Quarrel (s) 14:282-86; 17:6,230,239-40,242,262,285 difference of opinion 17:333-34 Divine love is above 16:175 foolish 16:193-94 never 17:376 Question (s) badly stated 17:45 an interesting one 7:377-78 questioning and difficulties 7:8 receptivity and 7:8 unnecessary 17:50-51,69 Questions and Answers 1929 6:199-201,375-76; 16:3-4 Quiet (ness) 14:142-45,370 because of confidence 17:388 bring down 16:231 constantly poured by the Mother 17:60 for coping 17:413 for more complete union 17:178 in face of violence (attacks) 17:60,238,364,393 in work 17:207,213,228 keeping, and talking 16:194 the Mother's body wants to be 17:224 of mind, and studies 16:199; see also Mind, quiet mind perfect in heart and head 17:361 sitting down in 17:163,194,361 a strong being is 16:125 to accept things 17:406 to bear Force 17:51 to find the Mother's Presence 17:69 to maintain happiness 17:50 treating a child with 17:413 unwavering, in psychic 17:60 cf. Calm; Peace Quietude activity and 16:345 Quotations 17:343
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