(Letter to Mother from Satprem)
Sweet Mother,
I feel completely abandoned to myself. This book is a real SUFFERING. I don't see where I am going, I am groping in all directions. Mother, do help me. Where lies the fault? I am suffering, you know. I would like to do it well, but it comes only in fits and starts, nothing coherent. Sometimes I feel quite incapable of carrying out this task properly.
What should I do?
Your child,
Signed: Satprem
Page 334
(Mother's reply)
Satprem, my dear child,
If you agree, here is what we could do: read aloud to me what you have written; perhaps seeing it in my consciousness will help you.
If you think this could be useful, I will see you on Saturday at 10 o'clock.
With all my tenderness,
Signed: Mother
Page 335