The Spiritual Significance of Flowers


Part I


Test and Photograph






Chapter 1

Chapter 7

Aditi and Avatar

Spiritual Attainments







Chapter 2


The Divine

Consciousness turned towards the Light



 Divine Presence

New birth

Divine Love


Divine Grace


Divine Help






Chapter 3


The New Creation




New world


New creation


The future

Chapter 8





Chapter 4


Living for the Divine

Supramental Consciousness

To live only for the Divine

Beauty of supramental youth

Attachment to the Divine (orchids) 

Charm of the new creation

Trust in the Divine

Individual power

Friendship with the Divine

Dynamic power

Love for the Divine (roses)

Power of progress



Chapter 5

Chapter 9

Road to the Divine

Planes of Consciousness and Parts of the Being


Complexity of the centres


Supramental influence


Spiritual aspiration


Spiritual beauty


Psychic work


Psychological perfection




Higher mind

Renunciation of desires

Mental simplicity


Quiet mind


Vital opening


Vital purity


Elegance in the emotions


Refinement of sensations


Physical consciousness turned entirely towards the Divine


Light in the blood


Peace in the cells


Peace in the sex centre



Chapter 6


Bases of Spiritual Life

Power of Truth in the Subconscient


Divine Will acting in the Inconscient




Chapter 10


Collaboration of Nature


Blossoming of Nature


Spontaneous aspiration of Nature towards the Divine




Light in fairyland


Bird of paradise




Chapter 11


Awakening of Matter


Psychic awakening in Matter

Right attitude




Life energy



Chapter 12


Radha and Krishna


Radha's consciousness

Absolute truthfulness

Krishna's light in the Overmind

Spiritual speech

Krishna's play

No quarrels

Krishna's Ananda




Part II


Sri Aurobindo Ashram


First Edition 2000

(C) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust 2000

Published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department

Pondicherry, India

Printed in Singapore at Ho Printing

ISBN 81-7058-609-7

Chapter 9


Planes of Consciousness and Parts of the Being


The soul of man soars as the Bird, the Hansa, past the shining firmaments of physical and mental consciousness, climbs as the traveller and fighter beyond earth of body and heaven of mind by the ascending path of the Truth to find this Godhead waiting for us, leaning down to us from the secrecy of the highest supreme. . ..


In the spiritual order of things, the higher we project our view and our aspiration, the greater the Truth that seeks to descend upon us, because it is already there within us and calls for its release from

By physical liberation (liberation from Karma) one becomes the master of his destiny.

By vital liberation (liberation from desires) the personal will gets identified with the Divine Will. By emotional liberation (liberation from suffering) one realises the supramental unity.

By mental liberation (liberation from ignorance) one obtains the mind of light and the gnostic consciousness.




621 Complexity of the centres

Responds to several influences at a time.

Canna XgeneraLis. Many colours


622 Physical centre

Occupied mainly with material things, it likes to have an ordered life.

Canna XgeneraLis. Orange red







621 Complexity of the centres

623 Connection between the Supermind and the physical

Physical centre open and full of the Supramental Light. On the way to transformation, generous and powerful.

Canna XgeneraLis. Orange and red


624 Connection between the Light and

the physical

Physical centre touched by the Light. Awakens to the necessity of growth and blossoming.

Canna XgeneraLis. Yellow and red



622 Psychic centre

625 Ananda in the physical body

 Purified of all desire and repulsion, with perfect equality and surrender, the physical body is ready to enjoy the Divine Ananda.

Canna XgeneraLis. Cream white


626 Vital centre

Passionate and strong, it needs to be controlled. Canna XgeneraLis. Dark red


627 Emotional centre

Vibrant and sensitive, it needs to be controlled. Canna XgeneraLis. Deep rose pink


628 Psychic centre

Luminous and calm, it is meant to govern the human being.

Canna XgeneraLis. Salmon pink


629 Illumined mind centre

In the peace that comes from the perfect Light. Canna XgeneraLis. Pale yellow


630 Intuitive mind centre

The activity of correct perception.

Canna XgeneraLis. Yellow


631 Future supramental centre

That which is involved in Nature will evolve and become manifest.

Canna XgeneraLis. Orange


632 Ananda in the centres

This will be one of the benefits resulting from the physical conversion.

Canna XgeneraLis. Cream white



[The soul] is, according to our psychology, connected with the small outer personality by certain centres of consciousness of which we become aware by yoga .... The inner centres are for the most part closed or asleep - to open them and make them awake


The centres or Chakras are seven in number:

1.        The thousand-petalled lotus on top of the head.

2.        In the middle of the forehead - the Ajna Chakra - (will, vision,

dynamic thought).

3.        Throat centre - externalising mind.

4.        Heart-lotus - emotional centre. The psychic is behind it.

5.        Navel- higher vital (proper).

6.        Below navel- lower vital.

7.        Muladhara - physical.

All these centres are in the middle of the body; they are supposed to be attached to the spinal cord; but in fact all these things are in the subtle body, sukshma deha, though one has the feeling of their activities as if in the physical body when the consciousness is awake. 



Within us there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of these centres. When the lotus of the heart breaks open, we feel a divine joy, love and peace expanding in us like a flower of light which irradiates the whole being ....


When the other upper lotus opens, the whole mind becomes full of a divine light, joy and power, behind which is the Divine, the Lord of our being on his throne with our soul beside him or drawn inward into his rays; all the thought and will become then a luminosity ,Power and ecstasy...



630 Intuitive mind centre


The two most important things ... are the opening of the heart

centre and the opening of the mind centres to all that is behind and above them. For the heart opens to the psychic being and the mind centres open to the higher consciousness and the nexus between the psychic being and the higher consciousness is the principal means of the Siddhi. The first opening is effected by a concentration in the heart, a call to the Divine to manifest within us and through the psychic to take up and lead the whole nature. Aspiration, prayer, Bhakti, love, surrender are the main supports of this part of the Sadhana - accompanied by a rejection of all that stands in the way of what we aspire for. The second opening is effected by a concentration of the consciousness in the head (afterwards, above it) and an aspiration and call and a sustained will for the descent of the divine Peace, Power, Light, Knowledge, Ananda into the being - the Peace first or the Peace and  Force together. 




Page- 225




The supramental by its very definition is the Truth­ Consciousness, Truth in possession of itself and fulfilling itself by its own power.



The Supermind is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right ....



633 Supramental influence

Innumerable and rapid in its action.

Maefadyena unguis-cati. Golden yellow


634 Supramental action

An action that is not exclusive but total.

 Barringtonia asiatica. White


635 Supramental artistic genius

It blossoms in the light and knows how to manifest it.

Helianthus. Dark brownish red


636 Beginning of the supramental realisation

Of charming beauty it is the herald of victory.

Butea monosperma. Orange

637 Supramental manifestation


637 Supramental manifestation

It will be welcome.

Scadoxus multiflorus. Coral pink




638 Supramental immortality upon earth


638 Supramental immortality upon earth

This still remains to be realised.

Heliehrysum braeteatum. Several colours


640 Realisation of supramental riches

Can manifest only after the transformation of human consciousness.

Pterospermum aeerijolium. White


641 Supramental sun

We aspire that its rays may illumine and transform us.

 Anthoeephalus eadamba. Golden yellow


642 Supramental rain

Happy are those who receive it.

 Pyrostegia venusta. Bright orange


643 Supramental bird

It remains where it has descended.

Strelitzia reginae. Orange yellow

639 Success in supramental work


639 Success in supramental work

The result of patient labour and perfect consecration.

Coehlospermum religiosum. Golden yellow






644 Spiritual aspiration


644 Spiritual aspiration

Rises up like an arrow, without caring for obstacles or laggards.

Terminalia catappa. White

645 Aspiration for spirituality


645 Aspiration for spirituality

Conscious of the advantages of spiritualisation. Salvia. Several colours


We can, simply by a sincere aspiration, open a sealed door in us and find ..that Something which will change the whole meaning of life, answer all our question solve all our problems and lead us to the perfection we aspire for without knowing it, to that Reality which alone can satisfy and give us lasting joy, balance, strength All this you have heard many times. You have heard it - oh, there are even ~ here who are so used to it that for that seems to be the same as drinking a glas1 water or opening a window to let in the sunlight ....

We have tried a little, bur now we are g to try seriously!

The starting-point: to want it, truly to 1 it, to need it. The next step: to think, a. all, of that. A day comes very quickly w one is unable to think of anything else . the only thing that counts. And then .. you formulate your aspiration, you let t true prayer spring up from your heart, t prayer that expresses the sincerity of the need. And then ... well, you will see wl happens




646 The vital consenting to be spiritualised


646 The vital consenting to be spiritualised

A great victory over the lower nature.

dvia leucantha. White to pale mauve

647 Matter consenting to be spiritualised


647 Matter consenting to be spiritualised

The beginning of wisdom.

Salvia splendens. Bright red


Spirituality can only come by opening of the mind, vital and physical to the inmost soul, to the higher Self, to the Divine, and their subordination to the spiritual forces and instrumentation as channels of the inner Light, the higher Knowledge and Power.


All perfection of which the outer man is capable, is only a realising of the eternal perfection of the Spirit within him. We know the Divine and become the Divine, because we are That already in our secret nature.



648 Spiritual ascension

Fearless, regular and uninterrupted.

Citharexylum. White


648 Spiritual ascension



649 Spiritual atmosphere


649 Spiritual atmosphere

Light, fluid, clear and transparent and so clean

Azadirachta indica. White


650 Aspiration for spiritual intensity

Bold, elegant, obstinate.

Orthosiphon stamineus. Rose purple


651 Spiritual intensity

It is an intensity without violence. The ardour it gives you is expressed without grand gestures and big words.

Orthosiphon stamineus. White


652 Spiritual success

Spiritual success is conscious union with the Divine.

Hiptage benghalensis. White

A spiritual atmosphere is more important than outer conditions; if one can get that and also create one's own spiritual air to breathe in and live in it, that is the true condition of progress.


In all spiritual living the inner life is the thing of first importance; the spiritual man lives always within, and in a world of the Ignorance that refuses to change he has to be in a certain sense separate from it and to guard his inner life against the intrusion and influence of the darker forces of the Ignorance: he is out of the world even when he is within it; if he acts upon it, it is from the fortress of his inner spiritual being where in the inmost sanctuary he is one with the Supreme Existence or the soul and God are alone together.



652 Spiritual success



653 Spiritual beauty

653 Spiritual beauty

Immaculate whiteness, sweetness and purity, you seem to come from another world.

Leontopodium alpinum. White or yellowish white


654 Spiritual happiness

Calm and smiling, nothing can disturb it.

Pelargonium. Several colours



To find highest beauty is to find God; to reveal, to embody, to create, as we say, highest beauty is to bring out of our souls the living image and power of God.



Spiritual beauty illumining human sight

Lines with its passion and mystery Matter's mask And squanders eternity on a beat of Time.



654 Spiritual happiness



655 Power of spirituality


655 Power of spirituality

True spirituality transforms life.

Sansevieria. White to dusty white


656 Joy of spirituality

The reward of sincere effort.

ansevieria. White to dusty white

657 Spiritual perfume


657 Spiritual perfume

It has an extraordinary power of attraction. Pandanus tectorius. Cream yellow


The spiritual man is one who has discovered his soul: he has found his self and lives in that, is conscious of it, has the joy of it; he needs nothing external for his completeness of existence.




The fragrance of flowers is the prayer of physical Nature to the Divine, her most subtle offering.



657 Spiritual perfume


Immortal fragrance packed the quivering breeze In groves that seemed moved bosoms and trembling depth

The million children of the undying spring Bloomed, pure unnumbered stars of hued delight Nestling for shelter in their emerald sky:

Faery flower-masses looked with laughing eyes.





The psychic being is the soul developing in the evolution.



The true soul of man is ... in the true invisible heart hidden in some luminous cave of the nature: there under some infiltration of the divine Light is our soul, a silent inmost being of which few are even aware; for if all have a soul, few are conscious of their true soul or feel its direct impulse. There dwells the little spark of the Divine which supports this obscure mass of our nature and around it grows the psychic being, the formed soul or the real Man within us. It is as this psychic being in him grows and the movements of the heart reflect its divinations and impulsions that man becomes more and more aware of his soul, ceases to be a superior animal, and, awakening to glimpses of the godhead within him, admits more and more its intimations of a deeper life and consciousness and an impulse towards things divine. It is one of the decisive moments of the integral Yoga when this psychic being liberated, brought out from the veil to the front, can pour the full flood of its divinations, seeings and impulsions on the mind, life and body of man and begin to prepare the upbuilding of divinity in the earthly nature.



It is the very nature of the soul or the psychic being to turn towards the Divine Truth as the sunflower to the sun; it accepts and clings to all that is divine or progressing towards divinity and draws back from all that is a perversion or a denial of it, from all that is false and undivine. Yet the soul is at first but a spark and then a little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness .... It is only when the life turns towards the Divine that the soul can truly come forward and impose its power on the outer members; for, itself a spark of the Divine, to grow in flame towards the Divine is its true life and its very reason of existence.


658 Psychic work



658 Psychic work

A work governed by harmony.

Cassia javanica.Deep pink fading to white




661 Psychic influence in the emotions

659 Psychic tranquillity

By its very nature the psychic is tranquil.

Vallaris solanacea. White


660 Psychic peace

It is spontaneous and does not make a fuss.

Hollarrhena pubescens. White


661 Psychic influence in the emotions

Indispensable for beginning sadhana.

Justicia oblongata. Rose pink


662 Thirst for perfection

Constant and manifold aspiration.

Justicia brandegeana. White or yellow


663 Organisation of the being around the psychic

The first stage of transformation.

Plumbago indica. Pinkish red




The first [step of self-realisation] is the discovery of the soul, not the outer soul of thought and emotion and desire, but the secret psychic entity, the divine element within us. When that becomes dominant over the nature, when we are consciously the soul and when mind, life and body take their true place as its instruments, we are aware of a guide within that knows the truth, the good, the true delight and beauty of existence, controls heart and intellect by its luminous law and leads our life and being towards spiritual completeness. Even within the obscure workings of the Ignorance we have then a witness who discerns, a living light that illumines, a will that refuses to be misled and separates the mind's truth from its error, the heart's intimate response from its vibrations to a wrong call and wrong demand upon it, the life's true ardour and plenitude of movement from vital passion and the turbid falsehoods of our vital nature and its dark self-seekings. This is the first step of self-realisation, to enthrone the soul, the divine psychic individual in the place of the ego.

srI aurobindo

662 Thirst for perfection

663 Organisation of the being around the psychic



665 Psychological perfection on the way to fulfilment


665 Psychological perfection on the way to fulfilment

The state of those who take up the Yoga seriously.

Plumeria rubra. Deep rose to purplish red


664 Psychological perfection

There is not one psychological perfection but five, like the five petals of the flower: sincerity, faith, devotion, aspiration and surrender.

Plumeria rubra. White with yellow

666 Psychological perfection in Matter


666 Psychological perfection in Matter

The first step towards transformation

Plumeria rubra forma tricolor. White with rosepink




667 Integral psychological perfection


667 Integral psychological perfection

One of the conditions indispensable for transformation.

Plumeria obtusa. White



In order to strengthen the contact with the conscious psychic personality and, if possible, to aid its development, one should, while concentrating, turn towards it, aspire to know it and feel it, open oneself to receive its influence, and take great care, each time that one receives an indication from it, to follow it very scrupulously and sincerely. To live in a great aspiration, to take care to become inwardly calm and remain so always as far as possible, to cultivate a perfect sincerity in all the activities of one's being - these are the essential conditions for the growth of the psychic being.



668 Perfect psychological perfection


668 Perfect psychological perfection

Psychological perfection in all the parts of the being.

Plumeria obtusa. White


 699 Perfect radiating psychology


699 Perfect radiating psychology

Can only be obtained by acquiring the divine vision.

Chonemorpha fragrans. Cream white

670 Supramentalised psychological perfection


670 Supramentalised psychological perfection

A psychological perfection aspiring to be divinised.

Miehelia ehampaea. Cream yellow to golden orange



671 Mind

671 Mind

Its true value depends on its surrender to the Divine.

Thevetia peruviana. Yellow

The "Mind" in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words "mind" and "mental" are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence.



The mind proper is divided into three parts - thinking Mind, dynamic Mind, externalising Mind - the former concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right, the second with the putting out of mental forces for realisation of the idea, the third with the expression of them in life (not only by speech, but by any form it can give).


672 Purified mind

Mind ready to surrender to the Divine.

Thevetia peruviana 'Alba'. White





674 Clear mind


675 Attentive mind



The  first thing that should be taught to every human being as soon as he is able to think, is that he must obey reason which  is a superinstinct of the species. Reason is the master of the  nature of the  human species. You must obey reason and absolutely refuse to be the slave of instincts. And here I am not talking to you about yoga, I am not talking about spiritual life, not at all; it has nothing to do with that. It is the basic wisdom of human life, purely human life: every human being who obeys anything other than reason is a kind of brute lower than the animal. That's all. And this should be taught everywhere; it is the basic education which should be given to children.

The reign of reason should come to an end only with the advent of the psychic law which manifesters the Divine Will




Ordinarily, the mind reflects the status of mortal nature and the activities of the Force which works under the conditions of the material universe. But if it becomes clear, passive, pure, by the renunciation of these activities and of the characteristic ideas and outlook of mental nature, then as in a clear mirror or like the sky in clear water which is without ripple and untuffled by winds, the divine is reflected..



673 Reason

An excellent instrument when it is at the service of the Divine.

Artabotrys hexapetalus. Yellow


674 Clear mind

The first step on the way to conversion.

Artabotrys hexapetalus. Greenish yellow


675 Attentive mind

The mind attains its full utility when it knows how to listen to the higher inspiration.

Cassia. Yellow




The only way to establish a constant silence in one's mind ... is to open oneself to the higher regions and let this higher consciousness, force and light descend constantly into the lower mind and take possession of it. And then when this happens, the lower mind can remain constantly quiet and silent, because it is this that acts and fills the whole being. One can act, write and speak without the mind being active, with this force coming down from above, penetrating the mind and using it, and the mind itself becomes just a passive instrument.



There is nothing mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind's immobility and thought-free stillness. When the mind is still, then Truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.



676 Awakening in the mind

Let it turn to the Light and to the Light alone.

Turnera ulmiftlia. Yellow


677 Awakening of the physical mind

It wants to know and opens itself wide in order to understand.

Turnera ulmiftlia. Cream white


678 Aspiration for silence in the mind

Too noisy to be effective.

Eranthemum Pulchellum. Sky blue


679 Aspiration for silence in the Physical mind

Does what it can , but cannot do much.

Eranthemum Pulchellum. Blue violet

676 Awakening in the mind




680 Physical mind


The physical mind is that part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only - it depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.



[The physical mind] is the instrument of understanding and ordered action on physical things. Only instead of being obscure and ignorant and fumbling as now or else guided only by an external knowledge it has to become conscious of the Divine and to act in accordance with an inner light, will and knowledge putting itself into contact and an understanding unity with the physical world.



680 Physical mind

Becomes a good instrument of action when it is content to be that alone.

Tecoma Xsmithii. Yellow






681 Higher mind

681 Higher mind

Its superiority lies in its capacity to open to the Divine Light.

Tecoma stans. Bright yellow





684 Work of the enlightened mind

Higher mind is one of the planes of the spiritual mind, the first and lowest of them; it is above the normal mental level.

srI aurobindo


I mean by the Higher Mind a first plane of spiritual consciousness where one becomes constantly and closely aware of the Self, the One everywhere and knows and sees things habitually with that awareness; but it is still very much on the mind level although highly spiritual in its essential substance; and its instrumentation is through an elevated thought-power and comprehensive mental sight — not illumined by any of the intenser upper lights but as if in a large strong and clear daylight. It acts as an intermediate state between the Truth-Light above and the human mind, communicating the higher knowledge in a form that the Mind intensified, broadened, made spiritually supple, can receive without being blinded or dazzled by a Truth beyond it.  

srI aurobindo

682 Voice of the higher mind

In quest of Truth.

Anemopaegma carrerense. Yellow and cream white


683 Conversion of the higher mind

Receives its inspiration from the Divine Consciousness.

Lycoris aurea. Bright golden yellow


684 Work of the enlightened mind

It is very powerful in leading the being to the Divine. Can be very useful for progress.

Crataeva adansonii. White turning cream


685 Perfect working of the mind

Can take place when the mind is determined exclusively to fulfil its role.

Trachymene coerulea. Blue or light lavender blue



686 Aspiration of the mind for the supramental guidance


686 Aspiration of the mind for the supramental guidance

The mind feels that its complexity is powerless and asks for a greater light to illumine it.

Justicia aurea. Yellow


687 Response of the mind to the Supramental Light

Represents an important step towards realisation.

Asclepias curassavica. Yellow, with golden  crown


For mind ... is in its origin a principle of light, an instrument put forth from the Supermind and, though set to work within limits and even set to create limits, yet the limits are luminous borders for a special working, voluntary and purposive bounds, a service of the finite ever extending itself under the eye of infinity. It is this character of Mind that will reveal itself under the touch of Supermind and make human mentality an adjunct and a minor instrumentation of the supramental knowledge.


688 Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light


688 Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light

The physical mind eager to understand and be transformed.

Asclepias curassavica. Orange red, with orange crown



689 Supramentalised mind


689 Supramentalised mind

Mind has become an instrument for transformation.

Thevetia peruviana. Orange


690 Mind of Light acting in Matter

A powerful aid to progress.

Castanospermum australe. Golden yellow to reddish orange

A new humanity means for us the appearance, the development of a type or race of mental beings whose principle of mentality would be no longer a mind in the Ignorance seeking for knowledge but even in its knowledge bound to the Ignorance, a seeker after Light but not its natural possessor, open to the Light but not an inhabitant of the Light, not yet a perfected instrument, truth-conscious and delivered out of the Ignorance. Instead, it would be possessed already of what could be called a mind of Light, a mind capable of living in the truth, capable of being truth-conscious and manifesting in its life a direct in place of an indirect

srI aurobindo



690 Mind of Light acting in Matter




691 Kind mind

The mind prepares itself for conversion.

Luffa acutangula. Light yellow


692 Mental simplicity

3oes not like complications.

Thymophylla tenuiloba. Yellow


693 Mental goodwill

Likes to show off a little, but is very useful.

Mussaenda luteola. Lemon yellow


694 Mental honesty

Does not try to deceive others nor to deceive itself.

Tristellateia australasiae. Bright yellow


695 Honesty in the physical mind

Preliminary condition indispensable for transformation.

Galphimia glauca. Yellow


696 Mental sincerity

Essential condition for integral honesty.

Solidago. Yellow


697 Birth of true mental sincerity

With its birth the mind will understand that it is only an  intermediary and not an end in itself.

Melampodium paludosum. Yellow


694 Mental honesty


697 Birth of true mental sincerity

696 Mental sincerity



698 Mental purity

A mirror that does not distort.

Tabernaemontana divaricata. White


699 Integral mental purity

Silent, attentive, receptive, concentrated on the Divine - this is the path of purity.

Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore-pleno'. White


700 Perfect mental purity

A spotless mirror turned constantly towards

the Divine.

Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flare-plena'. White


701 Mental chastity

Precious and magnificent in its purity.

Oncoba spinosa. White


702 Mentalised power

(No comment)

Abelmoschus esculentus. Bright lemon yellow


703 Formative faculty in the mind

It is a natural and very spontaneous gift.

Crotalaria juncea. Bright yellow


704 Correct perception

A perception that does not deform the Truth.

Cananga odorata. Greenish gold



702 Mentalised power


704 Correct perception

703 Formative faculty in the mind


705 Mental suggestions of organisation


705 Mental suggestions of organisation

Abundant and clustered, a little dull.

Aglaia odorata. Yellow


707 Mental voice

The mind must learn to express only what is dictated by the Divine

Gmelina philippensis. Bright yellow


706 Mental spirit of imitation


706 Mental spirit of imitation

What you cannot find for yourself, you imitate.

Dendropthoe falcata. Pale orange yellow


 707 Mental voice

708 Mental curiosity

708 Curiosity

If we want to be exceptional, let it bethrough our qualities.

Holmskioldia sanguined. Several colours


709 Mental curiosity

Should be strictly controlled so as notto be dangerous.

Holmskioldia sanguinea. Lemon yellow


710 Physical curiosity

Its value depends on its purpose.

 Holmskioldia. sanguinea. Red



 711 Mental fantasy


711 Mental fantasy

Disorderly, it too often lacks coordination.

 Delonix elata. Cream white




Imagination is a fundamental energy of consciousness, and this marvellous, indomitable energy works on without caring whether she is put to use or misuse or no use at all; she exists merely for the sake of delight in her own existence.  

srI aurobindo

712 Imagination


712 Imagination

Abundant and varied, may be charming, but must not be substituted for the Truth.

Cassia fistula. Canary yellow


713 Inventions

Are useful only when they are controlled by the Divine.

Cytisus scoparius. Yellow


714 Inventions

Are useful only when they are controlled by the Divine.

Cytisus scoparius 'Andreanus'. Yellow



There is a power in the idea — a force of which the idea is a shape. Again, behind the idea and force and word there is what is called the spirit, - a consciousness which generates the force.  

 srI aurobindo


The idea is the realisation of a truth in Consciousness as the fact is its realisation in Power.  

srI aurobindo


715 Idea

Essential for all organisers, on its quality depends the quality of the organisation.

Senna alata. Bright golden yellow


716 Fire in the mind

An ardour that sets ideas ablaze.

Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Golden yellow


713 Inventions


714 Inventions

715 Idea


716 Fire in the mind


717 Foresight


717 Foresight

A perception that is under the divine influence.

Sanchezia speciosa. Golden yello

719 Seeking for clarity


719 Seeking for clarity

 Likes to say clearly what it says.

Gazania. Several colours

720 Logic in thought


720 Logic in thought

Likes coherent discourse.

Prosopis glandulosa. Greenish yellow


718 Prevision

The power of projecting one's consciousness into the future.

Clerodendrum minahassae. White


723 Integrally pure thoughts

An effect of the Divine  Grace.

Viola Xwittrockiana. Cream yellow



721 Heroic thought


721 Heroic thought

To the conquest of the unknown, without fear of difficulty or incomprehension.

Ipomoea horsfalliae. Intense magenta

722 Thoughts turned towards the Divine


722 Thoughts turned towards the Divine

A certitude of beauty.

Viola Xwittrockiana. Many colours



724 Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine


724 Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine

Lovely, joyful, sweet and calm, sheltered from all conflicts.

Nerium oleander. Pink fringed pale pink

725 Contemplation of the Divine

Occupied exclusively with its joyful contemplation.

Nerium oleander. Light pink


726 Quiet mind

The best way to learn.

Nerium oleander. White


727 Quietness established in the mind

The essential condition for its transformation.

Nerium oleander. White


728 Perfect quietness in the mind

Essential condition for true progress.

Nerium oleander. White, double


729 Turning of wrong movements into right movements

A supreme goodwill always ready to be transformed.

Nerium oleander. Reddish pink



728 Perfect quietness in the mind


The first step is a quiet mind - silence is a further step, but quietude must be there; and by a quiet mind I mean a mental consciousness within which sees thoughts arrive to it and move about but does not itself feel that it is thinking or identifying itself with the thoughts or call them its own. Thoughts, mental movements may pass through it as wayfarers appear and pass from elsewhere through a silent country - the quiet mind observes them or does not care to observe them, but, in either case, does not become active or lose its quietude.  

 srI aurobindo

730 Surrender of all falsehood


730 Surrender of all falsehood

Let us offer our falsehoods to the Divine so that He may change them into joyous truths.

Nerium oleander. Bright rose pink, double





The vital has to be carefully distinguished from mind, even though it has a mind element transfused into it; the vital is the Life-nature made up of desires, sensations, feelings, passions, energies of action, will of desire, reactions of the desire-soul in man and of all that play of possessive and other related instincts, anger, fear, greed, lust, etc., that belong to this field of the nature.



The vital proper is the life-force acting in its own nature, impulses, emotions, feelings, desires, ambitions, etc., having at their highest centre what we may call the outer heart of emotion, while there is an inner heart where are the higher or psychic feelings and sensibilities, the emotions or intuitive yearnings and impulses of the soul. The vital part of us is, of course, necessary to our completeness, but it is a true instrument only when its feelings and tendencies have been purified by the psychic touch and taken up and governed by the spiritual light and power.



It is when there is death of desire and this calm equal wideness in the consciousness everywhere, that the true vital being within us comes out from the veil and reveals its own calm, intense and potent presence. For such is the true nature of the vital being, pranamaya purusha; it is a projection of the Divine Purusha into life, - tranquil, strong, luminous, many-energied, obedient to the Divine Will, egoless, yet or rather therefore capable of all action, achievement, highest or largest enterprise.



731 The vital's Possibility of Perfection


731 The vital's Possibility of Perfection

The day the vital is converted it will have much to give.

Gladious callianthus. White


732 Vital opening


733 Vital consecration

What is needed is the path of vastness, widening, relaxation, ease, of blossoming in the vital- not so much a sensorial vital as ... as a gentleness, a sweetness. The vital blossoming into beauty: a sweetness and beauty. I don't want to speak of "sentiments" because ...oh , that leads us right into a quagmire! No, but ... a sweetness, a charm, a beauty-but not there (in the head) : here.




If you want a true mastery and transformation of the vital movements, it can be done only on condition you allow Your psychic being, the soul in you, to awake fully, to establish its rule and opening all to the permanent touch of the Divine Shakti, impose its own way of pure devotion, whole-hearted aspiration and complete uncompromising urge to all that is divine in the mind and heart and vital nature. There is no other way and it is no use hankering after a more comfortable





732 Vital opening

The vital is ready to receive the divine influence.

Saritaea magnifica. Rose purple


733 Vital consecration

Delightfully modest and fragrant, it smiles at life without wanting to draw attention to itself.

Heliotropium arborescens. Pale to deep purple


734 Attempt at vital goodwill

An attempt is a small thing but it can be a promise for the future.

jacaranda. Lavender blue


735 Consent of the vital

Friendly, smiling, always ready for action, with a great goodwill.

Browallia. Light blue



736 Enthusiastic vital consent

Here all the resources of its enthusiasm are placed at the service of its consent.

 Browallia. Pale lilac


737 Correct movement in the vital

At once the cause and the result of conversion.

Saintpaulia ionantha. Purple


738 Correct movement

All movements are under the right inspiration.

Saintpaulia ionantha. Several colours


739 Vital honesty

Not to allow our sensations and desires to falsify our judgement and determine our actions.

Kaempferia rotunda.White



Energy ,strength, enthusiasm, artistic taste, boldness forcefulness are there [in the vital] too, if we know how to use them in the true way. A vital converted and consecrated to the Divine.  Will becomes a bold  and forceful instrument that can overcome all obstacles. But it first has to be disciplined  and it consents to this only when the Divine is its master



The true vital being ... is wide, vast, calm, strong, without limitations, firm and immovable, capable of all power, all knowledge, all Ananda. It is moreover without ego, for it knows itself to be a projection and instrument of the Divine: it is the divine Warrior, pure and perfect; in it is an instrumental Force for all divine realisations.



740 Vital patience

 Indispensable for all progress.

Ageratum houstonianum. Deep lavender


741 Vital contentment

(No comment)

Bauhinia variegata. White with reddish purple


742 Stability in the vital

One of the important results of conversion.

Bauhinia purpurea. Light pink to reddish violet


743 Stability in the higher vital

(No comment)

Bauhinia purpurea. Light mauve


744 Peace in the vital

The result of the abolition of desires.

Murraya paniculata. White

740 Vital patience


742 Stability in the vital




744 Peace in the vital


744 Peace in the vital

The result of the abolition of desires.

Murraya Paniculata.


745 Silence in the vital

A Powerful help for inner peace .

Achimenes grandiflora. Light violet to red violet

The one thing that is most needed for this Sadhana is peace, calm, especially in the vital- a peace which depends not on circumstances or surroundings but on the inner contact with a higher consciousness which is the consciousness of the Divine, of the Mother.



If you get peace, then to clean the vital becomes easy. If you simply clean and clean and do nothing else, you go very slowly ­ for the vital gets dirty again and has to be· cleaned a hundred times. The peace is something that is clean in itself, so to get it is a positive way of securing your object. To look for dirt only and clean is the negative way.



745 Silence in the vital



746 Aspiration for vital purity


747 Vital purity

748 Radiating vital purity


746 Aspiration for vital purity

Delicate, modest, insistent.

 Duranta erecta. Lavender


747 Vital purity

It begins with the abolition of desires.

Duranta erecta 'Alba'. White


748 Radiating vital purity

Is possible only through perfect consecration of the vital.

Strophantus gratus. Pale pink


749 Candid simplicity in the vital

One of the most difficult qualities for the vital to acquire.

Oxalis. Lavender pink to rose purple


750 Strength in the vital

Likes to show its beauty and power.

Solenostemon scutellarioides. Multicoloured




751 Quiet strength in the vital

Does not like to attract attention.

Tradescantia zebrina. Magenta pink


752 Illumined strength in the vital

 (No comment)

Amaranthus caudatus. Off-white


753 Spiritual aspiration in the vital

(N 0 comment)

Celosia argentea. Red


754 Spiritual awakening of the vital

It soars towards the heights in the hope of reaching them.

Solenostemon scutellarioides. Pale lavender


755 Spiritual ascension of the vital

It is more fanciful and less regular.

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis. Lavender blue





756 First turning of the vital to the Divine Light


756 First turning of the vital to the Divine Light

The vital prepares itself to be transformed.

Rudbeckia hirta 'Gloriosa Daisy: Yellow

757 Seeking the Light in the lower vital


757 Seeking the Light in the lower vital

Does more work, makes less fuss.

Iochroma cyaneum. Deep purple


There are four parts of the vital being - first, the mental vital which gives a mental expression by thought, speech or otherwise to the emotions, desires, passions, sensations and other movements of the vital being; the emotional vital which is the seat of various feelings, such as love, joy, sorrow, hatred, and the rest; the central vital which is the seat of the stronger vital longings and reactions, e.g. ambition, pride, fear, love of fame, attractions and repulsions, desires and passions of various kind~ and the field of many vital energies; last, the lower vital which is occupied with small desires and feelings, such as make the greater part of daily life, e.g. food desire, sexual desire, small likings, dislikings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kinds - and a numberless host of other things. Their respective seats are: (1) the regions from the throat to the heart, (2) the heart (it is a double centre, belonging in front to the emotional and vital and behind to the psychic), (3) from the heart to the navel, (4) below the navel.





The lower vital aspires by offering all its small movements in the fire of purification, by calling for the light and power to descend into it and rid it of its little greeds, jealousies, resistances and revolts over small matters, angers, vanities, sexualities etc. to be replaced by the right movements governed by selflessness, purity, obedience to the urge of the Divine Force in all things.




By material vital we mean the vital so involved in Matter as to be bound by its movements and gross physical character; the action is to support and energies the body and keep in it the capacity of life, growth, movement, etc., also of sensitiveness to outside impacts.



758 Success in the most material vital

759  Attachment of the material vital to the Divine


758 Success in the most material vital

Has value only when it is offered to the Divine.

Gossypium arboreum. Dark red



759 Attachment of the material vital to the Divine

An attachment that insists on feeling the power of contact.

 Eranthemum hypocraterijorme. Reddish violet


760 Vital aspiration for union with the Divine


760 Vital aspiration for union with the Divine

It rises straight up in an intense and concentrated movement.

Polygonum. Light pink

761 Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Little by little it is no longer the ego that governs, but the Divine.

Euphorbia pulcherrima. Green with red


762 Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Little by little it is no longer the ego that governs, but the Divine.

Euphorbia cyathophora. Yellow


761  Opening of the vital to the Divine Love



It is a mistake to believe that if the vital loves, it must be a love that demands and imposes the satisfaction of its desire; it is a mistake to think that it must be either that or else the vital, in order to escape from its "attachment", must draw away altogether from the object of its love. The vital can be as absolute in its unquestioning self-giving as any other part of the nature; nothing can be more generous than its movement when it forget s self for the Beloved.



763 The vital governed by the Presence

764 Liberation in the vital


763 The vital governed by the Presence

The vital force made peaceful and disciplined by the Divine Presence.

Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart'. Mauve pink


764 Liberation in the vital

Another result of conversion.

Berrya cordifolia. Greenish brown




765 Distinction of the vital


768 Opening of the emotional centre to the Light

The insistence on purification [of the emotions] does not mean that I condemn true feeling and emotion any more than the insistence on a purified mind or will means that

I condemn thought and will. On the contrary, the deeper the emotion, the more intense the Bhakti, the greater is the force for realisation and transformation. It is oftenest through intensity of emotion that the psychic being awakens and there is an opening of the inner doors to the Divine.



767 Refinement of emotions



765 Distinction of the vital

Light and graceful, of refined elegance.

MeLia azedarach. White with mauve


766 Elegance in the emotions

Delicate and refined, does not permit itself any vulgarity.

BarLeria cristata. Lavender


767 Refinement of emotions

With progress even the emotions become refined.

Brunfelsia austraLis. Purple


768 Opening of the emotional centre to the Light

An important event in human development.

Pandorea jasminoides. White and lavender pink


769 Broadening of the emotional centre

It opens and widens itself in order to receive better.

GLoxinia perennis. Purplish blue


770 Purity in the emotional centre

Indispensable for progress.

 Thunbergia fragrans. White



769 Broadening of the emotional centre


770 Purity in the emotional centre



Emotion is an excellent and indispensable thing in human nature, in spite of all its shortcomings and dangers .... [But] our aim is to go beyond emotion to the height and depth and intensity of the Divine Love and there feel through the inner psychic heart an inexhaustible oneness with the Divine which the spasmodic leapings of the vital emotions cannot reach or experience.





771 Collective emotions open to the Divine

Crowds responding to the impulsion coming from the Divine. An event that marks the great stages of terrestrial life.

Mansoa alliacea. Light purple


772 Emotional abundance

Good feelings that give themselves unstintingly.

Lagenaria siceraria. White


773 The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine

The Light begins to work in the emotional consciousness

Acanthus montanus. Light purple to purple



Emotion is a good element in yoga; but emotional desire becomes easily a cause of perturbation and an obstacle. Turn your emotions towards the Divine, aspire for their purification; they will then become a help on the way and no longer a cause of suffering.

Not to kill emotion, but to turn it towards the Divine is the right way of the yoga.

But it must become pure, founded upon spiritual peace and joy, capable of being transmuted into Ananda. Equality and calm in the mind and vital parts, an intense psychic emotion in the heart can perfectly go together. Awake by your aspiration the psychic fire in the heart that burns steadily towards the Divine - that is the one way to liberate and fulfill the emotional nature.







774 Refinement of sensations

Manifold, complex, perceiving the variety of details.

Cassia roxburghii. Pink


775 Purified senses

Can only be obtained by a total surrender to the Truth.

CLitoria ternatea. White

774 Refinement of sensations


775 Purified senses


778 Vital will manifested in life


776 Organisation of action in life

Clustered, compact, its action is irresistible.

 Combretum jructicosa. Red orange


777 True action in the material vital

Gracious and simple in its spontaneity.

Combretum coccineum. Bright crimson

778 Vital will manifested in life

It is often the cause of the greatest disorders.

 Episcia reptans. Intense orange red


779 Will manifested in life

 Concentrated and precise.

Episcia cupreata. Bright coral pink


779 Will manifested in life


781 Will to conquer vital enemies


780 Aspiration for the conquest of enemies in the vital

A concentrated and unobtrusive will acting quietly but effectively.

Verbena tenuisecta. Light pink


781 Will to conquer vital enemies

 Indispensable for mastery over desires.

Verbena tenuisecta. Rose purple


782 Conquest over vital enemies

The appearance is modest, but the power is lasting.

Verbena tenuisecta. White

783 Power to reject adverse suggestions

The power that comes from conscious union with the Divine.

Codiaeum variegatum. Cream white


783 Power to reject adverse suggestions



784 Perpetual vitality

 A vitality that is not affected by external influences.

Conifers. Green


785 Steadfast vitality

The vitality that is based on integral consecration.

reca catechu. White


786 Vital plenitude

Can only be obtained through conversion.

pergularia odoratissima. Greenish yellow


787 Formative faculty in the vital

pontaneous but not always happy, it needs to be disciplined.

Crotalaria. Light purple


788 Vital impulses

Look like nothing at all, but assert hems elves and are stubborn.

'Jraptophyllum pictum. Dull reddish purple


789 Vital fantasy

Ephemeral and unimportant.

Talinum paniculatum. Purple red


790 Vital sensitivity

ls excessive if it is not controlled.

Mimosa pudica. Pale lavender pink

787 Formative faculty in the vital


788 Vital impulses

789 Vital fantasy


790 Vital sensitivity





791 Pride


791 Pride

A great obstacle to progress.

Dahlia. Several colours


792 Mental pride

(N 0 comment)

Dahlia. Yellow


793 Vital pride

(No comment)

Dahlia. Mauve


794 Vanity

One of the most frequent forms of falsehood.

Dahlia. All colours


795 Passion

It is a force, but it is dangerous and can only be useful if it is perfectly surrendered to the Divine. Spathodea campanulata 

Reddish orange


796 Greed for money

The surest way to diminish one's consciousness and narrow one's nature.

Ochna kirkii. Red


797 A whipping

A little brutal but sometimes useful.

Capsicum annuum. Off-white or purple


798 Conquest of the armies

 Brutal and material, brings no joy.

StaDelill Purple brown


Money is the visible sign of a universal and this force in its manifestation on ea works on the vital and physical planes a indispensable to the fullness of the outer. In its origin and its true action it belong the Divine.



Money is not meant to make money, m< is meant to make the earth ready for the advent of the new creation.




Money belongs to the one who spends it; that is an absolute law. You may pile up money, but it doesn't belong to you until you spend it. Then you have the merit, tl glory, the joy, the pleasure of spending it! . .. Money is not meant to generate money: money should generate an increase in production, an improvement in the conditions of life and a progress in human consciousness. That is its true use. What  I call an improvement in consciousness, a progress in consciousness, is everything th; education in all its forms can provide ... from the education of the body, the most material progress, to spiritual education an, progress through yoga - the whole spectrum everything that leads humanity towards its future realisation. Money should be used tc increase that and to increase the material base  for the earth's progress.  






799 Physical consciousness turned entirely towards the Divine


799 Physical consciousness turned entirely towards the Divine

It thirsts for the Divine and wants nothing but Him.

Tithonia rotundijolia. Bright reddish orange


800 Spiritual aspiration in the physical

Comes in bursts to counteract and overcome resistances which cannot succeed in making it give up.

Russeelia sarmentosa. Crimson

801 Aspiration in the physical for the Divine Love

Manifold, ecstatic, difficult to satisfy.

Russelia equisetijormis. Bright coral



802 Opening of the physical to the Divine Love

The surest way to find happiness.

Ipomoea hpdnifi,lin .Orange red

When I speak of the physical consciousness, I mean the physical mind and the physical vital as well as the body consciousness proper.



In my view the body as well as the mind and life has to be spiritualised or, one may say, divinised so as to be a fit instrument and receptacle for the realisation of the Divine. It has its part in the Divine Lila, even, according to the Vaishnava Sadhana, in the joy and beauty of Divine Love. That does not mean that the body has to be valued for its own separate sake or that the creation of a divine body in a future evolution of the whole being has to be contemplated as an end and not a means - that would be a serious error which would not be admissible. In any case, my speculations about an extreme form of divinisation are something in a far distance and are no part of the preoccupations of the spiritual life in the near future.



803 Love in the physical for the Divine

Modest in its appearance, but tenacious and charming; does not make a fuss, but is very faithful.

Ipomoea quamoc!it. Intense red


804 Humility before the Divine in the physical nature

First attitude needed for transformation.

Tarenna asiatica. Cream




805 Peace in the physical

805 Peace in the physical

To want what God wants is the best condition for it.

CalophylLum inophylLum. White


806 Integrally equal basis in the physical

What you have, I have; what you can do, I can do; what you express, I express - we are all alike.

Clerodendrum philippinum. White


807 Light in the blood

When the blood becomes receptive to the higher consciousness.

Foeniculum vulgare. Greenish yellow


808 Light in the blood

When the blood becomes receptive to the higher consciousness.

Anethum graveolens. Yellow


809 Purity in the blood

Can only be obtained by the absence of desires.

 PimpinelLa major. White


810 Peace in the nerves

Indispensable for good health.

Guettarda speciosa. White




811 Peace in the cells


811 Peace in the cells

The indispensable condition for the body's progress.

 lxora thwaitesii. White


812 Radiating peace in the cells

A happy contagion.

Pavetta indica. White

Certainly, peace, purity and silence can be felt in all material things - for the Divine Self is there in all.



Peace can be brought down into the physical­ its very cells. It is the active transformation of physical that cannot be completely done without the supramental descent.



In Sri Aurobindo's yoga, the transformation 0 the body is indispensable so far as it can be de Because the aim of this yoga is not an escape from the physical consciousness but a divinisation of that consciousness.



812 Radiating peace in the cells



There comes a moment when the body itself finds that there is nothing in the world which is so worth living for as this transformation, that there is nothing which can have as great an interest as this passionate interest of transformation. It is as though all the cells of the body were athirst for this Light which wants to manifest; they cry out for it, they find an intense joy in it and they are sure of the Victory.



The cells of the body thirst for the Divine Consciousness and when they are brought into contact with It their aspiration becomes very intense.



At the centre of every cell lies the Divine Consciousness. By aspiration and repeated self-giving, the cells must be made transparent.



813 Light in the cells

The first step towards purity in the cells.

 Lantana. Yellow


814 Purity in the cells

Can only be obtained through the conquest of desires. The true condition for good health.

Lantana. White


815 Emotional beauty in the cells

Seeking and radiating all the emotions of beauty.

 Lantana. Mauve


816 Supramental influence in the cells

Unexpected variety in colours and qualities.

Lantana. Many colours

813 Light in the cells



817 Peace in the sex centre


819 Purified sex centre

817 Peace in the sex centre

Indispensable for beginning the Yoga.

Morinda eitrifolia. White


818 Sex centre aspiring to be purified

The awakening of the consciousness to a higher life.

Anthurium andreanum. Pink


819 Purified sex centre

Is transformed into a force for progress.

Anthurium andreanum. White


820 Mastery of sex

820 Mastery of sex

Instead of being dominated by sexual impulses one must put them under the control of the highest will.

Anthurium andreanum. Red


821 Transformed sex centre

No longer has desires and offers itself to the Divine.

Caladium. Greenish white





821 Transformed sex centre


822 Supramental influence in the sex centre

822 Supramental influence in the sex centre

 It is the assurance of the coming conquest of desires.

Cosmos. Several colours


823 Tranquillity of the sex centre when it is under the influence of the Supramental Light

The supramental influence liberates man from all that binds him to the animal.

Cosmos bipinnatus. White


824 Supramental Light in the sex centre

(N 0 comment)

Cosmos sulphureus. Yellow


823 Tranquillity of the sex centre when it is under the influence of the Supramental Light




825 Hygienic organisation


826 Conquest over the greed for food

825 Hygienic organisation

Cleanliness, order, utility.

Moringa oleiftra. Cream white


826 Conquest over the greed for food

A promise of good health.

Dombeya Xcayeuxii. Pink or white


827 Health

Not to be preoccupied with it, but to leave it to the Divine.

Thespesia populnea. Bright yellow


828 Material power to heal

Demands a great sincerity in one's goodwill.

Calandrinia grandiflora. Bright pink


829 Spiritual power of healing

Opening and receptivity to the divine influence.

Petrea volubilis. Violet

Greed for food has to be overcome, but it has not to be given too much thought. The proper attitude to food is a certain equality. Food is for the maintenance of the body and one should ta: enough for that - what the body needs; if one gives less the body feels the need and hankers; il you give more, then that is indulging the vital. , for particular foods the palate likes, the attitude of the mind and vital should be, "If I get, I take if! don't get, I shall not mind." One should no think too much of food either to indulge or unduly to repress - that is the best.




Always be kind, stop engaging in bitter criticism no longer see evil in anything, obstinately force yourself to see nothing but the benevolent presence of the Divine 'Grace, and you will see not only within you but also around you an atmosphere of quiet joy, peaceful trust spreading  more and more. And not only will you feel qui( and happy, but most of your bodily ailments w disappear. T



Health is the outer expression of a deep harmony one must be proud of it and not despise it.






830 Repose

830 Repose

Opens out in calm relaxation. The true repose is that of perfect surrender to the Divine.

Clerodendrum ugandense. Pale blue



It is in action, in effort, in the march forward that repose must be found, the true repose of complete trust in the divine Grace, of the absence of desire of victory over egoism.

True repose comes from the widening, the universalisation of the consciousness. Become a vast as the world and you will always be at rest. the thick of action, in the very midst of the bat the effort, you will know the repose of infinity eternity.



You must know how to rest.

There are many ways of doing it. Here is one: f of all, put your body at ease, comfortably stretched out on a bed or in an easy-chair. Then try to re your nerves, all together or one by one, till you have obtained complete relaxation. This done, while your body lies limp like a rag on the bed, make your brain silent and immobile, till it is r longer conscious of itself. Then, slowly, imperceptibly, pass from this state into sleep. When you wake up the next morning, you will be full of energy.



The rest must be an ascent into the Light, into perfect Peace, total Silence, a rest which rises up out of the darkness. Then it is true rest, a rest which is an ascent.




If one learns how to interpret, one can get from dreams much knowledge of the secrets of our nature and of other-nature.



Yes, certainly, dream experiences can have a great value in them and convey truths that are not so easy to get in the waking state.



When you practise yoga, the consciousness opens and you become aware - especially in sleep - of things, scenes, beings, happenings of other (not physical) worlds and yourself in sleep go there and act there. Very often these things have an importance for the sadhana. So you need not regret seeing all this when you sleep or meditate.


831 Dreams


831 Dreams

One can learn much by observing one's dreams.

 Aloe vera. Light orange



832 Power of Truth in the Subconscient




832 Power of Truth in the Subconscient

It can act only when the sincerity is perfect.

 Tecomaria capensis. Bright orange

As there is a superconscient (something above present consciousness) above the head from which the higher consciousness comes down into the body, so there is also a subconscient (something' below our consciousness) below the feet. Matt, under the control of this power, because it is that out of which it has been created - that is why matter seems to us to be quite unconscious. The material body is very much under the influence this power for the same reason; it is why we are not conscious of what is going on in the body, the most part. The outer consciousness goes d, into this subconscient when we are asleep, and so it becomes unaware of what is going on in I when we are asleep except for a few dreams. M of these dreams rise up from the subconscient and are made up of old memories, impression  etc. put together in an incoherent way. For the subconscient receives impressions of all we do experience in our lives and keeps these impression in it, sending up often fragments of them in sleep. It is a very important part of the being, but w( do nothing much with it by the conscious will It is the higher Force working in us that in its natural course will open the subconscient to it and bring down into it its control and light.



The subconscient is to be penetrated by the light and made a sort of bed-rock of truth, a store of right impressions, right physical responses to the Truth. Strictly speaking, it will not be subconscient at all, but a sort of bank of true values held ready for use.



833 Divine Will acting in the Subconscient


833 Divine Will acting in the Subconscient

The rare moments when the Divine asserts Himself visibly.

Clerodendrum indicum. White


834 Aspiration for the supramental guidance in the Subconscient

Intense need for order, light and knowledge in the subconscient penumbra.

Pachystachys coccinea. Bright to dark red


835 First response of the Subconscient to the supramental action.

The open door to realisation

Jatropha podagarica, Bright orange

834 Aspiration for the supramental guidance in the Subconscient



836 Supramental influence in the Subconscient

Under its modest appearance it is a great force of transformation.

ssandra infundibuliformis. Orange


837 Supramental Light in the Subconscient Essential condition for transformation.

Crossandra infundibuliformis. Yellow


838 Psychic light in the Subconscient

 Preliminary condition for progress.

Crossandra infundibuliformis. Salmon pink

835 First response of the Subconscient to the supramental action.


836 Supramental influence in the Subconscient



839 Divine Will acting in the Inconscient


840 First appearance of purity in the Inconscient


839 Divine Will acting in the Inconscient

Is all-powerful even when we are not aware of it.

C/erodendrum. White


840 First appearance of purity in the Inconscient

The sign that the Inconscient is on the way to becoming conscious.

 Plumbago zeylanica. White


841 First response of the Inconscient to the Divine Force

The first steo towards transformation.

Kigelia africana.Dull maroon

The base of the material consciousness here is not only the Ignorance but the Inconscience - that is, the consciousness is involved in form of Matter and energy of Matter.



The Inconscience is an inverse reproduction of the supreme super consciousness: it has the same absoluteness of being and automatic action, but in a vast involved trance; it is being lost in itself, plunged in its own abyss of infinity.



All evolution is the progressive self-revelation of the One to himself the terms of the Many out of the Inconscience through the Ignorance' towards self-conscient  perfection.



841 First response of the Inconscient to the Divine Force
