ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(After a perilous month, Mother has suddenly had the formidable, decisive experience, and she gives her first message. She is lying on her bed in the room upstairs, and has become quite thin. It is around ten in the morning. Her voice has greatly changed. Schoolchildren can be heard playing in the distance.)
Night of April 12-13.[[ Mother gives the first part of this message in English. ]]
Suddenly in the night I woke up with the full awareness of what we could call the Yoga of the world. The Supreme Love was manifesting through big pulsations, and each pulsation was bringing the world further in its manifestation. It was the formidable pulsations of the eternal, stupendous Love, only Love: each pulsation of the Love was carrying the universe further in its manifestation.
And the certitude that what is to be done is done and the Supramental Manifestation is realized.
Everything was Personal, nothing was individual.
This was going on and on and on and on....
The certitude that what is to be done is DONE.
All the results of the Falsehood had disappeared: Death was an illusion, Sickness was an illusion, Ignorance was an illusion - something that had no reality, no existence.... Only Love, and Love, and Love, and Love - immense, formidable, stupendous, carrying everything.
And how, how to express in the world? It was like an impossibility, because of the contradiction.... But then it came: "You have accepted that this world should know the Supramental Truth ... and it will be expressed totally, integrally." Yes, yes....
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And the thing is DONE.
(long silence)
The individual consciousness came back, just the sense of a limitation, limitation of pain; without that, no individual.[[ Here Mother begins speaking French. ]]
And we set off again on the way, certain of the Victory.
The heavens are ringing with chants of Victory!
Truth alone exists; Truth alone shall manifest. Onward! ... Onward!
Gloire à Toi, Seigneur, Triomphateur suprême! [[Glory to You, Lord, Triumphant One supreme. ]]
And now, to work.
Patience ... endurance ... perfect equanimity. And absolute faith.
Compared to the experience, whatever I say is nothing, nothing, nothing but words.
And our consciousness is the same, absolutely the same as the Lord's. There was no difference, no difference at all....
We are That, we are That, we are That.
Later on, I will explain it more clearly. The instrument is not yet ready.
It is only the beginning. [[A tape cassette of this message is available. ]]
Mother later added:
The experience lasted at least four hours. There are many things I will speak of later.
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