5:362 -66
fan1ts of 17:167 ,206-07
feeling atmosphere of 17:121,140,161,197
having courage for 16:193

having wronged 17:397
helping 2:57-58,69; 6:450-53; 9:407-08,415-17; 16:l92;

17:67,79,95-96,118-20,144,161,377,386; see also Help,

given to
inf1uence of  4: 27 ,36 ; 6:168-69,213-14; 7:245-46;16:191, 17:28-29, 61, 68,124,161
Intelligent people and 5:226-27
intimacy with ,17:170
jealousy of 16:116

judging 8:2 , 10; 9:131-36 ; 12:391 ; 161:93 ,268 ,274 ,320-21
knowing nature of 17:121-22
knowing oneseIf  and 5:201- 04,300 ,301-0 4
love for the Divine and 17:54,378
making fun of 17:41
meditating  a 1one and  with 3:98
meeting in dreams 16:408
mental affinity with 2:69; 4:227
mixing and talking with 16: 86;  17: 22-23, 33-34, 53, 58, 61,136, 53,165-66
the Mother and relations with see Mother, (2) the, relations

with others
nature of 17:121-22

needs of 16:299
never talk about 16:63
not speaking to 16:86-87
opinion sot 4:379 ; 8:348-49
passing depression to ,17;77
past 1ives of 5:35
peace with .17:376

progress of 2:103,  11:208-09; 13:149-59; 17 :40
protection from 17:238 .
relationships  with see   Relations, with others (Relationships)
remarks about 17:38,155,206
reports of 17:387
seeking approbation of 8:348-49


sensitivity of 2:69

shock from 16:347

smiling at 17:39

suffer ing of 17:105

suggestions of 17s35.,385

sympathy for 17:147

talking with 16;86; 17s22-23,33-34,53,58,61,136,153,165-66

thinking about 16=133,185; ,l7;167

troub1G •f rom 17:207,293

trouble one takes for, is never in vain 1.6 s82

understanding 4:157s 5 ;74--75 ,220-21 ,299-304 ,311-12

uneasiness with 17;36

union with 2s.110-11

wanting help from ,1.7s 93
' what others say 16s158

when to abstain from thinking about 16s185

will acting on 17:26-29

see a1 so Man/Mankind; Mother, (5) the; People

Outer be i ng 17:101,103

language of 4;366 fn

1 ike a crust 3:7

meditation and 6;427--28

psychic being and 7s065 16;249

purification of 17;409 ' .

see a1so Exterior being

Outer consciousness 17:12'5 ,140 ,143 ,159

inner consciousness and 10:155-56

psychic consciousness and 5s2582 16sl68

Outer nature 17:35,37

inner consciousness and 7sl

the psychic and 7;20-21 ,110,221,263-64

tamasic tendency of 16;303

ui > i on w i th 16 a 156

Overhead regions

psychic and 17s69

Overmind, the 4:165,220,396

archetypes and 7;122

beings of 5:283-845 16s237

emanations of 5:308-09

far below the true Divine 3;173

"fashioners" of 7:158


godheads (gods) of 8:33,36; 16;235; 17:52
goddesses and 7;158-62,244
the psychic and 6:161
to participate in supramental creation 98149-51

inspiration and 10:5

mastery of 16s236

Narada froni 10:204

psychic being and 5s265,325? 7;07

space and time? in 3; 3.65

Superniind and 3:173 74; 4; 220; 5; 263-845 7;209-1016-235 :

work of 16s235

see a1so Overmind...

Overmind being 9;150

1ife and 16:237

psychic being and 5:265,325; 7:87

Overmind consciousness 16;235-36
Overmind creation 9;148-50

the two sexes in 9s103-04

Overmind entities 5s265

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Overmind world 10s204

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