Vol. 7




January 8, 1966
January 14, 1966
January 19, 1966
January 22, 1966
January 26, 1966
January 31, 1966

February 11, 1966
February 16, 1966
February 19, 1966
February 23, 1966
February 26, 1966

March 2, 1966
March 4, 1966
March 9, 1966
March 19, 1966
March 26, 1966
March 30, 1966

April 6, 1966
April 9, 1966
April 13, 1966
April 16, 1966
April 20, 1966
April 23, 1966
April 24, 1966
April 27, 1966
April 30, 1966


May 7, 1966
May 14, 1966
May 18, 1966
May 22, 1966
May 25, 1966
May 28, 1966


June 2, 1966
June 4, 1966
June 8, 1966
June 11, 1966
June 15, 1966
June 18, 1966
June 25, 1966
June 29, 1966

July 6, 1966
July 9, 1966
July 23, 1966
July 27, 1966
July 30, 1966


August 3, 1966
August 6, 1966
August 10, 1966
August 13, 1966
August 15, 1966
August 17, 1966
August 19, 1966
August 24, 1966
August 27, 1966
August 31, 1966


September 3, 1966
September 7, 1966
September 14, 1966
September 17, 1966
September 21, 1966
September 24, 1966
September 28, 1966
September 30, 1966



October 5, 1966
October 8, 1966
October 12, 1966
October 15, 1966
October 19, 1966
October 22, 1966
October 26, 1966
October 29, 1966

November 3, 1966
November 9, 1966
November 12, 1966
November 15, 1966
November 19, 1966
November 23, 1966
November 26, 1966
November 30, 1966

December 7, 1966
December 14, 1966
December 17, 1966
December 20, 1966
December 21, 1966
December 24, 1966
December 28, 1966
December 31, 1966

April 6, 1966

After having listened to the letters and reports read by the "secretaries":

What about keeping quiet a little [in meditation]?... It will do me good.

These people, I can't exactly say they tire me, but the cells feel a sort of pressure of confusion that hurts them. It's like being caught in a stranglehold of confusion, and it hurts. And every day it's the same thing. I tell them - they don't believe me. They think it's blackmail! So then ... I go through a very difficult little moment, very difficult. Afterwards, it gets better again.



(Later, Mother copies out a few lines from "Savitri" which she has just translated, and her hand scratches out a word.)

Constantly, the whole time, thoroughly amusing little things happen. It was a small hand - a tiny hand - that took my hand for fun and wrote. Just for fun! So I have to be on my guard all the time!... It was someone who was laughing and laughing and laughing! It's so living - so living, so teeming with things - and we don't see anything. But I see. Previously I didn't see, but now I see it all (Mother laughs). Oh, there would be so many things to tell if we had time, very funny things.


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