Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works































Caesar death of 10:61

Call (s)cal1ing

calm 6:377

 the Divine 3:160; 7:415; 8:93;16:290; 17:238,365,378-7

down the Truth 17:249,356

 from family in illness 17:318

For protection 17:403-04

 the Grace 5:367-68

 the guru 4:l29                     

the Mother 6!201-02; 7:88; 16 :44-45,967,164 ,189,215;17:43,253

responding to the Divine 3:2;   8:223

response and 16:388

spiritual, and Yoga 16:25

Sri Aurobindo (invocation of) 17:43,298,378,414,

world of delight 16:2I55                    

Calm/'Calmness 8:286; 12:ll4;14:140-141; 17:8 ,                     

action and 8:330-31

agitation of mind and vital 17:69

aspiration for 5:396-97;17:111-12

brining down 16:231 calling 6:377 ,

of conversion and 17:46  

discipline and 12:336-39

effect of music 16:235

endurance is force of 8:329-31

for power to bear Force 17:51

Found in your soul 16:175

the Grace and 17:21

grateful and distinguished 6:63-64

heart and yoga 163156

in 1ooking at things 17l129

in the mind 14:370-71; 17:l29;     see also mind , quiet mind

indifference 17:163

inner 17:190,253

Light received by 16:66; 17:l29,133

meaning of 17:76

of will 16:l59

ten minutes to relieve tension 17:195

tired nerves and 16:83

to become aware of the Mother's Presence 17:123,133,196

to cure a child 17:413

to get out of difficulties 17:93

to illumine the mind 17:l29,133

to let an attack pass 17:393

to unify one's being 17:82-83

waiting for inner changes 17:59,124

c-f. Peace

Calvin, John 10:345

 Camus, Albert 12:324

Capacity(i e s) 17:169,321

development of 6:l8-20; 10:6

for enthusiasm 7:423-24

for manifestation of wil1 3:46

for occultism 6:189-90

for total identification 10:ll5

of or vision 4slOB for work 5:320


  human incapacity 16 :402

  man's, for spiritual life 9:211

 of the body 11:95-96,98,141;      see also Progress, body's

 capacity for

 of the mind 7:231

 of teacher 16:262

of wymon 2:83-84, 143-45

 physic contact and new 9:396-97

 suffering proportionate to 4 :44-45

 supreme 9 :86-87

 to admit all theories 10:337

 to heal 16:429

Captains (instructors) of physical education 9:80-81 ; 12:355-56, 360,364-60 ; 161263,285,208,403-04

attitude towards 12:160,109

see also Physical education


gives interest 17:91

of material objects 16:11-33; 17:88


mixture of a pure blood 5:248

 Social organisation on 5:247-48


attitude of a baby cat 4:94

baby monkey and baby cat 3 :45

doing yoga 3:8

dream about 3:166

exteriorisation of 4:321-23

eyes of 4:322-23

guarding her kittens 5:244-45; 7 :96-99

eye of 4:322-23

Intelligence in 8 a 60

Kiki, the Mother's cat 4:237-39

meditating 4:239; 7:99-100

the Mother's observations about, 4:27-28

mouse and  5:150

significance of 17 :6

story of artist 7:127-20

wanting to be human

Catastrophes 4:44

causes of 4:192; 7:16-17; 8:261

 Egyptian tombs and 4:197fear and 7:63

The Mother's orders 1 disobeyed 17:302

Nature 3:38, 4:175-76; 5:153

prevention of 5:l91-93

war 9:169-70

Cells <of the body> 14:384-85;

aspiration in the 4:339; 5:57; 6:392; 16:369;    see also

Mother's body, the, aspiration of calling far 10:l68

 consciousness of 4:139,339,404; 6:36-37,114; 7:237; 1:93-101, 261-63,282 ;15:315

consciousness must change 11:282

curing damage to 6:288-89

death and  12:344-47

Diving Consciousness in 10 :193 ; 16:360

 energy  in 7 :72

experience in 4:255 ;

fear  in 4:212; 7:l45;  9:121

have faith in the Divine 10:l71

 in a hurry 10:203


instinct of  true beauty in 4: 55

Join 9 :23,42,162-63,191

1ifeof 2:54

making them understand the reality 9:42

of the brain 2:33; 7-250

opening to the Divine 6:388-89

peace in 16:183

prayer of 11:91-95; 12:263-84

song of 4:339 ;

thirst for the Divine 16:369

true vibrations and 10 :180

under Standing in 9:147-48

will share in Truth and Relight 9:42,

world in miniature' 12:345-46 ,

yoga of 10:234 '                     

see  also Cellular Mother's  body , the cells, experiences in

cellular consciousness 4:139, 7:237

cellular response 7:261 Cellular substance 7:426

 Central being

lies in the heart 3:1

personality and 17:85

psychic: being and 17 :B5  '

surrender of 3:7

unification and 16:362-63

 Central will 2:129;6:421-22

 individual wi11 and 5:196;10:74

Centres <Lotuses> 6:77-78; 7:76

 awakening 7:213,339

emotional 16:225

Lotus of Knowledge 7:336-39

of concentration 3:1; 7:252

of consciousness 17:395

solar plexus and heart-centre 7:252

 thousand-petaled lotus  7:212-13 ,338

 see  also ChaKras

 Germony 16:271

 instalIation of idols 4:397

utility of, following death 4:204-05

Certitude 11:20; 14:86;  17:179

confidence, inner 4:73,94,134, 9: 255

of choice 5:396-97;

of curing the body 9:163

of victory 5:5-7;9:255;16:l73,186; 17:l89

peace of 16:115 ,

Cesar, Franck 3:111;5:76,272

Cezanne 4:300

Chaitanya 8:43 Chakras ,

                                                                  opening of 16:367-68

                                                                  will replace organs 10:146

                                             see,                      also Centres Chaldean initiation 2:109

Chaldean 1anguage

Aryan and 8:l53-54 Chaldean 1egend

                                             about  Divine 'B Love  7:370-71,378 ,

Chaldean religion 4:289,316; 6:119;                      7:244

Chaldean tradition 8:402


chance                                            3:163 ;                      4;406-08; 15:311-12

accidents and 4 :148

coincidence and 10:40

deceptive apprearance 10:45

for progress 16:421

guidance of world by 10:55

illusion and 10:44-45

last of adverse forces                       6:459-60

not in universie 10 :44

role of, in                      world 4:408;                      10:53

Change/Changing                      5:350,377

by revolution and ignorance 16:153

character 4 :92 ,118,262 ,342;                      16:349; 17:399,407

conditions of sadhana in the Ashram 6 :295-96

determinism, by Divine will                      4 :84 ,160-61 ,408

determinism , by surrender 7 :366-67

difficulties and 5:303-04; 16:284

elements unwilling                      to 4:74,332,410

endurance for or 4:25l ,336

events in subtle physical ,                      10:l30

everything is in                      perpetual 16 :157

experience for                      and 9 :240

frivolousness                      and 16:169,

the function of the? senses 6 :355

great                      , a new race 16:415

habits 16:159

human animal to divine man 17 :36l

impossible overnight 17:364

in physical 1ife 14:232-33

inner 17:59,124

karma 5:93

life 4:121-22;                       8:68-70,300-01 ; 9:18-19                     

lower nature and 3:163; 7:114,197-99

mind and 10 :1119

the most marvellous 16:153

the Mother's prayer for 9:300

nature of man 16:322 ;                                            see also Man . changing

of being and progress 4;100-03,116

of condition 17:73-74

of                      consciousness see Consciousness, change of

of eating patterns l7:263

of                      forms 9:226-27

of                      knowledge into experience 8 :67,101

of the manifestation by Sri Sri Aurobindo 9:11-12

o-f Nature 10:98; 17:209,237,405

of sew in rebirth? 17:362

of work 4 s 373-74 i; 17s 248-49,280-81

on earth 1  7:326,350.

oneself 4:39,77-78,118,253,330

progress and 5:192; 10:61

psychic and spiritual 16:223

resistance to 16:330

self to change world 4:253

supramenta1                      force 9 :240-41

the Supreme and spiritual 16:223

tamas through Divine consciousness 7:287-86

time and 4:220; 11:53

to now quarter's 17:387

transformation and 4:102 ,336,349-50

truth into falsehood 10:39-40

understanding and                       8:98- 102


the vital                      4:78-79 ; 6:305; 17:l60

why man does not 16:291

why things; do not 5:12-13

will for 4:337,350,356; 5:97                     

the world 4:253;                      7:187,323, 9t145-46,156-59; 10;189,300

11:187; 16:l56 see also Transformation

Chaos 17:392


 actions as spontaneous expression of 2:50

anger, rejecting 4:l70

atavism and 7:375-76

body and 6:l-2

changing                      4:92 ,118 ,262 ,342;                      16:349; 17:399,407

 children and 6:2-3,11-12

 control over l6:413-14

creation of to man if eat Ideal 2:153 ;

defect t, overcomIng a 4:178-81

forming 4:304

habits, old 4:345

heredity and 7:37S

how the Mother knows people  5:219-22

illness and 6:2-4

learning and 12:134

love and 17:376-77                     

observing one's own 17:375

of students 17:307-08,312-13

revealed                      in sleep                      4:60

to progress in 16:430

vital and 16:147

see  al so Individuality

Charity 2:6,49,95-102 ; 12:96,100

act of s is it beneficial;                       2:100 .

begins at home 2 :97

Buddha on 2:96

Charity Bazaar, a story 4:l75-76

definition of 2:95

 J desire and 2:101

evil                      done in name of 2:100

four modes of , 2:95-96

love and 2:96;101                     

nature of 2:95-102

work and 17;225

 Cheating 12:20l-03; 17:233-34

Cheerfulness 8:23;14:192;                       17:335;

difficulties and 16:69

story il1ustrating 2:184-87

 Chi1d<ren> 3;159; 4;220-30,291; 10:213

adverse format ion, very rare 5:411

age of five , organise life of                      7 :179

aim not same for all 12:432-33

are conscious 12:195

are most important personages 5:286

aspiration for exceptional 4:145,168,260

aspiration of wymon for                       8:201,319,

aspiration to grow 8:25

attitude of 12:340,442-43 ;

attitude towards  1ittle movements  of 12:442-43

as material emanations from parents; 5:361-82

behaviour of, after school 12:364-65

being one all one's life 5:288


between age of seven and fourteen                       8:180-81

brain at age of Five 5;203-04,289

brain                      before the age of seven 4:140

calm to cure                      17:413

centre of                      of attention 6:255-56

character and                      6:2-3 ,11-12

like path 17:l22-23

of friends important 9 :55-57

choosing                      games far 16:200

 classic                      reading 7:287-90

conception of 2:l54;                      4:260;                      9:413; 8:201,335

control of 16:201-02

 cruelty in 6:5

desires and 6:411-15

destructive 5:234,410-11

development                      of                      faculty of observation in 12:22-25

 development of mind in 12:26-27

differences among 12:183-84

discipline                      12:334-38

disinterested work and 12:365

Divine 17:184

 devine presence in 4:26

don't                      be anxious about ,17:415

do not scold 12:11,195-96

 dreams of 4:128,149; 8:116-19;                      9:l61-63

dreamy , absent-minded 17:413

education before birth 17:372

education                      of see Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education evolution and 5:345-46

eyes of 4:26

fear and 5:410: l2;24

first cry 4 a 140-42

food and 12:l3-14;                       i7:305

forbidden to hit 12:l97

force of growth 8:196

formation of, by environment 6:391

formation of consciousness in very young 9:262-63

fourteen , until age of 4 :6

freedom and 7:202,286; 12:38                       see also                       Sri Aurobindo                      ashram,

children ...., SAICE , freedom of ...

growth by inner push 7:139-40

happy 16:59; 17:120

 have everything to learn 12:368

having 16 :6

 heart of 16:61

held in the Mother's arms 17:130

homework and 12:1198-200

household work and , 12:16

haw to educate 12:9-ll

how to teach French to 12:324-29,331

The                      Ideal Child 9:80; I2:250-52

 illness and 12:14-15

image in at ion of 5 :410 : 16 ;61

in Japan 2:151-52

In Sri Aurobindo Ashram                       see                      Sri Aurobindo Ashram, children In incarnation of psychic being in 8:202-03,335-37

 independence and 12:153;

influences on 5:413-14;                      8:203-04,392

 inner 1ife and imagination of 4:120

inner truth 4:26

 intellectual actual study and 12:334


learning and 12:l35,366

1earning front 4: 91

1earning 1anguages 12 : 410-19

learning to enrich the being 7:313

learning                      with servants 5:413-I4

little children and energy 4:4

love of beauty and 12:16-17,21

love of , for her mother 17 : 157

maternal 1ove and 6:106-08

maturity needed for choice                      5:289-90

mind of 16:202                     

obedient 4:93 ; 17:55

occult ism and 6:39-41

of AuroviIe 12:425

of the Light 16:l18

of the Mother 16:87,117,159,362; 17:5l-52.94,115,121-22,130, 210,212,365,374 ;

older                      people and 5:296

openess of 11:251-52

organisation and 6:12-13; see also organisation

parents and 4:27-28;                      5:243,381-82,411-13; 8 ;200,204,392;

11:211;                      12:366-67,434-35,446; 14:312-15                     

path of 17:l21-23,212                     

patience with 16:202

physical education at 12:112-17

plastic matter 5:288 ;

playing and 12:134; 17:132

prayer and, 12:334,

prizes and 12:365-66

prodigies 8:315-20

the psychic in 4:40,146,246; 5:27,217;                      6:4-9; 17:l20

psychic life in 17isl22,157 , ,

qualities of 8:118

qualities to cultivate 4s24-26,2Q

reason in 7:179

receive and spend energy, etc. ;5:210

religion imposed on 8:198

remembering past lives 4:149

self-control , use, of with 16:201-02

separation of boys and girl                      16 :282-85.

should aspire for beauty  12:l6-17,21

should not drag burden of the past 12:404-06

sincerity and 15:319-21                      l17:51-52,1:25-26,130,210

sleep and 5:296; 12:15-16

spontaneous flowering of 5:243

studies for 12:334; 17:152.

lamas and need of excitement 5:414

teaching 12:151-57,324-29,331

thoughts of 2:79

treating with quietness 17:413

unconscious , striving to become conscious 17 :75

understanding 4:157

uneducated, chooses bad company 3:244

violence and 12:196-97,436-40

vision not                      exclusively 5:410

visions of 7:129

visiting one's parents l6:412

the vital and 5:297-98 ;                      6:11-13                     

vital energy in 7:137-142

Mar-children 4:303

when they prove unreasonable 16:95-96


wickedness 5:412-13

.work and 12:16,339,365; 16:29;  17:l52 ;

writing for 17:332 ;

Yoga and  7:200,202,356,417-18; 17:l22-23

 You are my child  16:72

Young and Mahasaraswati 4:404

china 6:70-71

india and 274-75;  17:217-l8 

 philosophy  of  8:l50

use of Tao 2:64

Choice 11:17,30-32

accident ,  moment of  5:403-406

between  distortions 10:217

certitude  of , repose in action 5:396-97

 what to manifest 4:326-27

constant  4:343

double life  and 4:378

free , before demanding something  5 :388-89

free , of emanations 5:376,379-81

free , principle; of  our universe  5 :310 ,374-75 ,379-87

freedom of 5:90-91;  7:344, 8:296; 10:88 12:369-70

Instrument , divine fore a choosing 5 :252

maturity necessary  5:289-90

moment  of  4:403; 5:405-06

the Mother's experiences of 11:30-34

negro's 5:330; 8:57-58

of  birth 8:26-27

of friends 9 :55-57

of human interest. 8 :23 ,26-27 ,31

of place for Sri Aurobindo Ashram  5:355-56

of  psychic  4:145;  5:412

of  sensations 12:55-56

of sex in reincarnation 4:183

of words 16:46

:of work 2:49-50

power of  10:287

preference and 4:1,327;   8 : 398-400 ,405-08; see also  Preference

psychic's before death chooses next life 5:215-17,253,265,268-69; 8:202; 15:136

refusing impulses  6:343

remembrance and  4:143-47; 151,183

 Sri Aurobindo's letter  on 4:327,341-44,347-49

 surrender of personal will  and 10:287

 teachers preparing own 5:106

to remain in universe or not 8:234

vision and 10:124

will, ignorance and 10:287

 Christ, Jesus 16:327

assumes human ignorance 10:61-62

 avatar l0:61; 17:76

day of birth 4:6

evclutian and 10:61

failure of mission 10:260

form of the Divine 5:79

gospels and ,10:64

 incarnations  of 3:79-80

1ife of  humanised  Europs 10:63

message of  love failed 10:261

 Musilm story about 4:82  fn,370 

sacrifice and 10:61-61


significance  of death of 10: 61

still bound to cross 10:59-60

story about an idiot 16:369-70

visions of 3:16-17,


creation and 10:l02

God in 2:l25;  6:ll9;  7:244

 gospel  and 10:64

idea of Fate and 15:247

message of mediaeval 10:272

way in which it was  formed 3:76-77


visiting churches of 16:414 Christmas ,

in Ashram 17:366


new 11:!67

Churches l6:414

occupied by vital beings 6:94-97

Cinema 12:244-48 ,

 going to, 16:273

instrument of education 7:299-300

 instrument o-f perversion 7:299-300

perfection of instrument 4 :326

songs in 7:297-98.;

way to watch 16:416;  see  also films  

Circumstances 6:250-51 ; 14:229-33

attitude can transform 16:123-25

cause of di scorn-Fort;  17 ;379

conspire to justify doubts 16:41

contact the Divine in .a11 10 :350

 effort of organising 16 :303 estimation of 16:229-30

 happiness and 16:290

 in life see  Life, circumstances in

inner and outer 17:191,237

 intervention a1tering 17:189

organisation of 6:175-77,386-87

psychic consciousness and 7:382

 radiate life  in all 10:298

so unpredictable 17:190,.196

when to avoid l6:l97


 disappearing  5:250

great periods in 4:311-12

history o-f 5:249

1ack of, in Europe 10:323

mental self-control and 6:317-18

modern 3:204-05; 16:399

Nature and 5:329

now ending based on mind 2:l55

prepares physical instruments 4:329-30

present 3;I36;  4:304-05

Clairvoyance /Clairvoyants 4:125,274; 6:353-55


inner and outer 4 :360


sincerity and 16:24


chance and 10:140


proof and 10:252

result of  consciousness 10:40

cold 17:165


 towards a. soil-one 17:171

Collaboration8:l31 ,206 ,236-37;  14:199

hierarchy 10:71

in transformation  16:383 ;

individual efforts , push to collaborate 9 :5-6

lack of,  and psychic 16:367

need of 8:251,258,295

 of  body 16:370

of nature  5:251; 9:245-46; 17:291

of the vital  4:50-52; 5:55

suffering disappears with 10:50

to participate in new world 9:158-59

true 10:72

with the devine 5:63-66

with the force 17:391

 Collective ascent

individual effort and 5:250

Collective atmosphere 7:l47,323

Collectiye concentration 4:105-06

Collective  consciousness

for individual transformation 5: 62

lower than individual 9:345

Collective difficulties 7:413-21

Collective discipline 8:l97-98

Collective  effort  for sincerity 8:249

Collective establishment

farm of 2:51;

human psychological consciousness 10:75

of  ideal society 2:47

Collective experiment

Auroville 10:270

Collective illness 16;300

in Ashram 7:151-52

Co11ectiv e  imagination

influence of 6:107-08

Collective meditation 9:37-39,141-42

Collective prayer 9 :37-38 ,369-70

Collective progress 8:132-33,264-65

individual and 9:141-42,172-74

Col1ective  realisation

individual and 49-50,133

Collective sadhana in ashram  7:413-21

Collective suggestion  (s) 2:24,76,110; 4:236 5:313-16 ; 7:245-46; 8:54,390-93

Collective  reformation

 individual  and 2:47-48;  4:382-83; 5:62; 7:3223; 9:108,110-11;

10:316; 8:54 109-10; 180-81; 16:329

Collective unity 7:413 ;  10:310

Collective victory

of thought  2:89

Collective wealth 7:92

Collective work 16:264

Collective Yoga 7:413-21

Collectivity 5:250

  according to Sri Aurobindo's idea 9:137

collective action of members of 2:48

effective of new realisation, upliftment 9:298-99



individual and 4:382;  5:305-06;  7:323;  9:140-42,172-74

inferior to individual. 4 :36

laws of 9:l43 ,197-98

1iving , of individuals sharing new realisation  9:315

the Mother's programme  for realisation  , of the Work 5:i354

movement for progress 8:265

nature of 10:139

ordinary and true community 9:140-42

profiting by other's experience15:364-66

profiting from new Force 8:129-30

rising up or falling back to subhuman level. 9:299-301

sense of insecurity; political and religious associations 9:35

symbolic vision of 9:137-40

see  also  Col lective Community  Colour (s) 15:40-41

appearance of in meditation 6:378

developing  sense of 6:85-86; see  also senses , education of 

in J.S.A.S.A Championship Badge 12: 269

in Olympic rings 12:267-68

symbolising  of 17:363

Comfort 17:251

aspiration and ll:252

from stories of Divine Grace ,17:292

happiness and  in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram  13:13133

progress  and material 9:8587,  16:296

shrinking front 17:320-21

Commerce 4:376-77

Commonsense 14:184

is not a judge 16:343


of experiences 4:222

oral and direct 6:94-95 ,

Usual distortion  in 9: 288-89

with the Mother 17:l71

with spirits 5:36

with other's 16:192

without 1anguage,  6:94-95

Communion 9:247-48; 16:398-99

between the Divine and the mind 3:l56

consecration and 17:l76

mental 2:111

with the Divine 16:425; 17:176,178 

with the psychic 4:244-45;  7:38-40,68-69,78

 Coinmunism 15: 63 

condition for 10:306-07

diviner 10:306

Vedanta and  10:307


Americans and 16:338


ideal, at nucleus of supramental creation 15:405-07

ordinary and true 9:140-42

see also Collectivity

 Community life 13:170-71

 Compassion 11:29 ,159 ; 17:10

Divine 11:42-44; 14:138-39

experience of entering infinite 6:144-46

for animals 17:104

Grace and 16:346

gratitude and 15:297

incapable of 16:190


noblest gift of temperament 10:359

pity and 10:360


physical education, the Mother's messages for 12:275-01

progress and 12:289

spurts and 9:96-98;  16 :403

vital upset during 5:169-70

Complaining 12:34; 14:237-38; 17:116,118

Complaints 3:131 ;  16:207-08


brings  deformation 9:50-51

freedom and 8 :297


superficial knowledge and 16:200

Concentration 2:l03;  6:309-105;  8:145,182-83,228-29;  9:20; 12:25,28,171,207-08,389; 14:51-52;  17:55

aim of 4:8-9

al1 reiceiving  7:422

aspiration and 16:86-87

at Sri Aurobindo's Samadhi 16:395;  17:378

attention, perfect 4:5,199,364-65 ;  9:360-61

becoming aware of nocturnal activities 2:36

becoming conscious of the ,Di vine force through 6 :398-400

before sleep  6:266-67,357-58; 17:48 ,

centres of 7:252

collectives 4:105-06

constancy of 4:180; 16:24

 contemplation and 7:278

 daily at fixed  time 17:369-70

definition of 4:5

developing of 5:125-29

dispersion  and 4:4;  12:260-61;  16:224g; 17:l69,361

 the Divine and 3:20;  16:l80,190,  17:47,158,,278

don't overdo 17:101

 experiences  of  16:318

experience through act of 7:79

fatigue and 16:23-24

 first aim of 4:8-9

habit of 2:64

 headache and 16:300-01

how to increase 12:400

 identification through  5:225;  16:44

 important to develop 5:125-29

improper 17:156

in the heart 6:309; 16:148,161,311

 in the inner being 16:93

in the playground 4:105-06,122? 7:25; 7-59

 in sports' 9:82-83; 12:260-61

in studies 5: 104-05 ,125-28 ,220-21 ; 12:l99; 17:71,79,153

indispensable for an realisation 4:282; 9:360-61

 intensification of 4:100,105,137-30

learning and 12:199

Listening in silence 4:l99,208

 listening to music with 16:232

mastery of 7:80

meditation and 4:7-8 ,104-06 ,120-23 ; 5:388; 7:277: 9;381-84[

10:63 ;  14:105-06; 16:100,231

of energy 16:125,186; 17:221,303

 of the Force 17:55,296,317,361,370,407

of thought 6:310-12; 16:166,228

on the Divine 3:20; 17:47,158,379


an a flame 17:l27

 on 1ower nature 17:106-07

on psychic being 17:96-98,103,121,368-70

on psychic consciousness; 17 s96--98 ,103,121 ,36S--70

on what you want to develop 17:107

on work , not people 17:140 ,168-69

only way to  shorten the way 10:26

outer activity and 4:123; 7:68

physical activity and 12:285-86

physical being and 16:24

power of 9:360-61

psychic being and 16:223

reading Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with 16:232-33 

remembrance of the Divine and 4 1121,388-89

silent 7:l07; 16:397;  17:373,379

spirits, particular  to man 9:430-31

story about 6:310-12

teaching and 17:161-62

time and 7il27; 17:369-70

to contact lord 10:154

 to Find the Divine;  16:l61

to find the' Mother's presence 17:69

399-400; 7:277

to receive Grace 17:130,323

to reject  illness 4:268-71 ,282

to solve problem 8:183; 10:l35

total 4:346;  5:220,399-400

true 7:254 united 3:29

useless talking and 16:l8l

way of life 17:153

will and 16:180; 17:130

 work and 5::125-28; 16:242;  17:I40,160-69  see   also  Meditation ,


change of 17:73-74

for admission to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 13:115-18,133

for freedom 10:303

 for the manifestation of the supermental 10:10

for realisation to be told 10:ll4-15

1aid on Grace by falsehood 6 :205-06

outer 16:190-91 ,

Confession 3:141 ;  16:171 ,265; 17:134,194

Confidence 14:84-86; 16:593 17:388

approach the Mother with 1aving 16:247

certitude of victory and 16:186; 17:169

courage, 1oss of and 16:38

difficulties and  16:69, 

eliminating fear 4:211

 faith and 5:297-96; 6:l20-25;  16:l73; 17:125 .

in the doctor 17:403

in life 5:297

in the Mother 16:41-42,68,116

inner certitude 4:73,94,134; 9:255

of the Mother in 'people '17:172-73

peace of certitude and 16:l15-16

remain confident 16:99,144

Self-confidence 2:23,41

victory and l6:l86


vital and 16:197

 Confusion 17:112,241-42,272,269,392

eradication of 17:241,289,334


beauty and aesthetic 7:181-35

loss of 16:348

ordinary 16:249

 psychic being and 16:379-80

 truth and 16:348

Haste and 16:376

Conscious (becoming, being) 7:194-95,254 ; 8:3-4,20-21 174-76,

368-69; 12:195

attentive observation 4:35

exercise for 4:38-39,88

faults, getting rid of 4:74,88,180,360-61.

of an elements of being 2:128-29;  4:34,233,236

of attacks of adverse forces 5:94-97

of creation , dominates. falsehood 10:206

of divine Force 6:398-400; 16:354

 of divine Love; 4:244-46

of divine Presence 10:280;  16:390-91,400-01,407

of divine Unity 8:75-77;  10:174-75

of dreams 2:30-37; 3514-1,5,19

of everything 2:53

of immortality 10:83

of inmost depth and work 2:49

of  Lord 10:169-90

 of the Mother 16:372,442

of origin of one's movements  4:248,335

of physical being 12:347

of Supreme Will 10:77

of thought 2:22-25,31,98,lll

of vibration  surrounding atmosphere  4:222-24

self -mastery for 4:2 ;34 ,37,39,74 ; 5:203

to be conscious  63-64; 10:228;  ll:84-85;  16:l55-56;  17:75

 always in front of the Truth 3:133.

is the one need 3:20

of evil that one does 3:l97

 of help 16:354

of peace 16:l30,150

of seep and nights 3:15,19

 preparation for yoga 3 :3

remedy for evi1 5:73 see  a1so Conscious

Conscious conception 6:335-36

Conscious sleep 4:352-53;  6:l84-88  see  also  Sleep

Conscious will 

acting on the body and matter 5:25-27; 9:121,152-55

drams and 5:25-27

use of, for control 16:107

Consciousness 3:16,178-79; 6:394; 10:l74-75; 15:4; 16:l5; 17:185

 absorbed by experience 6:362-65

action and 6:393

action behind 5:74-76

 action of new 11:226-33; 17:366-67

active mental 10:l81

 Aditi the creative 7:l59

anger and 4:179

at origin of creation 4:234

attitude of 12:367


awakened and asleep 17:130

 awakening of 5:31,405; 9;33-34; 10:297

awakening of , in the Mother' s .body ll:93-I01

 awakens under' stress 10:201

 beauty and, at asceticism 7:l81-85

becoming  conscious see  Conscious (becoming, being) being and 4 :233

beyond mental 1ife 2:159;  17:178,380

beyond Nirvana and Ky, istmce ,10 :100

 body -consciousness see body-consciousness

 brain and 4:l98

 brought into body by psychic 10:29-30

 centralisation of 11:203,277 ,

 centre of l7:395 ,

change of 4 :18,97,99-100,220,293,336; 7 :29; 6:12,268-69,381,

402-05;  9:ll7-19,303-04;  10:l87-90,11:282 ;  12 :312 ; 15:239

1 7:61 ,166 ,193,249-50;  see  also below reversal of  ; see  also

Mother <4>,the, of change, 

of consciousness classifying 7:42-43

 clouding of 16:99

 coincidence and 10:40

 collective 5:.62; 9:354;. l0:75

 complete  17:l37

condition of man result of 12:39  

constantly by your side 16:118

 contact of God changes according to 10:102

 contradictory states of 5:295

 control, sleep and 3:15;  4:62, 6:l84-88 ; 7:65-67;  l6:228,400


convsrsion of 16:163

cosmic see Cosmic consciousness

 creation and 5:l64, 9:205-07; 10:206; 11:199-207;289

creatrix  199-207,289

crises (dark periods) and 17:59

definit ion and explanation  of 4:233-34

 deflection of, accident and 4:272-73

 descent of 4;251; 9i218-22,237-30

destiny and 15:311-13

destruction of form of 10:99

detailed  multiplication of 16:427-28

determines physical condition 11:207-08,219-20,286-89

see  also  Mother's body, the, transformation

 of determines suffering and delight 10:51-52

determinism and freedom, different states of 5:86-89

 development of 16:413-14

different, in SAICE 5:417

disciplines and growth of higher 10:258

dispels darkness ;3:101

dispersal of 8:193-94; 17:l69

 distortion of 11:l34-35

 Divine see  Divine consciousness

 division in 8:77,98

doubt in 17:138

doubt veils 16:l41

drawn to ordinary 1ife 17:72


dreams and   5:37-40 16:23

during meditation  5:386i 9;53

entering  someone else's 6:308-10,424-25; c-f. Relations...

 Eternal  16:160,43£i--36

example of extended  10:l31-33

expression of   10:226

exterior  3:152

external 8:3 ,290-91,16:25

falls  of and assimilation  5;51~52; 16;252

feels imprisoned 4:97,100

filter of  8;208

for supervision 17:244

 formation of , in very young children  9 ;262--&3

 forme of 9:237-38

 friction necessary -for 9;261--63

general psychological 10 :75

glnbal 4:l62

 gnostic 4:157-58

going outside 1imitations of  10s221

good state of  17:60

gradations of   7:181; 10:221

growth of   16:429-30; 17:280

tunas, mixture of   5:415

help proportionate to   17:95-96

hidden behind unconscious appearance   9:322-23

higher  see  Higher consciousness  

highest, and the best that can happen   3:154

human  see Human consciousness  

human unity and   15:66-68

humanity and   5:29-30

identification of   2:60. 130; 10:118.121, 16:44.165; 17:182-83

ignorance and   3:101

illness and  5:185-86; 11:207=08, 210

immobile and serene  4:1,10

immortality of 11:211

in animals   6:269; 9:172-74

in the Ashr

in cells

in hands of artist

in men

in the Mother's words

in playing

in plants

in transcendent states

in vegetable kingdom

in work

in writing

inconscience and

individualisation of

infinite grades of 

influences from outside

inner   see Inner consciousness

insanity as mixture of two

instrument for manifestation of   4:40-41. 195-96.326

intent on divine realisation  17:198

intervention of   10:192

is the Divine  11:260

is everywhere  5:271

is immortal  12:343

is inconscient  9:11;207


Page - 45


keep it free -for sadhana 17:201-02

know  yourself and others 5:201-04,303-04 ,

 Knowledge  and  11:39,185-86,194 , 244;  see   also Mother's  body, the ,knowledge of

 lack of 17:82 ,

 levels of 17:182-83

light  for yoga 7;201

1ike a ladder 3:178

limitation of physical 10:26

limitating itself  11:156

living throughout the; ages 3:81

love and 6:102-08; 12:65; 14:124,129 .

lowering of 17:57,77,85,133-34,137,155-56,160 ,

1uminous and radiant 17:372

manifestation of 2:158-59 ;9:209-12,322 fn

man's perpetual worry 9:302-05 , ,

mastery and 17:113

material and immaterial 10:253;  17:126,189

meaning of 3:81

memory and 2:37; 5:270;  6:20-22

mind and 14:371

miracies belongs to finite 10:163,

mirror 4:254

necessary in vital world 9:344

new  see  New consciousness

Nirvana, aspect of 10:100

objective and subjective 10:191 ,   

of  the being 2:128-29; 4:34 ,73,233,236 , 5:102 , 12:347

of body 10:193,228;  see also Mother's body, the transformation of...

of cells  4:l39,339 ,404; 6:36-37,114;  7:237; 11:93-l01 ,261-63,282;  15:315                            

of complete cure 5:292 . ,.

of  Divine Oneness 17:104,

of Divine presence 5:74-76;  6:393; 10:295;  17:123,182,381

of the doer 17:309 10  ;  

of earth and sun 10:187 ,

of God 10:103

of gratitude and true happiness; 17:98

of humans' 16:420

of the Mother see Mother (2),the, ,consciousness of 

of the new race 16:415

of penetrating lower vital 17:136  

of psychic being 4:146 ,168;  16:397;  17:90,136,369

of three  .times  7:220

of totality and detail 11:222 

of unity 16:288,302

of vision 10:289

 one.  4:12,234

opening to, and tamas  16:62

opening to super mental influence 9:110-11.

openness to 14:l51

ordinary see ordinary consciousness,

organisation of 6:320;  8:174-76 ,337-38 ,301;.4:l56

the original conceiving 16:361-62

outer 16:168; 17:123 ,140 ,143 ,159

outer and inner distinguished by  by 10:155-56

parts of being 4:73,336; 5:102 

penetrating 1ower vital 17:136

perception and 10:72 :

periodic movements of 7:336-38; 17:74


personal infinite 17:190,198

  personality  individual and universal 8:378-81

physical  see physical consciousness

planes (level) of, and determinism 3:28-30, 58-59; 4:83-85,371; 5:86-93

planes  of universal 10:154

powerful , to realise transformation 9:35-36

preparation for Yoga 3:2

preparing to  become divine 11:314-15

presence ,  divine 8:76-77,136    

progress and .17:113, 130-131

progressive 4:220; 9:322 fn; 10:305

psychic see Psychic consciousness

Radha's 8:223,225-27

rapturous states , dangerous 10:175-76

rational 10:46

realisation and progress; 8 :20-21

rebirth line of 3:l45,148

reflects the supreme 4:254

regarding difficulties  17:113,130-31

relation of 10:191

relation with 10:221

remembrance of meetings on ,inner plane of  5:33

renunciations  and self-centered 10 :174

replacing thought 11:319 reversal of 3:134; 4:19,357; 7:l95-96 ,272; 8112,170-74,402-05;

9:135 -36,286-88,336-38,414-17,431-32 ;10:118,305; 16 :163;

see al so above change of

 right 7:64

rigidity of physical 10:74

 rising above mind 7:252

 seeing by 10:226

seeking without knowing 9:115--19

see Lord when you enter true 10:207

self -mastery and 5:203

sensations and 2:130

separation  and 3:59-60

 sincerity and 17:137

six  centres of  l7:395

sleep and 3:l5; 4:62; 6:184-88; 7:65-67; 16:228,400; 17:184

smiling sincerely 5:370 

somnambulism and 4:126-26

soul's 10:254

speial purpose for descants of 10:74

 spirit of the species 4:237

spiritual see spiritual consciousness

spiritual ised 11:106-07

states, of see Consciousness state of

steeping back 5:65

Subconscient and 2:32; 6:319 21

suggestions, collective 2:24,76,110; 5:313-16; 7:245-46;


superficial and subtler 16:331

superman 10:316; 11:148-60;,230-33,240-43; 16:415

supermind, effect of 8:206-07

supermental see supermental consciousness

supreme see supreme consciousness

surrendered to devine 7:255

tamasic 10:53

technique and 4:42

terrestrial 10:75



that everything is God 10:l02-05

thought and ,4:240,319 

to be conscious 'see  conscious (becoming, being), to be conscious

to change the world ll:l87

to control flow of energy . 4:161

to realise  transformation. 9:35-36

to understand experience's 4 :234

.transcendental 4:221

transformation of see Transformation  of consciousness

true se  True consciousness

Truth consciousness age  Truth consciousness

turn  to the Divine alone 17:47

turned towards the supramental Light 16:78-79

understanding 5:29;,194; 9:245-46; 10:18; 17:159

unfolding of 4:174,217,220

unified and un-unified 11:290-92

united with psychic 7:255

unity of 11:199-207

universal (cosmic) see cosmic consciousness

universalisation of 9:65

upper and lower hemisphere 9:13-14

vast 7:249

veiled 16:41; 17:100,115,134

vibrations of 5:271;  9;287-89

wakefulness  , constant 4:327

wasting of  6:l55-56

way towards, mastery 17:113

when al1powerful l6:367

where good and bad lose all value 10:267

 why did you make me conscious ?" 5:4,31.

widening of 5:153; 221-223,34; 6:344-46; 8:286-88; 383-84; 16:254,307,345,398-99,432-34,17:48

witness 4:233

words and 5:74-75;  6:90 -99; 10:222

yogic 3:161

cf Attentioness; Awareness; Cosciousness...; Observation

 Consciousness-force 11:265

Consciousness:  states of 4:152-53

complete cure depends on on 3:96-97; 5:292

curve of creation and 11:192

different 5:134; 7:133

"egoistic" 7:354; 10:76

gaps in ladder of being 4:61

harmonious 5:386

hell as 10:65

in which all is the devine 5:385

levels of physical 4:152-52,235

the mother's body and 11:99,117-18,126-27,137,139-42,165

parts of which one is not conscious 4:73,336

sleep in 4:352-53

union with the devine 4:153,401

wars result from 10:52

when judgement impossible 8:2

Consercration 2:96-97,128; 4:363; 8:14; 14:36,108; 16:74-75,178,235

Aspiration and 10:300

comes first 6:341

communion and 17:176

constancy of 16:24

duty to parents and 17:162

effects of total 10:295



entire being absorbed in 16:38S

how? 16:3.S4

in activity 16:;24

ideal of complete 7:1927

identification and 17:69-70

inner discovery by 2:66

inner and outer 17:308

integral and absolute 3:1

joy of 7:401-03

meditation and 14:105-06

of developed psychic to Divine work 4 :147

of  fami1y of beings  to same work 5:2

at 1ife to Yoga 10:270

offering , surrender and 4 ! 132-34

only way out of difficulties 16:206

Radha, symbol of 16:175

sacrifice and 2:76

sincerity and 4:208,339

suffering and  10:295

to the Divine 3:20,126-27;  5:119;  7;192,243; 14:l05;

16:61,135-365; 17:32-33,69-70,176,374,409

to Divinity within 2:l03

 to humanity 2:126

 to the idea 2:76 

  to impersonal work 2:52-54

 to seeking the? Divine 17:379

 transformation and 16 :371

work and 2:52-545 10:309

se e also Giving offering; self-giving

Conservation 17:186

Constructions see formations; Mental formations


physical and mental 17:285-85

vital 17:150-51

with the mother 17:171,370-71,400-01

with one physic 17:369,371

with others 17:56-58,61,94,116-17

with a physic being after death 17:367-68

Contemplation 7:278

correct 3:250-51

Contiance 14:276


solving 16:216

Contraries see Opposites


consciousness  and power of 9:262-63

development and, of senses 6:78-79

during sleep 3:15; 4:62; 6:184-88; 7:65-67; 16:228,400

habit of 17:33-34,76

mental , and sex-impulses 2:25,61;3:5

not to  yield  17:74


of anger 4:170; 8:350-53; 16:193; 17:364,376

of body 4:355; 9:86-87; 12:50-55; 16:301

of children 16:201-02

of impulse 5:213-14; 6:317-18,342-44

of lower nature 16:335

of one's life 9:261-63,98-102

of passion's and desires 5:211-14

of senses and desires 3:188


of speech 12 :34,57-64; 14:218-23; 17:8,23,33-34

of subconscient 17:91,182 

of thought 2:61-62,90:3;183-84,186,230; 4:335; 9:250-54,367-8

of vice 8:5

of vital 4:250,335-36 ;  5:211-14;  8:l90; 9:98-99 

over all activities 16:401

over character and events 16:413-14;

over money power by vital beings 3 n45-46

physical, vi,ta1 , mental 4:335-36

repression 4:59

true 9:310-11

see  also  self-control ; Self-mastery

Conversations 16:4-5

about socal1ed spiritual things 17:166

don't identify with 17:50

free exchange of ideas 17:166

Conversion (s) 4:92,102-03; 15:240

by 1ove 17:26

calm and 17:46

 instantaneous  l6:387

jay of 4:l03

1aying bare of falsehood 3:141

of Asuras (adverse forces) 3:l44;  4:I88; 5:98-100,375-77, 203-04,245-48,435-37; 8:l38-39;  10:282;  17:216

of consciousness 16:l63  

of men governed by adverse forces 6:247-48.

of the mind 5:254; 17:46-47

of the vital 3 :73,136-40 ,144-46; 5:117-18,255-58; 6:203-04;

16:401,410-11; 17:7 20-21,85,121,207  

of the vital being 6:203-04,246-48,435-36 

of vital beings 3:144; 6:l61   8:336-39

spiritual 2:162   . '..  

success and 6i246 .

sudden 17:l90

Cooking 15:289-90

in aluminum vessel  17:261-62 

mats en  stools  for Dining Room 17:303

supplies 17:243,251 ,253,270-71 .277-78 ,284 ,287:,299 ,3,05,324 ,

vitamins destroyed by heat l7:268

see also Eating; Food . Coping 17:413

Cosmic Consciousness

becoming aware of 6:419-20

the? Divine and 3:168

expressing life 8:379-50

knowing beauty 5:331

on 1evel of matter 10:75

opening to 7 :270

other and 7:236

true and understanding 5:194

 Coue, EmiIe

 "coutistic optimism  7:3

method of healing 3:36,156; 7:3- 8;  9:380;  16:80

Country(ies) 13:369,391

Africa,  butter-fruit  tree- 5:364

atmosphere of 4i223,230

Babylon Bil56

bloody revolutions in 16:153

continent between India and-Africa 5:249

government, -first duty of 5:301


history of 4:111

inner affinity 4:259

limitation for individual 8:58

mental affinity between different  people 4:227

the mother as 10:284

pantheons as of different 8:142; 9:104

people born in one who belongs to another 3:82

relations between: money and politics 9:166-69

sense of beauty in different 3:82

traditions in different 9:333

see also American China; Egypt; Greece; India; Japan; Europe;

Nations; Russia


Courage 2:5; 4:53,351; 12:151; 14:181

adventure, supreme 8:40-41

be courageous 16:178

definition  of  10:284

different types of 7:26-31

facing pain with 9:40,42

fear and 7:27

for purification 9:74

frank reflection 8:228

full of 17:357

having, for others 16:193

keep 16:144

in war 7:30-31,261

little 17:63

loss of 16:38

physical and moral 7:25-32

story illustrating 2:175-83

sucess and 16:134

to walk on the path 8:261-62


ignorance and error 7:411

tamas and 7:25-26

Creation 10:252; 11:167;186, 238, 275-76,315; 15:3-6,8-9,9?

aim/goal of 3:31-32; 10:48; 11:268,289; 16:283-84

Ananda of 10:344

Brahman and 10:230.340

Buddhism and  view of 9:8

by Nature of something new 2:157

christian idea of 10:102

Combinations result of different 8:312-16

Consciousness and 5:164; 9:205-07; 10:206; 11:199-207,289

consciousness at orign of 4:234

"The creative word" 7:347-350

Creator and his 16:404

descent of devine love 8:339

desire and 9:8

differentitation of the sexes 9:203-04

disorder and 10:92

diverse multiplicity 9:47-48

deversity of manifestation 8:313-14,388

the devine and 4:174217,234,328; 5:163-64,309-12; 16:377,415

devine in its essence 9:156-57,209-10

the devine mother and 17:303-04

devine power, aspects behind 5:82

devine will and 9:7-9

division and 6:273









division in 9:8-12

 "error"  of 10:223-24;11:170

 Eternal game  of 9:10,35

evolution of 16:284

explanation of the ancient traditions 12:l02

 formaters,. ranks among 5:308-09

  free choice 5:374-75

 goal of see also above aim of

God and His 5:309-12

 gods and 15:375

 great mystery of 16:380

heart of 17:379 ,

horrors of11:133-35,137 .166,176-81

how and why of 11:194-95,197-207

identity, separation and union 8;225-27

 impermanence; 4 :213-14

 inertia and 10:202; 11:192-96

 individual and 3;58 -59

 inner discovery by 2:66

 knowledge that transforms all 10:144

1ed by will of Lord 10:252

long duration and difficulty of 16:383-84

Mahashahti and 16:374

 man only grasps infinitesimal part of 10:289

 manifestation  of Supermind in 10:107

 manifestation progressive 8:109 -10,325-26

 mind and 10 :254

new see New creation /

of character capable of manifesting  the Ideal 2:153

of  creative thought 8:395-96

.of devotional religion 10:63

of earth 10:220

of equilibrium 5:353,355; 6:l71.-74;  ll:lll-l4

of material worlds 4:241-43

 of omnipotent god 5:163-64

of opposite movements 10:118

of phenomenal world  3:175

of  poets, Krishna 10:64

of spiritual  atmosphere 6:356-57

of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 4:93;  10:199-200

 of universe 4:162,220,370-71; 5:40-41,71,163

of the world 5:163  

oldest tradition on 16:370

oneness, duality and 16:374

 over mind 9:148-50

  peace, the Inconscient and 11:l61-64

 period of transition 9:l40-51

 plans for 17:303-04

 power  , creative , in vital  world 8:l I8- 19

process of 8 :396 ; 11 :194-95 ,197-207

progressive and static universe 8:233-34

 progressive perfection  of 16:427-20

 raison d'etre of 4;161,173-74; 6:l04-05

 role of adverse farces in 10:120-22 

 self-creator  8:106

 seventh 5:353; 6:170-71 ; 7:208; 10:219 ;

Shankara and negation of this 4:ll9,328

simultaneous, but earth is spracial 4:243

spiritual understanding of 5:374 .

story of 4:394;  5:l62-64; 7:l57-63;  8:339-40

successive involutions 9:205-07


traditional 4:234; 352-53,372-82; 16:370

supermental  see  Supramental creation

the Supreme and ll:l98-207

theories. of 4:214

time and 4:220,394

Truth-Creation and Pralaya 7:208

unconsciousness of 5:41 ,71 ; 10:206

unit/ and 11:198-204

unity of Creator and ' ; 7-9

 unlived dreams  8:222

Veda 's concept ion of 4 :214

vibration of 10:217

vision of divine 10:231-32 ,

why of 10:224

see  also Earth; Universe; World


Divine is omnipotent 5 :163

His world and 16:404

of Great ion and 9:7-9

Cripps Proposal 8:31-32; 16;319 20 ;

Crises 17:413


the Gita, propaganda and 8:104-07

indifference  to 7:393,396-97

 of others 16:273,275,282

of people without taste 16:60

of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 7:391-92; 8:2,10,107,366;  16:273

 of teachers 12:185

 progress and 1 6:270

 seldom useful 12:360

self -criticism, and  ego  6:350; 16:309-10

Cross 4:44 45,318

Christ still hangs on 10:59-60

each carries her own 4:44-45

hung on 4:318

 Transformation flower in shape of 4:393

Cruelty 3:l0 ; 15 :50

Ananda and 10:107

animal sacrifice and 6:65-66

expression of the Divine 10:106

in chi1dren 6:5

love and 10:106,166-67

of hunters 17:11

 sense of beauty and 6:71- 72

 to beasts 6:65 -67; 16:110-11

unconsciousness and 6;70-71

"Cubism" 5:333; 12:236-37

Culture 4:311

Intellectual 10:256; 12:l39; 16:198

physical 10:30-31 see also Physical culture

 Cure/Curing 17:309,401

the body , see body, curing

calm to 17:413

complete, depends on consciousness 3:96-97; 5:292

desire 7:58-59

Divine to cure  faults 16:290

fears 4:212-13

 for boredom 5:49-52

 from within 17:116

 guide for 17:415


ignorance 16:430

illness see Illness, cure/curing

men through faith 8:81

the Mother curing someone 5:l32; 17:317,350,353,406

natural, and  medicine 10:327

obsess ions with flowers 17:104-05

oneself of negative forces 4:266-67

stupidity 4:369

suffering 7:130-32,318

through gentleness, 7:413

see  also  Heal/Healing

Curie, Marie and Pierre 4:l95, 5:393;  6:l8-19

Curiosity '

tack of ,16s33A

mental 8:206-07; l0:235


the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 16:332

Cyclone 17:20,207,291
