ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(Another sign of the times: The disciple who works in the
Ashram post office refused to put stamps on Satprem's letters
-- why, we don't know. At the time Satprem was giving all his
money to Mother and possessed nothing personally. Mother is
therefore forced to sign a note in her own hand so that
Satprem's letters get stamped. Then she remains very interior
ized during the whole interview. It was the same on March 20,
at the last interview: that day, she gave Satprem the first copy
of "On the Way to Supermanhood," then went within
the rest of the time.)
Page 73
Do you want to say anything?
(Mother shakes her head
and goes within)
Nothing to say. Do you have any questions to ask?
I don't have any questions. I have rather some wishes....
The situation is very difficult. I prefer not to speak.
(Mother goes back within)
Page 74