Vol. 1



Topographical Note
February 1951
Undated 1951
March 14, 1952
August 2, 1952 .htm"
Undated 195(?)

April 1954
August 1954
August 25, 1954
March 26, 1955
April 4, 1955
June 9, 1955
June 11, 1955
September 3, 1955
September 15, 1955


October 19, 1955
October (?) 1955
October 1955
January (?) 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956

February 29, 1956
March 19, 1956
March 20, 1956
March 21, 1956
Undated 1956
April 4, 1956
April 20, 1956
April 23, 1956
April 24, 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956


May 2, 1956
July 29, 1956
August 10, 1956
September 12, 1956
September 14, 1956
October 7, 1956
October 8, 1956
October 28, 1956
November 22, 1956
December 12, 1956
December 26, 1956
January 1, 1957
January 18, 1957
March 3, 1957
April 9, 1957
Undated 1957

April 22, 1957
July 18, 1957
Undated 1957

September 27, 1957
October 8, 1957
October 17, 1957
October 18, 1957
November 12, 1957
November 13, 1957
Undated 1957
Undated 1957
December 13, 1957
December 21, 1957
Undated 1957


January 1, 1958
Undated 1958
January 22, 1958
January 25, 1958
Undated 1958
February 3, 1958

February 3, 1958
February 1958
Undated 1958


February 15, 1958
February 25, 1958
February 1958
March 7, 1958
April 3, 1958
Undated 1958
May 1, 1958
May 11, 1958
May 30, 1958
June 6, 1958
June 1958
June 1958 (?)
June 22, 1958
July 1958
July 21, 1958
July 23, 1958
July (?) 1958
August 7, 1958
August 8, 1958
August 9, 1958
August 12, 1958
August 29, 1958
August 30, 1958
September 1958
September 16, 1958
September 19, 1958
October 1, 1958    

October 4, 1958
Undated 1958
October 6, 1958
October 10, 1958
October 17, 1958
October 25, 1958
November 2, 1958
November 4, 1958
Undated 1958


November 8, 1958

November 11, 1958
November 14, 1958
November 15, 1958
November 20, 1958

November 22, 1958
November 26, 1958
November 27, 1958
November 28, 1958
November 30, 1958
December 1958


December 4, 1958
December 15, 1958
December 24, 1958
December 28, 1958
January 6, 1959
January 14, 1959
January 21, 1959
January 27, 1959
January 31, 1959
March 10, 1959
March (? ) 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
March 1959
March 26, 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
End March (?) 1959
April 7, 1959
April 13, 1959
Undated 1959
April 21, 1959
April 23, 1959
April 24, 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
May 7, 1959
May 19, 1959
May 1959
May 25, 1959
May 28, 1959



June 4, 1959
June 7, 1959
June 8, 1959
June 9, 1959
June 11, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 17, 1959
June 25, 1959
July 10, 1959
July 14, 1959
July 24-25, 1959
August 11, 1959
August 15, 1959
October 6, 1959
October 15, 1959
November 25, 1959
September 21, 1951

July 25, 1958
October 3, 1958
January 21, 1959

January 1959
Undated 1959 (?)
Undated 1959 (?)
January 1959
January 1959
January 1959
October 9, 1959
January 28, 1960
January 31, 1960
March 3, 1960
March 7, 1960
April 7, 1960
April 13, 1960
April 14, 1960
April 20, 1960
April 24, 1960
April 26, 1960
May 21, 1960
May 24, 1960
May 28, 1960
Undated May (?) 1960
June 4, 1960
Undated June 1960
June 7, 1960
Undated, June 1960
July 12, 1960
July 26, 1960
August 10, 1960
August 16, 1960
August 20, 1960
August 27, 1960
September 2, 1960
September 20, 1960
September 24, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 8, 1960
October 11, 1960
October 15, 1960
October 19, 1960
October 22, 1960
October 25, 1960
October 30, 1960
November 5, 1960
November 8, 1960
Undated, 1960
November 12, 1960
November 15, 1960
November 26, 1960
December 2, 1960
December 13, 1960
December 17, 1960
December 20, 1960
December 23, 1960
December 25, 1960
December 31, 1960

January 21, 1959

(Letter to Mother from Satprem)

Rameswaram, January 21, 1959

Sweet Mother,

Here is what X told me: 'I have received a message from my guru.# In my vision, the Mother was there, next to my guru, and she was smiling. My guru told me that your present difficulties are a period of testing, but I could already give you the first stage of tantric initiation and that for you, the three stages of initiation

1. The French translation of Sri Aurobindo's Thoughts and Aphorisms.

2. X's deceased guru.


Page 272

 could be done in an accelerated way.

I will therefore give you initiation this Friday or Saturday, on the day of the full moon or the day before. This first stage will last three months during which you will have to repeat 1 lakh' times the mantra that I will give you. At the end of three months, I will come to see you in Pondicherry - or you will come here for a fortnight, and as soon as I have received the message from my guru, I will give you the second stage that will last three months as well. At the end of these three months, you will receive the full initiation.' X warned me that the first stage I am to receive provokes attacks and tests but that all this disappears with the second stage. Forewarned is forearmed. For what reason I do not know, but X told me that the particular nature of my initiation should remain secret and that he will say nothing about it to Swami, and he added (in speaking of the speed of the process), 'But you will not be less than the Swami.' (!!) There, I wanted you to know - besides, you were present in X's vision. All this happened at a time when I was in the most desperate crisis I have ever known. Sweet Mother, there is no end to expressing my gratitude to you, and yet with the least trial, I am reduced to nothing. Why have you so much grace for me?

I would like very much to return to Pondicherry for the February Darshan and once again begin working for you. Today I am sending a second lot to Pavitra and tomorrow I will start on the Aphorisms, for I do not want to make you wait any longer. I will send a third and final lot to Pavitra by the end of the month, in time for printing. I am very touched, sweet Mother, by your attention and the money you are sending me.

Sweet Mother, may my entire life be at your service, may my entire being belong to you. I owe you everything.

With love and gratitude, I am your child.

Signed: Satprem

Sweet Mother, do not waste time writing to me; you have so many things to do and I feel a little awkward disturbing you so often.

1. One lakh = one hundred thousand.

Page 273

(Mother's reply)

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

 Pondicherry, 1.27.59

My dear child,

I was waiting to answer your letter of the 21st until the Friday and Saturday you mentioned had gone by. And then I felt that you were returning the Aphorisms, so I waited a bit more. I have just received them along with your letter of the 23rd, but I have not yet looked at them. Besides, if you intend returning for the February 'darshan,' I think it would be preferable for us to revise the whole book together. There will not be very much work on my side since the Wednesday and Friday classes were discontinued in the beginning of December, and I still do not know when they will resume.' Right now, I am translating the Aphorisms all alone and it seems to go quickly and well. This could also be revised and the book on the Dhammapada prepared for publication.

For the time being, I am going downstairs only in the mornings at 6 for the balcony darshan and I immediately come back up without seeing anyone - then in the afternoons, I go down once more at about 3 to take my bath and at 4:30 I come back up again. I do not yet know what will happen next month. I shall have to find some way to meet you so that we can work together - I am going to think it over.

I do not ask you to write me your news,# because I know that these are things it is better not to write about. But you know that it keenly interests me.

My love is always with you, enfolding and upholding you.

The blessings of the Grace are upon you.

Signed: Mother


1. They would never resume.

2. About the tantric initiation.

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ISBN 2-902776-33-0