When I am not in my body, I have all kinds of contacts with people, contacts of different types. And it's not a thing decided in advance, it is not willed, it is not even thought out; it is simply ... observed.
Certain relationships are entirely within me, entirely. It is not a relationship between individuals, but a relationship between states of being - which means that with the same individual there may be many different relationships. If it were a single whole ... but I am still not sure if there is a single person with whom the relationship is global.
So there are parts which are entirely within me, entirely - there is no difference; they are myself. There are other parts with which I am conscious of an exchange - a very familiar, very intimate exchange. And there are parts outside of me with which I still have relationships, not exactly as with strangers but merely
1. Note written by Mother in French. The heading is hers.
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as acquaintances; it is still necessary to observe their reactions in order to do the correct thing. And the ratio between these different parts is naturally different depending upon the different individuals.
(The disciple complains of his difficulties)
Difficulties are sent to us exclusively to make the realization more perfect.
Each time we try to realize something and we encounter a resistance or an obstacle, or even a failure - what appears to be a failure - we should know, we should NEVER forget, that it is exclusively, absolutely, to make the realization more perfect.
So this habit of cringing, of being discouraged or even feeling ill at ease or abusing oneself, saying, 'There, I've done it again ...' All this is absolute foolishness.
Rather, simply say, 'We do not know how to do things as they should be done, well then, let them be done for us and come what may!' If we could only see how everything that looks like a difficulty, an error, a failure or an obstacle is simply there to help us make the realization more perfect.
Once we know this, everything becomes easy.
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ISBN 2-902776-33-0