Vol. 1



Topographical Note
February 1951
Undated 1951
March 14, 1952
August 2, 1952 .htm"
Undated 195(?)

April 1954
August 1954
August 25, 1954
March 26, 1955
April 4, 1955
June 9, 1955
June 11, 1955
September 3, 1955
September 15, 1955


October 19, 1955
October (?) 1955
October 1955
January (?) 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956

February 29, 1956
March 19, 1956
March 20, 1956
March 21, 1956
Undated 1956
April 4, 1956
April 20, 1956
April 23, 1956
April 24, 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956


May 2, 1956
July 29, 1956
August 10, 1956
September 12, 1956
September 14, 1956
October 7, 1956
October 8, 1956
October 28, 1956
November 22, 1956
December 12, 1956
December 26, 1956
January 1, 1957
January 18, 1957
March 3, 1957
April 9, 1957
Undated 1957

April 22, 1957
July 18, 1957
Undated 1957

September 27, 1957
October 8, 1957
October 17, 1957
October 18, 1957
November 12, 1957
November 13, 1957
Undated 1957
Undated 1957
December 13, 1957
December 21, 1957
Undated 1957


January 1, 1958
Undated 1958
January 22, 1958
January 25, 1958
Undated 1958
February 3, 1958

February 3, 1958
February 1958
Undated 1958


February 15, 1958
February 25, 1958
February 1958
March 7, 1958
April 3, 1958
Undated 1958
May 1, 1958
May 11, 1958
May 30, 1958
June 6, 1958
June 1958
June 1958 (?)
June 22, 1958
July 1958
July 21, 1958
July 23, 1958
July (?) 1958
August 7, 1958
August 8, 1958
August 9, 1958
August 12, 1958
August 29, 1958
August 30, 1958
September 1958
September 16, 1958
September 19, 1958
October 1, 1958    

October 4, 1958
Undated 1958
October 6, 1958
October 10, 1958
October 17, 1958
October 25, 1958
November 2, 1958
November 4, 1958
Undated 1958


November 8, 1958

November 11, 1958
November 14, 1958
November 15, 1958
November 20, 1958

November 22, 1958
November 26, 1958
November 27, 1958
November 28, 1958
November 30, 1958
December 1958


December 4, 1958
December 15, 1958
December 24, 1958
December 28, 1958
January 6, 1959
January 14, 1959
January 21, 1959
January 27, 1959
January 31, 1959
March 10, 1959
March (? ) 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
March 1959
March 26, 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
End March (?) 1959
April 7, 1959
April 13, 1959
Undated 1959
April 21, 1959
April 23, 1959
April 24, 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
May 7, 1959
May 19, 1959
May 1959
May 25, 1959
May 28, 1959



June 4, 1959
June 7, 1959
June 8, 1959
June 9, 1959
June 11, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 17, 1959
June 25, 1959
July 10, 1959
July 14, 1959
July 24-25, 1959
August 11, 1959
August 15, 1959
October 6, 1959
October 15, 1959
November 25, 1959
September 21, 1951

July 25, 1958
October 3, 1958
January 21, 1959

January 1959
Undated 1959 (?)
Undated 1959 (?)
January 1959
January 1959
January 1959
October 9, 1959
January 28, 1960
January 31, 1960
March 3, 1960
March 7, 1960
April 7, 1960
April 13, 1960
April 14, 1960
April 20, 1960
April 24, 1960
April 26, 1960
May 21, 1960
May 24, 1960
May 28, 1960
Undated May (?) 1960
June 4, 1960
Undated June 1960
June 7, 1960
Undated, June 1960
July 12, 1960
July 26, 1960
August 10, 1960
August 16, 1960
August 20, 1960
August 27, 1960
September 2, 1960
September 20, 1960
September 24, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 8, 1960
October 11, 1960
October 15, 1960
October 19, 1960
October 22, 1960
October 25, 1960
October 30, 1960
November 5, 1960
November 8, 1960
Undated, 1960
November 12, 1960
November 15, 1960
November 26, 1960
December 2, 1960
December 13, 1960
December 17, 1960
December 20, 1960
December 23, 1960
December 25, 1960
December 31, 1960

April 9, 1957

(Letter to Mother from Satprem)

Pondicherry, April 9, 1957


I would like to throw myself at your feet and open my heart to you - but I cannot. I cannot.

For I SEE that, were I to give in now, I would be done for - there would be no alternative but to live out the rest of my days in the Ashram. But everything in me rebels at this idea. The idea of winding up as General Secretary of the Ashram, like Pavitra, makes my skin crawl. It is absurd, and I apologize for speaking this way, Mother, for I admire Pavitra - but I can't help it, I can't do it, I do not want to end up like that.

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For more than a year now, I have been hypnotized by the idea that if I give in, I will be 'condemned' to remain here. Once more, forgive me for speaking so absurdly, for of course I know it is not a 'condemnation'; and yet a part of me feels that it would be.

Thus I am so tense that I do not even want to close my eyes to meditate for fear of yielding. And I fall into all kinds of errors that horrify me, simply because the pressure is too strong at times, and I literally suffocate. Mother, I am not cut out to be a 'disciple.'

I realize that all the progress I was able to make during the first two years has been lost and I am just as before, worse than before - as if all my strength were in ruin, all faith in myself undone - so much so that at times I curse myself for having come here at all.

That is the situation, Mother. I feel my unworthiness profoundly. I am the opposite of Satprem, unable to love and to give myself. Everything in me is sealed tight.

So what is to be done? I intend asking your permission to leave as soon as the book is finished (I am determined to finish it, for it will rid me of the past it represents). I expect nothing from the world, except a bit of external space, in the absence of another space.

Signed: Bernard

P.S. And yet, even if I leave, I know that I shall have to come back here ... Everything is a paradox, and I CANNOT get out of this paradox.

(Mother's reply)

April 11, 1957

My dear child,

I read your letter yesterday, and here is the answer that immediately came to me. I add to it the assurance that nothing has changed, nor can change, in my relationship with you, and that you are and always will be my child - for that is the truth of your being.

Here is what I wrote:

In your ignorance, you created a phantom of your destiny, and then, out of this non-existent ghost, you made a hobgoblin around which all the resistances of your outer nature have crystallized.

Page 101

It is a double ignorance:

- in the universe, there are not - there cannot be - two similar destinies.

- each one's destiny is inevitably fulfilled, but the nearer one is to the Divine, the more does this destiny assume its divine qualities.

I am saying all this so that you do not hypnotize yourself further with some imaginary and groundless possibility.

I am with you always.

Signed: Mother

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ISBN 2-902776-33-0