Chapter 12
Radha and Krishna
Was it not he once in Brindavan? Woods divine to our yearning,
Memorable always! 0 flowers, 0 delight on the tree-tops burning,
Grasses his herds have grazed and crushed by his feet in the dancing,
Yamuna flowing with song, through the greenness always advancing,
Unforgotten remind; for his flute with its sweetness ensnaring
Sounds in our ears in the night and our souls of their teguments baring
Hales us out naked and absolute, out to his woodlands eternal,
Out to his moonlit dances, his dalliance sweet and supernal. . . .
Even an hour of the soul can unveil the Unborn, the Everlasting,
Gaze on its mighty Companion; the load of mortality casting,
Mind hushes stilled in eternity; waves of the Infinite wander
Thrilling body and soul and its endless felicity squander;
All world-sorrow is finished, the cry of the parting is over;
Ecstasy laughs in our veins, in our heart is the heart of the Lover.
884 Radha's consciousness
884 Radha's consciousness
Symbolises perfect attachment to the Divine.
Clitoria ternatea. Blue
885 Radha's consciousness in the vital
Perfect attachment to the Divine replaces all
vital attractions and passions.
Clitoria ternatea. Light purple
Radha is the personification of the absolute love
for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the
being from the highest spiritual to the physical,
bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the
body and the most material nature the supreme
Krishna is ... the divine Flute-player,. . . the
immanent and universal Divine who is the
supreme power of attraction; and the soul, the
psychic personality, [is] Radha, who answers to
the call of the Flute-player.
O Thou whom at first sight I knew for the lord
of my being and my God, receive my offering. Thine are all my thoughts, all my emotions, all the
sentiments of my heart, all my sensations, all the
movements of my life, each cell of my body, each
drop of my blood. I am absolutely and altogether
Thine, Thine without reserve. What Thou wilt of
me, that I shall be. Whether Thou choosest for me
life or death, happiness or sorrow, pleasure or
suffering, all that comes to me from Thee will be
welcome. Each one of Thy gifts will be always for
me a gift divine bringing with it the supreme
At last I find a meaning of soul's birth
Into this universe terrible and sweet,
I who have felt the hungry heart of earth
Aspiring beyond heaven to Krishna's feet.
I have seen the beauty of immortal eyes,
And heard the passion of the Lover's flute,
And known a deathless ecstasy's surprise
And sorrow in my heart for ever mute.
Nearer and nearer now the music draws,
Life shudders with a strange felicity;
All Nature is a wide enamoured pause
Hoping her lord to touch, to clasp, to be.
For this one moment lived the ages past;
The world now throbs fulfilled in me at last.
All music is only the sound of His laughter,
All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss;
Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the
Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss.
886 Krishna's light in the Overmind
886 Krishna's light in the Overmind
The Overmind ready to be divinised.
Salvia farinacea. Lavender blue
887 Krishna's light in the mind
A charming way to become intelligent.
Thunbergia grandiflora. Light lavender
888 Krishna's light in the physical mind
The physical mind loses all rigidity
becomes supple and charming.
Ruellia lorentziana. Pale lavender
889 Krishna's light in the senses
A first step towards transformation.
Clitoria tematea. Pale blue
890 Krishna's light in the vital
The light that turns the vital towards the Truth.
Ruellia tuberosa. Pale purple |
890 Krishna's light in the vital
894 Krishna's play in the vital
896 Krishna's play in Matter
895 Krishna's play
A power of progress veiling itself behind
Torenia fournieri. White, mauve and lavender
896 Krishna's play in Matter
Beamy, love and joy are His companions. A play
that widens and makes us progress.
Torenia fournieri. Pale lavender
897 Krishna's integral play
All the parts of the being respond to His influence.
Torenia fournieri 'Alba'. White tinged pale pink
Krishna is the Eternal's Personality of Ananda; because of him all creation is possible, because of his
play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness.
Krishna as a godhead is the Lord of Ananda, Love
and Bhakti; as an incarnation, he manifests the
union of wisdom (Janna) and works and leads the
earth-evolution through this towards union with
the Divine by Ananda, Love and Bhakti.
The boy with the flute is Sri Krishna, the Lord
descended into the world-play from the divine
Ananda; his flute is the music of the call which seeks
to transform the lower ignorant play of mortal life
and bring into it and establish in its place the Lila
of his divine Ananda.
Krishna is the immanent Divine, the Divine
Presence in everyone and everything. He is also,
sovereignly, the aspect of the Supreme's Delight and
Love; he is the smiling tenderness and the playful
gaiety; he is at once the player, the play and all his
playmates. And as both the game and its results are
wholly known, conceived, willed, organised and
played consciously in their entirety, there can be no
room for anything but the delight of the play. Thus
to see Krishna means to find the inner Godhead, to
play with Krishna means to be identified with the
inner Godhead and to share in his consciousness.
God as beauty, Sri Krishna in Brindavan,
Shyamsundara, is not only Beauty, He is also Love,
and without perfect love there cannot be perfect
beauty, and without perfect beauty there cannot
be perfect delight.
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