Is the earth responding? Is there really a response, or do you feel you are working all alone?
You don't mean people? You mean the earth as the mineral, vegetal, animal world?
No, I was referring to humans, to the whole earth.
Oh, humans, yes, certainly - certainly, without any doubt, a very pronounced answer, strangely pronounced, from everywhere, just everywhere. A need for something, a dissatisfaction with what is, and the need for something higher. It's very, very pronounced, everywhere. I can't say the number is very large, I don't think it is, but it's everywhere.
So there is progress?
Oh, a lot, quite a lot. There are signs, there are even from time to time strange signs of something awakening.
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I even feel an awakening among animals.
And where is the obstacle? Is there an obstacle?
It's everywhere. It's like a coalition of Falsehood trying to resist.
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