ISBN 2-902776-33-0
So, how are you?
I have some notes that can be used for February -- things I said.
(Mother hands a piece of paper to Satprem)
"A victory won over the lower nature will
give a deeper and more lasting joy than any
outer success."
And then this (Mother hands another paper). This is an experience I had yesterday ... (Mother smiles with her eyes closed). All of a sudden I saw -- I saw the world in another way. For a moment, all of a sudden I saw as ... as the Divine sees the world, you understand? There was no longer the human vision. And I saw something so marvelous.... It was so marvelous I can't describe it. Then slowly the human consciousness came back and ... oh! (Mother takes her forehead in her hands)
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"The Divine has an equal love for all human beings, but it is the obscurity of consciousness of most men which prevents them from perceiving this divine love...."
I said it, and then the experience came, the experience I just told you:
"... Truth is wonderful. It is in our perception
that it is distorted."
Yes, as if all of a sudden.... For a few moments I saw the world as the Divine sees it. It's.... There are no words, it's inexpressible. Then I understood. Everything became clear, clear, clear....
You remember, I had told you that the Divine wanted the individual consciousness to have the experience of the Divine; well that was it. That was it, it was the individual consciousness (since I became conscious of it) seeing the world.... All of a sudden the world became what it is for the Divine.... It is indescribable.
Obviously it has to begin with the consciousness, and afterwards, little by little, things will become such, meaning, become aware of themselves such as the Divine is aware of them.
Do you feel better, mon petit?
A little, Mother.
You have a cold?... Do you want to be quiet, does this tire you?
No, no, Mother, it doesn't tire me at all; listening to you cer
tainly doesn't tire me!
* * *
(A little later, Satprem reads several letters
by Sri Aurobindo and in particular this one:)
(Question:) Somebody told X that Sri Aurobindo brought
about the Russian revolution through Lenin. X told Y that peo
ple here were over-credulous and believed such things. Y said
that if it is possible to cure dangerous diseases of the body by
Yogic power, why should it not be possible to act on the mind
of another person and pour in him immense vital force which
can bring about such results as the Russian revolution?
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(Answer:) The statement made to X was not quiet co
rrect; it is putting things in too physical a form. A
spiritual and occult working supplies forces and can
watch over the members of the execution of a world
event, but to put it like that makes the actual workers
too much of automata which they are not.
25 January 1937
Sri Aurobindo
On Himself, XXVI.388
At any rate, Sri Aurobindo doesn't deny that he did something!
No! (Mother laughs.)
Do you want to be quiet a little?
Yes, Mother, but I would like to ask you something. Through
Sujata you told me that I should write something for Indian
Yes, they asked for something. They want it in French. There's no one who can write in French.
What do you want me to write?
I don't remember now what they asked.
The radio station wants someone to speak on "Sri Aurobindo
and brotherhood or human unity."
Yes, that's what they said.
Is that what you want?
Yes.... It's not for Pondicherry. They're going to send it to Delhi, and Delhi is going to send it to all the French-speaking countries everywhere in the world. It will be a worldwide communication for Sri Aurobindo's centenary. They want to broadcast it everywhere -- wherever French is spoken.
In that case, don't you think it would be more to the point to
take a more general subject: to say what Sri Aurobindo
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I think you can do that, they weren't very precise. Did they say how much time?
Ten minutes.
Ten minutes is nothing.
It's long! Ten minutes is long!
Yes, that's better, a theme that can interest the whole world.
Basically what would be good is to say, "Sri Aurobindo came to tell the world the beauty of the future to come." And then, explain it.
"He came to give -- not a hope: a certitude of the splendor towards which the world is moving...." That's exactly all the experiences I've had recently. And I see Sri Aurobindo's letters, that's what he says. "The world is not an unhappy accident, it is a marvel moving towards its expression."
And then give all the quotations from Sri Aurobindo on the subject.
I think that's what the world most needs now, a word that gives the sense of what is to be realized -- of what will be realized. And then, to awaken in each one the desire to collaborate.
To understand oneself and transmit it to others.
The world needs an assurance of beauty -- of the future beauty. And Sri Aurobindo gave the assurance.
Along those lines.
They had asked me that. So I looked and I saw only you could say it -- they want it to be spoken. Did you hear yourself when you spoke for me [the last message to the radio station]?
Yes, yes, Mother.
It was very good. It was very clear, and that's why I thought you could do it.
As you say, Mother, I'll do it and read it to you.
If it tires you, tell me.
No, no, Mother! I'm very well.
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You don't want to be more comfortable?
I'm very comfortable!
Mon petit....
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