ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(From Mother to Satprem)
Satprem, my dear little child,
This onslaught of doubts [[Not Satprem's, but the expression of a general skepticism. ]] you are referring to is part of the general work. It is a very direct way of acting on the atmosphere.
You ask me if I see you. You do not come to me in a subtle body, but I am with you very concretely, so concretely that I see through your eyes and speak through your mouth. In this way, you made me meet people whom I don't know at all physically and have strange conversations with them. A useful preparation is certainly going on.
Through repeated, everyday experience, I am increasingly convinced that all disorders in the body and all diseases are the result of DOUBT in the cells or a certain group of cells. They doubt the
Divine's concrete reality, they doubt the Divine Presence in them, they doubt their being divine in their very essence, and this doubt is the cause of all disorders. [[A hemoptysis, of which Satprem took no notice. ]]
As soon as you succeed in infusing into them the certitude of the Divine, the disorder disappears almost instantly, and it recurs only because, not having been definitively driven away, the doubt reappears.
I hope you will be able to make out this scribble - I am forever struggling with writing tools, which to me are all equally inadequate.
Regain your health in Brittany and come back revived to resume your work with me. So many things are going to fly away into oblivion....
With all my tenderness and blessings.
Tell your mother that I love her much, very much, because she is YOUR mother!
Signed: Mother
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