Vol. 1



Topographical Note
February 1951
Undated 1951
March 14, 1952
August 2, 1952 .htm"
Undated 195(?)

April 1954
August 1954
August 25, 1954
March 26, 1955
April 4, 1955
June 9, 1955
June 11, 1955
September 3, 1955
September 15, 1955


October 19, 1955
October (?) 1955
October 1955
January (?) 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956

February 29, 1956
March 19, 1956
March 20, 1956
March 21, 1956
Undated 1956
April 4, 1956
April 20, 1956
April 23, 1956
April 24, 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956


May 2, 1956
July 29, 1956
August 10, 1956
September 12, 1956
September 14, 1956
October 7, 1956
October 8, 1956
October 28, 1956
November 22, 1956
December 12, 1956
December 26, 1956
January 1, 1957
January 18, 1957
March 3, 1957
April 9, 1957
Undated 1957

April 22, 1957
July 18, 1957
Undated 1957

September 27, 1957
October 8, 1957
October 17, 1957
October 18, 1957
November 12, 1957
November 13, 1957
Undated 1957
Undated 1957
December 13, 1957
December 21, 1957
Undated 1957


January 1, 1958
Undated 1958
January 22, 1958
January 25, 1958
Undated 1958
February 3, 1958

February 3, 1958
February 1958
Undated 1958


February 15, 1958
February 25, 1958
February 1958
March 7, 1958
April 3, 1958
Undated 1958
May 1, 1958
May 11, 1958
May 30, 1958
June 6, 1958
June 1958
June 1958 (?)
June 22, 1958
July 1958
July 21, 1958
July 23, 1958
July (?) 1958
August 7, 1958
August 8, 1958
August 9, 1958
August 12, 1958
August 29, 1958
August 30, 1958
September 1958
September 16, 1958
September 19, 1958
October 1, 1958    

October 4, 1958
Undated 1958
October 6, 1958
October 10, 1958
October 17, 1958
October 25, 1958
November 2, 1958
November 4, 1958
Undated 1958


November 8, 1958

November 11, 1958
November 14, 1958
November 15, 1958
November 20, 1958

November 22, 1958
November 26, 1958
November 27, 1958
November 28, 1958
November 30, 1958
December 1958


December 4, 1958
December 15, 1958
December 24, 1958
December 28, 1958
January 6, 1959
January 14, 1959
January 21, 1959
January 27, 1959
January 31, 1959
March 10, 1959
March (? ) 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
March 1959
March 26, 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
End March (?) 1959
April 7, 1959
April 13, 1959
Undated 1959
April 21, 1959
April 23, 1959
April 24, 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
May 7, 1959
May 19, 1959
May 1959
May 25, 1959
May 28, 1959



June 4, 1959
June 7, 1959
June 8, 1959
June 9, 1959
June 11, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 17, 1959
June 25, 1959
July 10, 1959
July 14, 1959
July 24-25, 1959
August 11, 1959
August 15, 1959
October 6, 1959
October 15, 1959
November 25, 1959
September 21, 1951

July 25, 1958
October 3, 1958
January 21, 1959

January 1959
Undated 1959 (?)
Undated 1959 (?)
January 1959
January 1959
January 1959
October 9, 1959
January 28, 1960
January 31, 1960
March 3, 1960
March 7, 1960
April 7, 1960
April 13, 1960
April 14, 1960
April 20, 1960
April 24, 1960
April 26, 1960
May 21, 1960
May 24, 1960
May 28, 1960
Undated May (?) 1960
June 4, 1960
Undated June 1960
June 7, 1960
Undated, June 1960
July 12, 1960
July 26, 1960
August 10, 1960
August 16, 1960
August 20, 1960
August 27, 1960
September 2, 1960
September 20, 1960
September 24, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 8, 1960
October 11, 1960
October 15, 1960
October 19, 1960
October 22, 1960
October 25, 1960
October 30, 1960
November 5, 1960
November 8, 1960
Undated, 1960
November 12, 1960
November 15, 1960
November 26, 1960
December 2, 1960
December 13, 1960
December 17, 1960
December 20, 1960
December 23, 1960
December 25, 1960
December 31, 1960

October 30, 1960

(After a meditation with Mother on the occasion of the disci

ple's birthday. At the outset of the conversation, Mother had

 given the disciple a small leather wallet with an Egyptian

fresco depicted on it.)

Let me see the wallet (Mother looks at it) ... Ah, so that has nothing to do with it!

As soon as the meditation began, I started seeing quite familiar scenes from ancient Egypt. And you, you looked a little different, but quite similar all the same ... The first thing I saw was their god with a head like this (gesture of a muzzle), with a sun above his head. A dark animal head with ... I know it VERY WELL, but I don't remember exactly which animal it is. One is a hawk,' but the other has a head like ... (Mother makes the same gesture)

Like a jackal?

Yes, like a jackal, that's it. Yes, that's what it was. With a kind of lyre above its head, and then a sun.#

1. Horus, the sun god, child of Isis and Osiris.

2. According to tradition, Anubis, the jackal-headed god, helped Isis to rebuild the body of her spouse, Osiris, who had been killed and dismembered by his brother Set. Osiris was the first god to rule over men. Owing to certain special rites, Isis, helped by Anubis, succeeded in bringing him back to life. So we are not very far from the legend of Savitri and Satyavan.

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And this god was very intimately related to you, as if you were melted together; you were like a sacrificial priest and at the same time he was entering into you.

And this lasted quite long (it's what I saw most clearly and what I best remember). But there were many, many things - old things that I know - and certainly a VERY INTIMATE relationship which we had in the days of Egypt, at Thebes.

It's the first time I saw this for you - it was very, very ...

'Was it by chance the wallet that brought this to mind?' I wondered right at first. I had the impression of having given you something Egyptian, but I could no longer remember what it was - I'm happy it wasn't that! ... I hesitated for barely a moment, then said to myself, 'Why?' And what came is that everything, even apparently accidental things, is organized by the same Consciousness for the same ends - it's obvious.

But I found this interesting, so I began looking, and I LIVED the scene, all kinds of scenes of initiation, worship, etc., for quite some time. When that lifted, a light much stronger than the last time (during the last meditation) came down, in a wonderful silence. (I might add that the first thing I did, at the beginning, was to try to establish a silence around you, to insulate you from other things so as to keep your mind quiet; it kept jumping a little, but once this light came down ... ) And it came down with a very hieratic quality and ... (how can I put this?) Egyptian in character - very occult, very occult, very, very distinct, very specific, like this (gesture indicating a block of silence descending).

And then there came a long moment of absolutely motionless contemplation ... with something that now escapes me - it may come back.

Then suddenly I went into a little trance. And in it I saw you, but you were ... physically, you were on one plane, and then I saw another man on a different plane (I saw him quite concretely; he was rather tall, broad-shouldered - not so tall as broad, with a dark, European suit). And he took your hands and started shaking them enthusiastically! - but you were quite indifferent, just as you are now, dressed in Indian fashion and sitting cross-legged. He took both your hands and started shaking them! And then I distinctly heard the words: 'Congratulations, it's a great success!' - it had to do with your book.' And at the same time, I

1. L'Orpailleur, which had just been published. The man's description, as a matter of fact, bears a striking resemblance to the publisher.


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saw all sorts of people and things who were touched by your book - all kinds of people, obviously French, or Westerners in any case ... women, men. There was even one woman (she must have been an actress or a singer or ... anyway, someone whose life was ... she was even dressed for the stage, with some kind of tights - a beautiful girl!) and she said to someone, 'Ah, it has even given me a taste for the spiritual life!' It was extremely interesting ... All kinds of things of this nature. And then once again I came out of this trance and ... In the end, I tried to do some certain thing for you and it turned out well. It turned out quite well.


But then, just before that, there was this powdering of golden light coming down. And as it descended, it was white with a touch of gold (but it was white) and it came down in a column, with such POWER! ... And then, just at the end, this powdering of gold came and settled into this white light which had remained there the whole time - oh, it was so ... abundant. A great power of realization. I had a hard time coming out of it! At the start, I had decided to come out of it at half past, so I came out, but still not completely ...

So there, my child. And you, what did you feel?

When I meditate with you ... When I'm alone, there is never

 this power, this ... It's something else ... Sometimes it's strong

 but it always lacks this particular quality. There are powerful

moments when I'm alone, but not like this.

Of course! I'm also with you there in your room when you meditate, but it does make a difference ...

The physical vibration is important. The circumstances relating to the work of transformation make the physical vibration important. I feel it, for as soon as I want to do something with someone on the physical plane (physical, mind you), it all comes into the body. And the body is simply seized ... I see that absolutely physical vibrations are being used all the time. It's really so different. All the work which is done at a distance (gesture indicating action stemming from the mind) - it acts, of course, but ...

You know, even now, all this (Mother touches her body, her hands) feels so vibrant and alive that it's difficult to sense its limits ... as if it extends beyond the body in all directions. It no longer has any limits.

But it's still not luminous in the dark. What is normally

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 luminous in the dark is something else ... I had that when I was working with Theon (after returning to France, we had group meditations - though he didn't call it 'meditation,' he called it 'repose,' and we used to do this in a darkened room), and there was ... it was like phosphorescence, exactly the color of phosphorescent light, like certain fish in the water at night. It would come out [of the body], spread forth, move about. But that is the vital, it originates in the vital. It is a force from above, but what manifests is vital. Whereas now it is absolutely, clearly the golden supramental light in ... an extraordinary pulsation, vibrant in intensity ... But probably it still lacks a ... what Theon used to call 'density,' an agent that enables it to be seen in the dark - and then it would be visibly gold, not phosphorescent.

But it is very, very concrete, very material.

I wonder if at night ... Sometimes it's so intense that I wonder if it doesn't radiate. But I can't see as my eyes are closed!

Again last night, for a large part of the night, it was ... the body has no more limits - it's only a great MASS of vibrations.

And the experience just now (during meditation) was somehow mixed with what I usually see at night (it was not a combination - or maybe it was a combination ... ), for it had that same light ... It was a kind of powdering, even finer than tiny dots - a powdering like an atomic dust, but with an EXTREMELY intense vibration ... but without any shifting of place. And yet it's in constant motion ... Something shifting about within something that vibrates on the same spot without moving (something does move, but it's subtler, like a current of tremendous power which passes through a milieu that doesn't move at all: rather, it vibrates on the same spot with an extreme intensity). But I don't exactly know how it is different from the present experience ... It becomes less golden at night, the gold is less visible, whereas the other colors - white, blue and a sort of pink - are much more visible.

Oh, now I remember! It was PINK during the second phase, just afterwards, after Egypt! Oh, it was like ... like at the end of a sunrise when it gets very clear and luminous. A magnificent color. And it kept coming down and down, in a flood ... that part was new. It's something I see very rarely. It was not there at all the last time we meditated together. And it came filled with such a joy! Oh! ... It was absolutely ecstatic. It lasted quite a long time. And from there I went into this trance where I saw (laughing) that man congratulating you! I heard him say (his voice is what

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roused me from my trance, and then I saw him), 'Congratulations, it's a great success!' (Mother laughs)

It's good. We'll have these little meditations from time to time. For me, it's pleasant, for I have neither to restrict nor contain nor veil myself. It's nice.

And I see what's coming down; it's good.

And there is something very happy, very happy, which keeps repeating, 'It's good, it's good!' Happy ... and rather satisfied because of that.

My impression is that in a while, maybe not in such a distant future, we'll be able to do something, a sort of ... it will no longer be personal. We should be able to establish something.'


(soon afterwards, when leaving)

Is that all? You have nothing to tell me, nothing to ask?

I'm counting above all on your force to put my body back in


Yes, of course! But to be put back in order, it must become a bit stronger. The more fragile you are, the more it breaks down.

All I know is that HERE you must be very careful not to weaken the body's resistance (I don't just mean in India, but here in the Ashram). Here, it's important - the base must be solid, for otherwise it's difficult. The more the Force descends - as it has just now descended - the more the body must be ... rather square. It's important.

I've tried everything, you know, from complete fasting to a meat diet - everything, everything. Well, I noticed that you can have pleasant experiences while fasting, but it's not good, it shouldn't be done - these are all old ideas. No, the body must be solid, solid ... otherwise ...

(Mother gives the disciple a carnation,

 named by her 'Collaboration')

1. The terrestrial work to be accomplished through the Agenda.

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So, I won't see you again? ... No, too many people come in the afternoon, it's not pleasant ...

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ISBN 2-902776-33-0