(The beginning of this conversation has unfortunately disappeared. It dealt with the book that Satprem was writing on Sri Aurobindo, and he spoke to Mother of his dream of writing automatically, without even needing to think, letting the writing flow along by itself.)
... You would like to carry thought into higher domains, beyond the province of thought itself! ... This is something practically impossible.
You understand, if I were British and writing in English, I could try to do a book on Sri Aurobindo using 'Savitri' alone. With quotations from Savitri one can maintain a certain poetical rhythm, and this rhythm can generate an opening. But in French it isn't possible - how could it be translated?
Yes, that's what I mean-but even in English....
In English it should be possible. But after all, it's intended for the general public - Id better not drown them!
It's not so much a question of the reading public as a question of language. As for the readers ... you know, at any level whatsoever it is possible to suddenly touch a soul, anywhere. The level doesn't matter, and fundamentally if one reaches one or two souls with a book like this, it's a fine result. It opens the way to people intellectually, and those who want to can follow along.
I don't think your book will hold any surprises for me when I have it! Sometimes I listen to whole sections of it. Last night it was almost as if you were reading the book to me - not exactly with words but ... I woke up and Sri Aurobindo was there and - as though you had been reading something - he approved of it, saying, 'Yes, it's fine like that, it's all right.'
There you are, mon petit.
One whole week to go without seeing each other.... We remain very close. Very close - you don't even need to feel it!
Page 325
(Satprem makes a face)
... to feel it is a luxury. That will come later.
Page 326