Tagore, Rabindranath 16:6 about depression 17:68 about one's experience 4:76-77, 16:22, 86 about so-called spiritual thing 17:166 about work 17:166,285, 292-93 about yoga 17:21, 73, 83-84 attitude behind important 16:22 chit chat (idle small talk) 16:181, 17:10, 22-23, 62 control over 17:8, 73, 33-34 developing one's thought and 16:244 during work 17:207 keeping quiet and 16:194 in sleep 16:400 late night 17:60 only what is indispensable 17:51 open frank and cordial 17:285 remaining un affected by 17:50 spoiling peace 17:95 unnecessary 9:143, 16:181, 17:56 wasting love in excess 17:54 when it is Sri Aurobindo who speaks 17:330 with others 16:86, 17:22-23, 33-34, 53, 58, 61, 136, 153, 165-66 see also Speech word (s) Tamas 11:2, 41, 14:319,17:9, 87, 100, 316 being awakened from 4:349 cowardice and 7:25-26 despair and 10:56 Divine consciousness can change 17:287-88 excitement and 5:424-15 found and 4:334 in body 12:394, 116:297 in mind and reading 16:267, 17:152 laziness and 4"366-67 mental 12:133, 135-36, 390, 10:281, 17:291 progress and 12:347 sadism and 10:106 shaking off 16:62 sleep and 15:399-401 studies and b 12:397, 16:294, 17:83-84, 152-53, 173 yoga and 16:339 see also inertia, Laziness, Tamasic Tamasic body work and see also Laziness Tamasic Consciousness 10:53 Tamasic nature 5:120,415 Tamasic part sattwic part of the being and 16:157 Tamasic tendency of outer nature 16:303 Tamil 12:223-25 Tantras 16:367-68 Tantric system 17:395 Tao 2:64, 125; 8:2B2-86 Tapasya 14:45 abolition of ego, by and purity 16:379 danger of 4:72 definition 4:343-444 Page - 285 discipline and 3:4, 12:382, 399-400 inner and outer 6:410 of beauty 1.2;:55-56 of power 12 ;55-56 path of 3::4 realisation (siddhi) and : 8:173--74 right way of doing :4:364 surrender and 4:72; 12;382, 399-400 see also Austerity; Discip1ine Tartini 4:127 Taste animals' sense of 17;246 bad, obstacle to progress 7:298-99 criticism of people without 16:60 1;. development of 7:57--59,185 for adventure 8;40 for studies 16:l98 for suffering 2;56 greed and 7;58-59 in the modern world 7:299 literature cultivates 7:309 perversion of 7:299-300 source of 7;59 spoiling of 7; 310--11. training of 6;83 c f. Senses, education of Teach (s) 12:368--85 ,408-29 ; 17; 308 i attitude of 17:301-02, 323 attitude towards 12',160; 16;; 403-04 criticism of other 12:185 during the class 5;299-301 essential condition ' for . 12;360-61 example most important 12; 194--98 ,254 ,359-60 ,363-64 first duty is to do sincere yoga 12;376 has no right to punish 12;;380 a hero and yogi 8:354 how to allow the Mother to help 12: 335-36 inspiration and knowledge of 4:41 living in Ashram and right attitude of 12;366-67 maintaining discipline 12:334-3 8 meditation and intuition of, in the classroom 12:424-27 mental laziness of 8:186-87 mission of 4:3 must be psychologists 12:371 ,374 ,376-78 must be respectable 16:201 must not be absent 12:193 prayer for 12;381 preparing own choice 5:106 reaction against 17:269 ' representing the truth 4:92-93 role of 5;106; 8;:80-82,186,353-57 spiritual 4:75,82; :-ee also Guru subjects taught should coincide with personal experience of 12:199 successful 12:167-68 students and 17:307-08 ,312--13 true capacity of 16:262 c f. Education; Teaching Page - 286 Teaching 8:154, 12:167-97, 368-85, 408-29, 439. as part of sadhana. . 17:271-72, 308-13, 373-74 at present, a sort of levelling 5:106 austerity and 12:61-62' the body 10:171-72, 11:13-15 by imposing an enlightened will 17:327 children and intellectual study 12:334 compulsion not effective 12:335 criteria -for assessing : 12:378
freedom and d 12:286 good students 12:171 idea of evil 4;23-25 Indian languages 17:213-14 interest of students and 12 : 171 ,301-02 ,3C>7-08 ,389 listening well and 8:236-37 the Mother's way of 8:311; 9:372-75 new consciousness and 12:114 new method of 12:406-07 relativity of 6;358-59 scientific: 5:205 Sri Aurobindo's works 12;208-15 silence and 12;331-32 stressing growth of the soul 17:270 tests and 17:307-08 true 8:311 wanting it to enter you 8:237 wel1 17:373-74 cf. Education; Teachers Teachings of the prophets ' 9:300-01 of Sri Aurobirido see. Sri Aurobindo ( 1 ), teachings of religious, and Sri Aurobindo/s 10:96; 15;408-10; 16:414 spiritual and religious 12:12 0 understanding 8:237 Tears indicate a weak and paltry nature 16;371-72 the Mother moved by children to 3:159
Technology 12:252-377 revolt and bad 16;71 loss of 16;26, 33 Temples 17:43 occupied by vital beings 6:194-97 sacrifices in, human and animal 5:347-48
Temptation 16:197 relief of 17:195 silence as remedy for l6:271
Teresa, Saint 4:287 on Karma 6:1-2 Thesis antithesis, synthesis and 4:44 Page - 287 Thinking about death 8:87 about, oneself 17:24 ,77-78 ,100, 407 about others 16:133, 185, 17:167 about work 17:168-69, 205 clearly 9:287-89; 1.6? 281 human 2;22 in the true way 17:64 of the Divine; 17:407 of the Mother 16:122, 227-28 of other things 17:26 progress and. 9:412 speaking and 4:201 with ideas 12;187-90; 16:244-45 with words 4:99, 204 see aso Thought (s) This 1ife offers all possibilities; 16;164
Thompson, Francis .16;291 concentrated in different parts of the body 6:310 -12, 314 -15 Thought-forms see Format i on (s) ; Mental formation (s); cf Vibrations Thought (s) 2:21-29, 73-92; 4;201; 5:74-75, 8:183, 189-90, 254, 309, 390; 9;286-90; 14:365-66 about oneself 17; 77-78, 100,150, 161, 407 about work (responsibilities) ,, 17:168-69, 180-81 actions of 2;24, 61,,85-86; 8;359; 10:124, 146 analysing 2:25; 4:94 answering mentally 17:352 as living and acting being 2:28, 78, 83 attitude towards 2:75 autonomous existence of 2;84 avoidance, rejection and transformation of 6:22-23
bad 5:146-47, 7:81; 8:207-10; 9;252-54; 16:129 262
let the Mother know 16:171 be conscious of 2;22-25, 31, 98, 111 beautiful 2:60; 5:388 behind word 2:63 body, compared with 4;219-20 brain and 6:307, 310-12, 314-15 the central 2:39, 93-94 channel of Grace 11: 42-43 collective suggestions and 2:76, 4:236 collective victory of 2:89 concentration of 6:310-12 ; ' 16:166, 228 consciousness and 4;240, 319 control of 2:61-62, 90; 3:183-84 ,186, 230; 4:335, 9::250--54, 387-88 craving expressed in 2:87-88 creative 8;395-96 development of 12:142; 16:244 direct contact, through 7;219-20, 230 directed and sustained 2:90 Divine vibration cannot be 10:155 dramatizing things 17:138 effect of objectivising 2:23 endeavour to make actions conform to 2:24 extends beyond personal interest 2:155 Page - 288 from above and impulses 6:319 from outside 2:84 giving thoughts one cannot assimilate 2:100 habit of 2:76 harmony and 2:92 human,is creative 10:65 ideas and 4:47,202; 5:108-12,399; 8:344-46,395; 9:381-83 identification with author's 5:223 ill-directed, ill-controlled, does harm 3:211-12 in Dhammapada 2:87 in Europe 10:307 independent, conditions for 2:24 individual 2:24,27-28,86 light and 2:85; 4:219 living images produced by 2:108 lover of 2:80 malevolent, chief cause of division 2:92 market-place of 6:316 "master of thought" 2:61-62; 7:93 mental formation see Mental formation(s) method of widening 5:221-22 multiple 7:220 nature of 2:21-28,75-92 observation of 2:23-25,61; 3:183-84,230-31 of child 2:79 of death 3:187-88; 8:87 of one God in all 2:66 of other's faults 17:167 one becomes what one thinks 17:31 opinions and 2:23-24 organisation and 9:251-54 perversion of 7:90 pessimistic 16:187 physical transformation and 9:131-32 polite expressions without real 17:350 power of 2:85-86,107-08,153-54; 5:19,132-33,387; 9:186 precision without 11:10-12,130-31 primary importance of 2:74 progress and 2:60,86 progressive evolution and 2:90 projected as image in meditation 6:378 qualities of 2:21 realisation and 8:30,396-97 result of sensations 2:21-22 sacrifice of 2:27 silence and 2:79 speech and 6:222-23,375-76; 12:60 subconscient and 2:85 subtle vibrations of 2:85 suggestion and 4:236 summit of 2:27 synthesis of pure and powerful 2:90 to fight against 2:89 transformation of 6:22-23 true region of 9:289-90 truth and 2:27,78; 6:358-59; 10:123 two observations on 2:75 understanding others' 5:74-75 union with others and 2:110-11 uniting 2:109 value of 2:93 Page - 289 vibration of sound and 2:63-64; 8:311; 9:287-89 watch over 3:183,185 "we are surrounded by..." 5:383,386-87 widening, to understand 4:266-67 will-power and 2:86 word as result of living 2:64 words and 3:195-96; 4:99; 6:95,222-23 asking questions of the Mother 6:199-201 work of 2:86-92 see also Mind; Thinking Thyanaraja 3:105 Time 8:98,109-10,233; 10:244; 11:120,168,194,199,275-76,288 beyond, consciousness of three "times" 7:220 body bearing pressure of 16:366 by human measure and the Divine will 6:458-59 changed sense of 11:53 changes with the plane 4:220 concentration and 7:127; 17:369-70 creation and 4:161-62,220,394 Divine and 10:147,320; 16:153 dreams and 3:165 earth and 9:141 error, concept in 10:147-48 eternity and 4:232,394; 17:242 for progress in earthly life 5:50,206-07,339; 7:76; 9:270; 12:185-86; 16:164,434 for reading 17:146 for study 17:91 in physical, vital, and mental planes 7:219 in the world 2:154-55; 16:87 is relative 3:66; 4:232 is a succession 4:162 living in an exceptional 2:154-55 lost 3:209; 4:330-31 the Mother's personal experience of 15:402 the Mother's and Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16:165 the Mother's use of 6:245; 16:266 nature of mentality since Buddha's 3:235-36 necessary for realisation 9:190-91 of death 5:215-16,261-65; 6:449-50 on physical plane 7:221 on Supermind plane 4:162 our relation with 7:365 past, present and future 15:76-81 patience 5:397; 16:87 rhythms, cycles of 7:336 sense of, in subtle physical 11:80 space and escape from 17:181 forms of all cosmic existence 3:165 going out of 9:2 in vital world 3:165 possibilities in 7:262-63 Supermind and 9:157-59
thing is and is not at same 10:148 "the time is near" 7:326-28,330 "Time presses" 9:74 to find oneself 10:199-200 transcendence and 4:394 transformation and see Mother's body, the, transformation of, time and Page- 290 war and 9:168-69 wasting 17:79 work and 10:303-04 yoga and 16:133 Timidity 14:301 Tiredness 14:267; 17:35,208,346 comes from the vital 16:113 Coue's method and 16:80 due to inactivity 16:147 follow a physical discipline 16:127 from sleep 17:93,150 going to bed late 16:82-83 homework and 17:311 how to stop 17:151,303 need to sleep 17:151 rest and 16:79; 17:63,151,362-63 while writing 17:148 see also Fatigue Titan (s) 10:355 beings of ill-will 5:150 four strides to immortality 10:357 gods and 10:245-46,282 human wars as seen by 5:267 Scandinavian story about 10:309-10 universal 5:267 Tobacco 6:74-76 Today and tomorrow 16:182 Tolerance 14:201; 15:298 Tomorrow and today 16:182 Toothache 6:406-08 Torment 16:126 do not torment yourself 16:99,142,144 Torture 6:70-71 Tournaments true attitude towards 12:270 Town model 3:179 Tradition(s) ancient, of seven universes 4:23 fn Buddhist, of 2500 years 8:151 Chaldean, advice to novices 8:402 different in every country for same event 9:333 Earth is symbolic 9:209 "glorified body" of very old 9:85-86 gods incarnating on earth 4:184 living, of yoga in India 7:342 most ancient 9:332-33 Nordic 4:314 occult, appearance of first man 9:236-38 of creation 4:234; 5:352-53; 16:370 of rapid union with the Divine 5:328-29 of twelve men calling Divine 7:415; 8:93 pralaya 4:218 promised things 8:127 psychic, of terrestrial formation 4:243 Upanishadic 8:333-34 Tragedies 16:302 Page - 291 Tranquillity static power in 4:368-69 see also Peace Transcendence 4:393-94 Transcendent Divine how to approach 16:352-53 is both one and two 4:393-95; 16:374-75 Transcendent states consciousness in 17:184 Transfiguration of the being 17:181 Transformation 5:58-62; 11:199; 15:300,314-18,389 achieved in silent concentration 17:107,373 action and 2:106-07 adverse forces and 5:95; 7:2,406; 16:384 ascent of humanity and 10:249 aspiration for 9:191; 16:391 attitude towards 10:304 beginning of 16:421 best way to hasten 10:289 brings knowledge of God in lower nature 10:44 by inspired knowledge 10:143 by love 17:54 certainty of success 13:21 change and 4:102,336,349-50 changing difficulties, in oneself and others 5:303-04 one's way of being 4:121-22,253,262,333,373 play of Nature 9:33-36 world 4:253; 5:44-45,100 collaboration in 16:383 condition of earth and 11:279,284; 16:382 consciousness to realise 9:35-36 consecration and 16:371 consenting to be spiritualised 9:74-78 constant 4:214 continuous and total 10:77 death and 16:324 demands of 16:371 destruction and 10:349 discover what needs 17:375 disgust, revolt and 10:76 the Divine and 15:91-95 divine emanation for world-transformation 5:275 Divine force and 7:322; 17:350 Divine love and 3:171-72; 10:261,300 during dynamic meditation 8:88-89 effort and 16:391 egoism and 16:426 egoistic movements and 7:75 elements which do not wish to change 4:73-74,332,410 evolution and 11:46-53,71-72; 16:382 expressing the Divine 5:322-24 few are ready for 11:24-29 finance, politics, science 7:301-02 first necessity for 16:431 fixity of nature and 2:53 gives power of victory 16:384 hastened by destruction 17:256,287-88 health and supramental 10:328 helping movement of 9:416-17 Page - 292 history of 9:412 hostile forces delay 7:2,406 in life 3:198 in stages 15:404-07 individual and collective (social) 2:47-48; 4:382-83; 5:62; 7:323; 10:316; 16:329 inner 3:218; 10:47 integral 3:24; 8:83,247,323,366; 15:95-98 of terrestrial life 16:154 positive and negative movement 4:358-59 progressive 9:107-11 Integral Yoga, third stage of 7:407-08 into world-personality 8:378-81 joy, the means of 7:402 Kali's force, Divine Love and 16:370 key to true 10:19 knowledge that brings 10:144 leads to consciousness of Lord 10:243 liberation and 16:165 life in perpetual 2:93 love and 10:72-73 love and force needed for 10:261 man and superman: intermediary states 9:411-12 man not ready for 7:127,323,355 material difficulties and 16:354 means of self-transformation 5:44-45 mental self-sufficiency and 9:419-21 mental, vital, and physical participation in 9:345-46,399-400 mind and 8:343; 10:69; 16:354 mixture before 17:100 new emergence, unique event 9:293-94 new force needed for 7:187 new race and 7:324 new realisation, effect of 9:298-301 new world and 7:324,357,402 nothing will stop it 3:140 of "animal into the Driver of the herds" 8:377-79 of animal species 7:329; 9:232-33 of body see Transformation of the body of body-consciousness 6:110-11; 15:315-16 of consciousness see Transformation of consciousness of desire-soul 8:306-07 of earth 5:276; 10:220 of the elite 9:73-74 of "enjoyings" 8:376-77 of a hostile being 5:98-100 of the individual 8:378-81 of matter 10:144-45,210-11 and inmost being 2:52 of the Mother's body see Mother's body, the, transformation of of nature 8:62-63,245-46,381 of oneself 4:39,77-78,102-03,118,338; 16:179-80 of ordinary human consciousness 3:178 of organs 10:145-46 of the physical consciousness 8:300-01 of the planes 9:106 of politics 7:301-02 of "reason into ordered intuition" 8:382 of science 7:301-02 of the shadow 6:263 of the subconscient 15:316-18 Page - 293 of the vital 4:247-56; 15:96 of the world 3:128; 10:289; 16:311; see also World, transformation of of thoughts 6:22-23 of the whole being 16:368 open the door to 17:364 overcoming obscurities 5:19-20 period of transition 17:97 physical see Physical transformation physical education and 12:278-81 poetic way of expressing 16:387 power of 3:171-72 present conditions and sincere effort for 16:383 previous life and 17:109 problem of, and right attitude 3:154-55 problem of creating new body 10:119-20 process of 7:204; 10:192-93 progress, inner, and 4:181 progressive 9:107-08; 10:218-19 prophesy (revelation) and 11:86-87,89-90 the psychic and 9:293-94; 11:280; 15:95,97 psychic being works for 7:76 psychic presence and 5:99-100 race, intermediary 9:130-31,190-91,233 rejection and 7:83-84,95-96 release from mental misery 9:303-05 religion and 5:83 response to Supreme vibration and 10:180-81 simplicity and 10:169 sincerity, transforming power of 8:399-400 slow process will not change world 10:189 spiritual conversion and 2:162 sports and 12:290 Supermind and 3:174; 5:302-03 Supramental see Supramental descent; Supramental transformation supramental vibration and 10:180-81 supreme love and 10:74 terrestrial, Sri Aurobindo presides over 2:47-48; 7:327 three approaches to 11:60 time and (it is a long process; it is near; now is the time, etc.) 11:1, 33, 46-53, 72-73, 84-86, 95, 100-01, 121-23, 142, 146-47, 159-60, 166, 173, 181, 194, 204, 206, 217, 223, 250, 255-57, 266, 275-76, 283, 307, 323 total, needs several people 7:415 true union with the Divine Presence 17:372,379 understanding and changing 8:98-102 unifying one's being and 16:396 universal 6:245 vanity getting rid of through 5:48 vital opening to divine influence 5:117 process of 4:180,247-54 war and 10:53 wastage of energy 15:370 way of "ending" 10:218-19 weaknesses, searching for 4:252,337,361-62 without clash or damage 16:378 without decay 5:116 work of, long and slow 9:348-49 work of true self 2:23 world-transformation 5:266-67; 11:51-52,109-10,180-82 world and 11:51-52,109-10,180-82 Page - 294 wrong movements 7:84,89 see also Change; Transformation... Transformation of the body 3:175-76; 4:18; 6:36-37,114; 10:27-32 passim,84,193-94,248,354-55; 16:324,392 Ananda Aspect of the Mother and 6:292,302-04 collective change and 5:62 follows mental transformation 9:106 in stages 11:46-53,71-72,181,305 interesting problem 9:232-33 intermediary race 9:190-91 keeping body alive during 10:146 of organs 10:145-46 one body or collective 11:52,109-10,135,145-46,180-82 only interest of the body 9:191 physical 8:207,300-01 physical (body-) mind and 11:16-21,74,280 physical knowledge and 6:110-11 supreme capacity 9:86-87 three hundred years minimum needed for 5:58-59 see also Mother's body, the, transformation of Transformation of consciousness 8:11-12,76-77,172-76,268-69, 402-05; 9:117-19; 12:80-81; 15:314-18 psychic mirror 5:9-10 changes things 5:386 need of 8:96,98 Transition see Transformation Transmission of faculties 8:319-20 Transparency 14:187 Trees aspiration of 5:229 food, bamboo sprouts, coconut flowers 5:366 fruits, strange 5:364 gardener in Japan 5:325 love in 5:243 medicinal plants 5:365 palm-tree in the Ashram 5:113 parasites on 5:339 Troubles 16:216 only way out of 16:206 see also Difficulties True being 16:124,154-55 character, the body and 6:1 how to know 3:124 in the heart 3:1 realising 16:117 soul and 16:229 stands behind formations of past births 3:149 True consciousness 4:1-2,234; 11:109,114,135,140-41,159,166, 177, 194-95, 205, 209, 230, 266, 269 building up 16:378 difficulties vanish 7:400 experience of 8:403-05 True life first condition of 16:295 you must become aware of 16:136 True vision 11:221 Trust 12:125 between the Mother and a sadhak 17:137,174,197 faith and 6:120-25,403-04; 8:242,257-58,262; 9:162-64 fear and 16:194-95 for converting the vital 17:121 Page - 295 in the Divine 16:27; 17:47,157,387,415 in the Divine Power 16:187 in the Grace 7:403; 8:38-39,251,254-55; 9:428; 14:96-99; 16:195,252,297; 17:140,151 in the great Supreme 2:62 in an intermediary 17:123 in life 5:297-98 in the Mother 16:129,169 like a child 17:121,157 overcoming difficulties 6:445 receptivity and 6:403-04 spontaneous and absolute 17:157 story about losing 5:31 surrender and 11:282 tempting God 7:403-04 see also Confidence; Faith Truth 2:5; 3:133; 11: 266,288; 12:10-11, 113-14, 126, 175, 185, 189; 13: 223; 14:204-07, 211-14, 226, 288, 291, 365, 369-70; 15:98,119, 202, 298,417-18 above all opposites 10:315 above virtue and sin 10:348 absolute can conquer hostile forces 16:50 unthinkable for mind 10:66 accept apparent denial of 10:214 acting according to 16:268 acting contrary to 4:24 age of 16:213 aim of life and 14:4-5 appearances and 10:45,48; 16:391-92 arriving at 4:284-85 as a shield 16:214 aspect of That 4:2 aspiration towards sun and 2:28 atmosphere of in Ashram 9:70 attitude for understanding 4:49 beauty and 7:279 beyond all explanation 4:22 calling down 17:249,356 cause, origin and process of 5:41 cells of body will share in delight and 9:42 central 8:174-76,337,380-81 compared to white light 10:3 condition for seeing entirety of 10:124 conscience and 16:348 contacting the 9:257-58 descent of Divine 3:79-80 dharma, truth of each thing 5:356-57 difficult conquest 10:294 difficulties and 14:236,250 direct approach for understanding 9:285 disorder and 16:341 distortion of Divine 10:102 the Divine and 10:288,312; 14:209-11; 15:87 fn; 17:386 earth governed by 10:312 effect on reason 10:8-9 error and 2:27,81; 10:20,147-56 passim essential, and illusory appearance 16:391 "eternal word" 5:354-55 everything different in 10:46 expresses only the highest 7:286-87 Page - 296 eyes fixed on 17:392 falsehood and 5: 22, 98, 376-77, 379; 10:67; 12: 303-04, 322-23, 404; 14:208-11; 15:87 fn; 16: 194, 313, 341 finding the 5:40; 9:407; 10:25 folly as distorted mask of 10:98 four attributes of 12:8 Four Noble Truths 3:248 hidden behind things 9:200-01 higher, must be told 17:216 highest for us now 10:9 how to discriminate 12:303-04 in art 3:110; 4:313 in daily life 17:213,241 in individual 10:138-39 individual experience not a universal 10:183 inner 4:24-28; 9:111,117 integral 2:27 international conflict and 13:389-90 irrefutable, religions try to impose 9:407-08 judging according to success and failure 5:269 knowledge of 4:3,20-21,158,387; 11:266 Law of, in manifestation 11:75-77 "lesser Truth" 4:344 lies in that which goes behind 10:250 life governed by Divine 10:313 literature and 12:144-45 living 2:105 living according to 10:301 living in Divine's Presence 7:410 logic and 10:68 "Lord of Falsehood", "Lord of the Nations" 4:184-88 passim; 5:98,376-79 manifesting on earth 11:85-86 means for discovery of greater 2:160-61 men's attitude toward 17:94 mind and 12:249 mind incapable of knowing 10:256 miraculous and 2:78 morality and 4:11 the Mother's experience of 10:187-90 the Mother's only aim 5:352,354-56; 17:65,385 negation of, constant 5:376 newspapers and 16:416-17 not expressed by words 8:56 nothing fixed in 10:243 of Avatar 10:254-55 of the being 6:27-28,165-67; 12:351; 17:182 of diverse action 8:408 of essential love 10:217-18 of every being 8:136,141-42,280-81,326,387,396 of experiences 4:395 of laws of Nature 8:316-17 of materialists 2:125 of self 4:36; 7:240 of thought 2:77-78 of the universe 5:40,82 only support 9:255 opinion and 10:86; 14:214-15; 16:338 opinion of 3:138 or the abyss 17:297 order of 4:406 Page - 297 partial and true 4:116 personal contact with 10:21 philosophy and 5:406-07 physical capable of receiving and manifesting 11:230 politics, justice and 16:376 power of 9:392-93; 10:39-40 practising to understand highest 9:70-71 pressure of 13:375 falsehood and 16:341; see also above falsehood and progress and 10:145 psychic and 15:325-27; 17:80 readiness for descent of 17:404 reason and 12:334 received by psychic and transmitted 17:80 relativity of 10:147 religion and 2:82; 10:286; 15:417 report things exactly 16:36 requires no advertisement 3:83 resistance to 17:272 rules and 7:286 satisfaction in 3:201 scientific knowledge as absolute 10:136-37 seen in distorted medium 10:2 senses and 14:382 serving 16:332 shall triumph 17:253 showing to physical consciousness 3:130-31 siding with 17:242,283 sincerity and 5:302-03; 7:88-89; 10:25 soul-type 5:356-57 speaking the 14:216-17 spiritual 16:315 subconscient and 14:388 Sun of 17:386 superman and 3:161-62; 16:436 supramental see Supramental truth supramental consciousness and 11:205 supreme 4:91; 10:10 surpasses thought 4:215 systems and 10:136-40 teachers representing 4:92-93 thought and 2:27,78; 6:358-59; 10:123 to be found behind 17:334 transformed into action 2:105 understanding behind events 5:194-95 understanding beyond mental formulas 5:88 understanding the 9:406-07 unwillingness to recognise what is true 3:192 value of a man 8:136 virtue and 10:348 vision and expression of 10:187-88 vital and 11:22-23 wealth and 16:372 what is Truth? 16:436 whole 10:362 Will of supreme Lord is 16:436 will triumph 4:22-23,25 Word and 10:234 world and 15:365 yoga of knowledge and 16:238 Page - 298 Truth -Consciousness 10:107, 11:2, 12:116, 11:290-91, 15:116, 17, 124,403 consciousness and falsehood 10:108 human consciousness and 10:75-76 intervention of 10:192 1i'fe not yet guided by 5:17-18 mind and 16:436 peace and 5:65 -66 see also Supermind/ Supramental, the Truth-creation Pralaya and 7:208
Truth -power 10:185, 194 -95 Truth-fulness 12:150 Page - 299 |