Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works
































demands 17:318

Lake Estate 17:250 .
Language's 11:110,169,209; 12:218-33,415-19,421-22,448-49

Aryan and Chaldean 8:153-54 ,

astrology as a 7:369
best way to 1earn 12:222

communication without 6:94-95

different  power of the word in 7:349

Egyptian, hieroglyphic 8:151-54

English 12:219,222-23,225

explanations in final an analysis 4 :221 ,370

impress ion. of the Reality 6:25-27

French, ruled by Academy 7:372; 12:218-25

German, opportunity to learn 17:329

Greek, ancient 8:153-54

ideas and 2:81

in Auroville 12:225

Indian 12: 218 ,222-25,253; 13:371,383-84

linear 6:463

the Mother's respect  for Indian 17:213

numbers as a 7 :369

of ignorance 10:103-04

of outer being 4:366 -fn

origin of 2 :64

policy of Indian government  17:317

power of words 2:63-65

Sanskrit 8:153-54; 12:224-25;  13:384;  15:236-37; 17:317-18

Science, each has its own 4:170,283-134,312

sounds of ancient 8:153

Taml 12:223-25

teaching of 17:213-14

to 1earn 16:97 ;

va1ue fo 4:283-86

western , are 1ess expressive 2:64                          

see a1so Words


Lao-Tse 8:282-83

Laughter ,

best means of routing the enemy 3:139

Law (s) 14:24 

all beings move according to 10:209-10

body beyond physical 10:229                            

discipline and 10:258

Divine laws 3:163-64; 14:24

direct percept ion of 2:159
moral and 15:46
order and 10:259.

equilibrium as essential 10:107-08

freedom and 10:16,257-58,261-62;  16:291-92

Grace and 13:316-17

habit and 10:243                       .

inner, of one's being 3:278-79;  4:327

Krishna and 10:318

mental formations have own 4:198

moral 12:167

of being 4:327

of Buddhists 2:125

of horoscope 9:284-85

of individual 8:141; 16:268



of Nature see Nature, laws of

of order in universe 2 : 106

of progress 2:53; 2:63-64

of Science 3 : 161-62

of sin and virtue? 10:258-59

of superman 2:163

of truth of things 16:154

physical nature and 10 :243

progress and 10:259-60

psychic being and 10 :243

same for individual wor1ds and universes 2:109; 10:221

self-imposed 10:257-58

soul and 10:257

soul's inner 10:202-83

to be in accord with universal 2:99

Laziness 12:136,138

encourage 2:100

Grace has no effect on 17:353

in physical exercises 5:119-20

in studies 5:120,127

in work in Ashram 16 : 103

mental 16:337

the Mother was never allowed 16:121

of habit 2:79                         

of unconsciousness 16:395

putting off what one can do 16:164

remedy for 16:399

see also Inertia; Lethargy; Mental Tamas; Tamas; Tamasic...


qualities of 12:357-58
Learning 4:331; 12:129 ,167 ,169-70; 17:70-71

attitude towards 6 : l1

boredom ,and progress 12:73-76

boredom in  studies 5:48-51

brain at the age of five 5:203-04,289

character and 12:124

children and 12:135,369

c1asses , advantage of 8:236

concentration in studies 5 :104-05 ,1,25-26 ,220-21 ; 12:199;  17:71,79

course, finishing in a year 5:106

difficult subjects 4:198

easier when young 6:151-52

effort to understand 6:358

example , best teacher 8:122

French 16:37; 17:144,152

from a smal1 chi1d 4:91

how to live 6:152; 7:l48,177-78

in dreams; 7:124

identification, learning through 5:219-25 ,299-300

is endless 4:33l;  5:49; 16:430 

knowledge and 6:151-53

listening to a lesson 8:236-37,311,386

love of 5 :105

necessary to unlearn bad education 4:203

people have right not to 1earn 8:180-81

secrets of Nature 5:362-66

setf-observation for self-mastery 4 : 360-65 ,384-86; 5:201-03

thoroughly 16:200

time and 12:137-38

to enrich the being 7:313



traditional , of India 10:205
true attitude and 16:278
understanding instead of 5: 105
see also Education



Lecturers 17:408

Legends 4:184,187; 5:327; 8:224; 10:62

Lenin, Vladimir 13:280

Leonardo da Vinci 3:110; 4 :301


how to master 16:17'2

see also Laziness


austerities needed for 7 :377

devotion and 10:331

door of piritual 16:165

effort for 7:376

from the Adversary  7:402-03

from al1 form 12:37

from bondage to 1aw of consequences 4:177

from family atavism 4:262
from justice 17:141
am morality 10:357
from universal Nature 16:431
hastening the hour of 16:185
inner 9:118
mental l2:71

of feelings  mental; vital ;. physical 12:71
of humanity 6:; 34-35; 10:63
of witness-soul 8:103-04
people who seek 4:350
perfect 3:296
world and 6:34-35
see also Freedom

Liberty see Freedom
Lies 15:98,200

influence of atmosphere 4 :37
the Mother knows well 17:138,345
tel1ing 4:261,337-38
see also  Falsehood; Lying
Life/Living 15:75,82,128-29,133,238,356-58
accepting and changing 8 : 68-70 ,300-01
according to highest truth 7:287
adverse forces in 7:406

aim of (goal) 2:125; 4:31 ,117-18 ; 5 :203 ,351 ,383 ,392-93; 7-211

8:l20; 9:17; 10:291; 12:3-8,31 1-12, 14:3-8; 16:386,432; 17:102,

381; see also Aim, of life on earth
art and 3:108-10

artificiality of ordinary 9:277-78
ascent in 5:206-07,265
attitude of man in 7:313-14
attitude toward different viewpoints 8:105-07
birth through direct transmutation 9:84-86,128-31
b1ows given to the unconscious  5:203-04
changing quality of 4:121-22
chaos in 17:211-12
child , conception of 5:413
choice of next 5 :215-16 ,253 ,265 ,268-69
circumstances in 

adverse 10:65

depend on attitude 6:123-25

organized 6:175-77

possibility and 4:213
communal, in India 10:308
condition for happiness in 10:271
confidence in 5:297



constant state of supramentalised 10:117

correct way of 3:249

death and 5: 373,378; 10:147,166-68

see also Mother's body , the, transformation of , to live...
deeper vision of things; useful 5:409

discipline , indispensable in 8:185-86

divine see Divine life

divine intervention in 9:305

duration of human life, compared with earth 2:130                

egoless  17:299
enlarges and illumines itself 4: 133                                                       
evolution of 2:158-59
exceeding human 2:163
exchange of  forces 4:35-36
experience of unreality of 11 :17,31 ,40,195,218-19
experiences carried from life to life 10:97
expression of Divine will in 7: 68-70,317
expression of truth in 9:257-58

exultation and all-power in 8:257-58

failure and success in 10:55-57

failure suffering in 10:263

field for progress 3:298; 5:50,206-07,339; 9:268; 12:185-86; 16:164,434

freedom experienced in whole of 10:196

Gita's  interpretation of 8:61-65

given to unite with Divine 10:343

Gnostic 4:159

God and 10:339

going   forward 9:65        .
governed through reason  2:159
habitual routine of 7:223; 9:45-47; 10:159
half-conscious daily life; come out of 9:261-63

harassed 10:202-03
harmony of 10:89; 17:102

history of 9:210-1 1.,213-15
human see Human 1ife
ideal 4:356; 8:57-58; 9:97
i11ness cured by confidence in 5:297
impulses, enthusiasms, passions 9:98-102                 
in Ashram and outside 13:331-32; 17:175
in mind and vital 17:182
in perpetual evolution 2:25
in the supramental consciousness 11:205
in transitional state 10:197

inner  organization  for progress, 5:50 ,336 ,339 ,161,164.
integral y, inner realization 9:344-46                            
intellectual 9:218-20
interest in 4:89; 5:221-22; 17:405
is immortal 12:82-83
is a perpetual movement 2:93
Japanese conception of 2:149
Joy in 9:22-23

last moments of, important 5:413
learning how to live 6:152; 7:148,177-78
limits of taking it seriously 10:l57
1ong 17:378
meaning of 9:15-19; 10:56-57
mechanism of  2:128
meeting consequences of what we are in 10:312
mental progress in 5:359-60


mind and 17: 81

miraculous moments of 7:418

misfortune and 10:58-59

modern and ancient 3:204-06

monastic 12:245

most  important things in 7:211

need of religion in 9:354-56

new see New 1ife

no high and low things in 17:309

not as  portrayed in novels  16:61

not limited to physical body 10:133

of cel1 dependent on whole 2 :54

of  future, relation between sexes 2:155-56


of man 8:243

as manifestation of supreme will 10:88

disorganized 7:295-96

ideal of ordinary 8:57-58

inner and outer 8:160-62

is a harassed life 10:202-03

limitation of 8:57-58,389-90

only thing worth living for 11:331

only way to make it perfect 10:157

ordinary see ordinary life

organization of  7:126-27; 9:82-83; 17:156

outer 5:401; 6:427-28; 7:295-96

past see past life/ lives

peaceful and happy 17:378

perfection and  power of 10:230

physical see physical life

place of food in 16:302

private life and work 4:155-56

problems of 7:305; 8:266

process of controlling one's 9:261-63

prolongation of 4:331; 11:49-50,52-53

for transforming body 5:59

purpose of see above aim of

qualities indispensable for 16:129

realize love in 17:56

reason of existence 4:356; 5:351; 9:116-19

reason's control over 9:98-102

regularity in material 16:132

rejection of life as illusion 7:405

 relation between sexes and in 2:155-56

responsibility in 4:246

role of intelligence in 16:402-03

role of reason and logic in 10:67-68

sadhana in each moment of 17:213

science of 4:33-37,327

seven beatitudes of 10:346

solution to 8:289-91

sol changes one's position in 9:18-19

spiritual see supramental life

terrestrial life

aim of 8:120,176;  9:208-10

place of progress 9:270

realizing Divine in 8:35-36

seeing as whole 2:125

totaly Divine 10:157-58

trance and escape from 10:213-14

true and ordinary way of 9:18-19; 11:218-19

"true life activity" 7:262; 8:193; 9:18-19

universal consciousness , expressing 8:379-80

what man calls "life" 9:28

why so tragic 10:150-51

will be always as now? 17:93

within and on the surface 7:282-83

The life Divine see Sri Aurobindo (2) , works of


Life-energy 17:18


must learn endurance 3:136-37



always choose 17:98

be a child of 16:118


contact with    16:149

dark ness and   16 :400

descent, into physical contagiousness 17 : 87

a drop of  9  :  257-58

everywhere 4 : 349

Falsehood replaced by 10 : 194

feast of  4 : 6

the fire 7 : 327-28

found in peace 16:150

higher consciousness and 4:70

in the new world 4 : 70

infusion into the sex-centre 17:76

inner 4:38-39 ; 8 : 143-46

into the subconscient 17:194

intuition , a drop of 9:358-59

is a symbol 4:219

joy and 17:90,103,191

knowledge and 4:219; 16:150

material symbol of the  Divine 3:132

"mystic 1ight" 8:188

opening the way to transformation 4:359

opening to, and tamas 16  : 62

panic under pressure of 4 : 206

penetrating 1ower vital 7  : 136

reappearing brighter 17 : 194

rebirth of, at Christmas 17 : 366

received by calm mind 16 : 66; 17 : l29,133

shadow and 4 : 70,118; 16 : 367; 17 : 179

shadow less 17:194

simultaneity of knowledge 4:219

spiritual  15:74-75

supramental 3  : 147 ; 4 :96 ; 16  : 78-79 ,255

to enter obscure physical mind 17:98,124

see a1so "Mind of Light"


in dreams 17:42,44-45

Limitation (s)

Divine force and 16 : 271

human understanding and 6:274

man 1ovos 3 : 169

mental  14 : 363-70

of knowledge 10 :93

of  1ife 8  : 57-58, 389-90

sense of physical 11:242-43

Lions 16 : 125

Listening 17 : 119-20,209

to the Mother in silence 17 : 15


effect of 12:l41-49                            

English , compulsory or  optional ? 12 : 171-72

forms , harmony of words 7 : 300

French 12:324-26; 17 :144-45

Gujarati 17:69,73

helps one to progress 7 : 309

Japanese 4:309

knowledge and 12:141-43

Sri Aurobindo and 12 : 145
Living quarters 17:407

sharing 17 : 398

shifting 17 : 387,399

Logic 10 : 67-68


Loneliness l6:424

knowing one's soul and 16:283

Looking back

advantage of 16 :68

Lord, the (Divine, the; Supreme Lord, the)


alone  is the truth 16 : 274

Ananda and 16:297-78

aspiration to find 17:379

 body and 16:366

discovery of 17:379

the Gods and 16:269

greatest egoist                                                                               

is a11 powerful 17:257-58

is centre of universe 16:264

is with you 17:356

1aughs 11 :56

the Mother  transmitting prayers to 17:356

the Mother's identification with 16:230

the Mother's only guide 17:385

only He is perfectly sincere 16:361

Play of 11:39-40 

prayers to 16:422,426,433,435

Presence ever where see Divine, the, a1one ,exists; Divine

refuge in 16:422

serving 9:49-50;  14:110-12,426-27; 16:433

time and 16:361

to do something for 16:250

"whatever You win" 16:434-35

will of and Truth 16:436 

See also Divine , the ; Supreme ,the

Lord of  Falsehood  see Adverse forces. Lord ,of Falsehood

Lord of  Nations, the see Adverse Forces, ,lord of falsehood
Lotus see Centers Chakras                             

Love 6:100-08; 12:64-71 ; 14:122-395;  15:6,345-46,300,411-12;  17:22,32,62,165,241 ,376-77

action of 16:210                      

affection and 6:134

animal, for men 5:241

as self forgetting 17:141

act a shield 16:214

aspiration of 4:36; 17:I85

attitude of true 2:40

bargaining and 17:99,108

be faithful  to 16:214

beautiful , loving the 5:234-35

behind dryness 16:207

born reluctantly 4:403

charity and 2:96,101

can version by 17:216

cruelty and 10:106,166-67

definition 10:254

deformations of 5:239-40,242-43

descent in manitestation 8:226 -fn,339-40

desire and 4:136; 7;37-40;  16:409

difficulties and 16:217

dissolves what is hard 17:397

Divine see Divine 1ove

divine Grace expressed by 8:327,340

effects of thoughts of 2:102


 faith and 103:343

 finding Immanent Divine and 16:253

 first expression of 5:151-52

 for the Divine and others 17:378

 far the jay of  loving 17:378

 for Krishna and Kali 10:335

 for the Mother 16:l59; 17:99-100,100,141

 for only the Divine 10:335; 14:l36-38; 16:26,177,217,276; 17:l35

 force distributed to all 2:101

grace and 4:343

great universe  force 33:69-70

happiness and 17 :89

hate and 10:215-17; 16:76

heart, sweet because of 16:213

helping through 8:254

how to spread 10:73

how to strengthen 17 :121

human and Divine  see, Divine love, human and

human see Human love

"if you 1ove me, I shal1 1ove you" 5:239-40

impassioned 16:177

impersonal  2:58,101

in an things, becoming the 5:234

in f1owers 5:243

in matter  4:166,241

in the stone 4:240

in typal meditation 2:29

is complete understanding 17:387

is to give oneself 16:176

is with al1 17:276

knowledge and 3:70; 16:217


leads to unity 9:50-51

like a white flame 10:73

1ink between Origin and manifestation 9:49

Lord of 10:345

loving and being 1oved 17:146,150

Maharani's 17:374

manifestation  of 8:226 -fn; 10:74; 17:65,276,378

masked as torture 10:31-52

maternal, in animals and men 4:27;  5:244-45

message of Christ, 10:59

method to overcome a11 resistances 10 :212-13

the Mother's 16 : 119 ,124-27 ,218;  17:65,102 ,128 ,150-51 ,354,374

"mystic light" 8:188

no need for forgiveness 17:387

not in the Ashram 16:176-77

of a child  for her mother 17:157

of consecration and  sacrifice 2 :76

of Gad 2:26-27; 10:331,339-40,349,356

of  humanity 2:126-27; 10:83

of  mind for idea 2:75-77

of neighbor 10:349

of progress 2:76

of worm and criminal 10:340

origin of 5:237-38

peace and 17:86-87,110,120

percept ion of 1ove1 everywhere 5: 230

power of 10:72-73

psychic 4:165-66; 16:174-76; 17:100,145

pure 16:217,175;  17:92-93,100

radiate in a11 circumstances 10:298


rapture and Divine 10:175

realize in life not death 17:56

realizing Divine through 8:191,235

reason and 17:143

receptivity to the Mother's  17:61,65,354

refuge at death and 6:55

returned for hatred, returned for Love 3:186-87

rose-red wine of 17:341

sadhana and 17:22

same for all, yet different 8:407

selfish 17:99-100

selfless movement and calculation in 5:242-43

self-love and Divine love 16:19

sentimentality and  6:100-02

service, very expression of 9:49-51

sex and 14:131-35

squandering on others 17:54

strength need for manifestation of 10:201

supreme 10:167

to find again 17:151

transformation and 10:72-73,122

treat animals with 17:104

true 4:166; 5:239-40; 12:305; 16:117,119,175-76,217,255,399

understand, does not forgive 16:216

universal 5:243; 8:327

vibration of 10:215-18

victim's for slayer 5:150-52

vital, psychic and Divine  16:176

water of, never run dry 16:42

the way and goal 16:211

"what men call" 7:90; 9:180

why it doesn't manifest  immediately 10:74

yoga of  devoting 16:238


Lower  being 16:154

overcoming difficulties of 6:442-45

Lower nature 7:114,197-99;  8:22-23

adverse force and 16:189

chance and 3:163

control of 16:117

difficulties of 8:290-91

the Divine veiled by 3:163; 4:370

don't concentrate on 17:106

effort and 6:220-21

movements of 14:271-76

never yield to 17:67

opposing meditation 17:207

overcoming 16:19

purifying 17:31

seeing 17:30-31

struggle against its instruments 8:22-23

Loyalty 3:190-91

sincerity and 15:321-22

Lsd 11:35-36;  15:321-22

Luck 6:97; 16:229

Luck  now 16:140

Lying 14:217; 17:96

never good 16:164

see also lies
