ISBN 2-902776-33-0
(In connection with the preceding conversation on antidivine forces.)
I read a passage in Savitri which seems to link up exactly with what you were saying....
Ah, read it to me!
I'd rather you read it yourself, because my English.... I found it really striking - these four lines here....
(Mother reads:)
"Not only is there hope for godheads pure;
The violent and darkened deities
Leaped down from the one breast in rage to find
What the white gods had missed: they too are safe;
A Mother's eyes are on them and her arms
Stretched out in love desire her rebel sons."[[Savitri, Book X, Canto 2 (Cent. Ed. XXIX.613). ]]
Yes, that's it.
"What the white gods had missed...."
I didn't remember it. But that's it exactly. It's strange; when I read I see only what's needed at the moment. The rest seems to go unnoticed. And then as soon as it's needed, it comes back - as happened with what you just showed me.
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Yes, that's it - that's what just happened.
It's exactly like pulling open a curtain: everything is waiting there behind.
It's difficult for me to speak during these experiences because French comes to me more spontaneously, and the experiences all happen in English - Sri Aurobindo's power is so much with them....
All right, mon petit - when do I see you again?
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