Vol. 7




January 8, 1966
January 14, 1966
January 19, 1966
January 22, 1966
January 26, 1966
January 31, 1966

February 11, 1966
February 16, 1966
February 19, 1966
February 23, 1966
February 26, 1966

March 2, 1966
March 4, 1966
March 9, 1966
March 19, 1966
March 26, 1966
March 30, 1966

April 6, 1966
April 9, 1966
April 13, 1966
April 16, 1966
April 20, 1966
April 23, 1966
April 24, 1966
April 27, 1966
April 30, 1966


May 7, 1966
May 14, 1966
May 18, 1966
May 22, 1966
May 25, 1966
May 28, 1966


June 2, 1966
June 4, 1966
June 8, 1966
June 11, 1966
June 15, 1966
June 18, 1966
June 25, 1966
June 29, 1966

July 6, 1966
July 9, 1966
July 23, 1966
July 27, 1966
July 30, 1966


August 3, 1966
August 6, 1966
August 10, 1966
August 13, 1966
August 15, 1966
August 17, 1966
August 19, 1966
August 24, 1966
August 27, 1966
August 31, 1966


September 3, 1966
September 7, 1966
September 14, 1966
September 17, 1966
September 21, 1966
September 24, 1966
September 28, 1966
September 30, 1966



October 5, 1966
October 8, 1966
October 12, 1966
October 15, 1966
October 19, 1966
October 22, 1966
October 26, 1966
October 29, 1966

November 3, 1966
November 9, 1966
November 12, 1966
November 15, 1966
November 19, 1966
November 23, 1966
November 26, 1966
November 30, 1966

December 7, 1966
December 14, 1966
December 17, 1966
December 20, 1966
December 21, 1966
December 24, 1966
December 28, 1966
December 31, 1966

January 14, 1966

(Following a "tourist" trip Satprem had to make in India for certain reasons.)

Did you feel any difference?

What difference?

Between being here and being in Bangalore?

Oh, to me it was all infernal. All that is hell.

Oh, that's the effect it had on you?

Oh, yes!

Then it's all right.

Tourism and all that is hell. I did my job - not very well, but I did it.

Then it's all right.

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To tell you the whole truth, that's what you said to me, [[In the inner consciousness. ]] but I wanted to know if you had felt it outwardly. I knew it almost right away. And then there was between us a different contact from the one we have here, and it expressed ... what shall I call it? (laughing) A lack of adaptation.

Is it a weakness?

It was very pronounced, very pronounced. And there was in you an intensity (gesture of clenched fists), a need for things to change.

Ah, yes! It's pure hell. It's Falsehood in every detail.

Yes, that's right.

It's false.

False, false.


There was this sudden death of Shastri. [[India's prime minister, during talks in Tashkent with Ayub Khan for the settlement of the Indo-Pakistani conflict. ]] To me it was obvious. Strangely enough, I was told (long ago) that they were to meet in Russia, and when I was told that, I spontaneously answered, "If he goes there, he will die." (I never knew why, but that's how it was.) Then it went out of my mind, and this time, I was told that the conference would take place, but I didn't hear or they didn't tell me (I don't know which of the two) that it would be in Russia, and so ... In between, someone met Shastri about my message [["India must fight until India and Pakistan have once more become ONE." ]] and he answered that for him it was the expression of the truth, but ... "What can I do about that? I am a small man."[[Italics indicate words or sentences spoken by Mother in English. ]] That's what he said. After that I kept quiet, and when I was told about the conference, I thought, "We should at least get the 'best' out of it" - I "charged" him to the full. But I "charged" him as if he were a

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 powerful man.... That's dangerous! [[Shastri died of a heart attack. ]]

But I knew the time at which they were in conference, and all of a sudden, in the middle of the night, I was woken up with a start by someone calling for help - it was him.

The next day, early morning, I was told he was dead. It didn't strike me as "news"! I said, "But of course! It goes without saying, that's how it is." And it seems (I heard all the details afterwards - long afterwards, in the course of the day), it seems the going was very tough and when the talks ended in what he considered to be a success (it was obviously the "best" (!) that could happen there), he was exultant and quite happy [[India agreed to withdraw from a few strategic posts it had occupied in Kashmir during the recent hostilities, and Pakistan proclaimed that it would not use force to settle its disagreement with India. ]]; then he went into his room and after a few minutes, opened the door and called for a doctor, and in no time it was over. That's probably when he called. But it was decided a very long time ago.

There was nothing to be "exultant" about! They lost what little advantage they had gained during the war.

Yes (Mother shakes her head). It seems that was the best they could conceive.

I find it sad.

No, it's the continuation of the same story. [[Mother means, "The same story or the same attitude since Gandhi and Nehru." ]]

Yes, the continuation of the same story.... You know the impression I had when I heard of Shastri's death?... I had the impression it was a symbol, and that it was the death of the Gnome. [[Shastri was very short. ]] The death of the Dwarfs. That it was the bottom of the pit and the end of the Age of Gnomes. And that maybe we were now going to climb up again.

Let's hope so.... For the moment, everything is in suspense.

But it [Shastri's death] was necessary. If something was to change, it was necessary.


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Because he wasn't a wicked man, of course.

Oh, no!

He was very small.

But none of those people are wicked - they are nothing.

Oh, some are perverted. But they are very small.

Yes, nothing.

Did this business make any difference to your trip?

Oh, small details, all the shops were closed.... But don't you think it's really the sign of a change of direction?

How can I put it?... One hopes so. [[Throughout this conversation, Mother appeared rather skeptical or, to say the least, reticent. ]]

Yes, one hopes so.

The resistance of the forces of Falsehood has reached a climax, they are in a state of acute violence - acute.

Yes, it's glaring.

February and March are very critical months. In April (Mother makes a gesture of reversal), maybe things will take the true direction.

There. Well, I am glad that you were conscious of what you told me (!)

Oh, I was conscious of that hell every minute.

It's good, very good. You were much closer than usual. Much closer, like something physically close.

The closeness was always up above (gesture above the head), in the broad lines, but here, it was a physical closeness and the sense that ... well, that a certain type of resistance was going to end, was going to fall away. So I said to myself, "That's very good, very necessary." If the "touring" hasn't tired you too much, it's all

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right; that was the only drawback ... (how can I put it?) that I can't say I "feared," because I don't fear anything, but that I saw as being possible.

No, no! In a day or two, I'll be fine.

That's exactly what I wanted.

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