ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(Sometime in August the message that follows was circulated
in the Ashram and Auroville, and published in an Ashram
periodical. It is interesting to note that the text is an alteration
of a much older original text that Mother had given to Satprem.
The original text is included afterwards.)
"The task of giving a concrete shape to Sri Aurobindo's vision has been entrusted to the Mother. The creation of a new world, a new humanity, a new society, expressing and embodying the new consciousness, is the work undertaken by her. In the nature of things, it is a collective ideal calling for a collective effort to realize it in terms of an integral human perfection.
The Ashram, founded and built up by the Mother, has been the first step towards the fulfilment of this goal. The project of Auroville is the next step, "more exterior," seeking to widen the base of this endeavor to establish harmony between soul and body, spirit and nature, heaven and earth in the collective life of humanity."
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Page 215
(original manuscript)
(First version) The task of giving a concrete form to Sri Aurobindo's vision has been given to the Mother.
(Second version) The task of completing Sri Aurobindo's vision has been given to the Mother. The creation of a new world, a new humanity, a new society expressing and embodying the new consciousness is the work she has undertaken. By the very nature of things, it is an ideal because the state of Nature that makes it necessary must be surpassed.
We aspire for the time when Sri Aurobindo will no longer have to die.
Page 216