ISBN 2-902776-33-0
I've found a very interesting quotation from Sri Aurobindo.
What is it?
This one:
Page 288
"The principle of mechanical repetition is very strong
in the material nature, so strong that it makes one easily
think that it is incurable. That, however, is only a trick
of the forces of this material inconscience; it is by
creating this impression that they try to endure. If, on
the contrary, you remain firm, refuse to be depressed
or discouraged and, even in the moment of attack, affirm
the certainty of eventual victory, the victory itself will
come much more easily and sooner."
(Letters on Yoga, XXIV.1336)
Oh, this is very, very, VERY good! Oh, it's excellent!
(Laughing) It's perfect for you! [[Mother is alluding in particular to Satprem's eye troubles. ]]
What's difficult is keeping the consciousness stable.
(Mother approves vigorously)
The minute you stop being active, it's very easy: everything
becomes still and concentrated - the Force flows. But the mo
ment you return to some activity, it all goes away.
(Mother nods vigorously)
I don't know what kind of power, or inner opening, would bring that automatic stability ?
In my case, you see, it was a radical action: the mind and vital were simply gone. Therefore the body had to re-create little by little a new mental and vital activity. And it's very interesting, because it happened only when it was needed. So naturally, it's not perfect - speech mainly. That's the most bothersome, for I have trouble expressing myself; but the rest, oh! ... (pointing to the silent forehead, then arms outstretched and motionless, as if everything were suspended in the immutable Eternal). As soon as it's like that, it becomes VAST, luminous, tranquil....
Page 289
And time no longer counts.
(Mother plunges in
until the end)
You must rest until you are cured - completely cured.[290]
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