Prayers And Meditations


Enlarge Edition - 1948




Pre Contents



November 2

November 3

November 19



December 2

December 3

December 5

December 7

December 10

December 11




February 5

February 8

February 10

February 12

March 13

May 11

June 15

June 17

June 18

June 27

July 21

July 23

August 2

August 8

August 15

August 16

August 17

October 7

November 22

November 25

November 28

November 29

December 13

December 16



December 29






January 1

January 2

January 3

January 4

January 5

January 6

January 7

January 8

January 9

January 10

January 11

January 12

January 13

January 19

January 24

January 29

January 30

January 31





May 2

May 3

May 4

May 9

May 10

May 12

May 13

May 15

May 16

May 17

May 18

May 19

May 20

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 24

May 25

May 26

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 31








August 2

August 3

August 4

August 5

August 6

August 8

August 9

August 11

August 13

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 20

August 21

August 24

August 25

August 26

August 27

August 28

August 29

August 31






September 1

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 9

September 10

September 13

September 14

September 16

September 17

September 20

September 22


September 24

September 25

September 28

September 30




October 5

October 6

October 7

October 8

October 10

October 11

October 12

October 14

October 16

October 17

October 23

October 25



November 3

November 8

November 9

November 10

November 15

November 16

November 17

November 20

November 21






December 4

December 10

December 12

December 15

December 22




January 2

January 11

January 17

January 18

January 24

February 15

March 3

March 4

March 7

March 8

April 19

May 24

July 31

November 2

November 7

November 26





January 15

January 22

January 23

June 7

November 28

December 4

December 5

December 7

December 8

December 9

December 10

December 12

December 14

December 20

December 21

December 24

December 25

December 26

December 27

December 29

December 30






January 4

January 5

January 6

January 8

January 10

January 14

January 19

January 23

January 25

January 29

March 27

March 30

March 31

April 1

April 7

April 9

April 10

April 28

July 13

September 24

A few days later

October 15

November 25



1918 - 1937

July 12, 1918

October 10, 1918

September 3, 1919

June 22, 1920

May 6, 1927

December 28, 1928



November 24, 1931

October 23, 1937





October 5, 1914


IN the calm silence of Thy contemplation, O Divine Master, Nature is fortified and tempered anew. All principle of individuality is overpassed, she is plunged in Thy infinity that allows oneness to be realised in all domains without confusion, without disorder. The combined harmony of that which persists, that which progresses and that which eternally is, is little by little accomplished in an always more complex, more extended and more lofty equilibrium. And this interchange of the three modes of life allows the plenitude of the manifestation.

Many seek Thee at this hour in anguish and incertitude. May I be their mediator with Thee that Thy Light may illumine them, that Thy Peace may appease.

My being is now only a point of support for Thy action and a centre for Thy consciousness. Where

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now are the limits, whither have fled the obstacles? Thou art the sovereign Lord of Thy kingdom,


October 6, 1914


O SWEET Mother, Thou must teach me to be Thyself integrally and constantly, entirely consecrated to giving a more and more perfect means of expression to That which wills to manifest itself.

All is calm and serene, no longer any struggle, any anguish, the aspiration itself becomes sovereignly peaceful in its immensity, but without losing anything of its intensity, and by a curious opposition in the consciousness like the obverse and reverse of a medal, my being perceives at once the immutable serenity of the infinite Reality in which all eternally is without any possible change, and the ardent and rapid advance of all that unceasingly becomes in an uninterrupted progression...And both are equally true for Thee, O Lord.


October 7, 1914


OH, let Light be poured on all the earth and Peace inhabit every heart .'...Almost all know only the material life, heavy, inert, conservative,

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obscure; their vital forces are so tied to this physical form of existence that even when left to themselves and outside the body, they are still solely occupied with these material contingencies that are yet so harassing and painful... Those in whom the mental life is awakened are restless, tormented, agitated, arbitrary, despotic. Caught altogether in the whirl of the renewals and transformations of which they dream, they are ready to destroy everything without knowledge of any foundation on which to construct, and so with their light made only of blinding flashes they increase yet more the confusion rather than help it to cease.

In all there lacks the unchanging peace of Thy sovereign contemplation and the calm vision of Thy" immutable eternity.

And with the infinite gratitude of the individual being to whom Thou hast accorded this surpassing grace, I implore Thee, O Lord, that under cover of the present turmoil, in the very heart of this extreme confusion, the miracle may be accomplished and that Thy law of supreme serenity and pure unchanging Light become visible to the perception of all and govern the earth in a humanity at last awakened to Thy consciousness.

O sweet Master, Thou hast heard my prayer, Thou wilt reply to my call.

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October 8, 1914


THE joy present to us in activity is compensated and counterpoised by the perhaps still greater joy that we feel in withdrawal from all activity, when the two states alternate in the being or even when they are simultaneously conscious, the bliss becomes complete, for Thy plenitude, O Lord, is realised.

O divine Master, Thou hast given me the infinitude of divine contemplation and the perfect serenity of Thy Eternity, and by an identification with our divine Mother, the All-Fulfiller, Thou hast granted that I may participate in Her sovereign power of being at once conscious and active. .,

In the all-powerful bliss of Thy infinitude, I salute Thee!


October 10, 1914


MAY the offering of my being be constantly renewed and become more and more integral —the offering to the Supreme Reality which is Unthinkable and impossible to formulate, but which, in time, expresses itself eternally in a more and more complete and perfect manifestation. O Thou, whom I cannot name but whose will I perceive in the supreme silence and in a total surrender, let me be the representative of the whole earth, so that

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united with my consciousness, she may give herself to Thee without reserve.

Thou art the perfect peace, the marvellous accomplishment; Thou art all that the universe is, immutably, beyond time, and wills to be more and more in the consciousness of time and space. Thou art all that is in the infinite immobility and the divine hope of all that wills to be...O Lord, dispense to the world Thy unbelievable boons.

Peace, peace upon all the earth.


October 11, 1914


WHY this persistent impression with its tinge of uneasiness and expectancy? The being, wholly turned towards Thee, lives in the beatitude of the divine communion; all is calm, serene, strong, sovereignly peaceful; all is light in widened horizons, and, in a silent contemplation, devotion has become stilt more intense. What then is this sensation which is as if grafted on the being and looks like a warning to a consciousness insufficiently awakened in the material realm?

I ask, O Lord, and yet I know that if it is necessary for me to become aware of the reason of it, Thou hast already told it to me and it is only my incapacity that keeps from me the knowledge. Or else it is neither useful nor even helpful that I should

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know it, and in that case there will be no reply to my question.

But the peace is becoming still more sovereign, and it is in an infinite harmony that the being takes. on its supreme amplitude.

O Lord, with what fervour I salute Thee!


October 12, 1914


IT was their pain and suffering that my physical being was feeling, O Lord. When will ignorance dissolve ? When will sorrow cease? O Lord, grant that each element of the universe may become conscious of its principle of being, and, instead of disappearing, transform itself, may the veils of egoistic blindness hiding Thee be removed, and mayst Thou appear resplendent in a total manifestation. All is there eternally in Thy absolute silence, but it is through an infinite progression that it is manifested in the whole consciousness.


October 14, 1914


MOTHER Divine, thou art with us; every day thou givest me the assurance and, closely united in an identity that grows more and more

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total, more and more constant, "we" turn to the Lord of the universe and to That which is beyond in a great aspiration towards the new Light. All the Earth is in our arms like a sick child who must be cured and for whom one has a special affection because of his very weakness. Cradled on the immensity of the eternal becomings, ourselves those becomings, we contemplate, hushed and glad, the eternity of the immobile Silence where all is realised in the perfect Consciousness and immutable Existence, miraculous gate of all the unknown that is beyond.

Then is the veil torn, the inexpressible Glory uncovered, and, suffused with the ineffable Splendour, we turn back towards the world to bring it the glad tidings.

Lord, thou hast given me the happiness infinite... What being, what circumstances can have the power to take it away from me?


October 16, 1914


THY will is that I should be like a channel always open, always more wide, so that Thy forces may pour their abundance into the world... O Lord, may Thy will be done! Am I not Thy Will and Thy Consciousness in a supreme bliss ?

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And the being enlarges itself immeasurably to 'become as vast as the universe.


October 17, 1914


O DIVINE Mother, the obstacles will be surmounted and the enemies appeased. Thou wilt reign over all the earth with Thy sovereign love, and the consciousness of men will be full of the light of Thy serenity.

This is the promise.


October 23, 1914


O LORD, the whole being is ready and calls Thee that Thou mayst take possession of Thy own; of what use is an instrument if the Master will not use it? And whatever the mode of manifestation, it will be well, from the most modest, the most obscure, the most material, outwardly the most limited, to the most vast, the most brilliant, the most powerful and the most intellectual.

The whole being is ready and waits, in a passive silence, till Thou wiliest to manifest Thyself.

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October 25, 1914


MY aspiration to Thee, O Lord, has taken the form of a beautiful rose, harmonious, full in bloom, rich in fragrance. I stretch it out to Thee with both arms in a gesture of offering and I ask of Thee: If my understanding is limited, widen it; if my knowledge is obscure, enlighten it; if my heart is empty of ardour, set it aflame; if my love is insignificant, make it intense; if my feelings are ignorant and egoistic, give them the full consciousness in the Truth. And the "I" which demands this of Thee, O Lord, is not a little personality lost amidst thousands of others, it is the whole earth that aspires to Thee in a movement full of fervour.

In the perfect silence of my contemplation all widens to infinity, and in the perfect peace of that silence Thou appearest in the resplendent glory of Thy Light.

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