(Letter to Mother from Satprem)
Pondicherry, October 2, 1960 Sunday evening
Sweet Mother,
As I did not find the translation of the Message fully satisfying, I have continued pondering over it. Then another possibility, which MAY be better, presented itself. Here it is:
Ce monde merveilleux de félicité, à nos portes, qui attend notre appel pour descendre sur la terre.*
In this way we keep the word appel [call], which is strong. All I did was change the relative pronoun (at first you had translated it as qui, à nos portes, attend notre appel. 2).
1. 'This wonderful world of delight, at our gates, waiting for our call to come down upon earth.'
2. 'waiting at our gates for our call ... '
I don't know. Perhaps it is more incisive this way.
Your child, with love.
Signed: Satprem
(Mother's reply)
Monday morning
Yes, my dear little one, it is much better like that - it becomes poetry.'
With all my tender affection.
Signed: Mother
ISBN 2-902776-33-0