Vol. 12


  January 1, 1971
January 11, 1971
January 16, 1971
January 17, 1971
January 23, 1971
January 27, 1971
January 30, 1971

February 3, 1971
February 6, 1971
February 10, 1971
February 13, 1971
February 17, 1971
February 20, 1971
February 21, 1971
February 24, 1971
February 25, 1971
February 27, 1971

March 1, 1971
March 2, 1971
March 3, 1971
March 4, 1971
March 5, 1971
March 6, 1971
March 10, 1971
March 13, 1971
March 17, 1971
March 24, 1971
March 27, 1971
March 31, 1971

April 1, 1971
April 3, 1971
April 7, 1971
April 10, 1971
April 11, 1971
April 14, 1971
April 17, 1971
April 21, 1971
April 28, 1971
April 29, 1971


May 1, 1971
May 5, 1971
May 8, 1971
May 12, 1971
May 15, 1971
May 19, 1971
May 22, 1971
May 25, 1971
May 26, 1971
May 27, 1971
May 29, 1971
May 30, 1971

June 2, 1971
June 3, 1971
June 5, 1971
June 9, 1971
June 12, 1971
June 16, 1971
June 23, 1971
June 26, 1971
June 30, 1971

July 3, 1971
July 10, 1971
July 14, 1971
July 17, 1971
July 21, 1971
July 24, 1971
July 28, 1971
July 31, 1971

August 4, 1971
August 7, 1971
August 11, 1971
August 14, 1971
August 18, 1971
August 21, 1971
August 25, 1971
August 28, 1971


September 1, 1971
September 4, 1971
September 8, 1971
September 11, 1971
September 14, 1971
September 15, 1971
September 18, 1971
September 22, 1971
September 29, 1971

October 2, 1971
October 6, 1971
October 9, 1971
October 13, 1971
October 16, 1971
October 20, 1971
October 23, 1971
October 27, 1971
October 30, 1971

November 10, 1971
November 13, 1971
November 17, 1971
November 20, 1971
November 24, 1971
November 27, 1971

December 1, 1971
December 4, 1971
December 8, 1971
December 11, 1971
December 13, 1971
December 15, 1971
December 18, 1971
December 22, 1971
December 25, 1971
December 27, 1971
December 29, 1971
December 29, 1971



ISBN 2-902776-33-0

October 13, 1971

(Mother hands Satprem an unusual

 "transformation"[[Indian Cork Tree. ]] flower.)

Nine petals.... That's the new creation -- it's the transformation for the new creation.

I see!

So what have you brought?

Oh, nothing much.... I'm a little overwhelmed by all the

 material problems.

Oh! Yes.... You have nothing to ask, nothing to say?

And what do you have to say, Mother?


(Mother goes within for a half hour)

You're not saying anything.

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No. Nothing to say.

Are we getting near something?

(after a silence)

Do you know the story of the new moon?... They've discovered a new moon. [[Called Toro. Although it orbits the sun in an 8-year cycle, it approaches to within some 12 million miles of the earth. Its next approach to the earth is due in August 1972. ]]

Oh, yes, a very small one. Does it mean something?

They say it is the supramental creation!


And that it is approaching the earth.

And then?

Well, it may fall on it!... What do they mean, very small? Smaller than the earth?

Yes, I think it's a mile in diameter.

That's very small!

It seems it approaches the earth every 8 years.... But what

 does that have to do with the supermind!

I don't know! (Mother laughs) I have no idea myself.... A mile, but then it could fall somewhere....

Yes, it would make a dent!... Sometimes one really gets the

 feeling that all this needs to be shaken up a little, don't you


(Mother makes a gesture of not knowing)

Aren't you in favor of "shaking up"?

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(Same gesture with a smile) When I was told that, I had the impression it would become part of the earth.... But it would cause a disaster, wouldn't it?

Perhaps not extensive? It would certainly create enough of an upheaval.

Unless it chooses the north pole or....

Would that make things on earth better?...

(negative gesture)

You are not very much in favor of shaking things up, are you?

(same gesture


I have more and more the impression that we know nothing, that we can do nothing, that we.... We're really ... (helpless gesture) -- we know nothing. All our so-called knowledge is....

We don't even know our own destiny.


It's pathetic.


And materially, in the material life, you feel you are entangled

 in something in which every solution is false.

Yes, yes, that's exactly it.

So you don't know what to do. In practical life, you don't

 know what to do.... You can turn in every direction and in

 every direction it's false.

Yes, it's false.

So those who want to live authentically, what should they do

in a practical way? We are in this world of falseness -- it's in us

 and around us -- and if we try to intervene in circumstances to

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 correct them, we get even more entangled in the knot. Should

 one simply withdraw and leave things as they are?

This is what I do more and more (gesture of interiorization). I speak less and less, because everything one says is false.


For instance, I say "the Divine" -- what is the Divine? I don't know -- and yet I can't say that I don't know. And even saying that is false -- that's not it. Everything is NOT IT. It isn't it.

Even material life is like that. Take eating, for example, depending on a certain attitude (is it an attitude? I don't know, because the consciousness is the same), the SAME food can be either absolutely detestable and impossible to swallow, or quite good.... The material circumstances themselves, the SAME circumstances can have very negative and serious consequences, or totally positive ones, depending on.... What does it depend on? That's the point. Because the consciousness is apparently the same, you simply don't know what causes the change.... In other words, the whole material life is ... unreal. You were talking of fighting, but fighting what? Everything is a mirage. We don't know what it is, we don't know WHAT there really is. What does it depend on?

There is something to discover.

Sometimes the body is seized by an unbearable pain, so painful it wants to scream -- and a minute later, everything is perfectly fine. And the physical conditions are the SAME, the consciousness is the SAME.... What does it depend on?...

So you see (Mother suddenly clasps her forehead as if she were suffering or caught in an impossibility), better not to speak.

(long silence)

It's something.... Something....[[These last words were said in such a moving tone, as if they were at once invocation, pain, prayer.... ]]

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