Game (s) 12:l91 accidents in 4:273 aspiration and technique 4 : 41-42 basketball , attitude of inner meditation 4:121 choosing for children 16:200 concentration and remembrance of the Divine 4:121,388-89 "Eternal Game" of Creation 9 :10 ,35 interest in 9 :98-99 play, the Mother at 9:l3 "playing the same" 9:6 playing to win 4:10,42 use of mind is a 7: 321
Ganapati 6:68 message for 13: 377
Gandhi, Mahatma 13:23; 16:6 avarice and 3:119-20 definition 10:284 in man 2: 97 material and moral 4:30 of heart, a richness 4:405; 17:363 Genesis truth of story 10:90
Genevieve, Saint 8:180; 9:90-93; 16:34-35 men of 5:129; 7:280; 9:90-94 nature of 10:260 of India 16 : 6 reincarnation of Beethoven's 5:264
Geography 12:249 in silence 8:95 not all material 17:l94 of adverse forces 5:118-20 of Grace 5:89,93,99-100,300; 9:351-52 of tongues 9 :289-90
peace given as 4:409-10 to the Mother 17:203,217-18 words transmit true? 2 :65
Gingee 16:345-46 message -for 13 :376 Girls 12:296-97 boys and 10: 346; 16:279-80,282,285,296-97 see also wymon/woming/girls Gita, the l0:53 fn attitude.? towards; God 10: 102 interpretation of 1ife in 8:61-65 message of 10:63 the Mother's -first contact with 8:104 on action 7:398; 10:64 powerful immobility of the spirit 8:66 propaganda and criticism of 8:104-07 sacrifice in 8:74-75,80
of 8 :75
Giving 2:126-27; 3:132; 8:244-45; 13:161;
a beating to God 10:95 favourable explanation by the mind 15:320 a good kicking to vital being 3:137 Joy of 16:212,432 moment when asked to give 8:16 money and 5 :161-62 ; 17:240-41 ,379 of silence by Sri Aurobindo 9 :28 of soul l6:l62 oneself to the Divine 15:320; 16:247,431 receiving and 5:209,333-34 a rose, beauty of 4:166; 5:242-43 surrender and 9 :317 to beggars 16:407 to earth and man 2:49 to the Lord 16:250 too strong a knowledge 2:100 up pi Erasure? of ordinary life 16:139 value of, spiritual and material 8:8-9 see also Consecration'; 0ffering; Self-giving
Glorious body 9:85-86; 11:182-83 a child 4:291 action of 10 :231 ,233-34 as a owning 10:331 as atheist 10:57,363 as Great Adversary 10:334 as in-Finite possibility 10:l47 as Lover 10:338 as torturer 10:51-52 as worker 10:311 believing in , and Yoga 16: 341-43 Christian and Chaldean 2:125; 6:1 conception of 10:355 consciousness of 10:102--05 creation of 5:309-12 creation of omnipotent 5 :163-64 Dante's 10:345-46 defining 11:64-68 devil and 10:341 evil and 10 : 263,286-87,339 existence of 10 :32-35 passim experience of contact with 6:124-27 failure and 10:102-03,289,348 fear of 10:332 following 10:318,345 force of 10:315-16
Page-113 girl s and boys together- with 10 :346 Gita's attitude towards; 10:102 Giving a beating to 10:95 God-lover 10:353 Gradations of consciousness of 10:103
has no it her beginning nor end 10 :218 his command to stay 10:283 humanity and 10:267,356; 11:38-39,67; 14:125-31 ideas of 4 :176 ,289; 10:102,104 if you cannot love God 16:308-09 in the in conscience 9:10-12 in matter 2:39; 9:209-10 in the Over mind 17:52 incarnate , demi-gods 4:184 in torturer and slayer 10:364 is Ananda 10:345 joy of 10:342-43 knowledge of by identification 10:43-44 ,313-14,343-44 leads man 10:277 love of 2:126-27; 10:331,339-40,349 love of 2:126-279; 10: 331,339-40,349 man and 10:43,93,251,277 misfortune and 10:58-59 multiplicity of means. 10:66 Nature and 9:9-13 nature ' of inner 2:40-41 obey 10:318 of religion 30:95,333-34; 17:44 ourselves one inner 2:40 perception of inner 2:40 personal 10:262 personal and impersonal 10:336-37 playing hide and seek 10:57 plays fool 10:265 readiness for hour of 17:233
renunciation of to unbeliever 10:33
Semitic 10:346-47 slave and servant of 10:355 speaking to earth 17:363-64 supramental 3:179 sword of 10:260-61 tempting 7:403-04 theist and 10:57 though of 2:66 to commit adultery with 10 :332 to 1ive for 10:264-65 understanding 10:262,269 use of ignorance ,10:33l use of temp tation 10 :286 way of "circling about" 10:289 way of, with soul 10 :344,347-48 ways of seeing 10:350 weakness and 10:101-03 wil1 of 10:54,66 withholds in love and wisdom 10:344
Page-114 works pleasing to 10:356 world and 5:163-64; 10:21 ,336-37 world Guru 10:343 worship of 17:237-38,395-96 see a1so Divine, the Goddesses of the over mind 7:158-62 ,244 workship of 10:255; 17: 237-38,395-96
angel created by 7:160-61 Asuras and 16:370,381 attitude of man towards 7:333-35 cosmic 3:173 don't like to be worshipped 6:195-96 fear of 10: 297 forms of 6:275-76 free -form ignorance and falsehood 3:254 goddesses and 7: 158-62 human formations and 6: 68,275 ,296 incarnating on earth 4:184 laugh at Shankara 10:302-03 of different planes , Puranic, vedic 9:376-77 of over mind 7:158-60,244; 16:235; see also over mind, godheads of psychic being and 6:161, 10:204-05 relation to human consciousness 11: 37-39 religion and 9:149-50; 16:235 second eitianations 5:372-73 Sri Aurobindo on Kali and 9:376-77 Supramen tat truth and 12:310 titans and 10:245-46,282 . world of 3:18; 10:60-61 Norship of 10:246,255; 16:268-69; 17:237-38,395-96
conceived by the Rishis 7:294 Good 15:242 action for right and 2:67-70; 16:48 aspiration is a1ways 17 :264 bad and 3:185; 8:5-6; 10:267; 15:330-31; 16:64,120,135,171,277 ,378 becoming better, bad becoming worse 11:313-18 Divine knows what is 8:123-24,255-56 experience of gives strength 17 :96
evil and 4:25,80,119; 5:733; 9:180-81; 10:311; 11:109,111-12,
fall from 17:l28 Good will 14:199-200; 17:128,159,244-45,407 among men 5:306 cams with understanding 14:22 Grace and 7 :-395 ignorant 9:5; 16:285; 17:379
Page-115 Gossiping/ Rumors 4:152-53,201; 8:162; 9:143; 14:223; 17:38,105,163,171,385,388 governments (s)/governing 5:301-07; 11:106-07,223; 13:279-81,378 15:58-61 Auroville money and 13:275-81 by the psychic being 17:58,122,136,372-73 by the Divine is true 10:315 human are a falsehood 10:312 the mother's attitude towards the British 13:125 see also politics grace, the (Divine grace) 3:171; 4:161,177,243,317,387; action of 8:251,295,316-17,325,340; 10:233-34, 247,344 after death 17:290 all is done by 16:279 all powerful 8:268-69 always at work 16:154 always leads towards Divine 10:319 answer to prayer 8:255-56 ask for help of 16:28; 17:391 aspects of peace and progress 9:298 aspiration for 5:89; 16:252; 17:21,139 attitude of blaming 4:361 behind everthing 10:50+51; 16:302; 17:176 breaks the shell 9:136 calling the 5:367-68 calm and 17:21 can cut away consequences of error 9:57 carries you along 9:423channel of 11:42-43 choice, moment of 5:405-06 collaboration, need of 8:251,258,259 comfort from stories about 17:292 compassion and 16:346 concentrate to receive 17:292 constant working of 9:420-21 contemplation of 16:180 curing disease 15:163-66 desire and 10:263 determinism, justice and 5:89-93,361-63; 14:86-87; 17:138,391 difficulties and 6:323-25,442-45; 14:99-102 does not withdraw 17:139,142 doubt spoils intervention of 5:367 effect of 17:353,410 ego, action and 4:279-81 evil and 6:216-17 everything depends on 10:53 experiences, all come from 8:279 faith in 5:236,298; 7:82,115-17,243; 10:323,325-28; 14:91-96; 16:18,210; 17:7,21,189,196,212,263,294,305, 310,321,385,412 feeling the need for 6:322-23 for self-forgetting 17:150 for those who are sincere 17:377 fulfilling conditions for 17:139-40,142 full, for work 17:209 gifts of 5:89,93,99-100,300; 9:351-52 giver of Delight 9:21
Page-116 god and 6:216-17 good will and 7:395 gratitude and 14:l62 happenings are effect of 17:410 helping at distance 8:253-54 human wil1 and 10:54 humility and 16:252 in proportion to difficultly 3 : 143 influence of will of 4:160-61 international conflict and 13 : 389-90 intervention of in actions; 2:57; 3:30; 5:363; 10:47 14 :24-25 ,230-31 ; 16:352 interventions in human history 7:418-19 is behind ever:y thing 17 : 196 is here 7:419 is infinite 17:249
is wonderful and al1 mighty 17:133
Karma and 5:91-935 15:392-93 leave future to 17:253 lave and 4:243; 8:327,340
makes one progress 8:84 marvel behind all 7:423 medical option and 17:189
merit and 16:327 nullified by insincerity 17:349 open to and welcome 16 :220
over coming ego and 16 :362 I purity and 16:379
pushing away 6:342-44; 17:99,139,141-42 saves 7:403 seeing it everywhere 8:251,257,305; 10:35 shal1 be received by those who respond to Divine Call 3l2 sincerity and 6:176-77 Sri Aurobindo speaking on 16 : 251-52 stopping of things and 10:202 stories of 17:292 surrender and 8:255-56; 17:139,151 true help 9:407-08
trust in 7:403; 8:38-39,251 ,254-55;9:428; 14:96-99, 16:195,252, turns difficulty into opportunity 6:242-44 veiling 6:236-37 vibration of harmony and 10 : 192 vision of action of 10:233-34 wil1 never abandon you 10: 529 work and 6:267; 9:420-21; 16:154; 17:209
Grading 12:332 best way to express 16:426 compassion and 15:297 consciousness of 17 :78 devotion and 8:40,42 ego, emergence from 7:424 grace and 14:162 happiness and 14:163 innate, powerful 1ever 7:423-24 Joy of 7 :243 . to the Divine, not men 14:162-63; 16:315 The Great Adventure 9:l51
"Great Things" 16:182
true 16:20 ancient 8:153-54 art in 3:109-109; 5:339-40 concept of fate in 15:247 influence on Rome 5:343 Shakespeare and 10:251 Greed 17:393 eating and 16:290 for Food 3: 123-25; 17: 58-59; 14: 269-715; 16:113 of caws and goats 5 :274 Group (s) formation of 2:59; 16:351-52 hierarchy of 16:329-30 in Sri Aurobindo Ashram 7:415 living cells of 2:59 necessary for, supramental realization 10:138 prayers of 12:271-74 programmed for study 12:217 progress of 2:60; 12:39-40,181-82; . . subject to same laws as individuals 2:109 Grumbling encouragement and 17:406 Guide for cure 17:415 far progress 4:146 ,151 , 165 Guru See Guru (s) India as spiritual 16:328, inner, true 4:25; 8:64; 17:I04 the Mother's only 17:385
Gujarati literature 17 :69,73 ambitions 3:9 cal1ing the 4:129 confession to 3: 341 disobeying the command of 17:l31,142 divine Guru, "Universal Teacher" 7:346
Page-118 India as 16:341 Japa given by 16:306 the Mother as 16:211 Pranam to feet of 17:396 receiving from 4:390-91 iaays what is to be done 4:91 subject to law of progress 12:63-64 telling one's experience to 4:76-77,91 work of the 7:341 world 10:343
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