ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(One day - it was on May 2 - while walking in Auroville's
canyons as I did every evening, I decided to force the Mantra
into the body.)
Would you like to.... [meditate]? Or do you have something to say ?
I'm endeavoring to force the Mantra into the physical mind.
(Mother starts repeating the Mantra - thirteen times - until her voice is nothing but a halting breath, like a child's whimper. [[The recording of Mother repeating her mantra is available on cassette. ]] )
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
OM Namo Bhagavateh
(then she sinks into a deep
contemplation for half an hour)
What is the time?
Ten past eleven, Mother.
(Satprem rests his forehead on Mother's knees)
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