Vol. 2


  January 7, 1961
January 10, 1961
January 12, 1961
January 17, 1961
January 19, 1961
January 22, 1961
January 24, 1961
January 27, 1961
January 29, 1961
January 31, 1961

February 4, 1961
February 5, 1961
February 7, 1961
February 11, 1961
February 14, 1961
February 18, 1961
February 25, 1961
February 28, 1961

March 4, 1961
March 7, 1961
March 11, 1961

March 14, 1961
March 17, 1961
March 21, 1961
March 25, 1961
March 27, 1961


April 7, 1961
April 8, 1961


April 12, 1961

April 15, 1961

April 18, 1961
April 22, 1961
April 25, 1961
April 29, 1961


May 2, 1961
May 12, 1961
May 19, 1961
May 23, 1961
May 30, 1961


June 2, 1961
June 6, 1961
June 17, 1961
June 20, 1961
June 24, 1961
June 27, 1961

July 4, 1961
July 7, 1961
July 12, 1961
July 15, 1961
July 18, 1961
July 26, 1961
July 28, 1961


August 2, 1961
August 5, 1961
August 8, 1961
August 11, 1961


August 18, 1961

August 25, 1961


September 3, 1961
September 10, 1961
September 16, 1961
September 23, 1961
September 28, 1961
September 30, 1961

October 2, 1961
October 15, 1961
October 30, 1961

November 5, 1961
November 6, 1961
November 7, 1961
November 12, 1961
November 16, 1961
November 16, 1961
November 23, 1961

December 16, 1961
December 18, 1961
December 20, 1961
December 23, 1961

September 23, 1961

I have the right to 150 pages! The publisher is giving me 150 pages in his collection.... Terrible.... But in this 'Sri Aurobindo,' you understand, I would like to make his whole poetic aspect stand out, that poetry which is like the Veda, like a revelation, so a bit of space is required: it can't be squeezed into a few lines, or reduced to a skeleton.

This analogy between the ancient form of spiritual revelations and Savitri, this blossoming into poetry of his prophetic revelation is ... what could be called the most exceptional part of his work. And what is remarkable (I saw him do it) is that he changed Savitri: he went along changing it as his experience changed.

It is clearly the continuing expression of his experience.

There were whole sections he redid completely, which were like descriptions of what I had told him of my own experiences. Nolini said this. When I recently reread Savitri, some phrases were very familiar and I said to Nolini, 'How odd, these are almost my very words!' And he replied, 'But this has been changed, it was written differently; it has BECOME like this.' As the thing became more and more concrete for him, he changed it. The breath of revelatory prophecy is extraordinary! It has an extraordinary POWER!

What struck me is that he never wanted to write anything else. To write those articles for the Bulletin [[Mother had asked Sri Aurobindo to write something for the Ashram 'Bulletin.' It was later published as The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth. ]] was really a heavy sacrifice

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for him.  He had said he would complete certain parts of The Synthesis of Yoga, [[The third section, 'The Yoga of Self -Perfection,' which was never completed. ]] but when he was asked to do so, he replied, 'No, I don't want to go down to that mental level'! Savitri comes from somewhere else altogether. And I think that Savitri is the most important thing to speak about.

From time to time I use a line from 'Savitri,' placing it in the book like an open window. That's all I can do.


(A little later, concerning Sri Aurobindo's biography, Mother remarks.)

All those details have always horrified me.

If anyone ever wanted to write about me, the first thing I would say is: NOT ONE WORD about my personal life - not a word.

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