Vol. 12


  January 1, 1971
January 11, 1971
January 16, 1971
January 17, 1971
January 23, 1971
January 27, 1971
January 30, 1971

February 3, 1971
February 6, 1971
February 10, 1971
February 13, 1971
February 17, 1971
February 20, 1971
February 21, 1971
February 24, 1971
February 25, 1971
February 27, 1971

March 1, 1971
March 2, 1971
March 3, 1971
March 4, 1971
March 5, 1971
March 6, 1971
March 10, 1971
March 13, 1971
March 17, 1971
March 24, 1971
March 27, 1971
March 31, 1971

April 1, 1971
April 3, 1971
April 7, 1971
April 10, 1971
April 11, 1971
April 14, 1971
April 17, 1971
April 21, 1971
April 28, 1971
April 29, 1971


May 1, 1971
May 5, 1971
May 8, 1971
May 12, 1971
May 15, 1971
May 19, 1971
May 22, 1971
May 25, 1971
May 26, 1971
May 27, 1971
May 29, 1971
May 30, 1971

June 2, 1971
June 3, 1971
June 5, 1971
June 9, 1971
June 12, 1971
June 16, 1971
June 23, 1971
June 26, 1971
June 30, 1971

July 3, 1971
July 10, 1971
July 14, 1971
July 17, 1971
July 21, 1971
July 24, 1971
July 28, 1971
July 31, 1971

August 4, 1971
August 7, 1971
August 11, 1971
August 14, 1971
August 18, 1971
August 21, 1971
August 25, 1971
August 28, 1971


September 1, 1971
September 4, 1971
September 8, 1971
September 11, 1971
September 14, 1971
September 15, 1971
September 18, 1971
September 22, 1971
September 29, 1971

October 2, 1971
October 6, 1971
October 9, 1971
October 13, 1971
October 16, 1971
October 20, 1971
October 23, 1971
October 27, 1971
October 30, 1971

November 10, 1971
November 13, 1971
November 17, 1971
November 20, 1971
November 24, 1971
November 27, 1971

December 1, 1971
December 4, 1971
December 8, 1971
December 11, 1971
December 13, 1971
December 15, 1971
December 18, 1971
December 22, 1971
December 25, 1971
December 27, 1971
December 29, 1971
December 29, 1971



ISBN 2-902776-33-0

July 31, 1971

(Concerning a letter by Sri Aurobindo strictly forbidding sexual

 relations among disciples. Mother had several thousand copies

 of the letter printed with the following title: "Conditions for

 living in the Ashram and becoming a disciple.")

"... To master the sex-impulse, -- to become so much master of the sex-centre that the sexual energy would be drawn upwards, not thrown outwards and wasted -- it is so indeed that the force in the seed can be turned into a primal physical energy supporting all the others, retas into ojas. But no error can be more perilous than to accept the immixture of the sexual desire and some kind of subtle satisfaction of it and look on this as a part of the sadhana. It would be the most effective way to head straight towards spiritual downfall and throw into the atmosphere forces that would block the supramental descent, bringing instead the descent of adverse vital powers to disseminate disturbance and disaster. This deviation must be absolutely thrown away, should it try to occur and expunged from the consciousness, if the Truth is to be brought down and the work is to be done."

Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Yoga, XXIV.1507

That's the message I am distributing today.

There are many cases of people who ought to go away from here, but.... But you see, they're here, and when the baby is due to come, they go to Auroville! While me, "I think they're in

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 Auroville." Several cases. So I decided to publish that. I should add to it the message where I say, "Needless to say that those who aspire to Truth must abstain from telling lies."[[See conversation of April 7. ]] (Mother makes a gesture of giving a staggering blow.)

There are lots, lots of cases in fact.

You see, they say, "Mother is old, she doesn't go out anymore, she can't see anymore, she doesn't know what's going on." But I know what's going on -- I have other ways of seeing! (Laughter)

* * *

A little later

The other day I spoke to you about one of Sri Aurobindo's

aphorisms, and you said, "Yes, we must publish it." Shall we

 publish it in the August Bulletin?... It was this aphorism:

228 -- He who will not slay when God bids him,

works in the world an incalculable havoc.

We can't put that in! (Mother puts her head in her hands) A lot of people have the impudence to claim they receive the command of God -- a lot of murderers.

Well, that's true.

That would encourage them! (Laughter)

It's true, it's a two-edged sword.

It would give justification to too many things. Nowadays they kill so easily!... Oh, we can't put that in!

They have distorted the meaning of things I have said.... I am constantly receiving letters from people -- it seems to be a widespread malady. People come into your home and say, "Your hour has come." They came into the house of someone who knows us and said, "Your hour has come, give us your pistol." So he said, "All right, let me get my pistol and I'll give it to you." He opened a drawer and some cartridges fell out, so one of the hoodlums bent down to pick the cartridges up. And that man shot him with his

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 revolver. So all the others ran away. But mostly it ends the other way -- with a murder. It happened in his house. And in America if you walk down the street, they shoot at you. Everywhere. It's a spreading madness. Or else they stab you with a knife -- for no reason whatsoever, nobody knows why. And some of them say, "I am God-inspired...."


You know, it's like a universal outburst of falsehood. It's frightening. They take the teachings and twist them -- they use them as a justification.


Do you have something?

The Russian translator is giving up.

(Mother goes within)

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