The Spiritual Significance of Flowers


Part I


Test and Photograph






Chapter 1

Chapter 7

Aditi and Avatar

Spiritual Attainments







Chapter 2


The Divine

Consciousness turned towards the Light



 Divine Presence

New birth

Divine Love


Divine Grace


Divine Help






Chapter 3


The New Creation




New world


New creation


The future

Chapter 8





Chapter 4


Living for the Divine

Supramental Consciousness

To live only for the Divine

Beauty of supramental youth

Attachment to the Divine (orchids) 

Charm of the new creation

Trust in the Divine

Individual power

Friendship with the Divine

Dynamic power

Love for the Divine (roses)

Power of progress



Chapter 5

Chapter 9

Road to the Divine

Planes of Consciousness and Parts of the Being


Complexity of the centres


Supramental influence


Spiritual aspiration


Spiritual beauty


Psychic work


Psychological perfection




Higher mind

Renunciation of desires

Mental simplicity


Quiet mind


Vital opening


Vital purity


Elegance in the emotions


Refinement of sensations


Physical consciousness turned entirely towards the Divine


Light in the blood


Peace in the cells


Peace in the sex centre



Chapter 6


Bases of Spiritual Life

Power of Truth in the Subconscient


Divine Will acting in the Inconscient




Chapter 10


Collaboration of Nature


Blossoming of Nature


Spontaneous aspiration of Nature towards the Divine




Light in fairyland


Bird of paradise




Chapter 11


Awakening of Matter


Psychic awakening in Matter

Right attitude




Life energy



Chapter 12


Radha and Krishna


Radha's consciousness

Absolute truthfulness

Krishna's light in the Overmind

Spiritual speech

Krishna's play

No quarrels

Krishna's Ananda




Part II


Sri Aurobindo Ashram


First Edition 2000

(C) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust 2000

Published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department

Pondicherry, India

Printed in Singapore at Ho Printing

ISBN 81-7058-609-7

Index of Common Names

The numbers below refer to the numbers of the flowers as they are arranged in Part 1.




Acerola 536

Achiote 47

Achira 78-80

African daisy 423

African iris 514

African marigold 398-400, 402

African tulip tree 795

African violet 737-38

Air plant 861

Alexandrian laurel 805

Almond 521

Almond tree 521

Alpine violet 858

Althaea 595, 603

Amaryllis 483-91

Amazon lily 476

Angel's trumpet 195

Angel wings 821

Angled luffa 691

Anikab 633

Annatto 47

Annual phlox 254—63

Apple guava 211

Areca-nut palm 785

Arrowroot 78 - 80

Asoka 333

Aubergine 409

Australian bottle plant 835

Australian chestnut 690

Australian gum 203

Australian ivy-palm 395

Autumn squash 854

Awl tree 817

Azalea 513

Aztec marigold 398-400, 402




Baby orchid 68

Baby's breath 519

Bachelor s button 505-09, 540

Baeltree 139

Bag flower 370

Balloon flower 449

Balsam pear 336

Barbados aloe 831

Barbados cherry 536

Barbados flower fence 716, 882

Barbados lily 483-91

Barbados pride 716, 882

Barbenon daisy 423

Barrel cactus 562

Basil 140-42, 208

Basket flower 479

Bead tree 765

Beauty of the night 18-21

Begonia 341-48

Bejuco de ajo 771

Bellbauhinia 878

Bell flambeau 795

Belle denuit 157

Ben 825

Bengal clock vine 887

Bengal quince 139

Bengal rose 92

Be-srill tree 671-72, 689

Betel-nut palm 785


Betel palm 785

Big marigold 398-400, 402

Bird of paradise 643

Bird's-eye bush 796

Bitter cucumber 336

Bitter gourd 336

Bitterwood 875

Black bean 690

Blackberry lily 57

Black-eyed Susan 756

Black-eyed Susan vine 477

Black wattle 247

Bladder cherry 859

Blade apple 424

Blanket flower 51-52, 329-30

Bleeding heart 163

Bleeding heart vine 370

Blood flower 687-88

Blood lily 637

Bloodwood tree 863

Bluebird vine 829

Blue-bottle 540

Blue dawn flower 527

Blue-eyed African daisy 280

Blue lace flower 685

Blue orchid 64

Blue pea 775, 884-85, 889

Blue potato bush 158

Blue sage 678-79

Blue snakeweed 755

Blue trumpet vine 887

Blue vine 775, 884-85, 889

Bluewings 895-97

Boat lily 4

Bottlebrush 850

Bottlebrush bush 850

Bottle gourd 772

Bougainvillea 24-34

Bouncing Bet 143

Bower plant 768

Bowstring hemp 403-04, 655-56

Brazilian gloxinia 186-88, 349

Bridal bouquet 880

Bridal creeper 883

Brinjal 409

Brisbane lily 877

Broad path 510

Bull bay 417

Burning bush 776

Burning love 127—28

Burnut 866

Bush clock vine 172—75

Bush violet 735-36

Busy Lizzie 248

Butterfly bush 531, 830

Butterfly orchid 68

Butterfly pea 775, 884-85, 889

Butterfly tree 742-43




Cactus 561

Calabash gourd 772

Calabur 857

Calico flower 460

Caltrop 866

Campeachy 863

Candytuft 318

Canna lily 621—32

Cannonball tree 558-59

Canterbury bells 332, 769

Cape honeysuckle 832

Cape jessamine 308—09

Cape leadwort 5, 898

Caper tree 684

Capsicum 797

Carambola tree 272

Cardinal climber 803

Cardinal's guard 834

Caricature plant 788

Carnation 276

Carrion flower 798

Catechu 785

Cat's claw 633

Cat's claw trumpet 633

Cat's whiskers 650-51

Cayenne jasmine 283-89

Cayenne pepper 797

Chaff-flower 510

Chain of love 350-52

Chalice vine 421

Champaca 13, 670

Chenille plant 224

Cherry-pie 733

Chili pepper 797

China aster 293-301

Chinaberry 765

China box 744

China rose 92

Chinese bellflower 449

Chinese forget-me-not 164

Chinese-hat plant 708 -10

Chinese hibiscus 564-620

Chinese lantern 36-38, 859

Chinese lavender 281

Chinese parsley 534

Chinese rice flower 705

Chinese spinach 406

Chinese wisteria 529

Christmas candle 715

Christmas flower 761


Christmas star 761

Christ thorn 190

Christ vine 880

Chrysanthemum 394

Climbing ilang-ilang 673-74

Climbing lily 438

Climbing oleander 748

Clock vine 887

Clove pink 276

Clover 845

Coconut 855

Coffee 111

Coleus 750, 754

Common allamanda 496

Common basil 142, 208

Common brier 106

Common broom 713

Common camellia 512

Common cockscomb 411-15

Common foxglove 214

Common garden verbena 215-20

Common grape vine 6

Common guava 211

Common hyacinth 518

Common laburnum 46

Common marigold 242

Common red ixora 129

Common snakeweed 755

Common zinnia 226-39

Conessi 660

Confederate rose mallow 566, 579

Confederate vine 350—52

Conifers 784

Copper pod 246

Copperleaf 221-23, 225

Coral plant 801, 867

Coral tree 869-71

Coral vine 350-52

Coriander 534

Cornflower 540

Corn poppy 844

Cosmetic-bark tree 744

Cotton 876

Cotton rose 566, 579

Country gooseberry 201

Cowslip creeper 786

Cradle lily 4

Crane flower 643

Crape gardenia 698—700

Crape jasmine 698-700

Crape myrtle 81-85

Creeping daisy 243, 313

Crepe flower 81-85

Crepe ginger 462-63

Crinum lily 250-51, 320

Croton 783

Crown beauty 479

Crown of thorns 190

Crown plant 403-04

Cup and saucer 332

Cup and saucer plant 708 -10

Cupflower 865

Cupid's bower 745

Curacao aloe 831

Curtain creeper 123

Cypress vine 803




Daffodil 516

Dahlberg daisy 692

Dahlia 53, 541-47, 791-94

Dayflower 356, 846

Day jessamine 470

December flower 175

Devil's claw 213

Devil's weed 866

Dhak 636 Dill 808

Divi-divi 452

Dog brier 106

Dog rose 106

Dropseed 315

Drummond phlox 254—63

Drumstick tree 825

Dutch hyacinth 518

Dutchman's pipe 461

Dwarf white bauhinia 879




East Indian lotus 1-2

East Indian rosebay 698-700

Easter tree 660

Easter-lily cactus 562

Easter-lily vine 202

Edelweiss 653

Edging lobelia 160

Egg-plant 409

Eglantine 106

Egyptian rose 22-23

Egyptian star-cluster 472 - 7 5

Elder 538

Elderberry 538

Elephant's ear 821

Elephant-tusk 213

Eleven o'clock 14

Emerald feather 425

Emerald fern 425

Empress candle plant 715

English violet 316


English wallflower 331

Eucalyptus 203

Eucharist lily 476

European grape 6

European snowdrop 44




Fairy lily 130-34

Fairy rose 97

False bird of paradise 864

False hop 662

False jalap 18-21

Fameflower 789

Farewell to spring 161

Feathered amaranth 434-35, 501-04, 753

Fennel 807

Fiddle-wood 648

Field poppy 844

Finger-grass 113

Firebush 873

Firecracker flower 836-38

Firecracker plant 801

Fire-dragon 222-23, 225

Fire on the mountain 762

Fire-wheels 51-52, 329-30

Flag 515

Flamboyant 494

Flame flower 642

Flame of the forest 636

Flame of the woods 127 - 28

Flame tree 494

Flame vine 642

Flame violet 778-79

Flamingo flower 818, 820

Flamingo lily 818

Flaming trumpet 642

Flanders poppy 844

Fleur-de-lis 515

Floppers 861

Flora's paintbrush 445-46

Florists' chrysanthemum 38993

Florists'gloxinia 186-88, 349

Florists' verbena 215—20

Flossflower 740

Flowering flax 340

Flowering maple 36-38

Flowering tobacco 447

Forget-me-not 162, 164

Fountain plant 801

Four o'clock 18-21

Foxglove 214

Foxtail 224

Fragrant champaca 13, 670

Frangipani 664—68

French marigold 401

Funnel creeper 633




Galangal 437

Garden balsam 357—63

Garden gladiolus 176-85

Garden lupine 115

Garden violet 316

Garland lily 3

Garlic-vine 771

Geiger tree 138

Geranium 654

Gingelly 355

Ginger lily 3

Globe amaranth 505-09

Gloriosa daisy 756

Gloriosa lily 438

Glory bower 806

Glory lily 438

Glory tree 806

Gloxinia 186-88, 349

Glycine 144

Goderia 161

Gold and silver flower 159

Gold finch broom 714

Golden chain 46

Golden dewdrop 746—47

Golden everlasting 638

Golden fleece 692

Golden hurricane lily 683

Goldenrod 696

Golden-shower tree 712

Golden spider lily 683

Golden trumpet 496

Good-luck plant 114

Gout plant 835

Grape 6

Grapefruit 205

Greek myrtle 56

Green ebony 734

Green rose 94

Groundsel 443

Guernsey lily 207

Gumbo 702

Gum tree 203




Hawaiian good-luck plant 114

Hawaiian hibiscus 564—620

Hawaiian wood rose 326

Hawthorn 312

Hearts ease 722-23

Heliotrope 733


Henna 396

Herald's trumpet 202

Hercules' club 772

Hibiscus 564-620

Hoary basil 141

Holly 338

Hollyhock 145-55

Holy basil 140

Honey mesquite 720

Honey plant 125

Horse-radish tree 825

Horse-tail creeper 883

Humble plant 790

Hyacinth 518

Hydrangea 354




Ilang-ilang 704

Inch plant 751

India cress 39-43

Indian almond 644

Indian blanket 51-52, 329-30

Indian cork tree 500

Indian laburnum 712

Indian laurel 805

Indian mallow 36-38

Indian mulberry 817

Indian oak 197

Indian pink 803

Indian privet 274

Indian red water lily 553

Indian root 687-88

Indian-shot 78-80

Ironbark 203

Ironwood 55

Italian aster 290-92

Italian jasmine 144

Italian yellow jasmine 317

Ivy 70

Ixora 126




Jacobs-coat 222-23, 225

Jamaican cherry 857

Jamaican vervain 755

Jambu mawar 450

Japanese flowering cherry 520

Japanese hibiscus 568

Japanese honeysuckle 159

Japanese lantern 568

Japanese pansy 745

Japanese snowball 311

Jasmine 302-04, 308-09

Jasmine tobacco 447

Jasmine tree 660

 Java glory bean 369

Javanese ixora 129

Jerusalem thorn 539

Jessamine 302-04

Jewels of Opar 789

Jew's apple 409

Josephs coat 510

Joy weed 510

Jungle flame 127-28

Jungle geranium 127—28




Kadam tree 641

Kaffir lily 482

Kamani 644

Kapok 874

King's mantle 172-75

Knight's star lily 483-91

Knotted marjoram 492

Knotweed 760

Krishna tuisi 140

Kurchi 660




Ladies'delight 722-23

Lady of the night 210, 881

Lady's eardrops 525

Ladys-finger 702

Large-flowered magnolia 417

Larkspur 117

Laurelwood 805

Lead tree 451

Leaf cactus 424

Leather flower 419

Lebbeck tree 459

Lemon 204

Lemongrass 275

Leopard lily 57

Life plant 861

Lilac 530

Lily of the field 135, 535

Lily of the valley 307

Lily thorn 499

Ling 843

Lipstick tree 47

Live-and-die 790

Lobster claw 864

Logwood 863

Lotus 1—2

Love-in-a-mist 322

Love-lies-bleeding 407, 752

Lucky nut 671-72, 689


Lupine 115


Madagascar periwinkle 283-89 Madonna lily 306, 476 Madar 403-04 Madre de cacao 532 Malabar plum 450 Mandarins-hat 708-10 Mango 847 Mango tree 846 Maple 120

Maple-leaved bayur 640 Margosa 649 Marguerite 848 Marguerite jaune 756 Marigold 397 Marvel of Peru 18-21 Matal 687-88 Meadow-weed 890 Mealy-cup sage 886 Mealy sage 886 Medicinal aloe 831 Medlar 244-45 Menow weed 890 Mexican bush sage 646 Mexican creeper 350-52 Mexican fire plant 762 Mexican palo verde 539 Mexican shrimp plant 662 Mexican sunflower 557, 799 Mignonette 339 Mignonette tree 396 Mimosa bush 453 Miniature holly 537 Mistletoe 35

Monkey-faced pansy 745

Monkey pod 455

Moon cereus 563

Moon daisy 848

Moonflower 157

Moreton Bay chestnut 690

Morning glory 156, 522-24, 528, 842

Morning-noon-and-night 767

Moses in his cradle 4

Moss verbena 780-82

Mother-in-law plant 821

Mother-in-law's tongue 655-56

Mountain ebony 741

Mountain thistle 773 •"

Mournful widow 22—23

Mudar 403-04

Mungo tree 439

Mussel-shell creeper 775, 884-85, 889

Myrobalan 644

Myrtle 56


Nap at noon 314 Nasturtium 39-43 Native hops 868 Neem 649

Nepal trumpet flower 202 Nerve plant 212 Nicaraguan cocoa-shade 532 Night j asmine 118 Night j essamine 881 Night-blooming cereus 563 Nittu tree 439 Normandy broom 714 Nosegay 664-68


Octopus tree 395 Oil of Ben tree 825 Oilcloth flower 818 Okra 702

Old maid 283-89 Oleander 724-30 Orange jessamine 744 Orchid 58-69 Orchid pansy 745 Orchid tree 741-43 Oriental cherry 520 Ox-eye daisy 848 Oyster plant 4


Pagoda flower 273, 369

Pagoda tree 664-68

Painkiller 817

Painted leaf 762

Painted nettle 750, 754

Pala indigo plant 136

Palas 636

Pandanus palm 657

Pansy 722-23

Paprika 797

Paradise flower 716, 882

Paraguayan jasmine 767

Parlor maple 36-38

Parasol flower 708-10

Passion flower 252, 321

Patience plant 248

Peace lily 121

Peacock flower 494, 716, 882

Peacock orchid 731


Pelican flower 461, 882

Peony 526

Peregrina 853

Persian lilac 765

Persian shield 241

Persian violet 858

Petunia 373—88

Pheasant's eye narcissus 517

Philippine violet 167-68, 170, 766

Physic nut 867

Pigeon berry 746-47

Pigeon wings 775, 884-85, 889

Pigmy rose 97

Pincushion flower 22-23

Pink Easter-lily cactus 562

Pink porcelain lily 436

Pink shower 658

Pink trumpet vine 442

Pinwheel flower 698-700

Poet's narcissus 517

Poinsettia 761

Polyantha rose 108

Pomegranate 7-9

Portia tree 827

Pot marigold 242

Powderpuff 456

Powderpufftree 456

Pride of India 86, 765

Pride of Texas 262

Primrose 856

Princess vine 721

Proboscis flower 213

Pudding pipe tree 712 Pummelo 205 Pumpkin 854 Puncture vine 866 Purging cassia 712

Purple allamanda 497 Purple wreath 829 Pussy-foot 740 Pussy willow 50 Pygmy rose 97 Pyinma 86


Queen's crape myrtle 86 Queensland 78-80 Queensland umbrella tree 395 Queens-wreath 829


Railway creeper 196 Rain lily 130-34

Rain tree 455 Rainbow pink 277, 279 Rainbow shower 658 Ramona 645. Ram tuisi 140 Rangoon creeper 364 Rattlebox 787 Redcattail 224 Red-hot cattail 224 Red pepper 797 Red powderpuff 458 Red silk-cotton tree 468 Red violet 778 Resurrection lily 739 Rhododendron 513 Ribbon plant 444 Ridge gourd 691 Ringworm shrub 715 Rock purslane 828

Rose 87-109 Rose apple 450 Rose balsam 357-63 Rosebay 724-30 Rose moss 14 Rose-of-China 564-620 RoseofSharon 595, 603 Rose periwinkle 283-89 Royal poinciana 494 Ruddles 242 Running pop 322 Rusty shield-bearer 246


Sacred lotus 1-2 Saga 197 Sage 645

Sage rose 676—77 Saigun 197 St. Thomas tree 878 St. Vincent lilac 144 Saman 455 Sandpaper 829 Satin-wood 744 Sausage tree 841 Scarlet bush 873 Scarlet flame bean 11 Scarlet orchid 68 Scarlet sage 647 Scarlet violet 778 Scarlet wistaria tree 493 Scented wattle 453 Scotch broom 713-14 Scotch marigod 242 Scots heather 843 Sea daffodil 479


Sea holly 418

Senna 675

Sensitive plant 790

Sesame 355

Seven golden candlesticks 715

Shaddock 205

Shame plant 790

Shamrock 749

Shasta daisy 45

Shell ginger 436

Shirley poppy 844

Shower tree 675

Shrimp bush 662

Shrimp plant 662

Shrub althaea 595, 603

Shrub verbena 813—16

Shrub vinca 209

Siamese ginger 437

Silk-cotton tree 639

Silver fittonia 212

Silver nerve 212

Silver net plant 212

Simul 468

Singapore holly 537

Sing-kwa 691

Siris tree 459

Sky flower 746-47

Sky vine 887

Smartweed 760

Snake plant 655—56

Snapdragon 426-33

Snow creeper 880, 883

Snowdrop 44

Snow-in-the-jungle 880

Soap-wort 143

Sorrel 749

Sorrowless tree 333

Southern magnolia 417

Sowbread 858

Spanish cherry 244—45

Spanish flag 282

Spanish guava 499

Spanish woodbine 326

Spathe flower 121

Spicy jatropha 853

Spider flower 119

Spider ivy 444

Spider lily 250-51, 320, 479

Spider plant 119, 444

Sponge gourd 691

Sprenger asparagus 425

Sprengeri 425

Spurred snapdragon 323

Star-cluster 472-75

Starfish flower 798

Starfruit 272

Star-glory 803

Star of Bethlehem 314

Star phlox 263

Stemless carline thistle 365

Stepmother's flower 722-23

Storksbill 654

Strawflower 638

Stringybark 203

Sultana 248

Summer lilac 531

Summer snowflake 314

Summer torch 206

Sunflower 464-67, 635

Sun hemp 703

Sun plant 14

Swallow wort 687-88

Swamp lily 250

Swedish myrtle 56

Sweet acacia 453 Sweet Alison 337 Sweet alyssum 337 Sweet basil 142, 208 Sweet marjoram 492 Sweet pea 334-35 Sweet reseda 339 Sweet scabius 22-23 Sweet violet 316 Sweet wattle 453 Sweet William 278 Sword lily 515


Tail flower 820

Tampala 406

Tanjongtree 244-45

Tartogo 835

Tassel flower 407,445-46,752

Teak 197

Temple tree 664-68

Terrestrial orchid 66-67

Thatch screw pine 657

Thorn 312

Thorn apple 191-94, 312

Thorn straggler 124

Three-seeded mercury 221

Ti 114

Tickweed 249

Toadflax 323

Torch tree 422

Touch-me-not 790

Transvaal daisy 423

Treasure flower 719

Tree cotton 758

Tree jasmine 500


Tree of sadness 118 Trefoil 845

Tropical almond 644 Tropical crocus 739 Trumpet bush 680 Tubeflower 833 Tuberose 48-49 Tulip 189 Tulip tree 795 Tuisi 140 Turks cap 16-17 Turk's-turban 833


Unicorn plant 213 Usambara violet 737 - 38


Vasevine 419

Vegetable humming-bird 493

Velvet flower 407, 752

Violet slipper gloxinia 186-88, 349

Virgin's bower 419


Wallflower 331 Wandering Jew 751 Water hyacinth 894 Water lily 548-56 Water orchid 894 Wax mallow 15 Wax plant 125 West Coast creeper 786 West Indian creeper 243

West Indian holly 676-77 West Indian jasmine 664—68 White-flowered gourd 772 White ixora 811 White lily 306

White popinac 451 White silk-cotton tree 874 Widow's tears 849 Wild ginger 462-63 Wild plantain 864 Wild sage 707 Wild water lemon 322 Windflower 535 Wine grape 6 Winter cherry 859 Winter daffodil 135 Winter squash 854 Wishbone flower 895-97 Woman's tongue tree 459 Wood rose 326 Wooden rose 12, 327


Yellow alder 676-77

Yellow bauhinia 878

Yellowbells 681

Yellow elder 681

Yellow flamboyant 246

Yellow flame 246

Yellow guava 211

Yellow morning glory 326

Yellow oleander 671-72, 689

Yellow paper daisy 638

Yellow poinciana 246

Yellow silk-cotton tree 639

Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow 767

Youth-and-old-age 226-39


Zamang 455 Zanzibar balsam 248 Zedoary 319 Zephyr flower 130-34 Zinnia 226-39 Zitherwood 648
