Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works































Bach, Johanne Sebastian 3:111-13; 5:76,78,262


      good and, defined 3:185 ; 8:5-6; 15:330-31; 16:120,135,171,277,378

see  also Ev i 1

Bad action 16;306-07

Bad adv ice

      never listen to 17:67

Bad atmosphere

    created by jealousy 16:116

 Bad feelings 16:113; 17:81,90

Bad state 17;99,389

Bad thoughts 2:90-91; 5;146-57; 7:81; 8:-10,309,349;

           9 :252-54; 16 ; 129 ,262

see also Evii1

Bad will (I11-wi11) 5:145-50,167; 17:395

      against someone 5:146,100-81

      cause of illness 5:179-88; 15:158-59

     depression 17:74

     Kali and 16:143

     none in animals 5:149-52

     stronghold of 16:426

BahaUllah 2:104-05; 4:316

Bahai religion 2:104

Balance 3;190-915 8;286; 14 :185

     harmony, progress and 7:56; 10:266

     in work 168.132

     lack of causes misery 4:40

     loss of 17:168

     medical science of perfect 4:63

     obsession and 4:346

     of the being 16:77

     of forces 4:251

     of health for the body 8:368; 16:131; 17:7

     perfection and 4:14-16,24

     rest to recover 17:346

     to attain true Union 16:175

Bargaining 17:99,108


     being beaten and 16:13

     giving to God 10:95

Beatitude 14:196

     ego and 10:278

    1iving 16:365

    ready for us 11:325

Beauty 12:234-35,239; 13:380-81; 15:6,249-51; 17:84,340

    adverse forces, hate the beautiful, noble, pure 5:99-100

   "aesthetic conscience" and 7:181-85

    art and 13:380-81

    artistic 4:3:11-12

    artists' sense of 6:71-72; 7:58

    belief in the Divine and 16(342-43

    body, making it harmonious 4:54-57; 5:114-16; 10:300; 15:373

    children should aspire for 12:16-17,21

   cosmic consciousness and knowing 5:331

   Divine presence is joy and 7:402; 8:122

   each has its own particular 16:91

   education and 12;20-21

   expression of divine 8:216

   form and 7:182,279



home of 4:403

ideal of a womin's physical 8:243; 12:298-99

imagining beautiful life 4:155; 5:387-88

in Japan 2:150;4:306-09; 5:325

in physical world 10:300.

in poetry 7:279; 17:341

influence of a beautiful story 8:118-19

love and admiration of 5:234-35

manifestation of harmony and 3:109-10,113

modern art and 4:297,299

of giving a rose 4:l66; 5:242-43

of the hideous 10:46,70

of soul and body 10:300; l5:373

of thoughts 2:60; 5:388

of tree in growth 5;113-14

perception of, behind all things 10:72

physical 4:55-57

physical culture and 12:287

place of, in yoga 8:216

relative ideals of 8:58

religion and 7:l74

Sachchidananda principle of Supreme 10:45

sense of

     cruelty and 6:71-72

     in different countries and races 5:330-31

     in flowers 4:166-67

     in itself 5:331

     in the vital 4:165-66

simplicity, freedom and 10:323

spontaneous flowering of 5:242-43

supramental 16:78

suprarationa! 7:168,174,181,184

tapasya of 12:50-55

true 4:l66; 5:331

truth and 7:279

ugliness and 10:45-46; 16s78

Beethoven, Ludwig von 3:111-13; 5:76,262,264

Beggars 16:407

Behav i our

       correct 3:249

       ignorance and obscure 17:142

       of children after school 12:364-65


      absorbed in consecration 16:385

      action and 8:380-81; 10:319

      advent of new 16:436;17:366-67

      animal, man and supramental 11:46,51-52

      aspiration drawing down an evolutionary 5:265

      asuric 16:249                            

      balance in 16: 77

      becoming the Divine by identity 8;94,109-10,284-85,377-79

      changing the way of 4:121-22,253,262,333,373

      conflict in 16;156-57

      consciousness of all elements of 2:128-295, 4:34,233,236:5,l02

      consciousness of physical 12:347

      contact with outer 6:427-28 ,

     death and 5:138-39 .

     delight of 8:226-27,327; 9:l-2, 11:109

     depths of 17:372

     development of 8:396

     different states of 7:295-96; 16-432



difficultiess help lead 6:386-87

direct contact with true 11:120-27

 Divine at centre of 7:193,240; 16:377

 the diivine and physical 16;359

gone astray 17 :62

homogeneity in 5 :8-11

incarnation of the One9:197

 inconacience in 9:330-34; 11:27; 16:157

inner,seeking rovenge in dream 2 :32

inner 1aws of one's 3 :278-79 ; 4 :327

 inner states of 16:236,331

 judging another's state of 9:l31

 Kali, a real 6:68

lack of unification of 16:360-61

learning to enrich 7:313

lower 6:442-45; 16:154

man is a transitional 10 :87,299; 12:ll6

the Mother's knowledge; of truth of 6:l65-66

Nirvana behind all planes of 7:248-49,318

parts of 6:316-17; 17:90

     aspiration of different 5:395; 6;391-925; 7:422-23;17:304-05

     assimilation and 16:252

     becoming aware of higher- 6: 421-23

     education of 1ower 17:113

     experiences translating into a1 8:342,380-81

     faith in different 7 :115-16

     insignificant 5:1

     pure, can tact with in s1eop 16:376

     reason guiding one 9:98-112

     sattwic and tamasic 16:l57

     some open, some veil, the consciousness 6:394

     surrender of 6:219-20

     withholding consent 6:128,133

     witness in differerft 6:426

     yoga in one 17:94

personality and central l7:85

progress and change of 4:l00-03,116

the psychic and 9 :16-17;228-29 ; 10 :29-30

psychic see Psychic being

sense of unity of the 10:281

spiritual base indispensable for 8:367-68

spiritual laws of each 8:141-42

strong being is quiet . 16:125

supramental see Supramental being

that will succeed man 17:366

there is only  One see Divine the alone exists

transforming the whole 16:368; 17:81

truth of 4:36; 6:27-28;8:52, 124 ,325; 10:l38; l2:351; 17:l82

truth of deformed 6:165-67

truth of every 8:136,141-42,280-81,326,387,396

True see True being

twelve senses in developed 4:230,235

understanding and 7 :239

unification of (unifying) 4 :81 ,88-89;5:134-36,; 11:290-92,

307; 12:3-4; 16:362-63,377-78,396,410,412-13;17:82-83

unity in 8:285; 10:281

vision of a marvellous, in the Inconscient 9:332--33

vital see Vital being

the whole, saying " I am  Yours" 16:162,378

will and2:30-31

see also Central being; Exterior OP being ;Exterior being ;outer being; overmind



                being; Physical Being


      dissolving adverse 5:96-97,119

      evolutionary and involutionary 5:324

      "family of beings", consecrated to same work 5:2

       help of fairy-like 4:275

       in mental wortds 7:l61

       independent 9:50

       integral and external 16:303; 17:68

       mental 4:62; 8;35; l6:l96

       of higher worlds 4:165,184,196

      of other worlds 7:157-62 , . '

      on other planets 7:166

      predestined 6:386-87

      possession of body by rakshasik 16:249

      thoughts as 1iving and active 2:28

      vedic Rishis, involutionary . 7:360-61

      see also vital beings

Beings who help human beings 17:49-50


      "he who is not credulous." 3 :224

      in the Divine 16:341-43

      in reincarnation, in India ,16:366

      knowledge .and l0:20; 16:20

Benevolence 14:200-0l

Bengal 13:368

Beylion, Hector 6:379-81,383:84

Bhagavat  Purana 10:60

Bhakta(s)3:10-11; 10:331-64; 16:171,298-99,471

Bhakti 6:174-75; 10:331-64


       story of Esau and Jacob 6: 161-62

ibliothegue choisie 12:329-31


     according to the ideal 2:l53-54

     aspiration for superman's 2:157

     begin education at or before 12:9; 17:372

     changing consequences of  7:375-76

     choice of 6:26-27

     day of Christ's 4:6

     direct method of transmutation 9:84-86, 128-31

      formation of new bodies in supraental life 9 :65-87;129-31


new 9:18-19,136,431-32; 17:193; see also New birth

of soul   8:198,200-93,215,333-38

of the Eternal on earth 9:177-78

stupor of physical 5:217,353,412

Birth control 17:280

Birthday 17 : 172,374,381

    how to spend 16:413

    the Mother's cards on 16:347

    true meaning of 16:310,396-97

    why we celebrate 7:336

 Bltterness 17:298-99,333

Black magic 17:414-15


       always put on others 6:77

       blaming oneself 16:289-90,309-10

cf   Relations with others (Relationships)

BIancpain, Marc 12:325

 Blavatsky, madame 4:275



      asking for the Mother's 17:65

      difficulties as 17 :406

      of the Mother see Mother (2), the, blessings of

      of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo l7:109,191-92,198,213,357


      feeling like blind man 16: 179

      of physical mind 10:205;  16;205

 Bliss  14:196

      desire and 17:107-08

      drop of honey is Divine 9 :23-25

      is precious 16:122

      true delight  9:8-9,40; 12:l6

      see also Ananda;  Joy


       Divine 1ove and 10 :58

       from the Divine 4:l22; 10:48,57-58; 16:92

       the Mother giving 16:91,170

       utilise  for progress 16:92

Boasting 17:167,209

Body 12:247; 14:383-86,389-90; 15:129-30,374

       accidents and subtle physical 4:268-69

       accidents to 5:403-06

       action of peace on 4 :266

       after death 15:132-33

       asceticism and 6: 70 ; see a1 so Ascetictsm/Ascetics

       aspiratian in the physcal 3:l30-32; 5:293; 6: 139-41; 9:160-64;

                10:227; 11:13-15; 16:369

      asuras and 6:173-74

      attacks to, immunity to 7: 143

      attitude of breathing up above 11:228

      austere habits for 12:49-50

      Avatar and Vibhuti takingphysical  4:398-99

      balance of helth for 8:368; 16:131; 17:7

      beauty and harmony of 4 :54-57; 5:114-16; 10:300; 15:373

      bearing pressure of time 16 :366

      becoming almost non-existent doing exercises 5:56

      beyond physical laws  10:229

      bodily mechanism, an instrument 5: 75

      body-mind see Body-mind; Material mind

      cells of see Cells (of the body )

     changing the 7 :105

     character and 6:1-2

     collaboration of 16:370

     compared  with thought 4:219-20

     conquest in 8:40;1-402

     conscious hands 4:404

     conscious will helps in development of 9:121,153-55

     consciousness  of see  Body consciousness

     consciousness physical see Physical consciousness

     considers its feelings to be very concrete 10:158

     correspondence with inner movement  4:264


          by descent of consciousness 4:251

          by different means 4:251,266-71

          by exercise 16:131

          certitude of 9:163

          damage to cells of 6:l288-89

          disease of 15:163-66  

          the Divine 4:251

          one's own 5:185,403



         pain in 7:l30-132

        see also Cure/curing

death of  Death, of the body

desires of 16:302

deterioration of 9:282-83

develop and control 12:350-55; 13:344-45; 16:301

developing capacity to bear the true Consciousness 11:141

 discipline of 9:98-102

disease and 10:246,324

Divine and 14:383,389; 15:299-300

Divine Cansciousness descending into body 5:323-24; 11:157-59

Divine force flowing through l7:253

divine life in divine body 9:110

divinising 16:368

does not separate you from the Mother 16:163-64

drinking, smoking and the 6:174-76

each part symbolic of inner movement 3:88; 5 :60,272-73

education of the senses and 6:78-91; 7:57-59,309; 12:20-21

ego of see_ Mother's body, the, ego, disappearance of

endurance of 4:54,251

energy, physical , spending and receiving 8:195-97

equality, basis, of 5:23;. 11 :l4

evolution and 10:180

expression of a deeper reality 8:212,214

expression of true soul 3:169

exteriorisation see. Exteriorisation

fainting 4:l25

faith and 6: 124-25; 9:125; 162-64

falsehood in organisation of 11:226-27

fasting 8:141; 9:117

fear in 3:57; 5:169; 16:296-97

      cells of 4:212;  7:145;  9:121-22

      gymnastics 5:119-20

      inertia and 12:397

food arid  4:334-35; 6:36-37;  7:62-63;  8:381; 16:131,195-96,302

form, fixity of 5:260-61

formation of

      by direct transmutation 9:l28-30,237

      by psychic being 4:144-45

      limitations of present 8:203-04

      of new 9:86

glorious 9:85-86; 11:182-83

going out of the see Exteriorisation

growth of 5:ll2-15; 8:25

habits of 4:345,367

health of , inf1uence of mind and vital on 5 :295--96

human, and animal 9:83-85

human, finding Divine presence, in 8:35,176,214

human , made for intellectual life 9:218-20

identification with 5:361;7:255

ignorance regarding development of 10:31

i11ness in see, Ii1ness

immortality and 10:28-29; 12:82-87; 16:195,429,436

incarnation in physical 2:52

inconscience, subconscience, superconsicience in 16:234

.individual not limited by 8:55, 389-97

individuality and 6:257-60; 15.-309-10

indoctrinated by mind 10:325

inertia as base of 3:144; 12:397

"inner physical" 7:l39-40


inner states expressed  by 4:55

instinct of, destroyed by wrong education 5:295-96

instrument of self 5:75); 10:29

Intel 1igence and 6 ;3-4

knowledge for 6 : 110-11

knowledge of needs of 6:36--37

learning to express new consciousness 11:228,230

life not limited to physical 10:133

limitations  of 9:43,48; 11:242-43

link with 10:227

living only by the Supreme Mill 48:339; 10:228-30

the Lord and 16:366

mastering activities of  8:378-79

medical and scientific conception of 10:179

medicine and 9:22-24; 10:324,328

memory of  6 :366-69

mental control of 4:355

mental attitude toward 8 : 141

mental e-qui 1 ibr-ium in 6 :310-12 ,314- 15

mental formations and 11:226-33

method of changing the conditions of 3:96-97

method of treating 9:108-11

mind and, relation between 5:294-96,402-04; 7:43-45;  8:l41,319;

      9:106,124,152-55; 10:271,325; 11:191-92; 16:297,400; 17:346;

      see_ also Body-mind; see a1so below relation of mind and

      vital to

most capable of perfecion 6 :114

the Mother's see. Mother's body, the

mummy 4 :196-97

nature which exceeds; 101:244

need of strong nerves and 3:11

need to draw out all possibility from 9:94

needs of, physical 8:l40-41

new 4:54-57; 9:86; 11:302-06

 no anxiety about 17:353

no longer depending on physical laws 10:229

no right to ignore 11:8-9

not one's "se1f" 16:155

obedient 4:79

occult processes for acting on 9: 152-55

of supramental being 16:403

old spiritual doctrines and 6:63

only Supreme keeps it alive 10:230

percept ion of 8 :55

perfection of

      as remarkable instrument 4:326-27

      must, be continuous 7:209,217-18;  8:20-21

      must be governed by reason 9:98-99

      physical , goal of 4:l23,326-27

      those who want 4:123

perfectly adapted to environment 10 :89

physical education of 12 :7-8 ,12-17 ,275,81 ,285;

      see also  Physical culture; Physical education

plasticity of  8 :25 ; 16:421

possession by   hostile forces 5:97; 1 6 :245~48,434-36 ; l6:249

possibities of 8:l96-97:243

possibilities of and 10:230 '

power to bear the Mother's Force 17  :51

preparation of 3:l45; 7:259

preserves separative individuality 3:169

problem of widening l0:118-19-19


progress and 5:260-61,267;  8:196-97; 10:29;  12:259,288-89;


progress and decomposition of 5:112-16,207,210,359--60; 12:359-60

progress of, to dispense with death 7:208-09; 16:429

protection given by 3:47-48; 7:24; 13:247

psychic and 7 :44; 10: 29-30 ; 17 :367-68

psychic being and 16:249

punished For a vital fault 17:75

purification only when ready  6: 1,79-61

realisation by one body 4:l59

receptivity of 17:402

        increasing 4 :263-66

        limited duo to fixity of form 5:260-61

        to supramenta] force 9:110-11

        yoga and 3:85-91

re-entry into 6:53-55; l7:412

relation of mind and vital to 4:53; 5 : 294-96; 10:27-28

remain occupied without strain l7:357

remedy for suffering and illness 9:41--42,123-26

remember's i1lness?6:366-69

respiration, true movement behind 5:61 fn

sadhana in the 7:32-335; 96:348-49; 10:31

samadhi and 8:276-77

self and 10:27-32 passim

self-- torture 6: 1 82; see also Asceticism/Ascetics

senses of, functioning falsified by preferences 8:398

sin of 10:271

sleep see Sleep

somnambulism 4 :126--28

soul and 3:169; 10 : 26; 16:358;17:75

speaks to Supreme Lord 10 :10

spirit of the form 4:196-97; 5:136

subconscient infIuencei on 4 :211,251; 7:144

sub-conscious construction of 2:153

subtle  see Subtle body

Supramental and 10:29; 15:120,124

supramental body see Supramen tal body

surrender and aspiration of 10:277

surrounding movements  rejection of 6:339

 teaching it

        immobility and aspiration 11:13-15

        to bear pain 10:171-72

training the 4:56; 0:364-66

trance, s1eep and 15:120

transformstion of the see Transformation on of t^ff, body

trust in life 5:297-98

twelve senses in developed being 4:230,235

unconsciousness in, diminishes intensity of, suffering 3:l96

understanding for 8:54-55,212-14

understanding with 9:325-26

united with inner truth, 9:111,117

value of 4:123

very enduring servant 3:l36

vital and 3:l44;  4:260,368; 16:164; see also above relation of

        mind and vital to

what is done in one can be done in a11 11:92-93,95,100

work as "body's prayer" 7 :39l ; 14 :321

yoga and 4:338-40; 10:136-40; 16:348,359

yagic force prevents rigidity of 5 :268

see also Body. . .


Body-consciousness 5: 323- 24 ; 7 :237; 10: 193,228; 15: 301

        intervention of the mind and vital in 5:294-96;  6:l40-41

        knowledge of 11:139,194

        manifesting in cel1 of body 11 :93- 101

        opening to the Divine 6:388-69

        physical consciousness and 16:231

        psychic being and 6 :447-48

        replacing mental government of intelligence with 11:106-07

        sickness and 16:21-22

        totalises 6:114

        transformation of 6:110-11;  15 :315-16

        see also Physical consciousness


        physical transformation and 11:16-21 ,74

       relation between body and mind 11:279-81; 16 :400

       Supramental manifesting in 15:117,203

       see also Body, mind and; Physical mind

Boldness 14:180; 16:286


developing ones thought and 16 :244

dirty, obscene 16: 201

Doctor Knock, by Romains, Jules 5:188

earth'-memory and book-records 5:279-82

elevating ending 4:155

experiences, path , in 5:283

trench 12 :324-26,329-31

identification with author's thought: 5:223

Jerome coignard by France, Anatolia 8:66,70

learning from 7 :34l-42 ,347

Mahabharata 5:324-25,327 

novel , plot of exists an mental plane 3: 156

occultism in 12:148

of aphorisms 8:164-655 ; 10:-364

of revelation 8:163-64

at sriaurobindo .And the Mother 16:232-33

of true  knowledge 3:52

opening  for ansswers 8:l63-171

preparing  our own in the flan ram 5:416

Ramayana  see  Ramayana

reading 3:27,65; 4:152-555 7:287-90,310-13,341

selection of 12 :1,47-49 ,324-26 ,329-31

Sleep and Dreams, by Dr. yaschild 2i30

viewpoints in 4;202

vulgarity in modern_times 7 : 310-11

Wu Wei, byBorel,Henri7:397; 8:267,282-83,286

see also Mother (2), the ,works of; SriAurobindo (2) Novels;



why men flee them 16:l7; 17:181

Boredom 4:89

commonest evil 8:175

cure for 5:49-52

in ordinary life 4:89,205-06

men's general condition 7:313-14

origin of al1 stupidities 4 :205

progress and 5: 48-52; 12:273-76

remedy for 12:73-74

screen, projecting oneself on a 5:199-204

state of 7:2



Borel, Henri 7:397

     "Wu Wei" 8:267,282-83,286

Boys and girls 6: 279-60,282,265; see also Womin,men/boys and

Brahma 10:225

Brahman 2:125

all events in 10:305

creation- and 10:230,340

end is 10:304-05

manifsting of events in 10:305-06

no beginning or end in 10:218

pressure of 10:247

Brain 11:187; 16:l26

at age of five 5: 203-04,289

ballast in 4:305

before age of seven 4 :140

brainbath during meditat ion 7 :300

bunding of 16:198

cel Is of 7:250 

comprehension, phenomenon of 4 :111,198,267

formation of 4 : 140 ,198; 8:180-83,385-87

in state of sleep 4:353;5:25-26

making supple 4:203

memory and 6:20-22

mental activity and 2:33

mind is independent of 6:307,314-15

pain and 16:325 

preparation to understand, 16:233

sense-functioning and 4 :11

subtle hands, mind and, of an artist 5:261-64

thought and 6:307,310-12,314-15

Bravery 14:180 

exile of Krishna in 10:63

ideal and earthly 10:60-61

British Government 

the Mother's attitude towards 13:l25

Buddha 8:234,286: 11:170,177; 12:95-97;15:407; l6:327;17:76

as avatar 7:296-97

Buddhism and 3:76-77;see also Buddhism 

"creste by conduct and state of consciousness the warld in which you 1ive 3:l99

deified 7:296-97

did not turn away from the realisation upon earth 3:194

form the Divine 5:79

in atmosphere of earth 16:380-82

"incarnations" of 3:78-80

the Middle Path 3:l90; 5:35 10;204

moral l healthiness of age of 3:235-36

Niryana  see  Nirvana

on charity 2:96

on desire 4:382-83; 6:336-38,409; 7:37-39,292-93,316-18;

8:52-53; 16:409

on individuality, an illusion 4:174

on self-control 4:90 

problem before him 5 :148

spiritual life of, a Joy 3:203

standpoint of 4 :213-14

statues of 9:195

teachings of 3:194--95; 4:293;  7:292-93;  9:21,196-97

vibrations continuing after death 5 :19

view of ignorance, science and the 7 :316--17


See also Buddhist(s);  Buddhistic...


      absence of fixed ego according to 3:248

      desire as origin of creation 9:8

      Dhammapada 9: 196-97,see also Dhammapada

      Eightfold path  3:248-50

      formation of  3:77

      heaven and hell to 3:199-201

      idea of fate and 15:247

      ignorance and desire for life 7:317-18

      impurities and purities 3:90-91

      life, an  illuston 7:292-97

     "the Middle; Way" 10:204

      negative way 10:71

      Nirvana 9:4; 10:336

      on desire 7:37,292

      on mastering desire 7:39,320

      suffering, mental solution of 7:318

      view of work 10:266

      see also Buddha

Buddhist(5) 11 :173

      Law of 2:125

      story of 9 : 52-53

      temple of 5:326

      tradition of 2500 years 8:151

Buddhistic  realisation 4:328

Buddhistic terms 4:257-58


       purpose o-f 4:7


       treatment of 16:105-10

Business 15:277

       honest 17:250-51

Byner, han 2:93-94
