Vol. 10



  January 1, 1969
January 4, 1969
January 8, 1969
January 15, 1969
January 18, 1969
January 22, 1969
January 25, 1969
January 29, 1969

February 1, 1969
February 5, 1969
February 8, 1969
February 12, 1969
February 15, 1969
February 19, 1969
February 22, 1969
February 26, 1969

March 1, 1969
March 8, 1969
March 12, 1969
March 15, 1969
March 19, 1969
March 22, 1969
March 26, 1969
March 29, 1969

April 2, 1969
April 5, 1969
April 9, 1969
April 12, 1969
April 16, 1969
April 19, 1969
April 23, 1969
April 26, 1969
April 30, 1969


May 3, 1969
May 7, 1969
May 10, 1969
May 14, 1969
May 17, 1969
May 21, 1969
May 24, 1969
May 28, 1969
May 31, 1969

June 4, 1969
June 11, 1969
June 25, 1969
June 28, 1969
July 2, 1969
July 5, 1969

July 12, 1969
July 19, 1969
July 23, 1969
July 26, 1969
July 30, 1969

August 2, 1969
August 6, 1969
August 9, 1969
August 16, 1969
August 20, 1969
August 23, 1969
August 27, 1969
August 30, 1969

September 3, 1969
September 6, 1969
September 10, 1969
September 13, 1969
September 17, 1969
September 20, 1969
September 24, 1969
September 27, 1969


October 1, 1969
October 8, 1969
October 11, 1969
October 12, 1969
October 15, 1969
October 18, 1969
October 22, 1969
October 25, 1969
October 29, 1969

November 1, 1969
November 5, 1969
November 8, 1969
November 12, 1969
November 15, 1969
November 19, 1969
November 22, 1969
November 26, 1969
November 29, 1969

December 3, 1969
December 6, 1969
December 10, 1969
December 13, 1969
December 17, 1969
December 20, 1969
December 24, 1969
December 27, 1969
December 31, 1969


ISBN 2-902776-33-0

September 17, 1969

I've written something for Auroville ....

"The earth needs a place where people can live sheltered from all national rivalries, all social conventions, all contradictory moralities and antagonistic religions. A place where, freed from all those slaveries of the past, human beings will be able to wholly dedicate themselves to the discovery and practice of the Divine Consciousness that wants to manifest.

"Auroville wants to be that place, and offers itself to all those who aspire to live tomorrow's truth."

Now things are in the habit of coming like this (Mother brings down her two arms), and they keep pestering me until I've written!

Once I write, it's over.

Then the President [[On the 14" morning, India's President Giri met Mother. On that occasion, Mother told him, "Let us all work for the greatness of India." ]] went there [to Auroville], in the afternoon, at the time of leaving, he said, "It is a work of God..." He felt something.

We'll see. Maybe we'll get somewhere - "maybe" surely.


I saw P.L. before he left, he looked a bit ... Did he tell you anything?

I saw him at length and told him what you said. He looked quite

 reassured and appeased. I told him you wanted him to stay quiet,

 not to mix with those refractory and other groups, to stay quiet

 and not to draw "their" attention. He looked quite reassured.

He was very concentrated, like someone who feels he is leaving for something important.

But I looked: he has all his hair! Aren't they tonsured anymore?

I don't know ... I think it's falling into disuse.

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He even has lots of hair! (Mother laughs)

Ah, I misled you. You asked me a question (twice, in fact) whether

 the Pope had to be elected from among cardinals. But in fact,

here is no law saying that the Pope must necessarily be elected

from among cardinals.


He's elected by the cardinals, but not necessarily from among

 themselves, there's no such law: they may choose an outsider In

 fact, in the thirteenth century, a well-known Pope, Celestine V,

was elected from among mendicant monks.

Ooh! ...

And five months after he was nominated, he abdicated - caus

ing a scandal unique in the history of the Church-and his

 successor had him imprisoned straight away. Later on, by the

way, he was canonized .... But in actual fact, since then the

cardinals have always elected the Pope from among themselves.

They're too scared!

But there's no law. They can even elect a layman, and in that

 case, rapidly give him priesthood, then nominate him bishop,

 archbishop, and so on ....

But they aren't free at all.

Not at all, they're in a prison. The example of Celestine V is quite

 symbolic. But P.L. told me one thing (which struck him very

 much, besides): the first act of this Pope, when he was nomi

nated, was to go and bow before the grave of Celestine V, the only

 Pope who abdicated.

Well, well! ...

I saw a photo of the Pope doing a full pranam [prostration] on the Mount of Olives, at a place where Christ stood ....

But I told you that I met him twice: once before his nomination and once after. We spoke, and those conversations were really interesting. The second time, before leaving, he asked me, "What

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 will you tell your disciples?" (I told you that.) Which shows he ...

I remember, I was struck by my own answer. I told him, "I will say that we were in communion in our same love for the Supreme." [[See Agenda V of December 2, 1964. ]]

Strange ... We'll see.

PL. tells me he is a very anxious man: he spends sleepless nights

 cudgeling his brains; he is impelled to carry out reforms, then

 at the last minute he'll go back on his decision. Two or three

 times he made a decision to take a step forward, and every time

 he took a step backward. In fact, he is surrounded, imprisoned

 by very powerful people. He must be in torment, this man.

We'll see.

What do you bring?

There's something that's not at all part of my role here near you,

 but I think it's urgent and I should tell you about it. It's about G.


Yes, he is struggling with death. He came to see me and explained

 everything. For two years he's been fighting against heart attacks.

He has never told anyone about it, he has immense trust in the

 Grace. He told me, "I've had wonderful experiences in which I

 called Mother, Mother came, and in a moment the danger was

 repulsed." (That recurred several times.) He told me, for instance

, that he read the February Bulletin a hundred times over and

found in it an immense help, precisely where you speak of the

 descending Presence that makes everything disappear as if it

 were unreal. But anyway, he has reached a point where his body

 has become very weak. So he's written a letter to you:

(extracts from the letter in English)

"Since about two years my health is not normal. Not only in

 abnormal condition but it is so serious that struggle is going

 between life and death. It began with a little pain in chest and

 an uneasiness in the heart. After some time it slowly affected the

 whole body so much that many a time I feel as it will collapse

 just now. At such moments I only call Mother and Her Grace

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 and as soon as I do it everything becomes all right and quite

 normal.I never consulted any doctor or tried any treatment.

 Even I did not let the people around me ever know about it, as I

 believe, from my childhood, that such attacks should not be

brought in words .... Sometimes, things happened very inexpli

cable, as more than two times I felt some force entering in my

body to bring its end at once. But as I was always ready to face

 it with the call for the Grace every time it was forced to leave me

 enveloping with Grace. One night (mostly attacks come at night)

 I saw a woman aged forty or forty-five with dreadful face decla

ring, 'I am Death and have come to take you. Now you cannot

 escape.' But I do not know how it happened that I got up and

 sat in my bed, challenging her with the Call of Mother and Her

 Grace. On this, the woman laughed making her face at me and

 to my surprise I heard her laugh with my physical ears and saw

 her with my physical eyes. But Mother, she disappeared in no

time as soon as Grace's presence was there and I found myself

 again in full strength, surrounded with Grace and Grace only.

 In this struggle I also have the experience of my real 'I' in the

 heart of the Mother with infinite strength. I found Mother's Pre

sence - no, Mother Herself - hours and hours with me (behind or

 front). Also I saw Mother in Her quite young body, so much

different that for a moment I could not recognize Mother but

 Mother took me in Her Lap with immense Love ... ...

(after a long silence)

This woman, did he see her with open or closed eyes?

With wide open eyes.

Then it's in the subtle physical. Did she look like someone he knows?

I don't know.

(Mother goes into a

 long contemplation)

I'll see .... We'll try .... In a few days, ask him to come and see you to tell you how he feels.

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