ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(That day, Satprem had the inner perception that a new phase
was beginning, that Mother was "withdrawing" more and
more within. Effectively, a few days later, on April 7, she stop
ped seeing almost everybody, except the few regular disciples.)
Page 382
Are you eating enough?
Yes, Mother.
What news?
Are things progressing?
I suppose so.
I turn my consciousness towards myself as little as possible, because ... the sensation is VERY unpleasant.
Things are tolerable only when I am turned exclusively towards the Divine and the material consciousness repeats, OM Namo Bhagavateh ... Like that. Like a backdrop to everything.
OM Namo Bhagavateh ...
You know, a backdrop you can use as a physical support.
OM Namo Bhagavateh ...
(Mother plunges in for 40 minutes)
Page 383