ISBN 2-902776-33-0
We need a message for February 21, Mother.
Do you have it?
No! [laughter] Z proposes two texts from Sri Aurobindo, but I
feel it would be better to have something from you.
Yes. Do you have something?
Well, no, Mother! Won't you rather say something yourself?
(after a silence)
Plus on avance, plus le besoin d'une presence divine devient imperieux et ... inevitable. [The more we advance, the more the need of a divine presence becomes imperative and ... inevitable.]
"Inevitable" isn't the word, it's....
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Yes, that's it, indispensable. Is it all right ?
Yes, Mother.
(Mother writes the message in French)
February 21 ....
(then she signs it)
How do you want to put it in English?
We should put: "The more we advance on the way, the more the need of a divine Presence becomes indispensable - imperative and indispensable."
(Mother writes the message with her eyes closed)
A dot on the "i" here [Satprem guides Mother's hand]. That's
all. And just put a period at the end, and your signature.
Is my handwriting all right?
Yes, it's quite good, Mother, it came out very well.
(Mother goes into contemplation)
(Sujata:) Mother, you are going to see the Dalai Lama tomor
row, aren't you? Satprem would be very interested to know
your impression - what you have felt.
What day is tomorrow?
(Sujata:) Thursday, Mother.
On Saturday then? I'll tell you if I had any particular impression.
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