Earth 15:47,263-65,365
absence of fear on 10:89 ascent and fall on 10:92 aspiration of 11 :65
atmosphere of 8:127-28 , 178; 16:237 creators and formateurs of beings on 5:308-09 death and 10:168 decisive hour in history of 16:427 descent at Divine Love only, on 10:204 descent of Divine Mother on, 17:7:119 development of , involution and evolution 7:361-62 difficult hours come to 16:422 disorder an 10:92
the Divine and 7:193,228,380; 10:121-22,320; 16:365
Divine presence on 4:242 do work on 17:114 events important changing them 5:191-93 evolutionary planet 10:52-55; 13:376 existence of of Krishna on 10:60-61 field for progress 5:50,206-07,339; 7:76; 9:270; l2:l85-86
16:l64,434; 17:102,109,375 gods ,incarnation an 4 :184 governed by asuric forces, ignorance and falsehood 3:245; 6:169-70; 11:41; 14:209 governed by Truth 10:312 history of 4:242; 10:89; 16:421,427 identification of consciousness; with 2:130 importance of 5:275-77 in conscience on 11:87. inner progress of 3:39-40 integral servitors on 17:183 joyfu1 child on l7:l84 justice on 2:95 life of 2:l30; 7:4l8 life on 7:76; 8:202,215
1ives in deception 11:262 man on 2:44; 7:323-24; 10:137 fn manifest at ion of all worlds on 10:60 mental atmosphere of 10:28 memory of 3:94; 4:110-12,124,281-835 5:278-82; 10:92 miracles on 10:163 Page-81 moment of transition in history of 16:421 money meant to help 17:396 the Mother and 10:255; 13:37-38,41,47,51,58-59
the mother taking body on 17:65 new creation and 7:357; 11:116-18; see also World new new forces upon 4:220 offer consciousness of , to the Supreme 10:121, one cannot destroy 10:142 only place with psychic 4:164-65,243; 7:164 over mind gods and .16:235 paradise on 10:88-95,151 . . peace on 15:64-67; 17:72 , place for psychic progress. 3:198; 4:l44,165 preparation of 17:314 pressure of Truth upon l3:375 progress of 16:373; 17:102,109 ,375 prophecy of new 6:159 psychic being and 6:160-62 realisation on 3:194; 17:106 responsibility of 4:246 ; Satyayoga on? 17:78 Sri Aurobindo and 13:3-10 passim ,16-21 passim; 16:430 story of .4:22 study in ourselves whi1e on 2:128 subconscient and 11:323 subtle regions and 10:60 Supermind., rule. of, imminent on 5:283-85 Supramental and 5:203-85; 8;11,178,291-93; 10:31,316; 11:315-18
13 :52,57 ; 16:382 supramental manifestation on: 8:125-35,219-21; 11:279,284
15:100,202-03; 16:382 7:160,164.; 9:209,321
time needed for Earth to be ready 9:l41
16:331,382; 17:193-94,319,397 ; dangers of yoga and 3:4
in relation to spiritual 1ife3:l2
adjusting to change of 17:263
inner attitude and 16:290 , Page-82
regularly 16:126-27 Without desire 7:62
see also Cooking; Food belongs to perfected yogi 16:298 objectless joy 8:376
see also Ananda; Joy aim of 6:154-55; 12:l20-21 attitude and 12:340 beauty and :12:20-21 begin at or before birth 12:9; 17:372 books for reading 7:287-90,310-13 can begin b£?Tore or at birth 12:9; 17:372 cat educating kittens 5:244-45 characteristic of man 9:218-22 cinema as instrument of 7:299-300 "classics" , revading 7 :287-90 compulsion not effective 12:335 correcting wrong done through ' un consciousness 5 a 411 desires and 6:412-15; 12:121 development of individuality through 6:261 discipline in 12:193-94 doing what others do 8:179,238,240-41 : fear and 12:11,14 five principal aspects of 12:9 idea of evil 4:23-25 in the Ashram see SAICE Indian 12;251-55; .13:369-71 instinct destroyed by wrong 5:295-96 matter, spirit and ,13:369-70 memory , mental phenomena 5:270 ,290-91 mental 5:217-18; 6:l8-23; 8:181-84 ,364-66; 9:402-03 ; 12:24-29 mental 1azinsss 8 ; 186-87 money and 12:159 ,202 ,353-54 moral 9 :97-91 of body 12:7-8,12-17,275-81,285 of children see, Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education
of 1ower parts of being 17:113
ordinary , deadens the; consciousness 5:290
science or art , orientation of one's "torchlight"
special i sat ion and 6 ; 18-21
Page-83 understanding
brain formation 4:l40; 8:180-83,385-87 difficult subjects 4:198 various inf1uence an child 8:203-04 ,392 , vital 6:10-17; 12:18-23,55-57 vital forces and 12:336 . work, method of study 5:48-49 , work , utility of, crystallizing mental power; 5:26-28 yoga and 12:179-80,254
see also Learning; SAICE; Sports Students, Study, Teachers activity , passivity and 6 :113 adverse forces, counteracting attack of 5:95-96,235 attitude in each act 9:96-97
attitude of aspirants . awakening and conquering 9:421 become master of self through 9:70-71 breaking the she; 1 9:135-36 central difficulty deserves all 2:55 changing conditions of sadhana in the Ashram and ,6:297 changing somebody 5:98 . col1ective 8:249 consecration and 10:300, constant 4:346; 9:65 correct 3:249 difficulty and 9:423-24 ego and 6:330-33; 7 :363-64 ,371 endurance to change 4:251,336 en "Iightenment and 2:49 fail Lire to make 6 :267 fatigue and 16:79-80 feeling new-force 9:319 finding one's true turn of development 9:426-28 for 1ibisration 7:376 . for peace 6:314
for progress 4:7; 5:102-04; 7:202; 8:196,209,360-61;
9:173 for realisation 8:174-75; 9:116-19 gives joy 4;31—33 great opposition to 17 :133 human aspiration and 5:89; 10:244 ignorance yields to 17:103 , . impossible becomes possible through 8:384-65 in aspiration 5:89; 10:244; 16:294
individual 7:363-64 intensified by opposition 10:66 key of effort. Sri Aurobindo wants us to make 9:91-94 knowing one's capacity for work 5:320 laziness and 8:162,182,296 , 1ower nature and 6 :220-2l making 16:275,294; 17:l00,124 meditation and 16:312 men and wymon must associate in common 2:146 mental 9:124-26 ; 17:279 the Mother's, to become conscious 12:433 necessitated by reactions 17:133,364,376 Page-84 needed for or transformation l6:391 Union of all l6:380 Ashram children 6:430-32 of conscious thought destroyed at night .2:31 of desires on work 16:31
of mankind con verges 2:125; 7:329; 8:377-76
of organising circumstances 16:303 opposition to 10:66; 17,133 perseverance and persistence in 9:31; 10:246,293; 16:395-96
17:l03 the Divine and 4:411; 6:225-26 grace and 16;365 purity and l6:379 necessary to preserve faith 9:351-52 ,
will and 5:47
problem, solving a 5:220
reactions make need for 17:133,364,376
soul and 9:373-75,426-28; 10:293 to become servant of the Divine 17:113 to correct one's movements 17:375
to create harmony 17:392
to prevent war 9:3-4
to sacrif ice 8:76 to understand 8:182-84 ,358 ,385-87 ; 17:66 ,145 ,157 towards Truth 2:27,81 towards vaster perfection 9:296,298-99 transformation and 16:391 true way of 17:66,138,190,279,377 waiting and 17:57 without calculation 4:32-33 Ego 11:54-55, 167,190,219,260,307-08; 12:357; 14:203,214, 276-78,295; 15:129; 17:52,373 aberration of created material world 10:45 absence of fixed ,according to Buddhism 3:248 adverse forces and 3:218; 5:235 ambition , the canker 5:8 as prison 10:278 attachment for disinterested work 5:55-56 avoiding error and 16:402 bargaining of 5:233-34 beatitude and 10:278 becoming less and less egoistic 5:57 better to transform 16:423 Page-85 centre of preoccupation 16:l78 charity and 2:97,100 conflicts of 14:292-86 confusing service of Divine with 10:81-82 contemplation of little physical 17:171 convinced that it decides.6:51 crumbing of 2:39 cutting the knot of 6:390-91 death and 10:320 decisions and 17:263,302 definition of 3:240-41 deforms 4:401-02; 5:357-50 desires and 8:367,399; 16:246 different 'states of being and 16:432 difficult to seize 3:240' the Divine and 4:411 divine 'government and 10:315 effective remedy for 10:271-72 effort and 6:330-38; 7:363-64,371 egoless, to become , learning identification 5:219 elimination (abolition , dissolution) of 4:333,411; 9:427-28; 10:320-21; 11:215; 16:226,379,381,389-90 emergence from 7:424 enlarging range of 10:264 enthusiasm and 7:424 . . everyone not the same 8:387-88 evolution of 16:432 experience and 7:229-30 fear and 16:186 freedom and 10:264; 16:422 freedom from 8:71,114; 10;321-22 generous and wise people, pride and vanity of. 5:l4,-16,349 getting rid of 3:268-69; 6:37 ,256-63. ,332-36 ,390-91 ; 17:55,409 god of 10:93 Grace, action and 4:279-81 gratitude and 7:424 helper and bar l7:108-09 humanity and 5:12-16; 11:55 in primitive natures 17:235 individual and 3:240; 4:401-02; 7:1l,13,366,371-72; 16:304 individuality and 4:174 ; 8:367-68; 10:l09 inferiority complex and 16:269 inner reactions and 17:311 Judgment from point of view of 10:49; 16:321 justice and 2:95 Karma and 15:393 knot of 8:70 knowing God's will and 10:313-14 Krishna and 10:349 liberty, equality, fraternity and 10:307 living without 9:338 living in the 4:280-81 many 7:11 mastering the, moral perfection 9:409-10 mastery of complex individuality 9:402-03 Maya and l0:363 meaning of ego individuality 7:11-13 mental construction 4:200 mental, veiling of soul 10:55 merging in the Divine 6:254-61 mind and 4:200; 5:150; 7:364 Page-86 misery of 16:433 modesty and 16:265 the mother's body and see Mother's body, the, ego... observing action 6:402 of matter 11:298 of nations 10:257 offering to the Devine 16:379 once indispensable 3:218 overcoming 10:340 ; 16:362, 379, 422,426 personal will, discernment and 10:287 philanthropy and 10:83 physical 10:193; 11:190 poverty and 10:10:271-72 preferences 10:236 psychic being and 16:432 purpose of 7:366,371-72 reactions of 10:298 reason and 8:373 receptivity and 6:136-38 refusing to abdicate 17:333 reign of, must end 11:316 renouncing 4:70 replace with Devine consciousness 11:307,316 sadness and 16:178 "satisfying" 17:171,174 self- criticism and 6:350,402; 16:309-10 self-giving and 16:422 sensitivity and 10:304 separation and 3:241 shell of, and experiences 6:332-35; 7:229-30 sin and 10:109 social life and 10:308 sorrow and 6:144-45; 10:296 soul and 10:254, 316; 16:250 source of insincerity 8:398-99 spiritual 4:364; 5:383-85 suffering and 2:56-57; 6:144-45,405;9:41; 15:359-60 "super-ego" 7:119 superman and human 10:248 Supermind unknown and inaccessible to one with 3:242 supermental vibration and 10:114 surrender of, to devine 16:186,226,433 total lack of 10:278 understanding universe and 10:358 vanity of 5:14-16,349 viewpoint of 17:114 virtues and 5:14; 6:182-83 vital, self-conceit 9:5 war and 10:52 watching oneself and 4:361-62 will to get out of 6:37,254-61,390-91 wisdom and 10:16 withdrawal from 10:45 world created by 10:45 work of 16:389-90 see also Egoism; Egoistic... ; pride Egoism 6:253-56 ; 16:422 atmosphere full of 17:114 begins with the mind 5:150 change by revolution and 16:153 creates complications 17:167,299 Page-87
depression and 4:10 Freedom and 4:400; 10:15-16,261-62 , give yourself , without 16:182 , . hindrance to supramental manifestation 4:383 , in coming to the Mother 17:100 in inner being 6:28-29 individual 4:66 magnified philanthropy 10:83 of matter 11:298 progress stopped by 5:46,219-20; 16:128; 17:117-18, 122 ,160-61 reaction of , and pure reaction 9:6 relatively easy to correct 3:240-41 remedy for 10:271-72 selfishness 7:371-72 source of difficulties 8:135,220-21 sports and 6:28-29 suffering and 6:405; 16::290 supra mental manifestation and 4:383 transformation and 16:426 vanity and 4:39 Vedanta and 10:316 wanting to pull the Forces is dangerous 9:241-42 work on one's own self is different from 4:254,411
see also Ego
offering and 16:269-70
in devotion 8:39 transforming 7:75
Egoistic personality 2:66-67 , Egypt art in 3:109-10,339-40 feast of, 1ight 4:6 great ages of 4:312 hieroglyphs and sounds of 8:151-56 the Mother's vision of 6:155-57
viol at ion of tombs in 8:96-97
see also Buddhism the "domain of death" and 6:55
see also Entities effort towards vaster perfect ion 9:296, 298-99 of mankind 3:l50; 4:l47,156; 7:178,215-16 ; 8:291 organisation must be made for 12:181 predestined 9:92 realisation new, its effect shared by some 9:298-99,315
transformation of a small number 9:73-74 children as 5:381-82 divine 5:275-76; 17:119,185-B6 first four 5i374,376,379-81 formation and 16:375 gods, creation of the 5:372-73 Page-88 innumerable, "enemies of the Divine" 5:375 life turning into death 5:3 of adverse forces 4:88; 5:375-77; 6:247-48; 9:206-07 of Auras 6:173-74,435 o-f the Mahashakti 16:370 of the Mother 6:274; 13:76 of the over mind 5:308-09 power of 5:265 psycho-divine; evolved psychic being 5:265
truth turning into -falsehood, "Lord of Nations" 5s96,376-77,379 austerity o-f 12S64-71 bad feelings 7:81,90 beongs to higher vital , not psychic 3:124 characteristic of heart 16:177 containing and en pressing 3:10-11 effect of music on 16:225 "love" 7:90 passions 7:90 psychic 9:325; 15:344-46 sharing another's l6:231-32 vital impulses and 6:193,392-93
see also Feelings
see also ChaKras; Heart Divine is in depths of 16:172 in oneself 4:203
knowing one's soul and 16:288 depression and 16:145 facing difficulties 8:41-42 faithfulness, form of 6:42 for change 4:251,336 force of calmness 8:329-31 1earning 3:136-37 needed for transformation ion 3:l36-37; 11:1 ,3 ,8,13 ,15, 173 ,271 ,276 of body 4:54,251 of wymin equal to man's 2:143 path of yoga and " 8;261 perseverance and 8:23,41-42,394 physical 4:54,251 preserving one' s , certain victory 9:255 secret of 16:366 success and 16:134 upsetting or depression and 16:145 see a1so Perseverance; Persistence
c f, Patience . absorbing, from outside 16:224 bathed in a sea of 16:ll8 battery of 2:64 body-cells 7:72 can be cultivated 16:145 children and 4:4 concentration of 16:125,186; 17:221,303 control1ing flow of 4:161 Page-89
exchange of 4 a 4-6,32-33; 5;209-10s 16s146,429
for reproduction 16:430. from vital forces 7:72-73,137-42 given to mind l5:370 giving l6:429 in the new world 4:70 indolent 16:2B5
inexhaustible 17:404 japa and 16:224 lack of 16:ll7 1ife-energy 17:18 lost 4:l0 of Japan 2:148 of progress 2:49; 7:102 receptivity to 7:259; 8:l95-97; 16:118,124,146 sources of 6:81-82, 7 :71 ,73 ,103 ; 12:263-64; 16:140,146 ,148¦ terrestrial, contacting 4:10 utilising 16:24 vital 4:250; 6:82; 8:298-99 wasting of 4:10; 6:155-56; 8:162; 13:370 ,16 :370-71 see Also Force<s> Cf. Force, the
English language 12:21,222-23,225 be above 16:l57 distinguishing bliss from 9:6-9
ordinary 17:139 capacity for 7:423-24
increasing 16:302 behind automatic writing 5:36 behind the Elements 5:384; 7:385-86 elemental 6:55 gentle 4:275 intolerable, in physical atmosphere 4:274-76 "miracles" with help of vital 4:83,86-87; see also Vital entities Mature-entities 7:308
over mind 5:265 mental 16:225 nervous 3:89; 4:268 protective 4:63,273,324-2. subtle-physical 4 :324-25
vital 4:63,273 body perfectively adapted to 10 : 89 changing one's 7:376 children formed by 8:39i1 conditions one's search for Divine 7i425 difficulties and 3:6-7 effect of on body 5:296 expresses the individual 2:68 importance of physical 3:153-54
perfecti0n of 10:312 bodily 5:23; 11:14 knowledge and 10:l75 Page-90
in difference and 16:173,336-37 of men and wymon 2:146
of soul , basis of receptivity 4:96-97; 5:23-24; 8:68
Supermind/supramental and 10:114,117; 11:193,195; 15:ll0-11 first step in yoga 3:100 towards, food 3:123 vital being must preserve 3:136 Equilibrium 4:14-16,24,63; 11:200
accumulation and distribution , rhythmic movement 5:357-58 creation of 5:353,355; 6:171-74; 11:111-14
equality of soul and 16:323-24 error <s> Mistake <s> 4:74,214-15; 6:236-37, 342-44; 14:251-57
abolishing , and consequence of 9:59 fn Atheist , Agnostic and 10:363 avoiding 16:402 cannot vex or displease the Mother 16:143 concept in time 10:147-48 consequence s of 5:363,367; 9:57 fn; 16:323 correcting 9:306-07 cosmisvision, suffering and 10:263-64 disappearance of 9:330 Devine near to one who wants to change 5:350 Devine will and 3:162-64, 170-71 effacement of 16:307 "evil persona", a cause of 5:276 fn first effort towards Truth 2:27,81 how can one know? 16:306-07 how to abstain from 12:126 in ridiculing others 10:21 in world of reflections 10:126-27 justified 10:147 Lord's use of 10:339 obstacle to charity 2:98-99 of creation 10:223-24; 11:170 of humanity, clinging to past 9:197-98 of lower vital 7:70 of religion 9:407-08 one loves one's 3:192 perfection and 3:192 persisting in 3:192; 4:74,333 possibility and 10:151 punishment and 16:233 renunciation of 8:294-95; 10:172-73 rule to protect from 16:120 sudden vision of all 10:121 supermental descent and 11:314-15 Page-91 there is none 10:l50
through ignorance 7:411; 10:47; 16:307 understanding one's 5:55-56
way to escape consequences 10:277
birth of, on earth 9:177-78
we carry in ourselves 61:60,435-36
learn to drink from 16 :118
is term of soul 10:261 peace of 17:182
sleep of consciousness for 17:184
absence of inner sense of. people of l0:96 state of, in 1931 16:6-7
war, effect of 4:303
bad things easier to do 5:234-36
conscious of, that one does 3:197 Page-92 death and failure not 10:263 desire and 10:263 disorder, separation from the Devine 5:310 the divine and 4:288; 7:425; 16:185 easier to do 5:234-35 "evil, persona" 5:276 fn fear, very bad thing 5:318-19 from spiritual point of view 3:189 God and 4:25,80,119; 5:73; 9:180-81; 10:311; 11:109,112,210,212 ; 16:301,381 grace and 6:216-17 harm, by so-called sannyasin 8:72-73 healing 7:425; 10:71-74; 16:185 human fallibility and 10:312 idea of 4:23-25; 9:134; 10:72 ignorance's, bad 5:414 karma 8:82 limit to excess of 7:424-25 meeting in sleep 17:150 mental formations, harming through 5:133 nature of 10:315 only way to escape 10:277 psychic being and 16:249 remedy for 5:73,147,365 source of 3:102 story of serpent and 10:92-94 tamas and wickedness 5:415 victory over 9:4-5 see also Bad.... Evolution 8:322; 11:161-64,167199,238; 12:116; 15:118; 16:224 accident of 10:90 aim of 9:182-83,321-23 all happiness conducive to 2:68 atheist and universal 10:28-29 children and 5:345-36 christ and 10:61 conscious, of humanity 7:357 descent of consciousness precedes development of form 9:218-22,237-38 desire and 17:102 evolutionary and evolutionary being 5:324 evolutionary curve in human experience 7:305,364 first man 7:332 goal of 9:321-23 human 5:333-36; 6:222-23; 10:209; 16:432 in cycles 4:311 individual and universal 2:128; 9:214-16, 225-29, 323 involution and 7:361-62; 9:204 fn , 220-21 justice in present state of 2:95 life is in perpetual 2:25 man and lower levels 7:324-25 man becomes god through 10:93 methods of 2:83-94 Page-93 mind and 10:89-91 Nature's ways and 7:162 new race and 7:333, 9:313-14 objectification and 10:162-63 of art 5:333-39 of creation 16:284 of humanity 7:357; 10:296--97; 16:432 of life 2:158-59 of matter 9:208-10 over-mind gods and 16 :235 past, approach to Divine 7:374 plan behind 7:321 progressive 2:66; 9:209-10; 10:89-90 psychic being and 5:265 ; 16:247-48 purpose in, knowing through experience 8:182 raison d'etre of 9:208-209 rebirth and 15:361-64 role of sorrow in 10:296-97 sensitivity in stage of 2:55 serpent as power of 10:93 soul in 17:78,81 speech and 6:222-23 "spirals in a globe"
constructed by the children 5 :345-46 spiritual 2:161-62 stages in the transformation ion of the body and 11:46-53 suffering, and 11:43 superman and new race 7:333; 9:313-14 supramental 10:164 ; 17:343 teachings of life's 2:l58-59 thought and progressive 2:90 tragedies as movements in general 10:279 transformation and 16:383 unfinished 10:256 vice and virtue used for l6:267 war and 10;52-53
Mill and 9:259-60; 10:77 helping by 17:377 is best teacher 8:122 1eaders must be 12:357-58 most powerful instructor 12:194-98,360,363-64 of integral activity 2:70
setting most useful 2:66-67 cure for body 16:131
for becoming conscious 4:38--39,08 for headache '16;130 of concentration 16:318 physical 3:319-20; 12:52-53, 3:381-82 regularly 16:127 to widen the mind 4:43-47 yogic 12:287
.see, also Physical education aim of 8:120; 9:208-09; 16:386,412,421.425,432; 17:379 basis of 10:99 conditioned by adverse farces 6:462 cosmis 3:165 Page-94 earth-worm 5:394 eternal beyond life and death 2:202 God's 10:32-35 passim imagination and 8:9 Master of 8:113-14 of heaven 10:64-65 of Krishna on earth 10:60-61 of physical life 9:41; 16:64 problem of 8:266-70 psychic organises 7:222-26; 9:269 three conditions which characterise 3:248-49 Experience <s> 14:55-60 absolutely convincing 10:265 abstraction of 7:42 action of transforming power 8:341-43 as different points of view 8:105 attitude mental, during 8:237,331-32, 342-43 being greater than one's 8:278-79 carried from life to life 10:97 change and 9:240 change of consciousness 8:12, 402-04 changing knowledge into 8:67,101 come from Devine Grace 8:279 communicating 4:222 concentration and 7:79 conscious, always remembered 7:97 consciousness absorbed by 6:362-65 consciousness to understand 4:234 craving for strong 16:147-48 death without dying 12:347 denial of 10:212 desire and 10:32-33 direct of, devine consciousness 3:134-35 doubt and 10:12 dreams and 6:147-48; 185-86,448-49; 7:79-80, 119-20; 16:317 ego and 7:229-30 evaluation of 4:229-30 explaining 8:237,331-32,341-43 faith and 6:122-124; 10:14 fear and 6:190 formulation of 3:17; 7:360; 15:372 future "reversal" promised by 8:71,172 good, gives strength 17:96 happiness and 17:89 having 7:77-80; 10:19-20 how to esten coming of 16:99 human 7:305,364 imitation and true note of 16:316 individual 10:14,21,183 inner 4:349-50; 6:393; 7:292; 9:162-63 integral yoga and 14:56 keep it, let it grow 17:386 knowing Devine by 10:34; 16:239 Knowledge through 8:182; 11:217-19 language and 10:184-85 liberation from ego-limitations 8:114 life is 7:77 maintaining contact with outer being 6:427-28 memory, objectivity and 11:79-83 Page-95 mental construct ions 4 :194 mental preparation Far 6:350-51 mental, of Sachchidananda 4:399-402 metalasation (explanation , description) of 11 :89-90 ,112-14
162-64,194-95,235-37,267-68; see, also
experiences of ,
"negative and positive." side" of ,7:205 of freedom 10:196 of identification with physic 6:332,334 of infinite 10:98 of the Kundalini 7:212-13 of losing everything 17:58 of others 5:362-66
of other worlds 15:307,338-39,341-43,352-54, of self-giving , 8:85,279,286 of sudden opening 6:422-23 of true consciousness 8:403-05 of universal order 17:184 of unreality of life 11:17,31 ,40 ,195 ,219-19 of wideness see consciousness, past 5:285,364-65, 15:76 power of 10:il85 profiting by 5:362-65; 9:31 progress and 6:351-55 psychic 4:143-51,310, 6:332,334; 7:77-78,374 psychic influence and 7:263-64; 10:39 purification of 7:13-14 reason and 7:41-42; 10:182;17:l76-77 relations with the Divine 8:121-22 relativity of 8:363 return of a good 17:57 role in spiritual life 6:351-55 scripture and 10:l82-83 seeing behind words 4:64 seized by mind and vital ;6:396-97 should come spontaneously 6:433 silencing the mind 4:62,182,231. sincerity and 4:135; 10:32-34 passim,184-06 soul 's 10:183,354 spiritual see Spiritual experiences Page-96 spontaneous and Mentalised 7:212-l5 sudden opening 6:422-23 talking about 4:76-77, 91 ; 16:22,86 thinking with 12:187-90 transcendental , untranslatable 4:221-22 translating in all parts of being 8:342,380-61 true 10:19 ; 16:323 truth of 4:395 typal 7:80 understanding 4 :234 ; 7:360; 8:67,237,341-42; 9:182); 10:210 value of , power to change 9:240 varying 8:171-72 wanted by psychic being 6:447-48 words and 10:70,184; 16:323
work and 7:291 col1ective 10:270 effect of reserve and doubt on 16:41 of the Ashram 8:161-62
with the physical mind 6:224-25 12:102, 15:320; 16:32 Exterior being equanimity in 5:23 expression of emotion and 3:11 insincerity in 3:153 perishable formation. 3:148 see also Outer being Exterior consciousness
may deny percept ion of psychic 3:152
are useless 16:144
and rebirth 3:145-46 bringing yourself back 7:135-36 dreams 8:116-19
going out of the body 4:124,126-31,220,270,321-23; 5:53 going to other planets 7:l65-67 mental, vital, physical 7:230 of mind and vital 4:l30; 5:295; 6:l91; 16:400 partial 8:277-78 spontaneous , somnambulism 8:277 story of cats 4:321-23
total 4:142; 5:295 answers from 16:25 helping or barring the path 8:3,290-91 care and resting of 16:81-82 hand on the 4:274 illness o-f 17:251,347-48,403 inner, and physical 16:33 1ike doors or windows 5:219 mirror of soul 4:26; 9:308-09 observing oneself sharply 5:6 of cats 4:322-23 of children 4:26 spoiling eyesight 16:32-83 Page-97 subtle-physical 4:320 Page-98 |