Book Ten. The Book of the Double Twilight
Canto I Canto II Canto III Canto IV
Book Ten
The Book of the Double Twilight
Book Ten: Canto 2 The Gospel of Death and vanity of the Ideal
Summary O prisoner of Nature, this is the unsubstantial world from which thy hopes come. This is how man’s thought erects illusions and ideals come to be formed. Actually the ideal is neither in heaven nor on earth. Love is a ferment of thy body and it must die with the body. Thy mind vainly tries to lend eternity to perishing things. All here emerges from Nothingness and crumbles back into Nothingness. There is no such thing as lasting love nor an ideal made real. If there is Truth, it shines far above the world. The legend that is love is only a desire of the flesh. It is soon spent out and its short-lived glory fades away. Death has saved thee and Satyavan from this disillusionment. Do not call back Satyavan. Go back to thy frail world. Open thy eyes and see the transitoriness of things. Forget all this struggle and pain, forget this vain Quest for the spirit.
Satyavan and I have been the twin man and woman from the beginning of time. We have met and loved each other in many worlds. If there is a greater god, let him wear the face of Satyavan before I desire him. O Death, advance beyond the phantom beauty of this world. I care not for this world of Dream. I cherish God the Fire.
This is the stuff of which thou and thy world are made. Out of an inconscient Void has this movingworld sprang forth. When all was unconscious, all was well, calm, moving according to my unerring plan. But Thought came and spoilt the harmony of my creation. Matter began to hope, think and feel; joy and pain strove. Nature lost her wide calm and the tangled paths woven by the mind came into existence. Where is the soul and where is God in this immensity of a machine? Thou claimest immortality for thy spirit, but immortality for imperfect man is dangerous. Knowledge is a phenomenon of ignorance, love a secretion from erotic glands. Mind and life are tricks of Matter’s force. How shall the Ideal’s unsubstantial hues be painted on the earth’s crimson blur? O soul, do not be misled by the splendour of thy thoughts; obey the earthly law; take what thou canst of life’s permitted joy; suffer what thou must, till my long and calm night of sleep claims thee.
Then pealed the calm
inexorable voice:
That lovely world
swam thin and frail, most like Then peals a calm, relentless voice cancelling all hope, cancelling all the bright truths of life. Its fatal accents strike the shuddering air. The lovely twilit world begins to thin and fade away like some pearl-like, momentary gleam vanishing on the faint brink of dusk in a darkening evening, when there is no moon.
“Prisoner of
Nature, many-visioned spirit, "O prisoner of Nature, spirit with many visions, O creature of thought enjoying in the heavens of the Ideal thy baseless immortality which is only an imagination of the subtle and marvellous human mind, this world which thou hast now beheld the twilight World of the Ideal — is the real source of thy yearnings.
When it would build
eternity from the dust, "When this thought of the human mind, wishes to erect eternity from out of mere dust, it paints images bordered by illusion; it forecasts glories which it will never see; it works finely amidst its dreamings.
Behold this fleeing
of light-tasselled shapes, "Look at these fleeting shapes, the aerial vestures of unembodied gods; there is a rapture of things that cannot hope to be born; hope sings to hope an immortal song; cloud satisfies cloud, phantom leans sweetly to desiring phantom and is dearly embraced or dearly chased.
This is the stuff
from which the ideal is formed:
The ideal dwells not
in heaven, nor on the earth, It is a brilliant shadow’s dreamy trail. "This is the substance out of which the ideal is formed. Its artisan is the thought in the mind, its base is the desire in the heart. But nothing real responds to the call of either the thought or the desire; it is only a picture of fleeting shapes. Neither in heaven nor on earth does the ideal exist; it is only a bright delirium of man’s ardent hope intoxicated by the wine of its own imagination. It is only the unsubstantial trail of a bright shadow.
Thy vision’s error
builds the azure skies,
This angel in thy
body thou callst love, "It is an error of thy vision that builds the blue skies even as it draws the beautiful arch of the rainbow. Neither exists in fact. Similarly there is no soul as such. Thy human longing shapes for thee what thou callest a soul. Neither does this angel in thy body whom thou callest love, exist by itself. It shapes its wings from the hues of thy emotion; it is born from some tumult in thy body and when the body that lodges it dies, it too must die.
It is a passion of
thy yearning cells, "What thou callest love is only a passionate longing of the cells in thy body, a call of flesh to flesh; it is the seeking of thy mind for a companion mind, its dreaming that it has found its mate; it is again thy life that looks for a human support to uphold its solitary precarious existence in the world or satisfies its hunger by drawing upon another’s life.
A beast of prey that
pauses in its prowl, "This love that thou dreamest to be immortal and a god is nothing but a beast, a beast of prey that prowls about and crouches under a beautifully flowering bush in order to seize unawares some heart and body for its food.
O human mind, vainly
thou torturest "O human mind, in vain dost thou torture the brief delight of an hour to stretch itself through the long void of infinity and fill its bare, passionless gulfs, persuading the insensible Abyss to lend permanence to perishing things; thou deceivest the tender movements of thy heart with thy spirit’s pretence of immortality.
All here emerges
born from Nothingness; "All here comes out from Nothingness. Bounded by the emptiness of Space, it lasts for a while supported by an insensible Force and then breaks down disappearing into the Nought that is its source. Only the mute Alone lasts.
In the Alone there is no room for love.
In vain to clothe
love’s perishable mud "There can be no room for love in this Alone. In vain hast thou woven on the borrowed loom of the Immortal the splendid and bright robe of the Ideal to cover the perishable earthy stuff of love. Thou hast sought in vain to clothe transient love with the vesture of the Ideal.
The ideal never yet was real made.
Imprisoned in form
that glory cannot live; "The ideal has never been made real; it lives only as long as it remains an ideal. The moment it is imprisoned in a form, the glory that is the ideal cannot live; cabined in a body, it can breathe no more.
Intangible, remote,
for ever pure, "Impalpable, far-off, ever pure white, the ideal is supreme in its own brilliant void. It descends unwillingly to the earth-regions to dwell as a cherished idol in the pure temple of man’s heart. It shines in his heart though it is rejected as impractical by his life.
Immutable, bodiless,
beautiful, grand and dumb,
It has no voice to
answer to his call, "Immutable, formless, beautiful, grand and mute, the ideal sits immobile on its glittering throne. It receives dumbly man’s offering and prayer. For it has no speech to answer his call, it has no feet to move with, no hands wherewith to receive his gifts. The ideal is grand and royal, but ineffective.
Aerial statue of the
nude Idea, "The ideal is an airy form of the bare Idea. It is a pure conception — as yet untouched, untried — of a bodiless god seeking expression. Its light impels the thinker in man to create some earthly likeness of things of a diviner kind.
Its hued reflection
falls upon man’s acts; “Some coloured reflection of the ideal falls upon man’s actions; his cherished institutions are monuments in its memory; his stale and dead conventions pass under its name; his virtues are clothed in the unsubstantial robe of the ideal and haloed by a vague appearance of its face; he gives a divine Name to his virtues and conceals their littleness thereby.
Yet insufficient is
the bright pretence "But, this bright pretence is not enough to cover the poor and earthy origin of these movements of man. Earth and not any heaven is their source.
If heavens there are
they are veiled in their own light, "If truly there are heavens around, they are effectively screened by their own light; if truly some eternal Truth reigns somewhere unknown, then it must be aflame in a huge Void of God — not on earth. For truth shines far above the falsehoods of the world. How can the heavens of felicity come down to this unhappy earth? How can the Eternal stay in passing time?
How shall the Ideal
tread earth’s dolorous soil "How indeed shall the Ideal walk on the sorrowful soil of the earth where life is only a struggle and a hope, a product of Matter, nourished by Matter, a low fire burning in the furnace of Nature, a laborious tread in a journey that has death for its goal?
The Avatars have
lived and died in vain, “The Avatars-Divine Incarnations-have lived, worked and died,-but all in vain. The thought of the sage, the voice of the prophet, have fared no better; they have been in vain; the bright upward path of ascent that shows itself to man is also in vain. Nothing ever changes for the better.
Earth lies unchanged
beneath the circling sun; "Earth ever lies unchanged below the revolving sun. Earth loves her fall and no omnipotent God can wipe away her mortal imperfections, nor can he impose the straight movement of Heaven’s Knowledge on the crooked ignorance of man; nor can he colonise this mortal world with immortal gods.
O traveller in the
chariot of the Sun, "Savitri, traveller in the bright chariot of the Sun, august priestess in a holy temple of fancy who worshippest with magic ritual this so-called ideal and eternal love, in the house that is earth, what after all is this love that has. been deified by thy thought, this love which is truly a legend though sacred, a myth though undying?
It is a conscious
yearning of thy flesh, "What thou callest love is only a conscious desire, an intense longing of thy flesh, a splendid flaming of thy nerves, a veritable rose of dream-splendour forming around thy mind, a mighty, intense rapture — which is also a torture — of thy heart.
A sudden
transfiguration of thy days,
A ravishing edge of
sweetness and of pain, "This love may bring a sudden transforming change for a brief period, but soon it passes, leaving things as before. Its intensity of sweetness, its sharpness of pain, its thrill of longing make it appear divine; it seems like a golden bridge across the turbulent waters of time, a cord linking thee to eternity.
And yet how brief
and frail! how soon is spent "And still, how brief and frail is all this love! How soon is it spent out, this treasure wasted by the gods on man, this happy closeness as of souls, this sweetness of body’s companionship with body, this enhanced joy, this ecstasy in the nerves, this strange irradiation of the senses!
If Satyavan had
lived, love would have died; "Surely, if Satyavan had lived, this love would have tired and ebbed away; but Satyavan is dead and thy love will yet last for a while in thy sad heart until the memories of his face, his body, fade away and other faces, other bodies occupy their place.
When love breaks
suddenly into the life "When love first breaks into a man’s life, he steps into a veritable world of golden light; he feels a heavenly element awake in him in the coursing of his fresh passion. But only a small, sunlit patch of his body takes on this marvellous hue of heaven’s outburst of light and joy.
The snake is there and the worm in the heart of the rose.
A word, a moment’s
act can slay the god; "Also this felicity does not last. The snake is there and there is the unexpected worm in the heart of the beautiful rose. A single word, a hasty act can slay this god of love; his immortality is precarious. He has innumerable ways in which he suffers and ends. Love cannot live and survive on a heavenly diet alone, on idealistic stuff only. It needs the raw sap of the earth to do so; it needs to draw upon the flesh.
For thy passion was
a sensual want refined; "For, after all, thy passion was only a refined form of a sensual desire; a hunger of the body and heart; so thy desire can easily get bored and cease or turn to other sources of a satisfaction, also love may be betrayed and meet a bitter end, wrath may inflict wounds and separate the lovers, or thy unsatisfied will may depart to other persons when the first love’s joy is exposed (as inadequate or unworthy) and slain
A dull indifference
replaces fire "The first intensity of passion is soon replaced by a dull indifference; or a pleasant mechanical habit may continue to imitate the movements of love. What lasts is only an outer and uneasy union, not a true union of hearts; or a compromise is accepted and life settles into a routine once the charm of love has faded.
Where once the seed
of oneness had been cast "Where the heavenly powers in a sublime adventure had thrown the seed of love, of oneness, on a soil that appeared to be spiritually ready, now the two parties strive with each other — constant companions without joy in their association; they are two egos straining to outbeat each other under one driving impulse, two minds separated by their conflicting thoughts, two spirits set apart, separate. In all ways there is a division of the two in the wake of love; instead of the growth of oneness there comes the conflict of the two.
Thus is the ideal
falsified in man’s world; This is how an ideal is traduced in the world of men. Petty or grave the situation may be, disillusionment is sure to come; the harsh reality of life confronts the soul, pulling down the ideal. The hour of the heavenly ideal gets postponed and recedes into some unembodied future.
Death saves thee
from this and saves Satyavan:
Call him not back to
the treacheries of earth
In my vast tranquil
spaces let him sleep "Death saves thee and Satyavan from such a disillusionment. He is now safe, absolved; he proceeds to silence and felicity. Do not call him back to the betrayals of earth and to the poor small rounds of the animal life of man. Let him rest in my vast, quiet spaces in harmony with the great hush of death where love sleeps at last on the bosom of peace.
And thou, go back
alone to thy frail world:
For when thou givest
thy spirit to a dream "And thou, return alone to thy fragile world. Correct thy heart with knowledge; remove the veil from thy eyes and see, with thy nature lifted up to clear, vivid heights, from a new summit-view. When thou allowest thy spirit to be lost in dreaming, hard necessity will soon strike thee awake. Even the purest bliss has had a beginning and so it must have an end.
Thou too shall know
thy heart no anchor swinging Vain are the cycles of thy brilliant mind.
Renounce, forgetting
joy and hope and tears One with my fathomless Nihil all forget. "Thou too shalt know, with thy heart free from all attachments, thy infant soul moored in seas eternal. Vain are the whirling thoughts of thy brilliant mind. Renounce all; forget joy, hope and suffering; let thy restless nature lie in the profound bosom of a happy Nothingness and silent Calm; deliver it into my mysterious rest. Become one with my endless Nihil and forget all.
Forget thy fruitless
spirit’s waste of force, "Forget this vain waste of thy spirit’s force, forget the endless rounds of thy birth, forget its joy, struggle and pain; forget the vague spiritual quest that first started when these worlds burst forth like so many bunches of fire-flowers and great intense thoughts passed through the mind, and Time and its aeons rolled across the vasts and souls emerged into this state of mortality."
But Savitri replied
to the dark Power: But I forbid thy voice to slay my soul. Savitri replies:"O Death, thou findst now a dangerous music. Turning thy speech softly into rhythmic pain, thou intonest temptingly to tired hopes. Thy falsehoods are mixed with sad strains of truth. But I forbid thy voice to thus slay my soul.
My love is not a
hunger of the heart,
Even in all that
life and man have marred, "Mine is not a love that is a hunger of the heart —as thou callest it; nor is it a desire of the flesh. My love has come to me from God and it climbs back to God. Even in all that life and man have spoiled, a whisper of God is still heard, a breath is still felt from the realms of the Eternal.
Allowed by Heaven
and wonderful to man
There is a hope in
its wild infinite cry; "Sanctioned by Heaven and wonderful to man, a sweet flaming rhythm of passion chants to love. In the wild boundless cry of this passion there is a hope; it rings with calls from summits that are forgotten. And when its strains reach and ebb away into the high heavens of up-soaring souls, its burning breath still survives beyond in the rapturous core of the ever-flaming, pure, unseen suns, as a voice of unending Ecstasy.
One day I shall
behold my great sweet world
Appeased we shall
draw near our Mother’s face, "One day I shall see my great, sweet world cast aside the present dreadful disguises forced on it by the gods, see it put off the veil of terror and remove the robe of sin. Calmed, we shall draw near the face of our Divine Mother,’ we shall throw our sincere souls upon her lap.
Then shall we clasp
the ecstasy we chase,
Not only is there
hope for godheads pure; "Then will we be able to embrace the ecstasy that we have till now unsuccessfully chased; then will we thrill with the long-sought God of Love; then will we find the unexpected quality of Heaven. There is hope not only for the pure godheads, but equally for the violent and darkened powers who have leaped down in rage and revolt from the common Source — the heart of the Creative Divine — to find in this adventure what the pure gods have missed. These dark deities too are safe. On these rebel sons of hers are the Divine Mother’s eyes and to them her arms are stretched out in love. She desires them back.
One who came, love
and lover and beloved
There in its circles
and its magic turns "The Eternal who is at once the lover, the beloved and the love, came and formed for himself a wonderful field; he wove the patterns of a marvellous dance therein. Within its enchanting circles and magic turns, when attracted he arrives; when repelled, he flees.
In the wild devious
promptings of his mind "In the unregulated devious movements of his mind, he enjoys the sweet taste of tears, putting aside joy in repentance; he has laughter, he has wrath, both of which are broken notes of the music of the soul which, reconciling itself to the dualities, seeks for its celestial rhythms.
Ever he comes to us
across the years
His bliss laughs to
us or it calls concealed “He comes again and again, each time with a sweet new face which, however, is the old. His bliss breaks, attracts us with its laughter or calls us from its concealed place, like the magic notes of a flute from far-off throbbing forests in the moonlight, tempting us to search for it in impatience and passionate pain.
Disguised the Lover seeks and draws our souls. He named himself for me, grew Satyavan.
For we are man and
woman from the first, The Divine Lover in disguise seeks and draws our souls to him. To me he came under the name of Satyavan. Satyavan and I are man and woman, the lover and the beloved, from the beginning; we are the two inseparable souls that have issued from the one immortal fire of the Spirit.
Did he not dawn on me in other stars?
How has he through
the thickets of the world "Has he not met me in other worlds as well? Through the maze of the world he has pursued me like a lion in the dark, descending upon me suddenly and seizing me with his glorious golden leap.
Unsatisfied he
yearned for me through time,
He rose like a wild
wave out of the floods "He was never satisfied; he longed for me across the ages, at times wrathfully with impatience, at times with sweet peace, always desiring me since the birth of the world.Like a wild, impetuous wave from the floods he shot up and dragged me helpless into the seas of bliss.
Out of my curtained
past his arms arrived; "From out of my veiled past his arms have come. They have touched me with the softness of a gentle wind; they have plucked me like a consenting flower thrilled and happy to be plucked; and they have clasped me happy to be consumed in the relentless flame of love.
I too have found him
charmed in lovely forms "I have also found him attractive in many lovely forms, I have run in delight to his voice coming from afar, I have pressed forward to seek him despite many dreadful obstructions. If there is a god happier and greater than him whom I have known, let him first wear the face of Satyavan before seeking me, let his soul become one with Satyavan’s whom I love, if I am to desire him.
For only one heart
beats within my breast I cherish God the Fire, not God the Dream.” For in my breast beats only one heart and that is given to Satyavan; only one god sits there enthroned and that is Satyavan. O Death, proceed ahead, advance beyond the unsubstantial beauty of this world, for I am not one of its denizens. I cherish God in the form of the flaming Fire, not in the form of a phantom dream. Advance.
But Death once more
inflicted on her heart But Death speaks once again and inflicts on her heart his majestic voice, calm and fearful. Thy thoughts are truly a bright hallucination. Thou deceivest thyself.
A prisoner haled by
a spiritual cord,
But knowledge dwells
not in the passionate heart; A captive dragged by a spiritual cord, thou art an eager slave of thy own passionate will. Thou sendest words hued with the red passion of thy heart soaring to the sun. But know that true knowledge does not dwell in the passionate heart; the heart’s words fall back unheard from the high throne of Wisdom.
Vain is thy longing to build heaven on earth.
Artificer of Ideal
and Idea, "Thy hope to build heaven on earth is in vain. Mind, the inventor of the Ideal, the craftsman of the Idea, is a child of Matter and Life. Mind persuades his parents — Matter and Life — to move upwards to higher levels of existence; but they are unfit and can hardly follow in the footsteps of this daring guide.
But Mind, a glorious
traveller in the sky, "Though the Mind is a splendid voyager in the skies of thought, his steps on the earth are slow and he walks there haltingly; he finds it difficult to manage unruly life; he finds it hard to control the running senses. His thoughts peer into lofty heavens and the gold they draw comes from a celestial mine on high; but his actions are painfully engaged in the common stuff of everyday life — the Mind is rich in the realm of thought, but poor in the field of action.
All thy high dreams
were made by Matter’s mind
A solid image of
reality "All the high dreams that thou dreamest are in fact constructions of the material mind made in order to comfort itself in its dull routine in the prison of Matter; this prison is its only house where Matter alone seems true — and everything else unreal. Matter is a solid image of reality created to support the works of Time. On the firm foundations of earth, Matter sits strong and secure.
It is the first-born
of created things, "Matter is the first to be created; Matter is also the last to remain when mind and life are gone. If Matter ended, all would end.
All else is only its
outcome or its phase: "All else is only a result or a state of Matter. Thy soul is but a flower of brief span created by Mind the gardener on the terrain of Matter; it ends with the death of the body, the plant on which it grows. Its celestial hue is drawn from the sap of the earth. Thy thoughts are flashes that move on the borders of Matter, thy life is a falling wave on the sea of Matter.
A careful steward of
Truth’s limited means, "Matter is a careful custodian managing the limited resources of Truth, guarding her well-established facts from the wasteful Nature-Power. It ties down the mind to the limits of the senses, it clamps the whims and fancies of Life to a dull, hard routine and subjects all creatures to the rule of Law.
A vessel of
transmuting alchemies, All upon Matter stands as on a rock. "Matter holds the magic alchemies that transmute things out of their nature; it is the glue that binds mind and life together. If Matter fails, all else crumbles and falls. Matter is the veritable rock upon which all stands firm.
Yet this security
and guarantor "And yet, this Matter which is taken to be the security and guarantee for the existence of forms and creatures, turns out to be an impostor when examined closely. It is found to be a seeming substance doing duty for a non-existent substance, a mere appearance, a symbol, a nothing. Its forms have no intrinsic right to exist.
Its aspect of a
fixed stability Its appearance of a fixed stability is only a cover, a front of the whirl of an imprisoned energy in motion, a sequence in the dance movements of Energy whose footmarks leave always the same impressions, a substantial appearance of Time that is itself unsubstantial, a trickle marking dots in empty Space, a movement that seems stationary without change. And yet change does come and the final change is death.
What seemed most real once, is Nihil’s show.
Its figures are
snares that trap and prison the sense; "What appeared most real at one time turns out to be a show of a Nihil, a Nothing. Its patterns are nets of snares that trap and capture the senses. An eternal Void contrived its appearance. There is truly nothing there but some phenomena sketched out by Chance, and some seeming shapes — not real — of an Energy that also only seems to be.
All by Death’s
mercy breathe and live awhile,
Addict of the
roseate luxury of thy thoughts, "All breathe and live as long as Death allows them to do so. All think and act as far as the pervading Inconscient permits them. Addicted as thou art to luxuriating in thy thoughts, do not turn thy gaze into thyself to peer into the bright crystal of thy mind for flattering visions; do not shut thy eyes to dream of the forms of the gods.
At last to open thy
eyes consent and see
Inconscient in the
still inconscient Void "Consent at last to open thy eyes and see the real stuff of which thou and the world are made. In the still, inconscient Void, art inconscient moving world sprang up inexplicably. For a while it was secure, undisturbed and happy in its insensibility. But it could not long stay content with its own truth.
For something on its
nescient breast was born "It could not rest content because from its nescience something was born which was compelled to see, to know, to feel and love. This element of consciousness that emerged from the nescience watched its acts, imagined that there was a soul within; it searched for truth and dreamed of Self and God.
When all unconscious was, then all was well.
I, Death, was king
and kept my regal state, "When all was unconscious — prior to the birth of Consciousness — all was well. I, Death, was the monarch of all and I ruled everywhere shaping my spontaneous, perfect plan, creating with a calm, unfeeling heart.
In my sovereign
power of unreality "Working in my sovereign power of unreality I made nothingness to take shape. My blind, mechanical force acting infallibly, made by chance a fixity — a determinism — as of fate, and by its whim erected the formulas of Necessity. Thus was founded the concrete fantasy of Nature’s scheme on the hollow ground of the unfeeling Void.
I curbed the vacant
ether into Space; "I formed the fire elements.I pressed empty ether to constitute Space and the vibrating air, expanding and contracting in its movements, provided the base for fire. It was I who lighted the first spark and cast its issues through the insensible emptiness. I manufactured the stars — the light —from the occult, unseen radiances. I marshalled together the infinitesimal particles in their invisible gyrations; out of atoms and gas I built the earth in its beauty and from the chemical plasm I formed the living man.
Then Thought came in
and spoilt the harmonious world:
The inconscient
cosmos strove to learn its task; "It was a harmonious world that I had built till Thought came in and spoilt things; Matter began to hope and think and feel; tissue and nerve became sensitive to joy and pain. The inconscient world strove hard to learn its task. An ignorant individual power took shape in the Mind and in order to understand things, reason and its law were invented. The impersonal Vast of the Universe responded to man’s desire and in consequence the great world’s blind, still heart was thrown into agitation. Nature lost her wide immortal calm.
Thus came this
warped incomprehensible scene "Thus has come about this twisted, ununderstandable scene of souls caught up in the delight and pain of life, in the sleep of Matter and the mortality of Mind; of beings imprisoned by Nature, awaiting death; of consciousness in the hold of an ignorance seeking to know.
This is the world in
which thou movst, astray "Such is the world in which thou livest and movest, going astray in the confused ways and byways of the human mind, absorbed in the mechanical rounds of thy life, vainly looking for thy soul and imagining God is here.
But where is room
for soul or place for God
A transient Breath
thou takest for thy soul, "But where can there be any room for soul or God in this brute immensity of a machine that is the world? Thou takest for thy soul a fleeting Breath in thy physical body; thou takest for God a magnified image of thy mind, a shadow of thyself cast. in Space.
Interposed between
the upper and nether Void, "Placed between the Void above and the Void below, thy Consciousness merely reflects the world around it in the distorting mirror of the pervading Ignorance; or it soars upwards to grasp the stars which are only products of its imagination.
Or if a half Truth
is playing with the earth "Or if some partial Truth is at play with the earth, casting its light on the dark shadowy ground, then it only touches the earth and leaves behind it a shining blot.
Immortality thou
claimest for thy spirit, "Thou claimest immortality for thy spirit; but for man, an imperfect creature, a god who is prone to hurt himself at every step, immortality would only result in an endless cycle of continuous pain.
Wisdom and love thou
claimest as thy right; "Thou claimest wisdom and love as thy right; but in this world, knowledge is a product of error, a brilliant agent of Nescience. And human love is but a poseur on the earth-stage imitating a supernatural dance with gusto.
An extract pressed
from hard experience, "Man’s knowledge is an extract drawn from hard experience and stored in the barrels of Memory; it has the crude flavour of a mortal drink. Love is only a sweet secretion from the erotic glands, now causing pleasure, now pain to the excited nerves; drunk by man as the nectar of the gods, it is both honey and poison to the human breast.
Earth’s human
wisdom is no great-browed power,
If they aspire
beyond earth’s dullard air, "Earth’s human wisdom is no exalted power; neither is love a shining angel from the heavens. Their wings are frail and artificial. If they aspire to soar beyond the dull air of earth and go sunwards, how high could that unnatural flight reach?
But not on earth can
divine wisdom reign "But divine wisdom cannot reign on earth, nor can divine love be found here. They are both born in heaven and they can live only in heaven. Or perhaps, there too they do not truly exist, but are only glittering dreams.
Nay, is not all thou art and doest a dream? Thy mind and life are tricks of Matter’s force.
If thy mind seems to
thee a radiant sun, "Art not thou thyself and thy doings a mere dream, after all? Thy mind and life are just brief stratagems of Matter’s force, they do not really exist on their own. If thy mind appears to thee a bright sun, if thy life flows like a swift and splendid dream, that is only an illusion of thy mortal heart which is dazzled by a ray of happiness or light. It is not reality.
Impotent to live by
their own right divine,
Even Matter vanishes
into Energy’s vague "Mind and life cannot live by their own natural right; they know well that they have no existence of their own and that they are unreal — albeit brilliantly so. And when their supporting base of Matter is shorn away, these products of Matter naturally lapse into Matter.Even Matter is seen to disappear into the vagueness of Energy. And what is Energy but a motion of the ancient Nothing?
How shall the
Ideal’s unsubstantial hues How shall the will-o’-the-wisp become a star? "How indeed is it possible to paint the vague hues of the Ideal on the brilliant red blur of the earth? That will be like making a dream and a dream within that dream come true. How shall a seeming phosphorescent gleam become a real star?
The Ideal is a
malady of thy mind,
A noble fiction of
thy yearnings made, "The Ideal is a disease of thy mind, a bright delirium of thy speech and thought in fever, a strange heady wine of beauty wafting thee to a false vision. It is a fiction — noble perhaps — created by thy intense desires and hence it must share thy human imperfection. Its forms of expression in Nature come as a disappointment to the heart. It can never find its own heavenly shape on earth. It can never be fulfilled in Time.
O soul misled by the
splendour of thy thoughts,
Accept the light
that falls upon thy days; "O soul who art misled by the splendour of thy thoughts, O earthly creature who dreamest of heaven, be resigned, be still, and obey the law of the earth. Accept the little light that falls on thy days, snatch from Life what thou cant of the joy permitted to thee. Submit to the whip of Fate, suffer thy share of toil, grief and care.
There shall approach
silencing thy passionate heart "At last shall approach thee, silencing the passionate throbbings of thy heart, my long, calm night of endless sleep. Retire into that silence from which thou camest originally." |