Vol. 1



Topographical Note
February 1951
Undated 1951
March 14, 1952
August 2, 1952 .htm"
Undated 195(?)

April 1954
August 1954
August 25, 1954
March 26, 1955
April 4, 1955
June 9, 1955
June 11, 1955
September 3, 1955
September 15, 1955


October 19, 1955
October (?) 1955
October 1955
January (?) 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956

February 29, 1956
March 19, 1956
March 20, 1956
March 21, 1956
Undated 1956
April 4, 1956
April 20, 1956
April 23, 1956
April 24, 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956


May 2, 1956
July 29, 1956
August 10, 1956
September 12, 1956
September 14, 1956
October 7, 1956
October 8, 1956
October 28, 1956
November 22, 1956
December 12, 1956
December 26, 1956
January 1, 1957
January 18, 1957
March 3, 1957
April 9, 1957
Undated 1957

April 22, 1957
July 18, 1957
Undated 1957

September 27, 1957
October 8, 1957
October 17, 1957
October 18, 1957
November 12, 1957
November 13, 1957
Undated 1957
Undated 1957
December 13, 1957
December 21, 1957
Undated 1957


January 1, 1958
Undated 1958
January 22, 1958
January 25, 1958
Undated 1958
February 3, 1958

February 3, 1958
February 1958
Undated 1958


February 15, 1958
February 25, 1958
February 1958
March 7, 1958
April 3, 1958
Undated 1958
May 1, 1958
May 11, 1958
May 30, 1958
June 6, 1958
June 1958
June 1958 (?)
June 22, 1958
July 1958
July 21, 1958
July 23, 1958
July (?) 1958
August 7, 1958
August 8, 1958
August 9, 1958
August 12, 1958
August 29, 1958
August 30, 1958
September 1958
September 16, 1958
September 19, 1958
October 1, 1958    

October 4, 1958
Undated 1958
October 6, 1958
October 10, 1958
October 17, 1958
October 25, 1958
November 2, 1958
November 4, 1958
Undated 1958


November 8, 1958

November 11, 1958
November 14, 1958
November 15, 1958
November 20, 1958

November 22, 1958
November 26, 1958
November 27, 1958
November 28, 1958
November 30, 1958
December 1958


December 4, 1958
December 15, 1958
December 24, 1958
December 28, 1958
January 6, 1959
January 14, 1959
January 21, 1959
January 27, 1959
January 31, 1959
March 10, 1959
March (? ) 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
March 1959
March 26, 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
End March (?) 1959
April 7, 1959
April 13, 1959
Undated 1959
April 21, 1959
April 23, 1959
April 24, 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
May 7, 1959
May 19, 1959
May 1959
May 25, 1959
May 28, 1959



June 4, 1959
June 7, 1959
June 8, 1959
June 9, 1959
June 11, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 17, 1959
June 25, 1959
July 10, 1959
July 14, 1959
July 24-25, 1959
August 11, 1959
August 15, 1959
October 6, 1959
October 15, 1959
November 25, 1959
September 21, 1951

July 25, 1958
October 3, 1958
January 21, 1959

January 1959
Undated 1959 (?)
Undated 1959 (?)
January 1959
January 1959
January 1959
October 9, 1959
January 28, 1960
January 31, 1960
March 3, 1960
March 7, 1960
April 7, 1960
April 13, 1960
April 14, 1960
April 20, 1960
April 24, 1960
April 26, 1960
May 21, 1960
May 24, 1960
May 28, 1960
Undated May (?) 1960
June 4, 1960
Undated June 1960
June 7, 1960
Undated, June 1960
July 12, 1960
July 26, 1960
August 10, 1960
August 16, 1960
August 20, 1960
August 27, 1960
September 2, 1960
September 20, 1960
September 24, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 8, 1960
October 11, 1960
October 15, 1960
October 19, 1960
October 22, 1960
October 25, 1960
October 30, 1960
November 5, 1960
November 8, 1960
Undated, 1960
November 12, 1960
November 15, 1960
November 26, 1960
December 2, 1960
December 13, 1960
December 17, 1960
December 20, 1960
December 23, 1960
December 25, 1960
December 31, 1960

January 6, 1959

(Letter to Mother from Satprem)

Rameswaram, January 6, 1959

Sweet Mother,

This is to tell you that a knot has very perceptibly come undone in me, for no apparent reason; suddenly, I was breathing easily.

And it happened just as I was despairing of ever getting out of it. I seemed to be touching a kind of fundamental bedrock, so painful, so suffering, and full of revolt because of too much suffering. And I saw that all my efforts, all the meditations, aspirations, mantras, were only covering up this suffering bedrock without touching it. I saw this fundamental thing in me very clearly, a poignant knot, ever ready for an absolute negation. I saw it and I said to you, 'Mother, only your grace can remove this.' I said this to you in the temple that morning, in total despair. And then, the knot was undone. X's action contributed a lot, with your grace acting through him. But truly, I have traversed a veritable hell this last while.

X continues his work on me daily; it is to last 41 days in all. He told me that he wants to undo the things of several births. When it is over, he will explain it all to me. I do not know how to tell you how luminous and good this man is, he is a very great soul. He is also giving me Sanskrit lessons, and little by little, each evening, speaks to me of the Tantra.

His action upon you is to continue for another five days, after which he is positive that you will be entirely saved. According to him, it is indeed a magic attack originating in Pondicherry, and perhaps even from someone in the Ashram!! He told me that this evil person would finally be forced to appear before you ... I am learning many interesting things from him.

Mother, by way of expressing to you my gratitude, I want to work now to open myself totally to your Light and become truly an egoless instrument, your conscious instrument. Mother, you are the sole Reality.

With love and gratitude, I am your child.

Signed: Satprem

Page 268

(Mother's reply)

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

 Pondicherry, 1.8.59

My dear child,

I was awaiting your letter impatiently and am very happy about what you write!

I have followed the vicissitudes of your struggle step by step and I know that it has been terrible, but my confidence in the outcome has not wavered - for I know you are in good hands. I am so happy that X is taking good care of you, teaching you Sanskrit, speaking to you of the Tantra. It is just what I wanted.

His action here has been very effective and really very interesting. I still do not know whether someone has really done black magic, and the 'villain' has yet to appear before me. But already several days ago the malefic influence completely disappeared without leaving any trace in the atmosphere. Also their mantric intervention did not stop at that, for it has had another most interesting result. I am preparing a long letter for Swami to explain all this to him ...

The pain on the left side has not entirely gone and there have been some complications which have delayed things. But I feel much better. In fact, I am rebuilding my health, and I am in no hurry to resume the exhausting days as before. It is quiet upstairs for working, and I am going to take advantage of this to prepare the Bulletin' at leisure. As I had not read over the pages on the message that we had prepared for the 315', I have revised and transformed them into an article. It will be the first one in the February issue. I am now going to choose the others. I will tell you which ones I have chosen and in what order I will put them.

Satprem, my child, I am truly with you and I love you.

Signed: Mother

1. The Bulletin of Physical Education, which appeared quarterly.

Page 269

ISBN 2-902776-33-0