ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(From Mother to Satprem)
Satprem, my dear little child,
Here is your second letter. I didn't answer the first one because of my eye, which needed complete rest. Now it's better. But I immediately asked Sujata to write you that I'd rather not have my photo published in the book, and that regarding Sri Aurobindo's, the first one seemed to me the best. [[Sri Aurobindo standing, looking towards the future (from the portrait by the Dutch painter). ]] Now, if the contract is signed, there is nothing to add.
Yesterday, the 24th, there was a meditation. [[Anniversary of Mother's second coming to Pondicherry, after her stay in Japan. ]] It was intense and formulated itself thus:
"Suffocated by the shallowness of the human nature, we aspire to the knowledge that truly knows, the power that truly can, the love that truly loves."
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The words are poor; the experience was strong. I am with you always, in love and joy.
Signed: Mother
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