ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(Mother gives Sujata and Satprem a garland of "Patience')
One needs a lot, a lot, a whole lot of it.
The signs are increasingly clear, but what PATIENCE one needs!
Page 209
The slightest wrong movement immediately provokes a dreadful discomfort. The merest trifle.
Life is tolerable only like this (Mother opens her hands upwards).
The body - the body itself - feels like a little baby cradled in the arms of the Lord. But if it leaves this attitude only for a few seconds, it feels it's like death - instant dissolution. That's how it is.
The shortest hours are at night, from 8:30 at night till 6 in the morning - I don't sleep, but ... (immense, silent gesture).
Then it's fine.
What about you, what do you say?
I wish all the recesses of my being would open up.
Mon petit, it's patience, patience, patience, patience.
(Mother plunges in,
holding Satprem's hands)
Can you feel?
Yes, Mother.
Once I go into that consciousness, it's very difficult for me to come out.
(As Satprem is about to leave, Mother hands him a note she
has just written in English:)
Sri Aurobindo is an emanation of the Supreme
who came on earth to announce the manifestation
of a new race and the new world, the Supramental.
Let us prepare for it in all sincerity and eagerness.
Page 210