Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works































Idea (s) 4 : 85 , 99 ,346 ; 9 : 168 -69

about past lives  5 : 217-18
about people 17 : 40
about yoga 17 :94 ,124
accepting influence of others  17 : 124
ancient , of spiritual realisation   8 : 244-45
as true mental dynamism 2:108
bad 17:112-13

behind all appearances   2 : 81
Christian, of creation 10;102
collective wealth 7 : 92
consecration and sacrifice to 2 : 76
creative  2 :108

different expressions of   7 :  92-93
direct contact with 2 : 80
domain of pure 7 : 352
expression of 12 : 60-61
free exchange of   17 : 166
hostile 17 : 36

intellectual s and   5 :145 ;   7 : 272
knowledge and 4 : 47, 158
lacking in humility  17 : l29
1anguage and 2 : 8l
love  of  mind  for   2 : 75-77
most useful to spread   2 : 86
"moving-idea"    8 : 8

not abstract and bodiless   2 : 75
of atom   4 : 139

of collectivity according to Sri Aurobindo    9 :137
of the Divine   7:381 ; 5 :133 ,160 ,311-12 ;   8 : 1-3, 7 ,44-46
of evil   4:23-25; 9;134; 10:72
of  fate and Buddhism 15 : 247
of god 4:176, 289; 10:102,104
of immortality   4 :69-70; 8 : l29
of Mahakali's power   4:397
of man and superman    2 : 156-64

of new race    2 : 164

of  pralaya   5 : 353

of profiting   8 : 129-30 ,241-42
of progress   3 : 194

of renouncing physical reality   9 : 4
of spiritual 1ife   8 : 365-66
of troubles   5 : 144
of weakness   16:186

of what is  good   4 :101
opposite, synthesis of   16 : 347
origin and organisation  of    6 :13-14 ; 8; 346 ;  9 : 250-52
Plato and 2 :76

poetry, expression of   7 : 93
power and 10 :185

pragmatic power of    12 :61
"Preconceived"   2 :77-78 ; 8 : 395-96
preference for   2 : 75-77
primal (archetypes)   7 : t22
pure, typal   7 : 92~93
realisation limited by   8 :1
reconciliation of    2 : 25
religion as source of    2 : 78
replacing   2 ;77

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science as source  of      2 : 78
seeking highest      2 : 61 ,77
senses  and        2: 21

symbolising That    2 :38

thinking with        12 :187-88 ; 16 : 244-45

thought and        4 : 47,202 ;  5 : 108-12 ,399; 8 : 344-46 ,395; 9 : 381-83

true in own time .and place   3 : 226~28 ;  12 : 292
 true lover of       2 : 78-79

undesirable      17 : 69

war of idea against         2 : 89

Western , of  perfection 10 : 104

words and           3: 64 ;  6;98 ;  10 :184;  12 : 60-61

world of            2 : 80 ;  3 : 64

belongs to all       2 : 98-99

wrong       3 : 244

Ideal     4:114; 17:32, 90

conceiving child  according  to highest.         2 : 154

creation of character capable of  manifesting          2 : 153

the Mother  was born to realise highest           3 : 131

of the Ashram    10 : 270 

of attitude in action         9 : 29-31

of beauty      8 : 58

of complete consecration    7 : 192

of 1ife    8 :57-58;   9 : 97

of a womin's physical beauty    7 : 242;  8:239-43 ; 10 : 302 ; 12 : 298-99

ours and others    2 :92

progress in light of      2 :49 ; 4 : 38-39

progressive transformation and    9 : 108,  110-11

realisation of   2 : 78 ;  3 : l31

Ideal child         12:1.50-51

Idealism           10;254
Identification       4 :133 ,174 ,328~29 ,363 

action consecrated after    17 : 69-70

aspiration for  active    10 : 198

becoming one with something   5 : 226.,399-.400 

by consciousness    11 : 244
capacity  for  total    10:115
consciousness as     17 : 182
the  Divine, only way of  knowing      5 : 225
dynamic and passive     6 : 266

experience  of     6 : 332,334 ...
inner, and true closeness to the Mother.    16 : l23
knowing the unthinkable  through     2 : 126
knowledge and   3 : 167-68 ;    45 : 219-220

of  God  by         5 ; 225,312;  10 : 43-44

learning through         5 : 219-25,299-300
methods  of      5 : 220-21 ,
the Mother's, with ,the  Lord;        16 : 230 ,
of consciousness    2 ;60 ,130 ;  10 : 121 ; 16 : 44, 165 ;  17 :182-83
passing beyond one's narrow limits,.   5 : 233-34
perfect     10;122

separativity and     17;177
through concentration      5 ; 225 ; 16 : 44

to work well       4; 363

unconscious need  for      2;52-53 

understanding others through 5 S299-301 ,31 lr-12''

with all suffering    2 : 58

with author's thought   5 : 223

with body    5 : 361 ; 7 : 255 

with collective human psychological  consciousness    10 : 75-76

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with the Divine 5 :225--26, 312, 322 ; 7: 355-56;  8 : 44-48;    10 : l98; 16:384; 17 ;177

with Divine Consciousness    16 : 61

with Divine play 10 : 52

with Divine Will     17 ; 181

with Eternal     2 : l30

with material  world     17 :179

with the Mother    17 : 69-70

with a piece of  music    16 : 232

with Supreme

condition of  freedom   10 : 264
gives knowledge of everything    10:125-26

with a tree 3:168

with whole 10:198

see   also        Identity


Ananda of     8 : 94, 226-27

aspiration awakened   11 : 64-65

awareness by 3 : 178
becoming the Divine by   8 : 94 ,109--10 ,225-27 ,284-85 ,377-79

in origin    16;383

indifference and   15 : 299

inner and outer    17 : 75

Knowledge by  see   Knowledge , by   identity

the Mother's sense of   11: 70-74

of consciousness 16 : 165

of opposites, (fusion etc .)   11 ; 109 ,111-14 ,198-202 ,204 .212,220,236

suffering of the  Divine Mother through    5 : 388

see  also   Identification

Ignorance      6 : 450-51 ;  8 : 262 ,269,294 ,352; 17 : 379

aspiration and 10;27 -, 16:359

better than disobedience of guru   17 : 1,31

cause. of suffering   9: 7-8,10-11 ; 17 : l29

change by revolution and     16:153

Christ assumes human    10:61-62

coming out of    16 : 163

conception of  God     10 : 355

consciousness and    3:101

correcting    9 : 306-07

curing     16 : 430

definition of   4:164

desire and    7:317-18; 10:15-16,261-62

difficulties and   4 : 251; 6: 325-26

dispelled by growing consciousness   3:101

Divine Will  and    3:170

division , cause  of    9: 7-11

elements unwilling to change    4 : 74,332

error through    7 : 411; 10 : 47; 16:307

evil and     9:134; 10 :.72

falsehood and 3:245,254; 6 : 169-70; 11 : 41 ;  14 : 209; 17 : 181-82
finding justification for    10:82

Force of      4:340-42

general     4:90

getting out of      4 : 69

God's use of     10:321

greatest impurity    3;190-91,264

hallucination and    10 : 41-42

human 2 :88 ; 9:134-35 ; 10 :296 ; 16 : 227 ; 17 : 107

inconscience and   16 : 380

judgment in    10 : 49, 298
knowledge and 6 : 287-89 ;  7 : 3l0 ,317 ,411 ; 8 : l40

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lacks  humility     17 : 90,129

language of     10: 103-04

limitation and   10;77

love and      6:102

luck and     10 : 263

made by the Divine?    17:106

man clings to       16:291

material world and      4 : 276

matter and    3:102; 10 : 6l-62

mental formations sweep away    9 : 134:

mind and     10 : 42, 17 : l70

miracles and     l0 : 165

misery and    4:292

misfortune and      10 : 58

mistakes in knowledge and 7 : 411

the. Mother ' s help to overcome       17 :133

must be dissolved      17:140

nescience ordinarily called       9 ; 8

notions belonging  to human    9 ; 134-35

obscure  behaviour and    17 : 142

path of    10 : 260

perpetuation of    5 : 32

physical mind and 10 : 42

physical suffering  and   11 : 41-44

poverty and     10 : 269

pride in     10 : 342

regarding  development of  body   10 : 31

relation to Truth    10:3

sin through    3 : 221

sole evil of humanity    7 : 316-17

sorrow and    10 : 296

spokesman for forces of    4 : 34l-42

stupidity and       5 : 30

suffering and      6 : 287-89 :   9 : 7-8, 10-11 ; 11 :41-42 ; 17:129,149

surrender to Divine and    16 : 433

sympathy for those 1iving in     10 : 279-80

taking things from below     9 : 237-38

triple world of     6 : 274

use of    10:321

very obstinate     17 : 103,327
view of science and the Buddha  on    7 : 3l6-l7

wal1 of separative    7: 237

will , choice and    10:287

wisdom and    10 : 46

world and    3 ; 245 ;    7 : :292-96

yields only to effort   17 : 103

Illness      11 : 225 ,272 ;  15 : 148-77 :  17 : 193 ,208-09 ,308-09, 349-51 ,353-56

accepting   8 : 4-5, 68, 213

accident., moment of choice.   4 : 403

adverse  forces  and  3 :55 ;  5 :180-88

all-powerful remedy , putting it into practice   8 :.41-42

aspiration to overcome    5 ; 293-94

body and mind, relation of, and    5 : 402-03 ;  7 : 44-45

body remembers?     6 ; 366-69

breath and    17 : 308

call from family in     17 :318

cause (s) of   3 : 57, 85-91 ;. 16:323
depression l7: 118

disequilibrium among forces    5 : 122-23 ,170-82 ; 9 ; 120-22
external , contagion, ill-will,  etc,   5 : 179-88

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fear     3:57, 90-91 ;  4 : 263;  5:161-72, 313-14;  8:120-22 ; 12 : 14 ; 15;151-52, 156 ;  16:194, 323

germs, microbes 7:146-47

ill-will    5 : l79-88;   15 ;158-59

inner conditions as    5 : 167-68 ,173

change of work in 17; 248-49
character and    6 : 2-4
children and     12 :14-15
co11ective (epidemic)    16:300
collective, in Ashram    7;151
congenital     15:164-65

consciousness and   5; 185-86; 11 :207-08, 210
cure? /curing    9 17:92

by air and sun     16 : 110

by confidence in  life    5:297

by doing unselfish works     5;121-22

by faith      4:209-10

by the Mother's  force    5:132; 17:317,350,353,408

by peace   15:160-63

by Sri Aurobindo     4; 264
by yoga    7 : l04,144-45

complete , consciousness of    5 ; 292

disorders of the spring 17 :186

headache   6 :310-12

localised  illness   8: 212-14

mental resolution not enough    9 ; 124-25

nervous diseases, look at an aquarium   5 : 224

of different      3: 90

of Nature    17 : 351

resolution  for    5:186-88

spiritual1y     4:74, 264, 267-71, 282

wil1 and    16:127

with the help of microbes     4:210

you must want to be      16:127

see   also   Cure

see  also   below    heal / healing

desire and      35;159-60
discipline and      12: 383
disharmony and     7; 36

doctors and     5 : l23-24 ;  17:231,349-50,353,403
drugs (medicines)  in     17 ; 195-96 ,354-55 ,405 ,407 ,410-11
egoistic    4 : 10i

energy given to mind        15 : 370
First world War, people killed in     5;184
habits of        7;144-47
heal / healing       8-;212-14

capacity to     16: 429

good formations  help    5 : 133,387,403

re establishing equilibrium    5 :122-23

see   also   above   cure/curing

hypochondriac 17 ;77
imaginary    17: 63-64,67,238,249
in animals    3 : 273-74
in the heart .   17 : 355, 394
in hospital    17 : 405-06

incomprehensible disorders and diseases    16 : 421
Japan, epidemic  in   5:182-85
knowledge of    8:363-64
leave Ashram because of?   17 : 407
make use of     17 : 208
Mantra and      4 : 389

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medical knowledge of         8 " 363-64
medicines and see   Medicine
mind and      15 : 156-57,162
memory in body and    6 ; 366-68
moral condition and microbes    5 :171-72
nerves and   3 : 89 ;  4 ;268; 17;195
new physical consciousness and   11 : 243
not given by the  Divine   5 : 170
origin of       4 : 263;   9 : 120-22
pain and 
 see  Pain

people are almost always .ill      5 : 188
people  who like being ill     5 :122
personal remedies (treatments)       17 : 147,67,350-53,403
physical receptivity  in      17 : 223,317,329
preparing food when unwell     17 : 320
protection from others     17:238
refuse support  of thought to (forget)     17 : 64, 92
rejection of    4;268-71
rejoicing from subtle body    4 : 267-69

remedy for suffering and     9 : 41-42 ,123-26

resistance .and     3 : 86-91 ; 4 : 63
right  attitude  towards    6 ; 340
sanitation    and      3 ; 56

sources of     3 ; 85,  88-89
specific ill nesses

boil    17:329

cold attack     17 : 90, 92, 165

diabetes      17;238

exhaustion      17: 393-94

eyes     17 : 251, 347-48,403

fever      5 :186;  17 : 61,106,192

flu      17 : 221

giddiness     17 : 356

headache    16 : 46,130; 17 : 63, 195,218

heart    17:355,394

injuries      17; 278,285,317

insomnia    17 ; 354-55

mania of persecution    17 : 242

measles    17 ;208 ,410-11

mental tension     17 : 174 ,195

mental unbalance    17 : 226-27

minor spasms    17 : 413

nervous     17 : 403

pain       17 ; 63,158

prostate operation     17 : i249

sore throat     17 : 47

stomach ache     16 :130,; 17:251,315-16,350

sunstroke     4 : 270 

swelling     17 : 296,321-22 

tumours     17 : 393

subconscient  and     7 : 144; 17 : l65
suggestions about     3 ; 56-57 ,89; 16; 194
transformation and, the Mother's   experience      see  Mother's body, the , transformation of , painful  transition , etc.
vibrations, accidents and     16 : 323-24

vital being, "possession by         4 : 185
vital events, no cause of     5 : 28
wrong attitude and     16 : 21

Yoga and    3 : 55-57 ,84-91 ; 5 ; 170-71, 177 ,179
see  also     Cure ;  Disease ;  Doctors  ; Healing ; Health ; Medical opinion ; Medical science ; Medicine ; Sickness

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Ill - treatment

innocence and        16;193
Illusion     4 ; 383

Buddha and     4 : 174

chance and       10 : 44-45

life as      7; 292-97

man lives in     4 : 277-78

material world  is     9 : 4

maya , wheel of     8 ; 57-58

mind and     10 : 42

nature of    10 : 44-45

of action   3 : 66-67

of personality    2 : 52-58,125

of progress    6 : 428

of separation    3 : 59-60 ,63; 7 : 364

reality behind 10 : 44

rejection of  life as    7 : 405

wor1d and 3 :162; 4 : 277-78; 7 : 292-94; 8 : 44, 53,234 ;  9 : 4, 339-41 ; 10 : 44-45

world   illusion   11 : 173

Images    6: 275-76

for psychic discovery   7 : 271-72

in meditation   6 : 378

in a temple    4 ; 397

in vision   3 : l3-14; 16 ; 34

man' s , of God     10 ; 95

of Atman    7 : 206

of European progress    10 : 311

of the Infinite     16 : 61

of Kali    4 : 396-98

of life in the Ashram   13:149-53

of the Mother   11 ;324; 13 : 83-84

of the state of the world    16 : 365

produced by thought   2 ;108

value and use of    7 : 272

world of    10:126-27

Imagination (s)   4:81 ,154-55; 16 : 69

cause of sadness    17 : 120

children's   4:128; 5 :410 :  l6 : 61

collective    6:107-08

creating what one imagines   5 : 132-33

develops creative and mental faculty    12 ; 26

disciplining    9 ; 385-88

Divine and   7 : 234

effect of literature on   17 : 69

existence and.   8 ;9

formative power of    7 : 231-32,242; 9 : 379-80

function of    7 : 233-34 

generalisation  and   17; 307

ghosts and    17 : 110

heaven and hell , human formations      5 ;131-32

illness and     17 : 63-64,67,238,249

influence of    6 : l07-08

inner    10 :129

meditation and    9 : 378-80

misleading (false, wrong)   16:173 ;  17;106,120,371

of c1osed doors    17 : 189

of the Mother 11 : 144

of Nature    5 ; 226-27,251,344

of oneself as instrument of adverse  forces    16 :  190

of so-called vital being    16 :190

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of writers      4 : 154-55 ;  7 : 231-32 

power of    3 ; 156-57 ;  8 : 118-19 ; 9 : 24

realisation and        6 : 233-34

reality and    7 ; 233-35

scientists and    7 : 233

two kinds  of   9 : 385-86 

use and misuse of    5 :  133 ; 7 : 63

vain    16 : 148
weakness due to   17 : 248-49

what to imagine    8 : 317

writers and    7 : 232

Imaginative activity    16 : 62
Immobility     3 : 87-88 ; 4; 1 ,10 ;  8 : 66-68 ,330-31 ; 11 ;13-15 ;  see   also      Mother's body, the, peace .....

Immortality         4 :171 ; 6 : 53  10 : 84 ;  11 : 11 ,49-50, 52-53, 147 , 220 ; 15 : 124-26 , 131
becoming. conscious of     l0 : 83

earthly    3 :188 

Eternal Consciousness and   16 ; 435-36

idea of    4 : 69-70 ; 8 : 129

meaning of    10 ; 27-32   passim

the Mother' s body' s experience of the consciousness of    11 : 195-96

of consciousness    11 : 195-96 ;  12 : 343

physical     4 : 69-70 ; 10 : 28-29,84 ; 12 : 82-87 ; 16 ; 195,429,436

psychic and    16 : 432

religion and    10 : 83-84

self and    10 : 28

sense of     5 : 317

soul and    10 : 26

Sri Aurobindo's description of . 10 : 28

synthesis of mortality and     5 : 111

Titan's four strides towards    10:357

Impatience      11:196; 17 : 93,116

do not be impatient,    16:137 

Impersonal action    2 :  49,54

Impersonal  love    2 : 58  

Impersonal and personal  Divine    7 ; 244,248-50

Impersonal  work    2;52-54 


charity and     2 : l01
judgment and    2 : 91
mental   2 : 128


beginning of possibility    9 ; 383-85,388,394-95
difficulty and     7 : 415-420
explanation of  " impossible"   8 :383-85 

possibilities and    7 ; 262-63
sadhana, each person an    7 : 415,419
see    also Difficulty

Impulses     4;77-78,387 ;  10;15 

control of     2:25,61 ; 3 ;5 :  5 ;211-15;. 6 :317-18 ,342-44
drive of      17 : 137

of  life    9 : 98-102

passion's and   5 ;211

seat of      4 : 49-50 

spontaneous, from subconscient   17 ; l94

stupidities committed     5 : 212 

thoughts and    6 : 319 

to create  something new    2 :157

transference of vital  (example of  murderer)  5 : 208,377

vanquishing    17 :  121

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yielding to vital   17 ; 74 ;  see  also  Vital  impulses

Impurities      17;24,39

over-activity and    16 : 146

tiredness due to 16 : 147


feeling one's own     16:320

human     l6 : 402

of thoughts for action     8 ;359; 10:124,146

suggestions of 16 : 133

surrender and personal 10 : 305


aim of     2 : 52

conscious     8 ; 334-36

of Buddha    3 ; 78-80

of gods on earth    4 : 184

of the one Being    9 : 197

of the psychic being    8 ; 202-03,335-37

of vibrations of harmony    10 : 192-93
 of vital being    4 : 184-85

reason for    5 ; 388-89; 8 : 167-68

secret of      10 : 73-74

Inconscience  (Inconscient, Unconsciousness)     4 :119,240-41,283; 11 ;109,199; 15 : 247; 17 :183

absence of diversity     9 : 48

al1 in unconscious    8 :77-78

amount of,  in food     4 : 334

Asura of  see   Adverse Forces, Asuras

being of Consciousness and Love within the     9 : 332-34

cause of all  misery    8 ; 77

consciousness  and     4 :241

correcting wrong done through      5; 411

cruelty and     6 : 70-71

descent of Love     8 ; 226   fn,339-40

diminishes intensity of suffering    3 ; 198

the Divine in     8:35,79

divine Consciousness in    9;11,207

God in     9 : l0-12

going into during sleep     4:318-19; 16;267

how to counteract     5 ; 373

ignorance and      16 ;380

in the being     9 : 330-34 ;  11:27 ; 16 :157

in matter     17 : 365

in physical body     16 ; 234

insincerity and    6 : 125-27

laziness of     16 : 395

man cannot feel 1ife's aim       8:120 

Manifestation emerging out of     11;76-77

mental      15;381-85

the Mother's experience of     15 : 381-85

no being on earth completely free from      11:87

of creation     5: 41,71; 10 : 206

peace and    11; 161-64

progress over 11 ; 88 

pushing things into the    8:19

separated from the Divine      8 : 77-79

shadow  is symbol of    16 : 367

"tamasic" part of the being and     16 : 157

to become conscious      11:84-85

transformation of    15 :316-17

unity in     9 : 47-48

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India        12 : 212-13, 262 ;  13 ; 14, 251, 280-81 ,359-84 ; 16 : 368  fn  

ancient, and modern    10 : 271 

art  in   see   Indian art

as Guru of the world    16 : 328,341

attitude towards wymon  in    12 : 105-06

beauty and       13 : 380-81

belief in  reincarnation  in  16 : 366

Brahmins      3 ; 151

China and     16 : 274-75 ;  17: 217-18

communal life of      10 : 308

continent between Africa and     5 : 249

dance in     3 : 112

difficulties  of  17 : 219 ,282 ,304

division of    8 :32

education in 12 : 251-54; 13:369-71

freedom of   8 : 30-31

future of     16 :319;  17: 240,
geniuses of    16 ; 6

government emergency      17 ; 218-19
great ages of    4 ; 312.
idea of renouncing physical reality    9 ; 4
important  people  in    17 : 3l4
Independence Day    8 : 265-66
"India is free"    5 ; 190 ;  8 : 30-32
Indo-Pakistan conflict    16 : 326-28 ; 17 :376 ,264-67 ;    see  a1so below Pakistan and

Japan and    2 : 149-50
languages of   see    Indian  language (s)
legends  about. divine  protection in      8 :  224
literature  in    3 ;107 ; 17 : 301
living  tradition of  yoga    7 : 342
loss of  vitality   7 : 294
mission of     13 : 360-63,365-66,370,372,375-80
the  Mother and     13 : 43-45 ; 17 : 213
Mother India      12 : 42-44
music in      5:77-78
Nehru, Jawaharlal    17 : 240
number of souls  in . 4 : 48

number one problem 12 : 314
ought to be spiritual guide    16 : 328
Pakistan and    5:190; 13:372-74;. 16 ;326-28; 17 ; 264-,67 , 376 ;  see   also  above   Indo-Pakistan conflict of    19: 65
pantheon of     8 : 142
partition of     13; 359
plants used for adoration    4 : 167
poverty of    17 : 258
privileged    4 : 303
prosperity in    17 ; 258
psychic being and   12 ; 314

religious convention and     10 : 317
role in the world       7 : 307
Sanskrit in     8:153-54; 12 : 224-25, 416-17; 13;384 ; 15 ; 286-87 ; 17 : 317-19 , 322
Shankara's  preaching in      10 :302- 03
save  from Indians    17:254,282
"show the way to union"      16:368    fn
soul of     13 : 360-61 ,376-78,380

spiritual  life in      10;212
spirituality and       13 : 369,374-82  passim
Sri Aurobindo's teaching and     15 : 426-28
stories of divine intervention    7 : 418

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tales of       8 : l4-18 ,104-50 ; 10;135

traditional  learning of    10 ;205

unity of    13 ;362 ,368-76   passim

use  of AUM  in        2 : 64

the West and    16 : 328

wish to come  to   5 ; 356

World War II and    13 :  125-26

worship and meditation of    10 :63  see  a1so    Indian....

Indian art      3;108,110

ancient, and Calcutta school    5 : 341-42

compared with European      4 : 312-313

Indian language (s)      8:153-54; 12 : 218, 222-25, 253, 416-17; 13 : 371 ,383-84; 15 : 286-87

the Mother's respect for    17 : 213-14

Sanskrit     8 :153-54; 12 : 224-25,416-17; 13 ;384 ; 15 286-87 ; 17 : 317-19,322


attachment and    16 : 76
         calmness and    17 : 163

equality and     16 : 173, 336-37

hardening and  16 :190

identity and      15;299

mental     16:336

must lead to equality     16 :173

to all  effort through fatigue      16 : 179-80

to criticism   7 : 393, 396-97

to ill-treatment    16:193

to suffering     16:190

Individual, the     11:275-76; 14;18

action of    4;253-54, 5 : 20; 9 : 5-6; 10;71-74

advice can impair development    10 : 237

afraid of not being different    2 ;53

aim of life of     5 ; 203,303,351-52

anarchy and    10:306

aspiration of     5:250

cannot change thy world    10;138-39

cannot understand consciousness of totality and detail    11 : 222

central Wil1 in   10 : 74.

classed according to own nature    10: 268-69;   see   also  Character

collectivity and 4:36,382; 5; 305-06 ; 7:323 ; 9 : 140-42,172-74,315

consciousness of  see   Individual consciousness

condition for perfection     10 ;308

contact of , with supermind     8:133,323

creation and      3:58-59

death and     10 :11-12

definition of     4 : 172 ,327-28

democracy and    10 ;312 . 

destiny    10 : l1-12

development of and  ego   7 ;366,371-72; 16:304

development of different parts of    10 : 97

descript ion of development        9 ;348-49

difference between    2 : l06

difficulties of     6 : 446-47

diversity of expression of   4:327-29; 8 : 387-88

the Divine and    4:392-93; 6:256-61 ; 8.44-45 : 10 : 73-74

each has favourable period for dreams   2 ; 31

effort of    5:250; 7 : 363-64; 9 ; 5-6,174,190-91

ego and     3 ; 240; 4 : 66,101-02; 7;.11,13, 15 : 22

encouraging  laziness in    2 : 100

environment express   2 : 68

Page - 141

"evil persona"   5 : 276    fn

evolution of     2 : 128 ;  7;331-33 ;  9 : 214 ;  16 ; 225-29, 323
experiences of    10 :14 ,21
experience and truth      10 ;183
few have escaped finite   10 : 98
first effect of Supermind in      10 ; 108
form of       2 ; 59

freedom of choice    5 : 90-91
goal of creation and          11 : 289
group progress and          2 : 60 ;   9 : 172-74; 12 : 39~40 , 18I-82
harmony between universal nature and      10 : 56
the  Infinite and         16 : :61
infinitesimal role       4:163
knowing oneself and other's       5 : 300,303-04
is limited           7 : 414-15 , 8 : 58
law of        8 : 141 ; l6 : :268
living cell of group        2 : 59
love of limitations         3 ; 169
made. up of many entities      16 :252
manifestation of true vibration and.       10 : 193-94
Maya  and        10 : 363
meant to manifest one aspect of the Divine  Consciousness          3 : 116
mission of        4 : 118 ,324
most helpful to future  of humanity .         2 : 161-62
nature of           5 : 414 ; 10 : 268-69; 16 : 268
not annulled by union with Supreme       11 ;129-30
not limited by body            8 : 55 389-97
offering of         10 :74
origin of       4:  174
parts of          4 : 80

path of              4 : 351
perfection unlimited       7 : 415
progress of   see  Progress,  individual
psychic being,  the true       3 : 63,124-25
realisation of collective and       8 : 49-50 ,133 .
role in supramental realisation      10 : 138
role in universe,     8 : 326
secret  of divine incarnation in 10 : 73
self. government of each , 10 : 306
self-perfection  2 : 66
sense of freedom of    5 : 90-91
sense of separation of     7 : 364
small  victories  of  5 : 19-21
soul, Divine and    16 : 229
supreme will  and .  10 : 74,88

surrender of    11; 185
tamasic nature of    5: 414
That which causes action and    10 : 295
thoughts of    2 ; 24,27-28, 86
transformation and     2 ; 47-48; 4 :382-83 ; 5 : 62; 7 : 323 ; 8 : 378-81 ; 10 : 316 ; 16 : 329, 382

true   3 : 63,124-25,169

Truth of each being    8 :52 ,124 ,141 ,280 ,325 ;  l0 : 138-39
twofold labour    2 : 48
unique manifestation   7 : 375
universa1 progress and   7 ; 427
universal self and   2 ; 38-39 ,94 ;  7 : 407 ; 8 :346 ,378-81
universe, world and   10 : 218
universalising    10 : 251
victory of thought    2 ;89
virtues of    7 : 138-39; 16:276

Page - 142

what constitutes       4:172-74 ,

will of       3:135; 5:97,196; 10 : 56,74

working through lower nature    8 : 22-23

world  and         6 :  446-47 ; 15 :406-07

see    also    Human ... ;   Humanity; Individual ... ;   Man / Mankind

Individual  consciousness            4 : 172-74,404; 9:354

difficulties  and      4 ; 44 ,74

global at the same time and         11 : 222, 275-76

perception of the world  and          9 : 201-03

separation  and      6 :100-01

understanding of the world       5 : 29-30; 9 ; 201-03

Individual nature

each classed according to        10:268-69

universal and          10 s56

individual "law follows the law of        16;268

see  also   Character

Individualisation       4:36,149,174,195

creation of opposite   movement        10 :118

matter and          10;115

mind and             4sl93,195; 9:43-44; 10:27-28,87-60

mental being and         10 s27-28

obstacle to suppleness     10:118

of consciousness         10 s264

of states of being         2;47

psychic being and         6 : 260

self-justified jealousy       10 : 307

vital and        10 : 41

work of ego       16 ; 389-90

Individuality          8;346,378-81; 11;165-68,203,260,324 ;  15 : 317-18 ;   17:108-09,375

aspiration and        11:185

body and       3:169 ; 6 : 257-60

a conquest         9: 43-48

development of     6 ; 261

ego and          4;174; 6 : 256-61,332-36; 7:11-13; 8 : 367-68 ;  10 :109

formation around  psychic      3 :150

humanity and       6:108,256-61,333-36

illusory sense of         4 : 174

in forms of vital world       3:48-49

mastery of complex       9 : 402-03

means no body       15: 309-10

not formed in most men        7 :365

not lost in the Divine        3 : 169

perfect, for integral realisation       9 ; 345-46

physical mind and        6;258

purpose of .      11: l85

sense of , in Western  people       3 : 4

sense of  physical  limitation unnecessary  for    11 : 242-43

survival of death of       3; 145-46

transformation of      11:165

true       2 : 54 ; 6 ; 108

truth of see   Being,   truth of

vital beings and       3 : 48-49

vital worlds and       6 : 258

what constitutes         16 : 321  

see   also   Personality

Indra            3:208
Inertia      4 : 349,366-67; 11;198,200-01

aspiration to overcome        17 : 25

creation and        10 : 202 ;   11 : 192-96

dominant characteristic of matter        9 : 34-35

Page - 143

in the body     3 : l44!; 12 ; 397

indication of complete    16 : 308-09

mental     16 : 336-37

overcoming   17 ; 2S

peace  and   11:41, ,161-64

remedy for   11;193; 16:309

studies and    12 : 133

see  also   Laziness; Tamas


nothing is     17:189

Inexpressible, the

expressing    16 :366

Inferiority complex    16:269
Infinite , the

"boundless finite"    8 : 97

experience of    10 : 98

two images of    16 : 61

windows that open upon    16 ; 423

see   also   Divine, the


plunge  into    17 ;190

 to breathe     17 : l81

Influence (s)      4 ; 36-37

Agni's    3:138

alien    17 : 67,130,158,167,174,197,221

asuric      6 : l72,174

bad "     5 : 414

distinguishing.     6:129-33, 16; 135

divine    4 : 160-61 ; 5; 117: 6 :129-32 ,168-69 ,213-15 ; 7:245-46 ;  14:307; 16:251. ,388,421 ; 17:67

exchange of       17 : 159,211

from others      17 : 61,68, 124,161

hostile     6: 436

Krishna's      10 : 61

mental formations  acting as     6:130; 8 : 391-92

not helpful to mix     17 : 401

of adverse  forces      5 : 234-36 6:305 ,434-38

of atmosphere     4 : 37

of a beautiful story     8 :118-19

of collective  imagination     6 :107-08

of Greece on Rome     5 : 343

of idols     6 : 276

of imagination      6:107-08

of Japan un America     5 : 343

of mind  and vital on health     5 :295-96

of Nature      8 : 51-52

of others     4:27,36; 6:168-69,213-14; 7 ; 245-46 ;  16: 191 ;  17.28-29 , 61,68,124,161

of the soul      16:249 

of spiritual force over mind    9:420 

of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.      3;132; 16,166 ; 17 : 61, ,210-11

of the stars      9 ; 284-85

on children      5 ;242 ,412-1 4; 8 ;200 ,203-04 ,392

opening to the Mother's     17:61,210-11

opening to supramental      9;110-11 ; 16:192

outside      8 ; 22 ,54 ,389-94

passive opening to     16 ; 192

psychic       7: 263-64,422: 10;39

yoga and       8;350-52

see also  Mother's body ; the external  influences on

Page - 144

Infrarational  impulses     10 :6

speech and   10 : 8

Infrarational   laws

of  Nature     7 : 180

Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique ;   6 : 19

changes character   4 : 92

discipline of        l0 : 257

hierarchies        4 : 392

revelation of knowledge through      4;222-24

schools of     4; 197; 6 : 39-40; 8 : 197-98

use of words in     2 : 65

Injustice   17;170

does Divine punish?       16;352

Inner attitude       2:65; 4:403,317-18,355; 5:192; 6:28-29; 8 : 208 ;  16:290
Inner being

concentrate  in     16: i93

Freedom felt in true   6 : 374

invariable       3;12

organises circumstances  in  life     6 :386-87

outer being and  (bridge  between)     3 : 7

psychic consciousness is        3 ;148

resistance of external being to  3 : l0-11

seeking revenge in dreams     2 : 32

Inner consciousness

external and       7;197,354

higher and    4:9,18

outer and    10: 155-56

outer life and    5 : 401; 6 : 427-28

outer nature and   7 :1

phenomena of     10 : 39

Inner states of being

cosmic planes and    16:236,331

Inner suggestions   

discriminating     16; 45

Inner truth     4:24-28; 9;111,117
Inner vision   6: 134-35

image's during meditation   6; 377-79

superior over outer vision     16 ;40

see    also   Psychic vision; Sight


ill-treatment and         16:193

Insanity    10;252

as mixture of two consciousnesses    11 : 81-82

see   also   Madness

Insects        5 : 149-50,309 ; 15 : 25  

Insincerity      4:109,252-54; 9:277-79; 11:81-82,290-92; 13 : 274 ;   15: 22-23; 16:264,269

adverse forces and      9 :  306-07

Grace nullified by    17;349

in the exterior being    3 : l53

of men   13 : 274

place of   4;252

sincerity and      8;398-99 ; 14;70,74

unconsciousness and    6:  125-27

unhappiness and     6 : 215-3,6

Inspiration    4i:94

at will    5: 208

authors and    12 : l47

developing capacity for   10 : 6

Page - 145

different qualities of    10 : 6

exchange  constant , of physical , vital , mental, energies  5 : 209-10

finding and expressing    5 : 76-77

fallowing deep   2 : 50-51

for writing poetry     16:138
inner, to act    4: 95-96

knowledge and     4 :41; 10 :143
meaning of      5 : 208
madness and     10:280
men of genius     7 : 280
mind and     8 : 193-95
murder, promptings  to      5 ; 208,377
music and      5; 75-76

of scientist     7 : 280

of what is to be done      3 : l9

origin       10 ;4

outer form and     5 :70

overmind and    10 : 5-6  

precision of     4 :120

psychic      8:193-94 ;  12 : 337

reason and      10 : 5-6

receptivity, and    10 : 6

silence as source of      16 : l99

"slender river of brightness"     10 : 3-5

sources. of       5 : 69-71 ,78-79 ,208 ;16 :199 

speech and     10 : 8

use      10 : 6-7

value, true of what is done;     5 : 76

vital impulses and     8:193-94

what it is      7 : 280

words, beyond      5 : 75 

animals', lost through human contact        4 ; 27-28 ; 5;149-50 ,274;  9:100-01 ,304
definition of       5:152
insect's, paralysing another     5:149
intuition, reason and      9 :357-58

1ower nature      4:332
of destroying will     5 ; 234
of plants      3 :132
of human body      5 ;295-96  
of true beauty in cells     4 ; 55
psychic in animals      4 : 28

 purity of     10 : 55
reason and     10 : 290-91

spirit of the species     4: 238-39 ; 5;149,305

supramental , of. human species     9 : 101-02

Instrument (s)   4 :329 ;  10:87; 11: l25-26 ;  14:361-70

becomes more important than work,     17 : 389

body is     4 : 326-27 ; 5 :75 ; 10 29  12 ;73 

cinema , of education and perversion     4 ;326 ;  7 : 299-300

civilisation prepares physical   4 : 329-30

conscious and unconscious     8 ; 174-75 ; 16 :259 , ,389 

death of evil    5 ;377

Divine chooses human     3:79-80 ; 5 : 252-53 ; 8: 23 ,27,31

enriching and perfecting     16 :434

for manifestation of consciousness    4 : 40-41, 195-96 , 325-26

for Supreme Wisdom    17 : 314

for work    4 ;326 ; 8 :22-23 ; 3!; 17:389

fragile and transient     17 :183

lower nature working through     8 : 22-23

Page - 146

mental        4;109,135

mind as         3:50 ; 4 : 3 ,47,170-71,224;   7 : 41, 43,321; 8 :190 ; 15 : 329-30

of adverse forces    5 : 235 ; 16 : 190

of the Divine   5 : 48-51

of the Mother ,qualities needed       16 : 128

of the psychic being        12 ; 294

of the soul     10: 284-85

prepared for realisation    8 :366

vital is a passing   11 :124-25

Insults    17 ; 406-07

explanation of    16 : 32

Integral being    17:68
Integral progress    2;38'; 7:197,309
Integral realisation     9:94,345-46; 16:164,225
Integral transformation    see  Transformation , integral
Integral truth     2:27
Integral unity    12 : 252-54
Integral Yoga  (Yoga of Sri Aurobindo)     3 :24-25 ; 4 : 333; 7 : 200, 380, 413-15 ; 8 ; 43,190; 12 : 95, 98-99, 310 ;  14 ;33-35, 42 ; 16 ; 238, 316-18; 17

: 213

aim of     16 : 392

begins where at hers end      5 ; 284

decision about collective      7 : 414

discipline and       16 :300

divine force in      16 :367-68

energy and       16: 225

experiences and      14;56

first revelation of      10 : 89

higher and lower perfect ion      9;90-94

idea of Divine     8 :1,7,44-46

nothing useless     9:345-46

of Sri Aurobindo     9 : 337

of Sri Aurobindo and of Gita     8:62-64

other yogas and     16:367-68

physical consciousness and     16;392

physical education (culture) in     9: 81-82

samadhi in       17:342

spiritual realisation and transformation   8 : 244~45

sports in      9 : 8l ,96-97

three stage of      7 : 407-08

work and meditation  in      16 : 343-44

Integrality         8:1,7,221,244,247-48,284-85,381

of the being      16:303

Intellect, the

limits of      16; 198

Sri Aurobindo' s aphorism's and      11:210,213

true and wrong movement      3 :33 : 5 :108-110

Intellectual activity  

difficult  means of contacting the supramental       9: 324-25

Intellectual approach to transformation      11 : 60
Intellectual culture     10;256; 16 :l98

mind and     12; 139

Intellectual exercises      16:201
Intellectuals      5 : l45; 7 : 272,401

faith and      6:121

Intelligence       2 : 5 ; 11 : 106-07

body and      6 :3-4

developing      16:301,395

fire symbolising    2 ; 89

in ants and cats      8 : 60

role in life      16 : 402-03

Page - 147

understand  it knows nothing; 11 : 217

Intelligent  will 

first instrument of psychic being 12 ; 294

Intensity     3 : l98 ; 4:254-55 ; 5:127,217-18 ; 7 : 243 ;  8; 249-50 ;  11 : l31;  16 : 225 ; 17 : l27, 143, 178
Interdependence    5 ;305 ;  6 : l53 ;  7 : 323 ; 9 : l41-42

in what one does    17 :91

lack of      17 : l37

Interiorisation     16 ; 161

effect of      7; 282-83

first step in yoga     7 : 249 ,354-55

passing into other dimensions   7 : 249

psychic being and    16 : 223

Intermediaries      I.7 :304
International conflict     13 : 389-91
International  politics      15 ;64-65 ,335

from a higher plane     17 : 189


in sadhana     17 : l70

Introspection     2 : l28 ; 8 : 22-23
Intuition       4;85, 235; 6: 423-24; 8 : 188 ,382 ; 12:140

as a means of  knowing      16 : 44

condition of mind for     2 : 160

different kinds, seeing  and using    9 :357-59 

instinct, reasoning and     9 : 357-58

mental imitation of      9 : 400~01

new race governed  by      2 : 159-60

practical deduction and     2 : 83

replaces reason      2 : 160

spiritual intervention and     9 : 400 

teaching and      12 : 406-07 ,424-27

wymon and     2 : 147

see  also      Intuitive ...

Intuitive activity

mental activity and     16 : 337

Intuitive mind      2;160 ;  3 :94 ; 8; 332 ; 9 :357-60 ; 10 : 151 ;16 :216
Involution     5 ; 324

different ways of seeing     9  : 205

divine at the centre of everything     9 :156

evolution and     7 : 361-62; 9 : 204   fn,220-21

involved , Supermind      8:315  fn ; 9 : l36-38

marvellous  being in the Inconscient     9 : 332-34

story of  successive     9 ; 205-07

the  two extremes meet     8 : 35

true meaning of      9 :301 

Ishwara-Shakti,       8:109-10
Israel       l3 : 389-91

Israelites (Jews)

Arabs  (Mussulmans) and      13 : 390-91 

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