Sachchidananda (Sachchidananda) 16:387
forgetfulness of one's reality 7:240 source of universe 10:45 supreme beauty and 10:45 unity of 7:243
upholds all the planes 4:400
basis of religions 4:336-18; 5:347-48 for God and humanity 10:282 for the pleasure of it 2:57 human or animal 5:347-48; 6:65-67; 8:80 in the Gita 8:74-75,80 joy of 8: 75 Lord of the 8:114 nature of 10:317 no room for in Yoga 3:11 4 of the Divine 4:240,316; 5:388-89; 8:74-75,79 of thought 2:27 story of Christ and 10: 61 -62 supreme 3:172 surrender 3:114; 4:315-17 to the Divine 8:74-76 ,79-81 work and 10: 317
see a1so
Offering action like the ignorant ordinary man 16:107
definition 16:298 adverse force and 10:56 ambition an d 6:2 3 7 - 38 article's in "Purodha" 17: 288-89 each person an impossibility 7:415,419 family and 6:296-97 horoscope and 16:206 in the body and 7:32-33; 9:348-49; 10:31 in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram inner peace and 17:96 inner Presence and 16:160 intimacy in 17:170 leaving the path of yoga 6:440--44 love and 17:22 marriage or 17: 400 the Mother's experience in 6:303 music and 12:239-40 preparing for 9:l43 progress and 7:33,197,344 reading Sri Aurobindo and 12:217 sex and 17:400,404
study and 6 :153-55 ; 12 : 135 ; 17: 15, 174 Page-246 wanting to know about one's 17:170-71 work as only 17:201-02,212 work, study and 6:153-55 young people and 6:192-93 see also yoga Sadism (s) 17:400 yogi and 5:172 sadism need to penetrate tames 10:106 sadness 17:46,70,115-16,191,402 detachment from 17:129,194 ego and 16:178 friendship and 16:119 from unsatisfied desire 17:99 from wrong suggestion 17:131 never and 16:120 quite natural when... 16:71 reject 16:173; 17:120 a sort of false imagination 17:120 suggestions, source of 16:73 work and 16:132 Safety the only safety 16:422 Sage, Le 8:10 saint saens, Camille 6:381 saintliness true 10:313 Salvation Sri Aurobindo does not believe in 16:314 Samadhi (1) concentration at sri Aurobindo's 17:378 Samadhi (2) body and 8:276-77 integral yoga and 17:342 progress and 8:275-77 trace 4:61; 6:427; 9:2 Sanitation illness and 3:56 sannyasi 17:246-47 sanskrit 8:153-54; 12:224-25; 13:384; 15:286-87 all-India language 17:317-19,332 india and 12:416-417 the Mother's study of 17:213 sat-chit- Anand see sachchidananda satprem Sri Aurobindo or Adventure of consciousness 17:347 satwic part and "tamasic" part of being 16:157 satya yoga 16:313; 17:78 savitri see sri Aurobindo, works of school named after sri Aurobindo 17:268 of sri Aurobindo Ashram see sri Aurobindo international centre of Education opening a 17:246 vacation 17:399-400,409 work and 17:312 see also Education Page-247
Science 7:301-02; 12:219 ,249 ,252 ,374 ,403 absence of cremating Force and with in 10:207 as source of idea 2: 78 behind Nature's appearance 9:322-23 can't predict future 10:208 chemical formulas in 9:391-92 ,394-95 climax of ordinary consciousness 3: 16.I conception of body 10:179 death and 10:207 discipline in 7:320 discovery of modern 9:239 Rod-lover, God- knower and 10:353 human intellectual 9:l08-09 hypnotism and 9:394-95 ignorance as evil 7:316-17 language of, each has its own 4:170,283-84,312 1aws of 3:161-62 limitations and self-assurance of 10:207-08 Matter and 5:128 ; 10:10 ,36 modern physics, atom 4:139 , need of endurance 3:136-37 occult 12:89-92 occultism and 6:38-40,190; 7:265-67; 9: 393-94; 10: 353-54; 16:190 of living 4 :33-37,327 refutation of 10:252-53 relativity, theory of 5:282-83 religious rules and 5:156 soul and wonders of 10:207-13 spirituality and 15:69 theories in 9:236 fn true 2:92,98; 10:136-40 understanding light 2:108 universe explained by 5:81 wisdom and 10:213 yogin's aim in 8:158
see also Medical science; Scientific... as absolute Truth 10:136-37 modern percept ions in 8:314 seeing behind appearances and 9:322-23 Sri Aurobindo on occult and 5:67 -6 8
to master life 7:317
in spiritual things 4:76 betterment of society and 5:393 the Curies 4:l95; 5:395; 6:18-19 humility of 5 :30 imagination of 7:233 inspiration of 7:280 knowledge of Yogi and knowledge of 3:91-92,161-62
true 5:30
from the Mother 17:230 diminution of experiences 10:182-83 infallibility of 10:l86 Page-248 Sculptors
conscious hand of 16:363
avoiding 6:358-59 body and 10:27-32 passim; 16:155 changing to change the world 4:253 cultivation of inner 2:160 death and 10:27-28 discovery of highest 2:160-61 finding 2:38-41,125-26 forgetfulness of truth of 7:240 illusion of separate 2:52 immortality and 10:28 individual and universal are one' 2 :38-39 ,94; 7:407 knowing one' s; 7:194 - 95 observation of 5:199-204 permanent, behind all change 7:78 psychic and true 3:124 ; 7:105-06 silent 6 :361 surface 2: 85 transformation is work of true 2:23 true, the Divine consciousness 17:68-69 truth of being 4:3 6 understanding 2:38-39 union with Divine 2:103 "What am I?" 17:75 what is called 5:17
see also
self, lack of 2: 23
loss of 2:41 anger and 16:336 enough rest and 16:52 for realization 5:349-50 indispensable for progress 17:376 method of 16:248 possible to all 6:5 rest and 16:52 speech and 16:33 story illustrating 2:169-74 with children 16:201-02
see also Control; Self-mastery discovering 16:297 Nature of 10:80-82
sincerity and 7:403; 8:14,374-75
methods of 16:239
in the Ashram 8 :185-86; 353-57
prevents you from seeing affection 16:70-71
Self-forgetfulness 8:200; 10:278; 12:130; 16:432 Page-249
Self-giving 3:123-24,126,133,269; 4:68 ,132-34
,245 ,358 ,363 ; absolute 17:377 best gift of all 17:194 can lead one to bliss 17:108 condition to take? the path 8:261-62 doing "great things" and 16:101-82 ego and 16:422 experiences of 8:85,279,288 fear of 7:328 first movement of aspiration 4:67 in yoga 7:192,199,243,247,366 integral 2:126-27; 8:244-45 joy of 4:134,316-17; 7:401-03 obstacle? to 10:121-22 only way out. of difficulties 16:206 opening and 16:98 past and 16: 364 perfect 8:14-18,301 purity and intensity in 7:243 realization and 7:327-28 receptivity proportionate to 16:98,334 remedy of completer 17:198 sacrifice to the Divine 8:74-77,78-79 sensitivity and 2 : 55 sincere 8:261-62 surrenderand 4: 68 to the Divine 5:12-16; 8:74-77,79; 9 :316-17 ,359-60,421 ,428 ; 14;106-09; 16 : 180,297 total 7:327-28; 8:85,279; 10:10,235; 16:181-82 true 10:287 use of term 6:226-29
see a1so Giving; Offering methods of 16:248 understanding others and 5:300,302-04
see also Knowledge, of oneself
Divine Love and 16:19 expressing cosmic consciousness 8:381 happiness, peace and 16:131 of outer matter and 8:350-53 to become consciousness 4:2,34,37,39,74; 5:203 unificationon and 16:396 widening the consciousness and 16:345
see a1so Self-control methods of 16: 248 progress in 16:291
story it 1ustrating 2 :188-92 definition 10:284 the Divine and 14:278-79 egoism and 6:254-56; 7:371-72 makes one jealous 16:399 meaning 16:409 Page-250 Sensation(s) choice of 12:55-56 expressed through never 16:177-78 people live in their 2:130 the presence and 16:390-91 thoughts as result of 2:21-22
violent, never a remedy 16:147-48 changing the functioning of 6:355 development and control of 6:78-79 education of 6:78-91; 7:57-59,309; 12:20-21 extension of physical 10:135 God and 10:339 hallucinations and 10:41 ideas and 2:21 inadequate for knowledge of 6:78-79 inner being and the 16:7 3 intermediary 9:128-29 median for outer contact 2:21 more than five 12:20 of animals 4:236-39 of color 6:85-86 of time 11: 80 Reality and 21:107,165 reason and 10: 5-6 scope of the 7:166-67 sub tie 2:86 ; 6:38-39; 9:129; 10:60,133-35 truth and 14 :332
twelve senses 4:230,234-35; 6:10-11 f unction of 4:11 -12 living in perceptions of 16:93
uncertain modes of perception 12:265-66 as stage of evolution 2:55 assisting, of others 2:69 excessive 2:55-57 hyper-sensitivity 16:53
kinds of 16:304
true love and l6:175-76
characteristic of the heart 16:177 ego and 3:241 from the Mother 16;163 individual consciousness and 6:100- 01 love and 6:100-02 pain and 7:401
sense of, an illusion 3:59-60,63; 7:364
losing sense of 17:177 :losing sense of 17:177 of Japanese 2:149 true? union and 16:175 Page-251 Serpent 17:56- as power of evolution 30: 9 3 biting its tail 8:36 guarding a treasure 4:109,382 remedy a 1ongside evil 5: 365 significance of 16:261-62 story of 4:212; 10:92-94
white serpent, two-headed 7:427-29 studies and 12:120
.to the Divine 9:49-50; 10:353,356; 13:115-17; 14:110-12,426- to parents and the Divine 17:162
wanting to be more useful 17:263-64 faithful 17:115,355 integral 17:183
true 17:212,379,386 beings of other worlds and 7:157-62 choice in reincarnation 4:183 danger of, in yoga 3:5 differentiation of sexes 9:103-04,131-33 hostile forces and 15:24-25 love and 14:131-35, 16: 409 mental worlds, sexless beings in 7: 161 money and 3:46 money , power and 4:381-02 money, the serpent and 4: 139,382 Nature's use of 7:162 physical culture; and 12:379 spiritual power by conquering 4:314 transition from animality and 9:131-33; 11:28 vital worlds, sexless being in 7:160
see a1so Sex ...
pain and 12:296
in atmosphere 4:192
the Light and 4:70,118; 16:367
Greeks -and 10:251 Divine 4:358,393-95; see also Divine power; Divine shakti original transcendent 16:389
see a1so Mahashakti Power Gods 1augh at 10:302-03 illusory sense of individuality 4:174
negation of this creation 4:119,328
will incarnate only with supraniental 10:204; 12:205
from others 16:347 Page-252 Sickness cause of 16:21-22 lack of energy and 16:117 see also Illness Siddha-Purusha (the perfected ones) 17:109,388-89 Siddhartha Gautama on bodhi 2:80-81 see also Buddha Siddhi tapasya and 8:173-74 Sidney, Sir Philip 10:50-51 Sight clear 4:12-13 psychic and physical 6:134-35; see also Inner vision; Psychic vision knowledge and 11:244 see also Physical vision; Vision Silence 6:309-10; 7:281-82; 14:148-50,371-72; 16:199; 17:20,106-07 action and 2:160; 3:67-69; 9:113; 10:294; 16:425; 17:380 aspire in 17:361,380 "Be calm," meaning of 8:329-31 bringing into manifestation 10:214 communing with Nature and 16:398-99 concrete, positive 16:231 consciousness grows in 17:380 contact with higher knowledge and 10:213 depths of inner 16:166 door to spiritual realisation 17:197,372-73 filled with Your Presence 16:435 from above 6:328-29 gifts in 8:95 greatest devotion in 17:380 immobility, power and 8:67,330 in classroom 12:156,331 in the Playground 17:209 in reading 16:233 in supramental world 9:281 informing the Mother in 17:223 Japa and 16:305-06 knowing how to keep 9:423-24 knowledge and 10:213,256 listening in 4:199,208,281-333; 8:236-37,311 to music 6:381-82; 16:232,235 Lord, give us 16:435 means of communicating experiences 4:222 meditation and 4:104; 16:231,311-12,345 mental see Mental silence mental laziness and 16:337 most effective help lies in 17:195-96,198 necessary to fully receive experience 10:185-86 of the mind 4:62,182,231; 5:398; 7:252; 8:283; 10:6,10,19; 12:187-90; 14: 371-72; 16:345, 425; 17:100, 129-30, 354-55, 380 needed for revelation 10:145 psychic being and 16:397 receiving vibrations in 9:287-88,400 understanding in 3:63-66; 4:227 cf. Mind, quiet mind; silent/silencing of the physical consciousness 16:231 outer 12:58-59; 17:107 perfect 10:7 power of 10:213-15 Page- 253 quality of 16:280-81 receptivity and 10:10; 16:425 remedy for tension 16:271 source of highest inspirations 16:199 speech and 3:67-68; 8:311; 9:113; 17:8,219,373 Sri Aurobindo giving 9:28 story of an Indian, lover of 8:104-05 teach us to be silent 16:433 teaching and 12:331-32 thought and 2:79 to become aware of the Presence 17:123,170,372,379 to receive Force 17:55,107 to receive guidance 17:284 treasure what you have received in 17:71 understanding in 3:63-66; 4:227 value of 8:95 vital dissatisfaction and 17:54-55 witness-soul 8:103-04 cf. Peace Silent mind see Silence, of the mind Silent self 6:361 Simplicity 14:158 complication and 10:169-70 freedom, beauty and 10:323 greatest power is 17:180 rule in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16:7 sincerity and 8:284 tamasic tendency to simplify 16:303 transformation and 10:169 Sin 14:251; 15:367-69,373 all is potentially ours 10:75-76 ego and 10:109 God and 10:342 law of virtue and 10:258-59 man and 10:259; 11:209 of mind and body 10:271 original 10:106 relativity of 10:76-77 something not in its right place 10:76,106 through ignorance, in knowledge 3:221 trick and disguise of Krishna 10:348 yoga and 16:13 Sincerity 2:5; 4:52; 6:127; 11:290-92; 12:115,129,152,162, 70,426; 13:274; 14:67-69; 15:319-22 abolition of ego and 16:381 adverse forces and 7:18,366 ambition and success 6:237-40 bargaining and 9:317 blows to break stupidity 6:323-26 children and 15:319-21 cleverness and 16:26 collective 8:249 compelled by Aspiration and Grace 6:176-77 condition for hearing Lord 10:318-19 definition 10:153 degrees of 6:397-98 demands of 16:142; 17:134 difficult to be truly 3:231; 5:5-7; 6:323-26 difficult to give 17:347 difficulties and 4:74; 6:242-44; 14:242-43 experience and 4:135; 10:32-34 passim,184-86 Page - 254 fault, recognising a 4:52,116,156-57,360-61; 5:55,350 finding the causes of things 5:41 finding truth and 10:25 for childlike path 17:51-52,123 happiness and 6:215-16 help comes through 5:372 hero, being a 5:235 homogeneity in the being 5:8 hostile forces and 5:95; 7:18,366 in disinterested (consecrated) work 17:147,165 in not seeking 17:180 in perseverance 17:377 in seeking the Divine 5:17 insincerity and 8:398-99; 14:70-74 integral 2:24; 17:137-38 is progressive 8:397-400 key to progress 3:192-93 knowledge and 10:256 lack of 17:149,345 life of true 17:62,131 light of truth 7:88-89 living for Divine and 16:295-96 looking at oneself clear-sightedly 4:88,99,338,388 makes one worthy of misfortune 3:279 meditation and 3:98-99; 8:228-29 mental 2:76; 4:109,158; 9:327-30 mental development and 17:62,126 moment of 3:228 morality and 15:46 most necessary virtue 10:287; 16:344 necessity of 17:62,151,291,404 no possibility of deception of Divine 3:5 of aspiration 5:159,350; 16:145,171,365; 17:21,63,172,369,380 of consecration 4:208.339; 10:309 of giving 8:16,244 of mind 2:25; 15:320 opening luminously 8:82-83 openness and 17:133 path and 16:375 patience and 17:126,376 people who predict must have absolute 10:129 perceiving guidance in action 9:31-32 perfect 4:17,327,340; 6:132-33,398; 8:284-86; 9:329-30 in judgment 2:91-92 precision of inspiration 4:120 pretense of 8:72 psychic is always sincere 3:153 source of 4:254 purity and 6:438-40; 10:204 rare quality 8:73 realisation and 8:399; 10:204 remedy for psychological problems 16:364 resistance and 6:117 result depends on 8:178,244-45 same everywhere 3:12 self deception and 7:403; 8:14,374-75 self-giving and 8:261-62 self-observation, screen 5:199-204 simplicity and 8:284 spontaneous 6:402 Page - 255 story illustrating 2:208-19 subconscious, doubt veils 16:41 suffering and 6:146-47 supramental vision sees truth behind 5:302-03 surrender and 6:210-11; 17:151 telling things to the Mother and 6:199 test of 4:354 to hear the Divine voice 4:87 total 8:247-49; 16:380-82 tragic aspect of life and 10:152 transparency 8:38,82-83 true 3:231,283-84; 5:5-7; 6:323-26; 9:118-19 leads to the goal 4:74,252 victory over one's nature, effect of 5:5-7,20 vital and 4:50; 15:320 will and 8:19 yoga, basic quality for 8:248-49,261,399 Single-mindedness 16:318 Skepticism conquering 10:12-14 progress and 10:27 Slavery 14:310 to abstinence and needs 17:229 to desires 14:269-70 Sleep 12:34,159-60; 17:3,9,17 action in 2:106-07; 5:417; 16:232,357-58,378 attacks in 7:81-82 bad, restless 17:47-48,60,93,354-55,393 best before midnight 16:408-09; 17:9 brain function during 5:25-26 children and 5:296; 12:15-16 concentration before 16:266-67,357-58; 17:48 consciousness, control and 3:15; 4:62; 6:184-88; 7:65-67; 16:228,400 daytime 17:48 discipline before 5:26 distinguishing between different premonitions 5:192 doing without 17:354-55 dreamless 2:30; 3:16; 4:107-08 dreams in 3:14-16; 16:408 food and, for world-personality 8:381 going to bed early 16:402 going to bed late 16:82 going to the Mother in 4:130-31 homework and 17:311 how to 4:62-63,352-53; 7:66,71,120-21,125 Inconscient, going into during 4:318-19; 16:267 meeting evil in 17:150 mantra and 15:399-401 the Mother's 4:62; 16:3-4 the Mother's inspection during 6:167 nightmares in 3:47,165; 4:129,192-95; 7:24,121; 16:189 no interest in 17:137 noises in 16:68 of consciousness 17:184,297 outer influences stronger during 8:392 peacefully 16:121 perception of mental activity during 2:33-34 pills for 17:354-55,357 problem solved in 4:61 protection in 4:129 Page - 256 qualities of 4:60-63 reading and 17:151 regularly 16:127; 17:36 remembering activities of 16:357-58 repose in Sachchidananda 3:16; 4:63,108 rest and 15:349-52 school for inner knowledge 7:70-71 seven hours 17:7,146 sluggishness after 16:267 subconscient and 15:140-43; 16:385 talking in 16:400 tamas and 15:399-401 time devoted to physical 2:30 trance, the body and 15:120 unconsciousness in 16:376-77 vital worlds, going to 7:121 with head to the North 16:205 will before 17:48,151 "yogic response" 7:65,125 you must sleep well 16:117 see also Repose; Rest Sleep and Dreams, by Dr. Vaschild 2:30 Smell training of 6:84-85; cf. Senses, education of Smile(s)/Smiling 14:189-91,237-38,245,249; 17:32,373 at others 17:39 difficulties and 8:23; 16:69,100,220 dissolve the clouds 16:100 gives you your strength 16:65,67-68 of psychic 5:242 sincerely 5:370 Snake see Serpent Social conventions purity and 6:439-40 to rise above 11:253 Social relations see Relations Social ties aspiration frees one from 17:198 Socialism 10:307; 13:280 nature of 10:311-12 Society 4:92 customs of, and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16:332 ideal 2:47 typic 2:48 Solace seeking from the Mother 17:406 Solar plexus 16:358,410 Solitude 17:101-05 in retirement 17:127 of psychic being (soul) 17:100,172 within 17:126 Solmiac, George Governor of Pondicherry 16:9 Somnambulism 4:126-28; 8:277 Somnolence 16:172 Sorrow 6:144-47; 17:120 evolution of man and 10:296-97 helping others to overcome 16:192 tell the Mother about 16:89 Page - 257 Soul 9:18-19; 14:351-53 action and 10:295 altruism and 10:282-83 appearance and 10:23-24 attempting to manifest 17:75 awakening of new 2:164 beauty of 10:300; 15:373 beginning of relation with 10:211 birth of choosing a body 8:201-03,215,333-38 entering a body 8:200 limitations imposed 8:198,200 body and 3:169; 10:26; 16:358 bound only be self-law 17:362 calmness found in 16:175 consciousness of 10:254 contact with, and development of faculties 9:396-97 contact with others, speaking to the soul 9:133-34 delight and 10:333 desire-soul 8:304,306-07,324 fn the Divine and 10:304-05; 14:351-52; 16:229,250 effects of defectively organised 10:271 effort and 9:373-75,426-28; 10:293 ego and 10:316; 16:250 enjoy Nature with 10:336 equality of 4:96-97; 5:23; 8:68 eternity is term of 10:265 experience and 10:183 eyes, mirror of 4:26; 9:308-09 failure to find one's 10:279 faith and 10:289-90 few are guided by 16:349 finding the 9:310-11 fix without desire upon end 10:304-05 flower of cosmic energy 8:115 force of 10:247 generosity of 10:216 giving of 16:162 God's way with 10:347-48 growth of 17:78 guidance of 8:194-95 how God teaches 10:344 human beings, expression of a 8:239,243; 10:311 human consciousness and 10:209 immortality and 10:26 independent life of a, apart from the body 9:214-16 individual, Divine and 16:229 influence of 16:249 inner law of 10:282-83 instruments and prisons of 10:284-85 knowledge of 10:23-25 passim,208 knows needs 16:299 law and 10:257 mind and 8:195; 9:308-10; 10:359 mind and vital are obstacles to 10:24 "naked and unashamed" 10:314 needs of others and 16:299 new birth, reversal of consciousness 9:337-38 of India 13:360-61,376-78,380 of a machine 6:212 of a nation 12:42,44 Page - 258 of Nature 10:250-51,336 only soul knows 10:26 origin, "soul's native world' 8:126 pain and 10:246 perception of real 2:165 perfection of 10:312; 17:78 physical reality and 10:209 power over matter 10:209-10 presence in the body 17:75 psychic being and 3:123-25; 4:137; 16:247-48,358 rebirth and 17:78 recognition of another soul 10:16 rediscover 17:174-75 relation to mind and ego 10:254 responding to Divine's call 8:223 role of 16:229 science and 10:207-13 self, true 9:310-11 soul-strength 8:301 soul-type 5:356-57 spirit's concentration, particular to man 9:430-31 spiritual call and 16:251 spontaneity of 10:55 strangest experience of 10:354 subtle physical sheath and 9:333-38 "teguments of the soul" 7:340 true nature of 9:40 turning your back on 16:71 uniting with Divine and 16:360 vital-desire 6:355-56; 9:309 voice of 16:249-50 way to know 10:24-25 will alleviate all sorrow 10:296 witness 8:103-04 wonders of science and 10:207-13 see also Psychic, the; Psychic being Soul states perceived directly by the Mother's body 11:123-27 "Soumission" use of the term 6:228-29 see also Surrender Sound human voice 7:351 in other worlds 7:351-52 in subtle physical 9:129,248 meaning and, soul-states 7:351 of ancient languages 8:153 power of 7:348-49 Soviet gymnasts 12:286 Space 4:162,221; 8:109-10; 10:244; 11:199-200 in physical, vital, mental planes 7:219 time and 10:148 forms of all cosmic existence 3:165 going out of 9:2 possibilities in 7:262-63 Special dates 17:371 Specialisation 6:18-20 Page - 259 Species movements of 7:97-99 Nature destroys entire 7:162 satisfied with its special qualities 9:232 spirit of 4:236-39; 5:149,305; 17:291 Speech action and 14:224-26 better not to repeat what someone else has said 16:51 contact with others 9:133-34 control of 12:34,57-64; 14:218-23 correct 3:249 cryptic phrases 9:177 evolution and 6:222-23 expression of ideas and 12:60-61 ill-willed gossip 9:143 indispensable words only 3:201,259-60,263-64; 10:266; 16:34 inspiration and 10:8 less you talk the better 10:266 loss of self-control 16:33 mite of practice better than mountain of talk 3:201 never talk about others 16:63 no unnecessary 16:34 present mode of expression, inadequate for supramental knowledge 9:193-94 reason, the vital and 10:8 speak little, act well 3:215 speciality of man 9:222 spirituality and 12:62-64 thought and 6:222-23,375-76; 12:60 true and powerful 12:64 Truth and 14:216-17 unpleasant, doing harm through 5:146-47 useful, remain silent ten days 3:67 vital and 7:349 see also Talk/Talking; Words Spelling 12:326 Spending waste and 16:33 Sphinx of eternity 4:1 Spirit, the 4:164; 17:395 "behind the intention" 8:85-86 communion of Nature and 9:247-48 education, matter and 13:369-70 forms capable of manifesting 9:214,218-19 immortal, strong immobility 8:66-68 in doing work 16:182,199 matter and 8:86-87: 12:251-52,254; 13:369-70 nature and 8:11 of the species 4:236-39; 5:149,305; 17:291 "right spirit" 6:340-41 role of, intermediary 9:430-31 Page - 260 Spiritual action 2:68 the Gita and 10:64 Spiritual approach to knowledge 10:137 Spiritual aspiration 4:165,304; 5:293 Spiritual atmosphere 15:245 creation of 6:356-57 Spiritual base indispensable for being 8:367-68 Spiritual call 16:251 Spiritual change and psychic change 16:223 Spiritual confusion common 8:270 Spiritual consciousness 2:68; 8:11,96,136,172 ordinary and 12:405; 16:227; 17:19,92-93,114 worldly success and 6:239 Spiritual conversion 2:162 Spiritual education 12:35-38 Spiritual ego 4:364; 5:383-85 Spiritual equality of men and women 2:146 Spiritual evolution 2:161-62 Spiritual experiences 9:239-41,344-45,399-401; 14:55-60 aspiration and 16:323 direct and in appearances 8:96-97 meaning of 3:17 speaking of 12:63-64 translated by mind 9:398-401 see also Experience(s) Spiritual force(s) as examiners 14:42-43 influence of, over mind 9:420 new form needed 2:156 peace and 16:122 Spiritual healing 4:266-71; 5:184-88 Spiritual help 16:220 Spiritual knowledge 8:359 Spiritual law of each being 8:141-42 Spiritual life 8:27-28,96-97,136,368; 9:233-35; 13:116; 16:335 action and 17:80 ascent in 5:206-07,265 asceticism and 3:53-54 as remedy for egoism 10:271-72 awakening to 9:373-75,431-32 beginning of a more 17:172 creation of spiritual atmosphere and 6:356-57 discipline of 16:139 Divine Presence and 16:155 entering, plunge into Divine 3:21-22 food and 16:196 free from mental dogma 10:97 goal of 10:291 higher perfection 2:161 in India 10:212 man's capacity for 9:211 material comfort and 9:85-87; 16:296 Page - 261 meditation and 4:103-04; 9:87-88 mind cannot understand 9:416 morality and 3:118-20 new conception of 9:148-51 not everyone meant for 6:34-35 ordinary life and 10:69; 12:403-06; 16:335 presence of, in all things 9:339-40 the psychic and 3:64-65; 4:164-65; 8:136-37 purity in 10:97 qualities that make one worthy of leading 3:190-91 readiness for 17:400 reason and 7:170-71 religion and 3:77-79; 9:77 role of experiences in 6:351-55 serious deformation of 9:8 Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 16:139 static state in 5:207 supramental life and 15:388-89 time of Buddha, a joy 3:203 translating spiritual experience in 9:399-401 true 2:39; 8:95-97,136; 9:77; 14:158 uneven progress in 6:95-97 usual idea of 8:365-66 vision of new 9:149-52 vital beings and 3:41-45 Spiritual light knowledge and 15:74-75 moon is symbol of 16:135 Spiritual music 5:75-78 Spiritual path advance on 16:279 see also Yoga, path of Spiritual perfection 9:90 Spiritual philosophy mental development and 9:344 Spiritual plane behind and above 3:64 Spiritual power 2:109; 10:294 money power and 15:55 outer realisation with help of 9:86-87,92-93 Spiritual progress 9:117-18; 17:132,385 Spiritual realisation 14:107-08 ancient idea of 8:244-45 Spiritual rebirth 3:176-77 Spiritual role of women 2:153,156 Spiritual suicide 9:143 Spiritual teaching religious teaching and 12:120 Spiritual "theorem" 9:406 Spiritual wealth 2:99 Spiritual world some men live in 2:159 Spiritualised consciousness replacing government of mental intelligence 11:106-07 Spiritualism 4:86 Spirituality 14:158; 15:92 adverse forces, attacks from 5:94,157-58 answer to all problems 9:74,77-78 asceticism and 3:53-54 atmosphere of 2:60 automatic writing and 9:362-66 Page - 262 creation, spiritual understanding of 5:374 goal of former 9:298 India and 13:369,374-82 passim life and 16:335 living integrally, deeper experience 9:336-38,345-46 living spiritually 9:336-38 mind and 9:419-21 moral perfection and true 9:409-10 new birth 9:431-32 new, embraces life 9:247 new quietistic methods and 9:305 poverty and 3:53-54 protecting presence 9:339-40 religion and 15:33-34 reversal of consciousness 9:286-88,414-17,431-32 sadhu and yogi 5:172 science and 15:69 signs of entering the path 4:103 speech and 12:62-64 subjective experience, proof 9:239-41 term employed vaguely 4:226 transmission of 2:109 vision, power of 5:401 woman and 10:301-03 see also Spiritual... Spontaneity 16:368-69 absolute 10:116 covered by mental ego 10:55 effort and 8:282,371 in aspiration 5:350; 6:139-41 in yoga 8:282-86 of action 2:50; 4:6; 6:402; 8:282-84; 9:30-31,318; 10:16-17 of development of groups 2:59-60 of knowledge 10:89,151 of life 10:89 of spiritualised man 2:161 of vital 10:87 retrograde (impulsiveness) 8:238 sensitivity and 2:55 true way of living 8:282-86 unity in the being 8:285 Sports accidents in 12:288-89; 16:413 body, control of in Russian gymnasts 9:86-87 competition and 9:96-98; 16:403 concentration in 9:82-83; 12:260-61 conscious will helps development of body 5:25-27; 9:121,152-55 for the Divine 6:28-29,268-69 a good captain 9:80-81 importance of, in Integral yoga 9:81,96-97 interest in games and exercises 9:98-99 judgment and 12:265-66 physical education and 12:289-90; 16:403 progress in 16:412 spirit of 3:136 strength and 12:296-97 training the body through 9:81-82 transformation and 12:290 why take part in 16:412 see also Education; Physical culture; Physical education Page - 263 Sri Aurobindo (1) (general) 11:13,141,145,202-03,226-27,229-30,311, 328-29; 12:116,325; 14:302; 15:30,88,121,135,197,201,261,395,425 accepting a disciple 17:190 accident of 16:139 activities of sleep and 16:232 aphorisms of 10:1-300; 11:210,213 are result of struggle with subconscious 10:102-03 give true prediction 10:142 use of 10:4,33-34 use of "I" in 10:8 when writing, ascending from intuitive to supermind 10:151 application of supramental power 10:161-62 approach with reverence 16:247 arrival in Pondicherry 15:205-06; 17:371; see also below Pondicherry and Asuric force assuming form of 15:408-10 atmosphere of 13:75 August 15, significance of 8:265-66,270 aura felt by the Mother 4:223,230 being shown Auroville 11:174 best method for reading 10:7 blessing of 16:86 books of see Sri Aurobindo (2), works of Buddhist's theory and 8:151 calling (invocation of) 17:43,298,378,414 came upon earth to... 16:430 Centenary messages 13:14-20 centenary of 12:207 champion of real freedom 10:69 changing the manifestation, (better solution) 9:11-12 child of the Mother is a child of Sri Aurobindo 16:87 collectivity according to his idea 9:137 conscious organisation of things 6:14 contact with 16:395 conversation with a scientist disciple 5:67-68 the Mother 4:85 Cripps Proposal and 8:31-32; 16:319-20 cures illnesses 4:264 cures Kiki, the Mother's cat 4:238 Darshan, in time of 8:262-63 December fifth and ninth 16:413 description of hallucination 10:39-41 description of immortality 10:28 disciples of, and Gita 8:62-64 distinguishes Bliss from enjoyments 9:8-9 "the divine mind" 10:362 "The Divine Superman" 4:351 earth and 13:3-10 passim,16-21 eternal birth of 9:171,177-78 "evil persona" explained by 5:276 expectations of us 4:383; 9:94,191 experience in prison 10:68-69 expressing himself through the Mother's body 11:102,104 finding the Divine in 16:161 first revelation of integral Yoga 10:69 flower of 13:16,32 the future and 16:422 going to 17:116 hand of removes pain, etc. 9:254 "heaven of the liberated mind" 8:275 Page - 264 help and protection of 13:134-35 helps, is not helped 17:58 history and 12:212-13 in the subtle physical 10:310; 13:12-13 incident in the "Guest House" 9:127 fn "India is free" 5:190; 8:30-32 inevitable success of work of 3:139-40 influence of 16:166 is part of Lord 10:206 "join the spiritual consciousness to a progressive mental consciousness" 3:194 "the last Avatar" 10:255 late to give Darshan 17:286 letter to the Mother, Vedic experience 5:276-77 liberates from all preconceptions on conventional mortality 10:357 loved French 12:321-22 Mahasamadhi 13:6-9 Mahashakti and 16:211 manifestation of the Supramental 3:144 mantra written by 7:370 meditating in room of 16:250 meditation on 9:171 mental silence given by 9:28 messages of 15 August 1947 8:271-74 on Cripps proposal 8:31-32; 16:319 the Mother and 4:403-05; 13:1-33,38-39,43,45,47,50-51,77 circumstances behind writing about money 6:250-51 questions and answers relating to 6:203-04 Samadhi, conversation between 8:275-76 writings in 1912 correspond to vision of 5:352,355 "new edition of the old fiasco" 4:349 new interpretation of Gita 10:64 not looking at 17:286 obedience to 16:147 on choice, extract from a letter 4:327,341-44,347-49 on the date 4.5.67 9:315; 16:350 on God, a child 4:291 on gods and Kali 9:376-77 on the Grace 16:251-52 on men wanting to do yoga 16:432-33 on personal effort 4:411 on physical transformation 6:110-11 on rebirth 5:36 on renunciation of physical reality 9:4 on rings, portraits and superstitions 6:234 on Sanskrit 17:332 Overmind creation, remark about to the Mother 9:148 Overmind entities 5:265 papers with his handwriting on them 17:34 peaceful during cyclone 3:155 people not reading his books 8:204-05 performed miracles in mind 10:160-61 Pondicherry and 13:30,109,383; 15:205-06; 17:371 politics and 13:124-30 portrait by Dutch painter 5:368 possibility of earthly immortality near at hand 3:188 powers of 16:35-36 problem of individual and collective realisation 8:48-50,133 prolonged fast, personal experience 9:117 promise of 7:327; 16:144 Page - 265 proof of what he has said 9:255 quotation on aim of 16:314-15 references to his teachings and writings 11:3,7,19, 22, 24, 45, 49, 52, 67, 71, 85, 89, 93, 95,110, 173,175, 178, 197, 205, 207, 209, 224-26, 228-29, 236-37, 261, 279-80, 284, 293, 308, 316; 13: 71-72, 76, 97, 111, 133, 136, 149-53, 159, 162-63, 165, 169, 184-85, 209, 221, 251; 14:33-35, 241, 252, 305, 356; 15:38, 139, 148, 158, 161, 262, 317, 361, 365-67, 377, 390, 403, 424, 426; see also Sri Aurobindo (2), works of; see also below teachings of religion and teaching of 10:96; 15:408-10; 16:414 reply to people who told him all they could do 4:338 reply to those who want to do away with the world 5:148 retelling stories of 17:281-82 reveals secret of existence 10:339 ridicules human morality 10:332 room of 13:29-30 salvation, doesn't believe in 16:314 saying of 3:171 seeing him 16:263 seeing in dreams 16:334 sense of humour 10:245,332 speaking about powers of 16:36 speaks when we speak sensibly 17:330 spiritual revolution 9:77 Sri Aurobindo Ashram and see Sri Aurobindo Ashram stones falling on his house 6:42-43,57-62 story of clocks 4:275 Karma, "A Dream" 8:82 vengeful Sannyasin 8:72 Supermind/Supramental and 13:8-9,17-21 individual contact with 8:133,323 the Mind of Light and 13:63-64 Overmind in his thought and 5:283-84 the term 8:34,299 symbol of 13:28-29; 15:205 teachings of divine life in divine body 9:110 dogmatism and 13:22 India and 15:426-28 is limitless 16:310 read the 16:301 uniting spiritual and material mastery 9:94 see also above references to teachings and writings of teaching works of 12:208-15 theory of creation 4:214 things are not in their place 10:107 transformation envisaged by 4:18 integral 8:83,323 irrevocable 4:357 of the body 5:59-62 presides over terrestrial 2:47-48; 7:327 three hundred years for 7:149 working for yours 16:59 treatment received by 17:270 understanding of history 10:62 using name of 17:239 Veda, on the 4:136; 8:188,204-05 Vivekananda and 7:228-29 wanted one hundred people for Ashram 10:200 Page - 266 what he has come to tell us 9:374 what he represents in world's history 10:96 fn will of, bound to be done 3:157 work of, unique earth-transformation 3:173; 17:193-94,397 world and 13:3-4,10,15 worship of gods and goddesses and 10:255 writes to awaken sluggish minds 10:246 yoga of 7:200,202,335,408; see also Integral yoga see also Sri Aurobindo (2) Sri Aurobindo (2), works of 13:22-24 Arya 8:282; 12:214-16 Bases of Yoga, questions and answers relating to 6:305-452 books of 8:164,204-05; 17:69,339-41,344-45,390,396-98 Delight of Being 9:1-2,7 Elements of Yoga, questions and answers relating to 6:109-197,215 Essays on the Gita 10:61 A God's Labour 17:363-64 The Hour of God 10:201; 16:414; 17:233 The Human Cycle 4:311; 12:325 Hymn to Durga 12:43-44 The Life Divine 12:216-17; 16:199 answer to problem of existence in 8:267-68 extract on evolution 8:322 method of presentation of his viewpoint 9:224-25,231-32,249-50 the Mother on 9:14,203,208 quotes from 9:291-92 literature and 12:145 "Love and Death" 17:290-91 The Mother 9:291-92; 17:139 reading books of (what he has written) 12:205-06,398-99; 16:232-33,243,266,269,274,311; 17:339,365,375 Savitri 10:162,167; 13:24-26; 16:294,381,395 some comments of the Mother 5:388-91 compact phrases 10:9 poetic terms 4:10 sentences 4:367 fn; 10:104 study of works of 12:205-17,398-99 "The Supramental Beauty" 7:168,181 The Supramental Manifestation, remark on 3:147; 9:87 The Synthesis of Yoga 8:169; 10:15,67; 16:226 effect of reading 8:347-48 extract on life 8:289-90 extract, reply to all questions 8:259-61 Part I 8:43-44 Thoughts and Glimpses 4:291; 7:343; 8:358,367,376,383, 395,401; 17:343 The Way 4:351 Yogic Sadhan 9:365 see also Sri Aurobindo (1) Sri Aurobindo Ashram 12:116-17; 13:108-89 accidents in sports in 16:413 aim (purpose) of 5:288-90; 7:394; 8:366; 9:17-19; 13:132-33 aim of education in 8:179-87,386 another world 16:7 Ashramites' relation with others 13:149-53 aspirants to supramental life 9:150-51,169-70,241-42 attack on, in 1965 16:314; 17:253-56 attitude in, sample collection of 4:215-216 Auroville and 10:270; 13:202,209-11 basis of creation of 4:93 belongs to Sri Aurobindo 16:8 Page - 267 born in 1926 13:109; 16:361 borrowing books from the Ashram library 15:290-92 cemetery ceremonies of 16:271 changing conditions of sadhana in 6:295-99 children in 4:303; 5:165,286-88,299,415-18; 6:4-9,216,426-27, 430-31; 7:200,202,356,417-18; 8:85-86; 9:55-56,372-75; 13:113; 16:254,333 admitted to the Ashram during the War 6:296 education of see Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education freedom of 8:185-86; 12:386 for growth 12:286 in class arrangement 12:407 to blossom 12:407 to learn through experience 7:286 opportunity of 16:413 psychic being and 5:289-90; 6:4-9 steeped in a sea of consciousness 5:417 to be a true child of 16:346 "Why are we here?" 5:299 choice of place 5:355-56 collective sadhana in 7:413-21 passim comfort, happiness and 13:131-33 coming to 13:115-18,134-40; 16:140,254 concentrating at the Samadhi 16:395 conditions for admission 13:115-18,133 consciousness in, collective and individual progress 9:172-74 construction of "Golconde" 5:162 customs of society and 16:332 cradle of a new world 16:301 criticism of 7:391-92; 8:2,10,107,366; 16:273 Darshan 8:262-65; 16:413 deeper law behind working of 7:392-95 descent of supermind 8:219-20 descent of the Ananda aspect of the Mother 6:291-95 passim,302-04 difficulties with workers and projects 16:38-39 disciple in 17:190-91 discipline in 6:339; 16:8,296; 17:191 disharmony in 16:326 dismissing a worker 16:43-44 double pay for extra work hours 16:37-38 drawing on the Mother 6:201-02 "A Dream" 12:93-94 eating habits in 6:158-59,162-64,178-81; 7:62; 17:47,248 early development of 16:3-5,7-8; 17:224 education, sports 6:237-43 passim energy wasted in gossiping 8:162 far from ascetic 16:7-8 far from what it should be 16:300 fear of death and 6:46-47 finances in 13:154-58; 16:344-45 formation of 7:414-16 passim freedom in 16:325; see also above children in, freedom of helping society and 16:307-08 here one struggles not to satisfy desires 16:134 humanity and 13:113-14 idea of "immortality" 4:69-70; 8:129 idea of profiting by staying in 8:129-30,241-42 ignorance, less than outside 8:262 individual progress in 16:314,333 judging heads or superiors 16:320-21 Page - 268 judgment of people 8:2,10 laziness to work 16:183 leaving (going outside of) 12:161-66, 358-59; 13:141-48; 16:138-39, 144, 309, 339-41, 349, 411-12; 17:175-76, 191, 204-05, 245, 402 marriage in 16:134; 17:365-66 meditation in 4:105-06,122; 9:39,41-42,383-84 members of 4:255-56,408 messages 13:171-72,219-20 most difficult cases are here 16:331 the Mother and 8:130,161-62; 13:75-78,109-114,117-18; 17:72 the Mother's time and 16:165 the Mother's work in 6:297-99; 7:258-59 need of endurance 3:136-37 need to form little groups and societies and 16:351-52 never forget where you are 16:312 not a place for being in love 16:176-77 not to repeat what's done elsewhere 8:238 only constraint in 16:339 ordinary life and 16:382 organisation and work in 13:159-83 disorder and 13:160-63 gate-keepers 13:171-73 paid workers 13:174-83 overmind level, people at 5:285-86 palm tree in courtyard 5:113 participation in descent of supramental world 3:180 people gathered here 5:1-2 for many reasons 7:200 hiding things from the Mother 6:163-67 personal contact and human relations in 13:119-23 persons in 16:284 place of Realisation 7:420 Playground, March Past and concentration, in 7:257-59 politeness in 5:417-18 politics and 13:124-30; 17:202-03 Pondicherry and 13:129; 15:325 possibilities to learn in 16:339 preparing for April 24 Darshan 16:335 problem common to all 8:166 progress and 16:314,333 progressive transformation and the ideal 9:108,110-11 psychic being and 6:296; 16:367 public interest, need to act rather than speak 5:418 purpose of see above aim of reactions in 4:388 reading of Sri Aurobindo's books 8:204-05 reason for creation 4:93; 10:199-200 for presence in 6:268-72; 9:17-18 receptivity, lack of 5:270-71 reduced image of life 13:149-53 remaining in 16:245 remarks in 17:34,206,211,218-19 responsibility to workers 16:15-16 role of parents in 12:367 rules of conduct 12:325 sadhana in 6:296-97; 16:254 sadhus and yogis 5:172 school see Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education "sea of vibrations" 5:271 Second World War conditions and 16:140 serving mankind and 16:314 Page - 269 sleep, usefulness of 5:417 Sri Aurobindo's expectation from Ashramites 4:383,411 strictness of 16:332-33 surcharged with force and vibrations 4:222-24 passim symbolic vision of the collectivity 9:137-140 passim taking life lightly in 16:265 those who take yoga seriously 16:338 to be a true child of 16:346 to be sure you are meant for 16:139 truth, atmosphere of, in 9:70 understanding and appreciating 16:325-26 vibrations in 4:222-24 passim; 5:271 visitors in 16:99; 17:191,230-32,310-11 ways of, misunderstood 16:22 "We have all met in previous lives" 3:3 what we want to realise 16:275 work in, not for rest 8:21; 16:183 work of the new Force in 9:39 Yoga and 16:333-34 young people in 16:289 Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (S.A.I.C.E.) 8:179-87,386; 12:9-38,434-35,446 aim (purpose), integral perfection 7:391; 12:117-18 Annual Programme 7:389-92 consciousness different in 5:417 diplomas not given 7:392 dissatisfaction with 12:164-65 do not do what's done elsewhere 4:3,364-65 freedom in 6:414-15,431; 7:286 going away from 12:358-59 guiding principles of 12:308 knowing what one wants 8:181-82 messages on 12:111-13 Playground 7:257-59 preparing own books in 5:416 self-discipline in 8:185-86,353-57 symbol of 12:111 to learn through experience 7:286 see also Education Sri Aurobindo's Action 17:331 Sri Mirambika High School 12:115 Stalin, Josef 4:188 death of, not changed the world 5:377 vital world, being of 5:378 Stars 16:158 Statistics 17:311 Status 12:254 Stealing 16:13 Stepping back 3:160,167,280 Stomach dreams and 6:74 Stones amethyst, power of protection 5:231 crystals 5:244 forces kept and transferred by 5:231 force of Love in 5:230-31 messages carried by 5:231 receptivity of precious 6:229 rock-crystals 5:231 Page - 270 Story (Stories) reading, writing, telling 17:63,65,221,297-98,331-32 the mind makes up 16:66 value of a 4:154-55,283 see also Mother (5), the Strength/Strong 12:123; 14:182-83 body not strong 16:131 can't be hurt 16:208 how to become 12:136 in peace and silence is greatest 12:123 know how to receive 17:133 needed to manifest love 10:201 of animals 8:330-31 of mental formations 16:14 Peace will make you 16:116 sickness and 16:117 sports and 12:296-97 a strong being is quiet 16:125 success and 16:134 to do what the Mother says 17:131 to overcome difficulties 16:421; 17:130-31,133 weakness and 17:22 will 6:391; 16:45,67 your smile and 16:65,67 Struggle do not give up 16:142 progressive manifestation and 11:76-77 Student Boarding Houses messages to 12:127-28 Students behaviour after school 12:364-65 best 12:115 character of 17:307-08,312-13 control of 16:201 from age of seven to fourteen 8:180-81 has right to be ignorant 8:180-82 indiscipline of 16:201 interest of 12:389; 16:263 not brilliant 12:118 regularity and 12:136 scheduling and discipline 12:411-15 should be given freedom of choice 12:369-70 Students' Prayer 12:112 who want money and "success" 17:379 see also Education Study (Studies) 12:129-41; 16:281 as discipline 17:66,74-75,79-80,90,98,146 atmosphere for 17:160 attitude towards 6:154-55 concentration and 5:104-05,125-28,200-01; 12:199; 17:71,79,153 depression and 12:131,134; 17:77,115 discipline in 17:75 dropping of 17:173 expecting seriousness in 17:62,228,235,307-08 falsehood and 17:313 for children 17:152 for self and for the Divine work 6:153-55 forms convolutions in brain 8:180 four hours a day 17:146 group, programme for 12:217 importance of 8:346-66 Page - 271 in Higher Course 12:178-79 homework 17:311-12 inability to 17:63,79-80,83-84,90-91,151,173 inertia and 12:133 irregular 12:173 laziness in 5:120,127 meditation and 17:34 mental silence and 12:215-16 mind and 12:249 the Mother's, as a child 16:121 the Mother's help for 17:98-99 motives for 12:201-03 not for pleasure 17:79-80 of French 17:144-45 of Indian languages 17:213-14 of mathematics 17:145,173 of one good book 17:66 of outer phenomena 8:358-59 of poetry 17:340-41 of Sri Aurobindo 12:205-17; 17:174,341 of various subjects 17:145 ordinary life and 12:361-63 outside of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 12:163-66 opportunity to learn German 17:329 purpose of 12:131-32 quiet mind and 16:199 sadhana and 6:153-54; 12:135; 17:98-99,153,174 "tamas" and 12:397; 16:294; 17:83-84,152-53,173 taste for 16:198 to awaken consciousness 5:31 to become instrument of the Divine 5:48-51 to get rid of uneasiness 17:71 under pressure 17:56 understanding 17:90 writing lessons 17:148 see also Education Stupidity boredom, origin of 4:89,205; 8:175-76 curing oneself of 4:369 different kinds of 4:51,170,201 disastrous, gossiping 8:162 human, takes effect for cause 8:266 judging the Divine Will 4:388 Lord's contact and 4:205 of the world 16:114 relaxation and 4:156 rooted in subconscient 16:18 rules the world 16:17 vanity and 5:30,337 want it to disappear 16:92 Subconscient (Subconscious), the 6:319-21; 8:19,390-92; 11:309-11; 16:234; 17:183 activities during sleep 17:367 atavism and 4:211,251,261; 7:144; 16:282 body and 4:211,251; 7:144; 16:234 bringing Light into 17:194 consciousness and 2:132; 6:319-21 construction of body 2:153 controlling (conquering) 17:91,182 defeatism, pessimism of 16:425 the Divine and 14:388-89 Page - 272 dreams and 15:348-49; 16:385 earth and 11:323 effect of books read 4:152 effect of gossiping 4:152-53 illness and 7:144; 17:165 increasing one's load 4:156 knowledge in 10:290 knows more than habitual consciousness 2:32 memory and 2:36; 6:367 mind 10:321 objectification in dreams and hallucinations 11:35-36 old sanskaras in 17:240 physical transformation and 7:83 place of insincerity 4:252 preferences, overcoming 2:154 reducing range of 16:385-86 rejection of wrong movements 7:85 resistance of 11:300 rising 11:323-25 seeing in subtle physical 10:131 shocked by certain ideas about God 10:102 sleep and 15:140-43; 16:385 stupidity rooted in 16:18 suggestions affecting 4:236; 17:158,189 suggestions in 4:236 suppressed desires 4:59 things rooted there 4:261 thought about God 10:104 thought and 2:85 transformation of 15:316-18 waking up and 17:7 wrong formation in 17:230 Subjectivity objectivity and 6:363-64 Subliminal, the dreams and 7:109,111 "inner physical" 7:139-40 psychic and 7:109 subtle mind, etc. 7:108-09; see also Inner... "Subliminal self" 7:111-12 Submission calm and grateful, distinguished 6:63-64 joyful 6:210-13 see also Surrender Substance 6:306-08 human thought and 10:65 Subtle body 6:38-39 (nervous envelope), and illness 3:89; 4:268 physical, after death 8:338 reactions of, not controlled by mind 9:124-26 Subtle forces receptivity of Matter and 2:52 Subtle-physical, the 4:110,125,230; 8:389; 16:225 accuracy in sight and 10:126 art and 16:118 changing events in 10:130 material plane relationship and 10:126 experience in 11:78-83 eyes and 4:320 the Mother's experiences of supramental boat in 6:186-87; 10:116 presence of Divine 10:154 Page - 274 sight in 4:125; 10:126-28 Sri Aurobindo's presence in 13:12-13 subconscient 10:131 world of 9:128-29; 10:149 Subtle regions earth and 10:60 Subtle senses 6:38-39; 9:129; 10:133 Subtle sound 10:134 Subtle vibrations on brain cells 2:33 Subtle vision 10:129 Subtle vital mental sight and 10:126 Subtle world 10:39 thieves in 16:73 vision in 9:134-36,201-03; 10:41 Success 4:15; 6:238-40; 12:115,119-20,165,253-54; 15:86-88,321 conversion and 6:246 endurance and 16:134 external 16:421 failure and 16:389 perseverance and 16:184 to the strong, courageous, enduring 16:134 Suffering 8:76-77,84-85,214,250-51; 11:41-44,109,170,196-97,249-50; 13:209; 14:266; 15:93,359-60; adverse forces and 15:360 after death 17:107 Ananda and 11:112-14,141 artistic creation and 6:379-83 aspiration and 4:295; 11:41-44 Asura of see Adverse forces, Asuras attitude, inner 4:317-18,355 Auroville and 10:270 awakening through 9:16-17 beyond 10:13 bliss and 10:359 body and 3:198; 9:41-42,123-26 brought by adversary 7:402 Buddhism and 7:318 causes of 3:248; 9:7-8,10-11; 17:149 Christ and 10:61-62 came from imperfection of Matter 2:20 compassion, Grace, and 16:346 consecration and 10:295 cosmic vision and 10:263-64 curing 7:130-32 delight and 10:246 detachment and 2:57 determined by consciousness 10:51-52 difficulties and 17:129,149 disappears in union with Origin 9:8 with collaboration 10:50 the Divine and 5:385-86; 6:287-89; 16:411 Divine consciousness and 11:141,282 Divine love and 14:266,268; 16:18 Divine Mother's, through identity 5:388 Divine play and 10:51-52 ego and 2:56-57; 6:144-45,405; 9:41; 15:359-60 egoism and 6:405; 16:290 ending 16:425 Page - 274 error, cosmic vision and 10:263-64 essential qualities developed through 10:303 evolution and 11:43 from nervous headache 17:195 from obsession 17:104-05 healing 9:282-83 helpful 2:20 helping others to overcome 2:57-58; 16:192 identification with all 2:58 ignorance and 9:7-8,10-11; 10:61-62; 11:41-42; 17:129,149 illusion of personality and 2:56-58 imaginary in yoga 17:140 in matter 10:61-62 indifference to 16:190 insincerity and 4:252 joy and 5:386 knowing how to offer 2:19-20 knowledge, ignorance, and 6:287-89 life full of 3:248; 10:263; 16:61 mental cure for 7:318 the Mother on 9:11-12,282-83; 11:41-41,282; 16:73 the Mother's experiences of transformation and see Mother's body, the, Ananda and suffering; transformation of, painful transition the Mother's message on 2:42-44 no need for 16:174; 17:119 not given by the Divine 5:385-86; 6:287-89; 16:411 not the psychic being which suffers 16:168 of humanity 2:57-58,126; 10:59,269-70 of others 17:105 of the path 16:227 only way to escape 10:277 ordinary life and 3:248 origin and solution of 9:303-05 pain and 5:385-86; 6:287-89; 16:411 peace and 11:282 pleasure and 16:297-98 progress and 4:295,355; 10:50; 12:75; 17:119 proportionate to capacity 4:44-45 the psychic and 4:45 raison d'etre of 4:295; 10:224 receptivity and 16:365 result of man's mistakes 10:269-70 revolt and 16:123 role of 10:352 secret found through 9:41-42 seeking satisfaction through 17:149 separation and 7:401 sincerity and 6:146-47 spiritual effort and 2:57-58 surrender and 15:419-23 sustained by human consciousness 11:235-36 taking on 2:56 taste for 2:56 true attitude in facing 9:41-42 unconsciousness diminishes 3:198 union and 7:8 value of 9:11-12,40-41; 10:351-53,359,382-84 vibration of joy and, same 5:386 vital and 6:70-71; 17:105,149 way of dissolving 10:158 Page - 275 wear on body and 10:171-72 will disappear with inner liberation 3:218 wisdom and 10:49-50 world's misery, cause of 7:56 see also Pain Sufi mystic 5:58 Suggestion(s) 8:341-44 adverse (hostile, wrong) 17:101-02,106,110-11,131-32,197 affecting subconscious 4:236; 17:158,189 bad, about illness 16:194 collective 2:24,76,110; 5:313-16; 7:245-46; 8:54,390-92 destructive 8:397 discriminating between types of 16:45 following 17:147 illness and 3:56-57,89 medical 17:189 of despair 16:73 of incapacity and failure 16:133 mental 4:236 other people's 17:35,385 reject wicked 16:73-74 stronger by becoming conscious 16:15 stupid and false, never accept 16:65 thought and 2:76; 4:236 to leave the Ashram 17:398-99,401,405 vibrations in 16:45 Suicide 7:23-24,33; 11:179; 15:138-39; 17:319 rebirth, Karma and 15:391-94 suggestions of, source 16:73 Sully-Prudhomme, Rene Francois Armand 6:4 Sun 10:187 aspiration towards truth and 2:28 curing illness by air and 16:110 inner 10:158 of divine laughter 10:158 of Truth 17:386 represents Supreme Consciousness 3:132 rising in your heart 16:119 symbol in nature 3:12; 7:139 Superconscient (Superconscience), the in physical body 16:234 sleep 4:318 solves problems 4:60 Superiority origin of racial 3:150-51 no one is superior before the Divine 16:53 speed and 16:387 true 16:20 Superman, the 7:324; 11:181,216; 12:99-101 aspiration for 2:157 attempts to conceive 2:158 birthright of 16:436 born of woman 2:156,162 coming of 16:427 consciousness see Superman consciousness description of 2:161-64 evolution and 7:333; 9:313-14; 16:415 first step of 10:273 goal of Nature 2:157-64 human ego and 10:248 idea of 2:156-64 Page - 276 law of 2:163 man and 2:158-64; 7:333-35; 8:127; 9:411-12; 10:87,256-57 mind and 2:160 mortality and 2:163 new race and 7:333; 9:313-14 Nietzche's, Fred 2:161; 10:248-49 physical education and 12:280 Sri Aurobindo, "The Divine Superman" 4:351 supramental and 9:313-14 supreme faculties of 16:238 truth and 16:436 way leading from man to 2:158 fn,160-61 who is 10:248 will lose mental ability of man 2:160 Superman consciousness 10:316; 11:148-60,230-33,240-43; 16:415 Supermind/Supramental, the 11:131,173,297,301,311,314-18; 12:116; 15:97-98,198,301-02,313; 16:403; 17:182 action of 7:324; 8:178,204-07,292,312-17; 10:116-18; 15:106 upon life, money and politics 9:166-69 advent of 17:280 agent for transformation 3:174 aphorisms written at point where higher mind merges with 10:148 archetypes and 7:122 atmosphere, earth-atmosphere 8:127-28,178; 16:237 attitude towards 8:127,129,131 Avatar and 10:255 Avatar's work, preparing universe for 9:332-34 beauty in 16:78 beyond 8:34,177-78 body and 10:29; 15:120,124 chief obstacle to receiving 10:115 completes Nature's fullness 9:247-48 condition for manifestation of 10:107 consciousness opening to influence of 9:110-11 contacting 9:324-25 determinism and 6:48-49 different planes, successive manifestation 9:188-89 difficulties increased 8:220-21 the Divine and 5:283-85; 10:31,316; 11:315-17; 15:123; 17:81 Divine vibration and 11:193,196,249 earth and 10:316; 11:315-18; 13:52,57 effect of on consciousness 8:206-07 on earth 8:11,178,291-93 on inner light 8:144 on people 8:137-38,204-07 ego and 3:242 equality and 10:114,117; 15:110-11 evolution and 10:164; 17:343 experience of February 3rd, following 9:276-78 first effect of 10:108 first expression, power 9:241 formation of new body 9:86 forms of 11:96 gives total Truth 10:253-54 glimpse of 3:242 harmony created by 3:163; 10:161-62 heightening of general confusion and 10:316 higher and lower hemisphere 9:113-14 higher ranges of mind and 6:415-18 humanity and 15:110-18 Page - 277 in manifestation 10:115 inspiration and 10:5 interest it takes in things 3:95-96 involved and descent of 8:315; 9:156-58 behind things 9:200-01 Karma and 15:394 knowledge and 3:94-95 man and superman 9:411-12 manifestation of 3:144; 10:107; 15:117,203 many planes between mind and 3:94 means of acting 8:178 mind and 2:160; 3:94; 8:177-78; 14:363; 15:118 morality and 2:163 new element 8:313-17 new force and individual effort 9:5-6 new force, qualities of 9:314-15,325-26,337-38 new hope of Harmony and present world chaos 9:168-69 new race 8:127,131-33,323 new realisation, effect of 9:298-301 new spiritual orientation 9:8-9 new world is born 9:147-51 ordinary and superhuman things 5:1 our world and 9:277-78 Overmind and 3:173-74; 4:220; 5:283-84; 7:209-10; 16:235 perfection in 8:28-29 physical and 15:119,124 physical (body-) mind and 11:279-80,284; 13:63-64; 15:117 preparation for 17:73 promised things 8:127-28 psychic and 3:242; 8:299; 14:358; 15:117; 17:80 pulling 11:22-23 puts each thing in its place 10:108 really divine world 3:173 receiving 4:96,383 recent descent of 16:237 receptivity to 10:53 results of immediate 8:205-07 results of descent of, visible 8:138,291,312-17 revolution 9:76-78 Shiva will incarnate with 10:204; 12:205 speculation about 17:52 Sri Aurobindo see Sri Aurobindo (1), Supermind/Supramental stages to reach 8:171 step now being added to the ladder of consciousness 3:178-79 superman and 9:313-14 supramentalised 7:143,148-49,210; 10:29; 16:324 time necessary for becoming visible 9:157-59 truth and 3:156; 10:253-54 truth of manifestation and 3:161-62 "universal harmony", "yet sealed up sources"; terms used in 1912 for 5:352,354-56 unknown and inaccessible to one with ego 3:242 value of discipline for attaining 10:31 war and 10:53 world and 3:163; 11:313-18 see also Supramental... Supernature Nature and 16:236-37 Page - 278 Superstition (s) mental formations, topical 5:155 origin and examples 8:92 Rahukal 16:15,18 religion and 6:193-97 religious rules and hygiene 5:156 shooting star 8:211 wearing rings for protection and 6:234-35 Suppression 11:211-21 Supramental action 7:324; 8:178,204-07,292,312-17; 10:116-17; 15:106 body and 10:29 Supramental being (s) 11:96,130,178,307; 16:237 body of 16:403 life, man and 11:46,51-52 materialised psychic being 11:238-39 protected by descent of Power 11:52,155,315 relations with humanity 11:27 soon able to live on earth 16:382 superman and 9:313-14 supreme faculties of 16:238 yoga and 8:205-07,323 Supramental body 7:143,148-49,210; 10:29; 11:297,301; 15:301-02; 16:324 four attributes of 3:175-76 glorious 9:85-86; 11:182-83 intermediate and 9:130-31,190-91,233-34 Supramental consciousness 10:253-54; 11:326-27: 12:98; 15:107,117; 16:255 descent of 3:173 effect of 8:206-07 expansion and 10:115 hold all births 3:149 manifestation of 17:380 mental consciousness and 12:447-48 mental obscurations and 10:325-36 the Mother's experience of 11:202-07,210-16,326-27 on earth 10:316 ordinary consciousness and 5:302; 9:275-77,280-82 phase of realising power in 1967 16:357 psychic emotion passing to 9:325 receptivity and 10:316 reign of 10:316 relation of, to material and immaterial 10:253-54 response of 8:178 Sri Aurobindo and 11:210; 13:21 truth and 11:205 Supramental creation 8:312-17; 9:149-51,158-59; 15:385,388-90 on earth 15:404-07 see also Supramental manifestation; World, new Supramental descent 3:156,174,178,180; 8:138,204-07,219-21,291,312-17; 9:156-58; 16:237,322 aspiration and 11:314 body-transformation and 7:209 effect of 8:132-34,293,315 errors and 11:314-15 first step in preparation for 6:451 manifestation and 8:79,132-34,292,315 fn,323,325; 11:95-96 message regarding 29th February 1956 13:52 Sri Aurobindo and 13:8-9,17,19-20 translation of eternal for 11:137,146 values intensified by 11:314-18 Page - 279 Supramental education 12:38 Supramental experiences new birth precedes 9:337-38 Supramental force (s) 10:208-09 fn; 16:255 acting on matter 4:223; 11:313-18; 15:126; 16:78 applied at will 10:161-62 ascent to 7:270 beauty and 16:78 descent of forerunners of 16:322 feeling the 4:223-24 healing and 10:161 in mental consciousness 10:161 manifestation of 16:78 means of action of 9:5-6 the Mother and 11:122-27; 13:96 new 4:220; 8:137 opening to 9:5,39,110-11,117-18,241-42 passing from Sri Aurobindo to the Mother 11:328 power to change 9:240-41 receptivity to 9:5-6,39,110-11,117-18,241-42 repairing damage to the body 6:288-89 Sri Aurobindo and 13:17 Sri Aurobindo embodied in part 16:450 union with 9:118-19 Supramental forms 11:96 Supramental future 8:313-17; 17:72 Supramental god 3:179 Supramental harmony 3:163 Supramental knowledge 3:95; 5:302-03,398; 9:193-94; 15:107,110-11 understanding 4:222 Supramental life 9:324-26; 15:387-88; 16:237 aspirants to 9:150-51,169-70,241-42 cannot be realised by one Avatar 10:138 differences in 9:187-89 formation of new body in 9:85-87,127-31; 10:119-20 progress in 9:188-89 some characteristics of 9:185-89 spiritual life and 15:388-89 spontaneity 9:273-74,276-77 understanding with the body 9:325-26 Supramental light 3:147; 4:96; 16:78-79,255 Supramental manifestation 3:141; 8:205-07,313-17; 12:309; 15:98-123,411-12; 16:228-30; 17:81,380 egoism and 4:383 flower of 8:264 humanity and 6:417-18; 11:24-29,96-97,307 in body-mind 15:117,203 in stages 11:96 first stages 6:417-18 inevitable 3:139-40 the Mother's message on 15:102-07,112-13,202-03 on earth 8:126-35,219-21; 11:279,284; 15:100,202-03; 16:382 power for safety of the beings 11:52,155,315 process of 3:161-62 youth and 12:309 Supramental path 9:134 Supramental plasticity 3:175-76 Supramental presence 6:209 Supramental power effect of is irrevocable 4:383; 10:161-62 manifestation and 11:52,155,315 Page - 280 Supramental realisation 3:161-62,178-79; 10:114-15,316; 17:396 aspiration for 10:85 group necessary for 10:138 how long it will take 9:157-59,190-91 new life 9:77,169-70 individual and 10:138 two conditions for total 10:114-16 youth and 5:286-88 Supramental substance 9:314-15,325-26 Supramental transformation 8:28,49-50,323-26; 10:9 gives back health 10:328 of the body 5:59-62 of lower nature 10:44 of the world 5:302-03 process of 9:293-94 Supramental truth descent of 3:156 gods and 12:310 mind and 10:87 total and 10:253-54 Supramental vibration ego and 10:114 equality and 10:114; 11:193,195 supramental will and 10:161 Supramental viewpoint 9:276,280,282 Supramental vision 5:302-03; see also Inner vision Supramental world 3:173; 8:49,205,317 aptitude to express it 10:113-19; 15:386-90 descent of 3:157,178,180,188; 11:316-17 experience of February 3rd 9:271-83 line with ours 9:266 manifestation of 3:161-62; 16:208,430 occultism in 9:184-88 perfection in 9:185-89 silence in 9:281 vision of 5:302-03 will be brought down 3:157 Suprarational beauty 7:168-90 passim Suprarational domain 7:172 Supreme, the 5:201 consciousness reflects 4:254 creation and 11:198-207 direct contact of the physical with 11:173 Divine 16:384,389 earth and 2:95; 10:74,121-22 exact guidance from 11:184-88 exteriorisation of 5:375 identification with 10:125-26,264 incarnation of 10:74 is sole Reality 16:243 keeps body alive 10:230 man and 9:322,429-31; 10:87-88 manifesting in a limited form 11:129-30 objectivisation of 9:321; 10:99 offering to 16:243 only existence 11:38-40; see also Divine, the, alone exists opposites reconciled in 10:341-42 outside and in matter 6:210 realisation of 10:70,74,85,245,247 Sachchidananda, principle of 10:45 sacrifice and 3:172 Page - 281 soul is portion of 16:248 spiritual change and 16:223 trust in 2:62 union with 10:262; 11:129-30; 16:392 veil between material world and 17:178-79 victory of 17:402 see also Divine, the; Lord, the; Supreme Lord, the; Supreme... the Supreme adventure 8:40-41 Supreme consciousness effect of identification with 10:118 in each being 7:339 knows everything beforehand 3:28 the Mother's body incarnating the 11:168,185-88; 13:48-51 represented by the sun 3:132 union with 10:262; 11:184-88; 16:392 unity through 9:47-48 "The Supreme Discovery" 2:38-64; 16:9 Supreme faculties 16:238 Supreme fool in humanity 10:265 Supreme happiness 16:433; 17:101 Supreme knowledge 10:10 Supreme Lord 16:297-98 will of 10:252; 16:422,435-36; see also Divine will see also Divine, the; Lord, the; Supreme love 10:121,167 Supreme man divine man and 7:380 Supreme Mother see Mother, (1) the Supreme power 4:187; 17:224 Supreme purity 3:215 Supreme sacrifice 3:172 Supreme truth 4:91; 10:10 Supreme unity 10:349; 16:307 Supreme vibration 10:180-81 Supreme will 3:118-19; 4:84,339,408; 5:46-48,196; 10:74,76-82,84, 88,228-30; 16:318 Supreme wisdom 5:81; 10:15 instrument for 17:314 intervention of 11:256 Surrender 2:128; 6:219-20; 14:113-15,117,119-21; 15:419-23 absolute and complete lack of 3:6 active and passive 6:129,210-11 all must be done in spirit of 3:97 all personal will 10:352 artist and 3:47-48 attitude of baby-cat 4:94 bar to, love of limitations 3:169 changes all determinism 7:366-67 choosing to make it 4:244,343-44 deep and spontaneous, different from offering 5:54 difficulties and 14:236-37 discernment through 8:3 discipline and 3:18-19; 4:72 (tapasya) and 12:382,399-400; see also below tapasya during a cyclone 17:287 effort and 16:312 ego and 16:433 freedom and 7:246,367 Gita's concept of 8:63-64,75,80 giving everything 9:317 Page - 282 Grace, happiness and 8:255-56; 17:139,151 happy, strong and useful 4:358 hierarchy of 10:16 in action 3:18-19; 4:373 in work 5:47-48,54; 17:168 joy and 17:13 liberation and 7:246 liberty, true 4:91 mind and 3:114-16; 4:183; 9:293-94 meaning 3:114,168 necessity of 17:139,151 not abdication of personality 3:116 of the being 6:219-20 of body 10:227 of central being 3:7 of consciousness to Divine 7:255 of ego 16:186,226 of falsehood 3:141 of the Mother's body see Mother's body, the surrender of of one's nature 4:183,373-74 of personal will and choice 10:287 of the psychic 6:419 of a rebellious part 17:139-40 of vital 8:298-99 offering and consecration 4:132-34 openness, sincerity and 17:151 orders and 17:232 passive and of the will 3:18-19 path of 3:4-5; 7:250 perfect 6:129-33 perfection and 10:308 personal effort and 16:312 personal incapacity and 10:305 personality purified by 3:116-17 purpose of individual 11:185 sacrifice and 3:114; 4:315 self-giving 4:68 sincerity and 6:210-11; 17:151 staying in the Ashram and 13:115 stop resistance by total 10:235 swiftest and most radical way to get rid of ego 3:268-69 tapasya and 3:4; 4:72; 12:382,399-400; see also above discipline through knowledge or devotion 3:126 to the Divine 7:255; 10:304-05,327; 14:113-15; 16:389,433-34 to the Divine Will 8:298-99,370; 14:119-21; 16:226,324,327,389,434 to inner guidance 9:359-60 to inner spontaneity 2:51 total 4:91,343-44,347,357; 8:124-25,267,285,373-74,399-400; 10:65 transforming physical consciousness by 8:301 true 3:114-16 trust and 11:282 understanding and 10:344 uniting with the Divine and 16:161-62 use of the term 6:226-29 vital, obedience and 6:204; 8:299 will and 3:118-19; 5:46-48 willing and spontaneous 10:263 yoga and 4:72; 7:246,250,367; 8:41-42 see also Giving; Offering; Submission Sweetness 14:189 Page- 283 Symbol (s) 8:90-91,158-59,235,246 earth is 4:242; 5:275-76; 7:160,164; 9:209,321 fire as 9:222 in dreams 4:107,149; 5:28-29; 6:142-43,147-50; 7:129-30; 17:393 in visions 3:13-14 Jeunesse Sportive de l'Ashram de Sri Aurobindo 12:262 lights going out 17:42 light is 3:132; 4:219 moon 16:125 the Mother's 6:395; 13:64-65 of cross in yoga 10:260 of human authority 4:92 of inconscience 16:367 of Mahashakti 6:395 of material universe 5:275-76 of paradise with serpent 10:93 of shadow is inconscience 16:367 of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education 12:111 of the sun 3:12; 7:139 of terrestrial world 8:35 of universal movements 5:272 Olympic Rings 12:267-68 Radha, of consecration 16:175 specific 15:41-45 Sri Aurobindo's 13:28-29; 15:205 Symbolism physical 4:220 Sympathy extend to all who need? 17:146,163 for the Divine and others 17:147 for those living in ignorance 10:279-80 in typal meditation 2:29 indifference and 17:163 story illustrating 2:270-77 Symphony of gladness, perfect 17:179 The Synthesis of Yoga see Sri Aurobindo (2), works of
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