Chapter 4
Living for the Divine
We are united towards the same goal and for the same accomplishment - for a work, unique
and new, that the Divine Grace has given us to accomplish. I hope that more and more you
will understand the exceptional importance of this work and that you will feel in yourselves
the sublime joy that the accomplishment will give you.
The divine force is with you - feel its presence more and more and be careful never to betray
it. Feel, wish, act, that you may be new beings for the realisation of a new world, and for this
my blessings shall always be with you.
Some give their soul to the Divine, some their life, some offer their work, some their money.
A few consecrate all of themselves and all they have — soul, life, work, wealth; these are the
true children of God.
To live only for Divine
56 To live only for Divine
This means to have overcome all the difficulties of
individual life.
Myrtus communis. White
Attachment to Divine
57 Attachment to Divine
(No comment)
Belamcanda chinensis. Deep orange |
58 Attachment to the Divine
Wraps itself around the Divine and takes all its
support in Him, so as to be sure of never leaving Him. Orchids. All colours
There is only one salvation: to cling to the Divine like this (gesture with two fists).
Not to cling to what one thinks of the Divine,
not even to what one feels of the Divine ... to an
aspiration, an aspiration as sincere as possible.
And to cling to that.
Attachment to the Divine
60 The
aim of existence is realised
60 The
aim of existence is realised
Exists only
by and for the Devine.
Cattleya. White |
Attachment to the Divine
Wraps itself
around the Devine and takes all its support in Him, so as to be sure
of never leaving Him. Offers itself spontaneously to the Devine.
Many colours
61 Beauty
of attachment to the Divine
61 Beauty
of attachment to the Divine
When the
physical World manifests the splendour of the Devine. all will
become marvellous.
Cattleya. Lavender pink |
62 Mental attachment to the Divine
Beautiful in form and in expression.
Dendrobium moschatum. Pale golden orange
The aim of our life upon earth is to become conscious
of the Divine.
The true aim of life is to find the Divine's Presence deep
within oneself and to surrender to it so that it takes the lead
of the life, all the feelings and all the actions of the body.
This gives a true and luminous aim to existence.
62 Mental attachment to the Divine
63 Emotional attachment to the Divine
Attachment in the emotional vital to the Divine
63 Emotional attachment to the Divine
Cups of flowery feelings offered to the Divine
Papilionanthe teres. Pale pinkish lavender
64 Attachment in the emotional vital
to the Divine
An artistic and graceful attachment, perhaps
a little fanciful.
Vanda caerulea. Light lavender blue
65 Detailed attachment to the Divine
Manifold, scrupulous, neglecting nothing,
always ready to make an effort, meticulous.
Vanda tessellata. Olive green
66 Vital attachment to the Divine
Manifold and abundant in its multiplicity.
Spathoglottis plicata. Deep lavender pink
67 Integral attachment to the Divine
On the right path to realisation.
Spathoglottis plicata. White |
66 Vital attachment to the Divine
70 Lasting attachment
Modest, unostentatious, but persistent.
Hedera. Green
What we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to
break up the whole formation of our past and present
which makes up the ordinary material and mental man
and to create a new centre of vision and a new universe
of activities in ourselves which shall constitute a divine
humanity or a superhuman nature.
.. . No change can be more radical than the revolution
attempted in the integral Yoga. Everything in us has
constantly to be called back to the central faith and will
and vision. Every thought and impulse has to be reminded
in the language of the Upanishads that "That is the divine
Brahman and not this which men adore." Every vital fibre
has to be persuaded to accept an entire renunciation of all
that hitherto represented to it its own existence. Mind has
to cease to be mind and become brilliant with something
beyond it. Life has to change into a thing vast and calm
and intense and powerful that can no longer recognise its
old blind eager narrow self or petty impulse and desire.
Even the body has to submit to a mutation and be no
longer the clamorous animal or the impeding clod it now
is, but become instead a conscious servant and radiant
instrument and living form of the spirit.
40 Lasting attachment
72 Aspiration for trust in the Divine
71 Trust in the Divine
Most indispensable for the impulsive vital.
Asystasia gangetica. Several colours
72 Aspiration for trust in the Divine
An intense need for the immutable peace that
is given by the certitude of the Divine Grace.
Asystasia dalzelliana. Purple
73 Mental trust in the Divine
Firm and definitive, does not question.
Asystasia gangetica. Cream yellow
74 Trust of the vital mind in the Divine
Opens itself to the Divine Consciousness, with-
out trying to hide anything from It.
Asystasia gangetica. Pale yellow with lavender
76 Vital trust in the Divine
75 Trust of the emotional vital in the Divine
Smiling and sweet, it is sheltered from grief.
Asystasia gangetica. White with lavender
76 Vital trust in the Divine
Full of courage and energy, it no longer fears
Asystasia gangetica. Lavender
77 Integral trust in the Divine
The trust that gives the true support to life.
Asystasia gangetica. White
Trust is the mind's and heart's complete reliance
on the Divine and its guidance and protection.
The core of the inner surrender is trust and
confidence in the Divine. One takes the attitude: "I want the Divine and nothing else. I want to
give myself entirely to him and since my soul
wants that, it cannot be but that I shall meet and
realise him. I ask nothing but that and his action
in me to bring me to him, his action secret or
open, veiled or manifest. I do not insist on my
own time and way; let him do all in his own time
and way; I shall believe in him, accept his will,
aspire steadily for his light and presence and joy,
go through all difficulties and delays, relying on
him and never giving up. Let my mind be quiet
and trust him and let him open it to his light; let
my vital be quiet and turn to him alone and let
him open it to his calm and joy. All for him and
myself for him. Whatever happens, I will keep
to this aspiration and self-giving and go on in
perfect reliance that it will be done."
Who trusts the Divine never leaves the loving
arms of the Divine wherever his body may be.
And finally, isn't the best friend you can have
the Divine, he to whom you can say everything,
reveal everything? For there indeed is the source
of all compassion, of all power to efface an error
when it is no longer repeated, to open the way to
true realisation. It is he who can understand all,
heal all, help you always on the path, help you
not to fail, not to stumble, not to fall, but to walk
straight to the goal. He is the true friend, the
friend of good and of bad days, he who can
understand, who can heal, who is always there
when you need him. When you call him sin-
cerely, he is always there to guide and uphold
you — and to love you in the true way.
78 Friendship with the Divine
Delicate, attentive and faithful, always ready
respond to the slightest request.
Canna indica. Glowing red
79 Progressive friendship with the Divine
As we progress and purify ourselves of our
egoism, our friendship with the Divine becomes
more and more clear and conscious.
Canna indica. Bright reddish orange
80 Supramental friendship with the Divine
Luminous and light, always smiling.
Canna indica. Bright yellow |
78 Friendship with the Divine
79 Supramental friendship with the Divine
81 Intimacy
with the Divine
Complete surrender to
the Divine and total receptivity to His influence are the conditions for this
Lagerstroemia indica
Several colours
82 Intimacy with the
Divine in the psychic
The natural state of the
fully developed psychic
Lagerstroemia indica.
Lavender pink
There are relations, personal, intimate as life itself, sweet as love,
encompassing like the sky, deep like deep waters. A friend walks at
our side; a Lover is with us in our heart's secrecy; a Master of the
Work and the Ordeal points our way; a Creator of things uses us
as his instrument; we are in the arms of the eternal Mother.
The more you give yourself to the Divine, the more He is with you
totally, constantly, at every minute, in all your thoughts, all your
needs, and there is not an aspiration which does not receive an
immediate answer, and you have the sense of a complete and
constant intimacy, of a total nearness. It is as though you carried
... as though the Divine were with you all the time; you walk and
He walks with you, you sleep and He sleeps with you, you eat and
He eats with you, you think and He thinks with you, you love and
He is the love you have. But for this you must give yourself
entirely, totally, exclusively.
83 Intimacy with the Divine in the vital
Only a pure, calm and desireless vital can hope to enter this
marvellous state.
Lagerstroemia indica. Light purple
84 Intimacy with the Divine in the physical
Is possible only for him who lives exclusively by the Divine
and for the Divine.
Lagerstroemia indica. Pinkish red
85 Integral intimacy with the Divine
The whole being vibrates only to the divine touch.
Lagerstroemia indica. White
86 Intimacy with universal Nature
86 Intimacy with universal Nature
This intimacy is possible only for those who are vast
and without preferences or repulsions.
Lagerstroemia speciosa. Rose purple |
87 Love for the Divine
87 Love for the Divine
The vegetal kingdom gathers its most beautiful possibilities
to offer them to the Divine.
Rosa. Many colours
Love is the source of the Universe and the power that unites
the manifestation to its Creator. Aspire sincerely and one
day you will feel and be the LOVE.
Love is a mighty vibration coming straight from the One,
and only the very pure and very strong are capable of
receiving and manifesting it.
Love is the one emotion in us which can be entirely motive-
less and self-existent; love need have no other motive than
love. . . . Love is that by which we can enter directly into
possession of the self-existent delight of the divine Being.
Divine love is indeed itself that possession and, as
it were, the body of the Ananda.
88 Integral love for the Divine
Pure, complete, irrevocable, a love that gives itself for ever.
Rosa. White
89 Psychic love
Strong and faithful, it has a beauty that does not belie.
Rosa. Reddish pink
90 Flaming love for the Divine
Ready for any heroism and any sacrifice.
Rosa. Orange
88 Integral love for the Divine
89 Flaming love for the Divine
91 Affection for the Divine
92 Tenderness for the Divine
91 Affection for the Divine
A sweet and trusting tenderness that gives itself
unfailingly to the Divine.
Rosa. White tinged pink
92 Tenderness for the Divine
Sweetness, a charming hue, a delicate form, a smile that gladdens.
Rosa chinensis. Very light pink
For there is, concealed behind individual love, obscured
by its ignorant human figure, a mystery which the mind
cannot seize, the mystery of the body of the Divine, the
secret of a mystic form of the Infinite which we can approach only through the ecstasy of the heart and the
passion of the pure and sublimated sense, and its attraction
which is the call of the divine Flute-player, the mastering
compulsion of the All-Beautiful, can only be seized and
seize us through an occult love and yearning which in the
end makes one the Form and the Formless, and identifies
Spirit and Matter. It is that which the spirit in Love is
seeking here in the darkness of the Ignorance and it is that
which it finds when individual human love is changed into
the love of the Immanent Divine incarnate in the material
93 Humility in the love for the Divine
Delicate, effective and surrendered, but very
in its feeling.
Rosa. Lavender or mauve
94 Timidity in attachment to the Divine
Full of life, but does not know how to turn this
life into
an offering to the Divine.
Rosa chinensis 'Viridiflora'. Green, double
Love in all forms of adoration is a spiritual
force. Love of the highest and the total surrender are the straight and swift
way to the Divine oneness.
For me sadhana consists in loving the Divine more
and more integrally, more and more absolutely, with a love so total that it
leads to identification.
93 Humility in the love for the Divine
95 Surrender
97 Detailed
96 Loving surrender
95 Surrender
To will what the Divine wills is the supreme
Rosa 'Edward'. Pink, double
96 Loving surrender
A state that can be obtained by surrendering
to the Divine.
Rosa. Pink, double
97 Detailed surrender
A surrender that neglects nothing.
Rosa chinensis ''Minima'. Pink, double
98 Pure spiritual surrender
Candid, simple, spontaneous and complete
in its multiplicity.
Rosa 'Prosperity'. Ivory white tinged pink
99 Perfect surrender
The indispensable condition for identification.
Rosa 'Paul Neyron'. Deep pink, double
By surrender we mean ... a spontaneous self-giving, a giving of all
yourself to the Divine, to a greater Consciousness of which you are
a part. Surrender will not diminish, but increase, it will not lessen or
weaken or destroy your personality, it will fortify and aggrandise it.
Surrender means a free total giving with all the delight of the giving.
. . . True surrender enlarges you; it increases your capacity; it gives
you a greater measure in quality and in quantity which you could
not have had by yourself. This new greater measure of quality and
quantity is different from anything you could attain before: you enter
into another world, into a wideness which you could not have
entered if you did not surrender. It is as when a drop of water falls
into the sea; if it still kept there its separate identity, it would remain
a little drop of water and nothing more, a little drop crushed by
all the immensity around, because it has not surrendered. But,
surrendering, it unites with the sea and participates in the nature
and power and vastness of the whole sea.
Surrender is the decision taken to hand over the responsibility of
your life to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all
possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the
question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole
process starts with surrender. You can surrender either through
knowledge or through devotion. You may have a strong intuition
that the Divine alone is the truth and a luminous conviction that
without the Divine you cannot manage. Or you may have a
spontaneous feeling that this line is the only way of being happy,
a strong psychic desire to belong exclusively to the Divine: "I do not
belong to myself," you say, and give up the responsibility of your
being to the Truth. Then comes self-offering: "Here I am, a creature
of various qualities, good and bad, dark and enlightened. I offer
myself as I am to you, take me up with all my ups and downs,
conflicting impulses and tendencies — do whatever you like with me."
100 Mental surrender
100 Mental surrender
Occurs when the mind has understood that it is only an instrument.
Rosa. Yellow tinged orange |
101 Mental love for the Divine
101 Mental love for the Divine
The nature offers its love in a fragrant
Rosa.Yellow. |
Mental love under the psychic influence
102 Mental love under the psychic influence
The mind influenced by the psychic knows the Divine how to express its love for the Divine in
magnificent terms, will save the world.
Rosa. Cream or yellow tinged pink Rosa.
Human passions changed into love for
the Divine
103 Human passions changed into love for
the Divine
Let them become a real fact and their
abundance will save the world.
Rosa. Red |
Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine
104 Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine
Passive and active, calm and ardent, sweet and strong, silent and expressed.
Rosa. Bicoloured
107 Supramental attachment to the Divine
There is only one true love, the love from the Divine,
which, in human beings, turns into love for the Divine.
107 Supramental attachment to the Divine
Manifold and smiling, repeating itself endlessly.
Rosa 'Father's Day'. Light orange, double
108 Communion with the Divine
For one who truly has it, all circumstances can become an occasion for it.
Rosa Xrehderana. Several colours
109 Love from the Divine
A vibration of love that the Supreme directs upon a
particular point (a person or thing).
Rosa. White tinged pink and yellow |