Vol. 3



January 9, 1962
January 12, 1962
January 12, 1962
January 15, 1962
January 21, 1962
January 24, 1962
January 27, 1962
February 3, 1962
February 6, 1962
February 9, 1962
February 13, 1962
February 17, 1962
February 24, 1962
February 27, 1962
March 3, 1962
March 6, 1962
Undated (March) 1962

March 11, 1962
March 13, 1962
April 3, 1962
April 13, 1962
April 20, 1962
April 28, 1962
May 8, 1962
May 13, 1962
May 15, 1962

May 18, 1962
May 22, 1962
Undated (end of May) 1962

 May 24, 1962
May 27, 1962


May 29, 1962
May 31, 1962

June 2, 1962
June 6, 1962
June 9, 1962
June 12, 1962
June 16, 1962
June 20, 1962
June 23, 1962
June 27, 1962
June 30, 1962
July 4, 1962
July 7, 1962
July 11, 1962
July 14, 1962
July 18, 1962
July 21, 1962
July 25, 1962
July 28, 1962

July 31, 1962
August 4, 1962
August 8, 1962
August 11, 1962
August 14, 1962
August 18, 1962
August 25, 1962
August 28, 1962
August 31, 1962

September 5, 1962
September 8, 1962


September 15, 1962
September 18, 1962
September 22, 1962
September 26, 1962
September 29, 1962
October 3, 1962
October 6, 1962
October 12, 1962
October 16, 1962
October 20, 1962
October 24, 1962
October 27, 1962
October 30, 1962
November 3, 1962
November 7, 1962
November 10, 1962
November 14, 1962
November 17, 1962
November 20, 1962
November 23, 1962
November 27, 1962
November 30, 1962
December 4, 1962
December 8, 1962
December 12, 1962
December 15, 1962
December 19, 1962
December 22, 1962
December 25, 1962
December 28, 1962



ISBN 2-902776-33-0


February 17, 1962

Are you more conscious now in your dreams, or not?

Sometimes.... Yes, yesterday there was something, but my memory of it is rather hazy.

I meet you from time to time ... in very different places. That's why I ask.

What do I do there?

All sorts of things. But quite often we are looking for ... things related to expression - sometimes images, sometimes sentences, sometimes.... I have told you I frequently meet you in a kind of library without books. It's very interesting. It is open on top, below too, and no walls; it is extremely spacious, certainly almost as vast as the earth. And there are pigeonholes that seem to hang in the air, with all kinds of things filed in them. We are often sorting through these pigeonholes to find certain texts - ideas, I mean. Ideas, explanations, sometimes memories, all kinds of things. This world is mental but very luminous and clear; full of clarity, perfectly ordered, without confusion, and all open. Wide open.

I frequently find you there.

There aren't a lot of people, it isn't crowded: a few from here, a few from there, like a place of study.

But there's probably no link with this in your consciousness; there must be gaps on the way back, so you don't remember. You receive it only as an inspiration, not through your regular continuous consciousness.

That will come, because I always.... Simply by going back and forth like that, a path is created.

The thought keeps coming to me that I will have to write a new book on Sri Aurobindo....[[Unfortunately, Satprem didn't keep Mother's reply, nor the long story she told afterwards about squabbles among certain Ashram people. Only the end of the conversation still exists. ]]



Ah, well.

Rather hard days....

A line from Savitri constantly haunts or assails me - it's when the Lord proposes that she come live a blissful life above, and she replies, "No, there are still too many battles to wage on earth."[[I climb not to thy everlasting Day ... Earth is the chosen place of mightiest souls; Earth is the heroic spirit's battlefield... Thy servitudes on earth are greater, king, Than all the glorious liberties of heaven ... Oh, to spread forth, oh to encircle and seize More hearts till love in us has filled thy world! ... Are there not still a million fights to wage? Savitri, XI,1 (Cent. Ed. XXIX.686). ]]

That went deep into me, and it returns each time difficulties arise, as if to say, "Don't complain."

And there are plenty! ...

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