Vol. 12


  January 1, 1971
January 11, 1971
January 16, 1971
January 17, 1971
January 23, 1971
January 27, 1971
January 30, 1971

February 3, 1971
February 6, 1971
February 10, 1971
February 13, 1971
February 17, 1971
February 20, 1971
February 21, 1971
February 24, 1971
February 25, 1971
February 27, 1971

March 1, 1971
March 2, 1971
March 3, 1971
March 4, 1971
March 5, 1971
March 6, 1971
March 10, 1971
March 13, 1971
March 17, 1971
March 24, 1971
March 27, 1971
March 31, 1971

April 1, 1971
April 3, 1971
April 7, 1971
April 10, 1971
April 11, 1971
April 14, 1971
April 17, 1971
April 21, 1971
April 28, 1971
April 29, 1971


May 1, 1971
May 5, 1971
May 8, 1971
May 12, 1971
May 15, 1971
May 19, 1971
May 22, 1971
May 25, 1971
May 26, 1971
May 27, 1971
May 29, 1971
May 30, 1971

June 2, 1971
June 3, 1971
June 5, 1971
June 9, 1971
June 12, 1971
June 16, 1971
June 23, 1971
June 26, 1971
June 30, 1971

July 3, 1971
July 10, 1971
July 14, 1971
July 17, 1971
July 21, 1971
July 24, 1971
July 28, 1971
July 31, 1971

August 4, 1971
August 7, 1971
August 11, 1971
August 14, 1971
August 18, 1971
August 21, 1971
August 25, 1971
August 28, 1971


September 1, 1971
September 4, 1971
September 8, 1971
September 11, 1971
September 14, 1971
September 15, 1971
September 18, 1971
September 22, 1971
September 29, 1971

October 2, 1971
October 6, 1971
October 9, 1971
October 13, 1971
October 16, 1971
October 20, 1971
October 23, 1971
October 27, 1971
October 30, 1971

November 10, 1971
November 13, 1971
November 17, 1971
November 20, 1971
November 24, 1971
November 27, 1971

December 1, 1971
December 4, 1971
December 8, 1971
December 11, 1971
December 13, 1971
December 15, 1971
December 18, 1971
December 22, 1971
December 25, 1971
December 27, 1971
December 29, 1971
December 29, 1971



ISBN 2-902776-33-0

April 14, 1971

(In reference to Mother's latest letter to Satprem.)

Mon petit, if I have caused you pain, I am very sorry (Mother takes Satprem's hands).

Oh, listen, Mother!

You see, I spoke to you the way I speak to myself [in Mother's letter to Satprem], as frankly as possible. But I really didn't think that would cause you pain. I saw in you that you knew things.... Tell me what's bothering you.

No, Mother, now it's really all gone. It's over. There were one

 or two ... rather difficult days, but now it's over.

(Mother holds Satprem's hands tightly)

In the end, what I regretted is that all this takes up so much of

 your time, and that we make so much fuss about it, that's



Oh, that doesn't matter.

Page 90

... While there are far more important things. [[Pakistani troops launched a general attack on Bangladesh before the monsoon; they succeeded in sealing off almost entirely the border with India, cutting off all possibility of help from India. Meanwhile the Chinese have massed their troops near the northeastern borders. ]]

Oh, mon petit, the situation is ... terribly dangerous.


There's only.... It's only by clinging desperately to the Divine -- but to the purest and most powerful Divine -- that we can avoid a ... general conflagration. It's terrible.

There's an impression that not a single minute should be lost, that we should constantly, constantly cling to the Divine to compel his descent here. Otherwise ... otherwise it's terrible.

So I need ... I need all those who love me to understand me.

Yes, Mother, yes.


Yes, I too have gone through (I don't dare use the past tense) a

period in which there was a sort of complete disintegration.

Yes. Me too.

An assault.

I know, I know.

Something that wants to get me very....

I know, I was with you day and night, you can't imagine how concretely.

You know everything I went through?

Yes, I know.... I know.... Forget it, won't you? That's the best thing to do. It is a part of the being that must disappear -- it's not you.

Page 91

I know it's not me, Mother. But it tried very hard to strike me.

Yes, yes ... I know. I am telling you, day and night, all the time, it was coming like that all the time.... But if one could -- no ... not "if": one MUST, one must change that into a great victory, petit. Let everything still clinging to the lower part go -- finished, let it be swept away for good.

Yes, Mother, I would like that. With your help, yes.

It's as if ... as if you went up, as if you threw away an old coat and rose straight up into the Light -- I've seen it.... I have seen it.

Mother is still clasping

 Satprem's hands)

That quotation we put in the "Bulletin" is so much to the point![["The end of a stage of evolution is usually marked by a powerful recrudescence of all that has to go out of the evolution." ]]

Yes. Yes, it's fighting and kicking. Everything that has to go is fighting back.

Yes, fighting ferociously.


But the situation of the country is dangerous, very dangerous.


China.... A long time ago (a long time, more than a year), I saw China's intention. Now she's got her chance. [[China announced that, if India interfered in the "internal affairs" of Pakistan, she would attack. ]] And China, that means all India, brff! (gesture of being overrun). No, I tell you, only the Divine can save the situation. There has to be a divine intervention, that alone can save things -- something extraordinary, abnormal, unexpected. Otherwise ... otherwise....

(long silence)

Page 92

Really ... really it can be expressed this way: only the Divine Will can save us -- all circumstances are ... (Mother interlaces her fingers). And so, we have to ... you know, we have to get rid of everything that still holds us down in order to be really ready to receive that Divine Will.

I understand very well, Mother, deeply. But I believe only in

 the Grace, you know -- because our own strength is....

Yes, I know, mon petit.

(drawn-out silence)

Oh, you know, the body, the whole body really wants, it wants the transformation, and it is.... There is such a world of insincerity there, it's frightening -- in the cells, in the ... oh!... And so there is such an urgency, an urgency -- the urgency FOR that ... frightening.... Day and night there's the will, the will to become ... to become divine.


These last few days, ALL the old notions have collapsed, all the old reactions have collapsed, it was.... And then, and then what? What? ... That's it, you see, nothing is left, nothing, nothing ... only (Mother clenches her fists), only a will -- a will, an aspiration, a compelling need: oh, the reign of the Divine must come, it must!


To have the sense of one's inferiority and incapacity, and in that aspiration let the Divine alone exist.


And you, mon petit, it's your destiny. It is your destiny: to become conscious and manifest the Divine -- it is your destiny. You must.... Me, I am in a hurry because I see circumstances becoming more and more ... acute -- dangerous. Only a miracle can save us -- that is to say, what we consider a miracle: an intervention ... an intervention of the Divine Will in its purity, undistorted, uncontroverted, unobstructed -- just That.


Page 93

We have to be at our highest -- and it is still far from being what it should be.

(Mother goes within.
Long contemplation,
like a common prayer for the pain of the earth)

Oh, mon petit!...

(Mother goes back within)

Page 94