Prayers And Meditations
Enlarge Edition - 1948
1914 January
1918 - 1937
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September I, 1914
O MOTHER Divine, with what fervour, what ardent love I came to Thee in Thy deepest consciousness, in Thy high status of sublime love and perfect felicity, and I nestled so close into Thy arms and loved Thee with so intense a love that I became altogether Thyself. Then in the silence of our mute ecstasy a voice from yet profounder depths arose and the voice said, "Turn towards those who have need of thy love." All the grades of consciousness appeared, all the successive worlds. Some were splendid and luminous, well ordered and clear, there Knowledge was resplendent. Expression was harmonious and vast. Will was potent and invincible. Then the worlds darkened in a multiplicity more and more chaotic, the Energy became violent and the material world obscure and sorrowful. And when in our infinite love " we " perceived in its entirety the hideous suffering of the world of misery and ignorance, when "we" saw our children locked in a sombre struggle, flung upon each other Page - 184 by energies that had deviated from their true aim, "we " willed ardently that the light of Divine Love should be made manifest, a transfiguring force at the centre of these distracted elements....Then, that the Will might be yet more powerful and effective, " we " turned towards Thee, O unthinkable Supreme, and "we" implored Thy aid. And from the unsounded depths of the Unknown a reply came sublime and formidable and " we " knew that the earth was saved.
September 4, 1914
DARKNESS has descended upon earth, dense, ^'^ violent, victorious...All is sorrow, panic and destruction in the physical world, and the splendour of the light of Thy love seems darkened by a veil of mourning... O sweet Mother, I melt into Thee with an immense love, in an intense supplication to the Lord of all things, that He may show us our route, that He may trace the path of His work, so that we may walk boldly upon it. Time presses: O Lord, the powers divine must come to the succour of the anguished earth. O Mother, sweet Mother, Thou claspest all Thy children to the vastness of Thy breast and Thou envelopest them all with an equal love. Page - 185 I have become the purifying fire of Thy love. O Lord, O silent Unthinkable, accept the holocaust of this brazier of love so that Thy reign may come. Thy light may triumph over darkness and over death. Manifest Thy power. From day to day, from hour to hour we implore Thee: "O Lord, manifest Thy power."
TURN and face the danger!". Thou hast said to me, "Why dost thou wish to turn thy look away or-fly far from action, away from the fight, into a profound contemplation of Truth? It is its integral manifestation that has to be realised, it is its victory over all the obstacles of blind ignorance and obscure hostility. Look straight at the danger and it will vanish before the Power." O Lord, I have understood the weakness of this most external nature which is always ready to surrender to Matter and to escape, as a compensation, into a supreme intellectual and spiritual independence. But Thou expectest from us action, and action does not allow of such an attitude. It is not enough to triumph in the inner worlds, we must triumph even in the most material worlds. -We must not run away from the difficulty or the obstacle because we have the power to do so by taking shelter in the consciousness Page - 186 where there are no longer any obstacles....We must look the danger straight in the face, with a faith in Thy Omnipotence and Thy Omnipotence will triumph. Give me integrally the heart of a fighter, O Lord, and Thy victory is sure. "To conquer at any cost" must be the present motto. Not because we are attached to the work and its results, not because we are in need of such an action, not because we are incapable of escaping from all contingencies. But because such is Thy command to us. But because the time has come for Thy triumph upon earth. But because Thou wiliest an integral victory. And in an infinite love for the world...let us fight
September 6, 1914
HIGHER, always higher! Let us never be satisfied with what is accomplished, let us not stop at any realisation, let us march always, without stopping, energetically, towards a more and more complete realisation, towards an ever higher and more total consciousness...The victory of yesterday must be only a stepping stone to the victory of tomorrow, and the power of the morrow a weakness in comparison with the effectivity to come. O divine Mother, Thy march is triumphal and uninterrupted. He who unites with Thee in an integral Page - 187 love journeys unceasingly towards vaster and vaster horizons, towards a completer and completer realisation, leaping from peak to peak in the splendour of Thy light, to the conquest of the marvellous secrets of the Unknown and their integral manifestation. O divine Victor, all earth sings Thy praise and all forces will obey Thee. For the Lord has said, "The hour has come." And all obstacles will be surmounted.
THE world is divided into two contrary forces which struggle for supremacy, and both are equally opposed to Thy law, O Lord; for Thou wiliest neither mortal stagnation nor blind destruction. It is in a constant, progressive and luminous transformation that Thou expresses! Thyself, and it is this we have to establish on the earth if we would manifest Thy will. Sometimes our impatience wants to know immediately the means of this manifestation. But our impatience is vain and receives no response. For the knowledge will come at the opportune moment, at the moment of action. So it is with the thought at rest and the realising will calm and strong that we await the sign Thou wilt give us. Page - 188
THY love is like a rising tide, invading the whole being and over flooding all things. Lord, Thy love will penetrate into all hearts and generate in them the divine flame which cannot be extinguished, the divine beauty which cannot be marred, and, above all contrasts and contraries, it v/ill establish in all that unchanging Bliss which is the supreme good. Thy light is like a rising tide, invading the whole being and over flooding all things. Lord, Thy light will penetrate into all thoughts and generate in them the sovereign clarity which never wavers, the divine clairvoyance which is never mistaken, and, above all contrasts and contraries, it will establish in all the splendour of Thy knowledge, which is supreme wisdom. Thy force is like a rising tide, invading the whole being and over flooding all things. Lord, Thy force will penetrate into all life and generate in it the effective power which never fails, the divine might which is invincible, and, above all contrasts and contraries, it will establish in all Thy mastering energy which is supreme will.
WITH fervour I salute Thee, O divine Mother, and with deep feeling I identify myself with Thee. Page - 189 United with our divine Mother, I turn towards Thee, O Lord, and I salute Thee in a mute adoration, in an ardent aspiration I identify myself with Thee. Then all becomes a marvellous Silence, Being is absorbed in Non-Being, all is suspended, held still and immutable. How to express the inexpressible?
THERE is no longer any I, any individuality, any personal limitations. There is only the immense universe, our sublime Mother, burning with the ardent fire of purification in Thy honour,. O Lord, divine Master, sovereign Will, so that this Will may no longer meet with any obstacles in its realisation. It is an immense canticle of fervent love and exultation that rises towards Thee, O Lord, and the whole earth in an ineffable ecstasy unites herself with Thee. May Thy powerful breath feed the brazier, so that it may become more and more vast and formidable and that all darkness and blind resistances may be absorbed, burned up, transfigured into Light in the marvellous flame of purification. O the pacifying splendour of Thy purification! Page - 190
LISTEN to the voice that rises, listen to the chant that mounts to salute Thy divine Dawn. May the supreme law be accomplished; whether it is universal and eternal existence or re-absorption in the Non-Being, it matters little. Must we choose between the two? I cannot do it; in my consciousness there is no longer any preference and a single will persists: Thine, O Ineffable. And the whole universe is no longer aught else than a more and more vast and harmonious chant arising to salute Thy divine Dawn.
NO longer can any impulse to action come from outside or from any particular world. It is Thou, O Lord, who settest all in motion from the depths of the being; it is Thy will that directs. Thy force that acts; and no longer on the limited field of a small individual consciousness, but on the universal field of a consciousness which, in each state of being, is united to all. And the being has at once the conscious perception of all the universal movements in their complexity, and even in their confusion, and the silent and perfect peace of Thy sovereign immutability. Page - 191
MY pen is mute, for my thought is silent, but my heart aspires to Thee, O Lord, uniting Thee with our divine Mother in the same love, the same veneration. And through Thee the whole being strains towards the Ineffable, and beyond the being, even beyond the silence, that unites with That.
O LORD, Thou who art on the threshold of the Unknowable, I salute Thee! And is this not there. Thy salutation to Thyself,. in the Unthinkable Essence of the Being, in its immeasurable depths and even to its most external realisations? For the Being it is Thou, whatever its mode of existence and the Unthinkable Eternal, that too is Thou in Thy essence. And this integral consciousness Thou hast made ours, so that we may be Thou, not only in the fact, but also in consciousness and effectivity. And thus all is an interchange and salutation full of love and joyous adoration, in an ardent aspiration of our Mother towards Thee and an infinite and powerful response from Thee to our Mother, and finally of the totality of Thyself towards all that is not yet manifested, towards all the Unknowable which we shall know more and more, Page - 192 better and better, but which will ever remain the Unknowable. In the absolute silence all is, now and eternally; in the universal manifestation all will be in a perpetual becoming. In the perfection of the consciousness and the integral life, the being sings a canticle of gladness for That which at once is and eternally will be. Hail to Thee, O Master of the world, art Thou not the intermediary between what is and what will be, being at the same time both what is and what will be? O marvellous Immensity, at once perceptible and indefinable, in an integral illumination, I salute Thee.
HOW present Thou art amongst us, O beloved Mother! It seems as if Thou wouldst assure us of Thy complete support and show us that the Will which would manifest itself through us has found instruments capable of realising its Law by putting it into a complete accord with Thy present possibilities. And the things which appeared most difficult, most improbable, and perhaps even most impossible, become wholly realisable, since Thy Presence assures us that lie material world itself is prepared to manifest the new form of the Will and the Law. Page - 193 In the joyful plenitude of a perfect harmony I :salute Thee—Thee and Thy works and Principle.
O DIVINE and adorable Mother, with Thy help what is there that is impossible? The hour of realisation is near and Thou hast assured us of Thy aid that we may perform integrally the supreme Will. Thou hast accepted us as fit intermediaries between the unthinkable realities and the relativities of the physical world, and Thy constant presence in our midst is a token of Thy active collaboration. The Lord has willed and Thou dost execute: A new light shall break upon the earth, A new world shall be born, And the things that were announced shall be fulfilled.
MY pen is mute to chant Thy presence, O Lord, yet art Thou like a king who has taken entire possession of his kingdom. Thou art there, organising, putting all in place, developing and increasing every province. Thou awakenest those that were asleep, Page - 194 Thou makest active those that were sinking towards inertia; Thou art building a harmony out of the whole. A day will come when the harmony shall be achieved and all the country shall be, by its very life, the bearer of Thy word and Thy manifestation. But meanwhile my pen is mute to chant Thy praise.
September 3O, 1914
O LORD, Thou hast thrown down the barriers of thought and the realisation has appeared in all its amplitude. Not to forget any of its aspects, to carry on their accomplishment in a simultaneous movement, without neglecting any of them, not to allow any limitation, any restriction to intervene on the way an^ retard our advance, that is what Thou wilt help us to do by Thy supreme intervention. And all those who are Thyself, manifesting Thee in the perfection of some special activity, will also be our collaborators, since such is Thy Will. Our Divine Mother is with us and has promised us identification with the supreme and total Consciousness, from the unfathomable depths to the most external world of sense. And in all these domains Agni assures us of the co-operation of his purifying flame, destroying the obstacles, kindling the energies, stimulating the will, so that the realisation may be hastened. Indra is with us to perfect Page - 195 the illumination in our knowledge, and the divine Soma has transformed us into his infinite, sovereign, marvellous love, that begets the supreme beatitudes. O divine and sweet Mother, I salute Thee with a depth of feeling, rapt and ineffable, and a limitless confidence. O splendid Agni, Thou who art so living in me, I call Thee, I invoke Thee that Thou mayst be still more living, that Thy brazier may become more immense, Thy flames more high and powerful, and that my whole being may no longer be aught else than an ardent conflagration, a purifying pyre. O Indra, I revere Thee and admire, and I implore Thee that Thou mayst unite with me, that Thou mayst break down all the barriers of thought and bestow upon me the divine knowledge. O Thou, sublime Love, to whom I have never given any other name, but who art so completely the essence of my being. Thou whom I feel vibrating and living in the least of my atoms, as in the infinite universe and beyond. Thou who breathest in every breath, who art at the heart of every action, who art the light of all good-will, who art hidden behind all sufferings. Thou for whom I cherish a limitless adoration which goes on intensifying itself, grant that, more and more legitimately, I may feel myself to be wholly Thou! And Thou, O Lord, who art all that in one and yet much more. Thou sovereign Master, extreme limit of our thought, who standest for us on the Page - 196 threshold of the Unknown, let some new splendour surge out of that Unthinkable, some possibility of & higher and more integral realisation, so that Thy •work may be accomplished and the universe may take one more step forward towards the sublime identification, the supreme manifestation. And now my pen becomes mute and I adore Thee in silence. Page - 197 |