ISBN 2-902776-33-0
Mother comments again on her declaration: "I possess no powers."
Oh, it has caused a general upheaval in the atmosphere! I have even received thoughts of this kind: "So then, Sri Aurobindo deceived us!" They're furious, furious.
They haven't understood.... But anyway, it's going on in the subconscient.
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No, no! They DELIBERATELY hadn't understood it before my declaration, because Sri Aurobindo never said we would work miracles! They deliberately hadn't understood. So, naturally, they're furious. But it may be better not to insist outwardly by publishing this. [[Satprem had suggested that some extracts from the last conversation be published in the Bulletin. ]] It will come in its own time.
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(As Satprem reads back to Mother the last conversation, she stops him at the following passage: "It was a splendor! As if all of a sudden the physical world had become a solar world, splendid and radiant, and so light, so harmonious! It was a marvel.")
And the experience has brought a stability that didn't exist before - a stability and a certainty, an Assurance that all will be well.
Because the body lived for months, almost years, in a sort of constant tension; it was forever waiting for the next minute, the next second, forever tensed forward in a sort of haste or uncertainty, as though the next moment would be better. There was a constant instability, which created a great obstacle for the Vibration to become established (I am talking about the body's cells, naturally). Well, on the 18th, with that experience, there was an assurance of Triumph.
And the body's state didn't revert to what it was before, far from it: there is a sort of peaceful tranquillity that no longer feels, no longer has the sense of a constant uncertainty - that's finished.
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