Book Eleven. The Book of Everlasting Day
Book Eleven: Canto I The Eternal Day: the Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation
A marvellous sun
looked down from ecstasy’s skies Savitri is in a realm of marvels.A wonderful sun earns down from skies of ecstasy upon worlds of deathless bliss, home of perfection, where the smile of the Eternal is constantly unfolded in its magic, captivating his inner heart-beats of delight.
God’s everlasting
day surrounded her,
Her body quivered
with eternity’s touch,
Infinity’s finite
fronts she lived in, new 8 Alternative: "Were there". The everlasting day of God surrounds Savitri. Domains of eternal light flooding all Nature with the joy of the Absolute appear. Savitri’s body quivers with eternity’s touch; her soul stands close to the springs of the infinite. She lives in the finite projections of infinity which are ever new to a sight that is everlasting.
Eternity multiplied
its vast self-look Eternity looks at itself again and again and in so doing, renders its endless might and joy into a delight that the souls at play with Time (involved in the movement of Time) can share. It reveals itself in splendid greatnesses constantly thrown up from the unknown depths of its being, in powers leaping immortally from the unknown heights of its being, in intense heart-beats of an undying love, in scenes of a sweetness that is ever fresh.
Immortal to the
rapturous heart and eyes, Cloudless skies, of deep sapphire-blue, curve down from the dream-vasts of Wonder; set in frames of translucent calm, they are immortal to the beholding rapturous heart and eyes; the measureless touches the eyes which bear the absolute ray without any strain and see in that light the immortal clarifies of form.
Twilight and mist
were exiles from that air,
Firm in the bosom of
immensity Both twilight and mist are banished from this air. Night cannot he in such radiant heavens. Cradled in this immensity are spiritual breadths profoundly born from some still beauty of creative bliss.
Embodied thoughts to
sweet dimensions held Thoughts take forms in happy dimensions to satisfy, as it were, some casual need in the divine peace around. By their happy embodiment they answer the deep demand of an infinite sense and fulfil its need for forms to contain its formless thrill.
A march of universal
power in Time, A pageant of the universal power in Time, a harmonious order of the vasts of the self in cyclic patterns and rhythmic planes, upholds the play of a cosmic rapture in an endless game of the figurations of the spirit in things planned by the divine Artist who has dreamed the worlds into existence.
Of all the beauty
and the marvel here, Eternity is the source and the substance of all; he beauty and the marvel, all the complex variety of Time reigning here. They are not moulded from the mist of Matter; they throw hints of their depths and reveal the great series of the powers contained in them.
Arisen beneath a
triple mystic heaven Below the mystic heaven of Satchidananda are seen in their truth the seven immortal planes (based upon the eternal principles of Existence, Consciousness, Bliss, Truth-Consciousness. Mind, Life, Matter). These are the homes where dwell the blessed ones released from death and sleep, where neither grief nor any pang can conic from the self-lost and seeking worlds Wow to affect the unchanging quietude of the Heaven-nature, alter its eternal calm, its poise of immutable ecstasy,
Plains lay that
seemed the expanse of God’s wide sleep, Plains lie like an expanse of God’s sleep. Thought soars up towards the vast repose of heaven lost in contemplation in the blue deeps of immortality.
A changed earth-nature felt the breath of peace.
Air seemed an ocean
of felicity There is a changed earth-nature which fuels the breath of peace. The whole air seems to be an ocean of felicity or the bed of the unknown spiritual rest; it is a vast quietude swallowing up all sound into a silence of sheer bliss. Even Matter brings an intimate touch of the spirit. All thrills with the indwelling presence of the one Divine.
The lowest of these
earths was still a heaven Even the lowest of these earths (planes) is still a heaven rendering the beauty and brightness of earthly scenes into a splendour of divine things.
Eternal mountains
ridge on gleaming ridge Against the blue skies arc seen ridge upon ridge of eternal mountains, etching as it were the borders of the lustrous noon of heaven, climbing like serried temple stairs; and from their peaks of meditation — which has no limit of ascension – they hear below the approach of a blue pilgrim multitude and listen to a great voice of arrival of the wide travel hymn of the timeless seas of creation.
A chanting crowd
from mountain bosoms slipped A joyous singing company emerges from the bosoms of the mountains and fleets past fragrant branches, hurrying through sweet tracts with revelling leaps. Softly murmuring, rivers of felicity ripple divinely; eddies of desires with voices of honey mingle with sister-eddies of delight. Then these rivers broaden to the rhythm of the calmly intoning muse and flow whispering down the many shining dream-estuaries into calm lakes of liquefied peace.
On a brink held of
senseless ecstasy By the banks of the rivers of sound are seated meditating souls, motionless, as if they are sculptured, on a brink of un-sensuous ecstasy, in an undisturbed eternal contemplation, in unchanging poises of pure solidified bliss.
Around her lived the
children of God’s day All around Savitri are the children of the eternal day of God living in ineffable felicity which is never lost, in the ease of the immortal — the blissful company of a happy eternity.
Around, the
deathless nations moved and spoke, All around deathless nations move and speak. There are souls of radiant celestial joy, visages of sheer beauty, limbs of the divine Ray of Light moulded in form. Bright forms, luminous tribes of eternity are seen in cities cut out like gems of living stone, on wonderful pastures and on sparkling coasts.
Above her rhythming
godheads whirled the spheres, Above her, Savitri beholds godheads in rhythmic play whirling the spheres, the moving self-rapt fixities blindly sought in huge orbits by our stars which ever miss their objectives.
Ecstatic voices
smote at hearing’s chords, Blissful voices strike the ear; each movement gives rise to its unique music. Birds with plumage of exquisite hues sit upon ever-fresh boughs and sing thrillingly.
Immortal fragrance
packed the quivering breeze, Immortal flagrance fills the wafting breeze. Flowers — the countless children of the eternal spring — bloom in groves that look like heaving bosoms and quivering depths: like innumerable stars of delightful hues sheltering in their green sky of grass, these faery flower-crowds look out with merry laughing eyes.
A dancing chaos, an
iridescent sea It is a veritable glowing sea of flowers, a dancing chaos, eternally watched by the unblinking eye of Heaven. Such rich glowing petals with their marvellous tints often flow across closed eyelids in dreams.
Immortal harmonies
filled her listening ear; Immortal harmonies fill Savitri’s listening ear. A great spontaneous speech of the heights comes borne on the huge wings of a rhythmic grandeur, pouring, from sonic deep spiritual fount of sound, notes quivering with the secrets of the gods.
A spirit wandered
happily in the wind, A spirit moves happily in the wind; a spirit broods in the leaf and stone. Voices of instruments that are conscious in thought wander close to a living edge of silence; and from some deep tongue of things speaking without words, rise chantings that are unfathomable and ineffable, rendering the Unknown into a voice.
A climber on the
invisible stair of sound, Living behind the few old striving notes that emanate From transient, earthly strings, music aspires to climb the unseen stair of sound. It chances its ever new notes without count in a thrill of unexpected discovery it keeps alive its old ecstasies as a growing treasure in the mystic heart of things.
A consciousness that
yearned through every cry Through every cry of virgin attraction and desire a consciousness yearns. It finds the depths but is not satisfied and searches them again and again as if hunting in some deep secret heart to find a lost or missing felicity.
In those far-lapsing
symphonies she could hear In these rising and lapsing symphonies from afar, impinging upon her through the enchanted and ravished senses, Savitri hears the lyric of a divine soul’s voyage through the froth and ebullience of celestial waters, experiencing with its prow the delight of innocent magical isles, adventuring without danger to lands where enticing wonder sounds its attractive notes from symmetrical rocks in foaming seas.
In the harmony of an
original sight In the harmony of the pristine, original vision freed from our limiting ray of mental thought, freed from the unwillingness of our blinded hearts to recognise and embrace the Godhead in whatever disguise or form, Savitri beholds all Nature, wonderful without blemish.
Invaded by beauty’s
universal revel What would be suffering here, was fiery bliss. Savitri’s being is overcome by the universal play of beauty and its vibrations spread out far to unite deeply with other forms which are experienced as its own outer selves. And the tireless subtle touches of heaven force intense raptures — which are more than what earth’s life can bear — upon her heart’s chords that are made pure to grasp all tones of bliss. What would be suffering on earth is felt here as a fiery bliss.
All here but
passionate hint and mystic shade Everything that is on earth is only a passionate hint and a mystic shade of things yet to be realised. This is glimpsed by the inner seer who perceives that the spirit of bliss in sensuous objects yields more sweetness than is deemed possible at present.
The mighty signs of
which earth fears the stress, The mighty signs of bliss at whose impact the earth fears and trembles because she is unable to understand them and hence keeps them hidden in strange and profound forms, are here the first words of an infinite mind rendering the language of eternal bliss.
Here rapture was a
common incident; Here rapture is commonplace. Our human pleasure is but a fallen thread of the seized thrill of that rapture whose enchanting beauty lives in symbol figures, as a casual decoration, sewn on the splendid brocade of the dress of the Deity.
Things fashioned
were the imaged homes where mind Here the mind takes deep physical joy in all forms; the heart is a flare lighted from infinity — it has the luminous nature of infinity; all the limbs are vibrant congealments, self-modifications of the soul.
These were the first
domains, the outer courts These are the initial domains, the outer courts; they are immense but their range and their value is the least in this world; the ecstasies here are the least of the ecstasies of the immortal gods.
Higher her swing of
vision swept and knew,
Endless aspired the
climbing of those heavens; Savitri’s vision soars higher and perceives more. She is admitted through large azure opening gates into a wide realm of a light beyond the first domains. These expanses, however, are but magnificent doors to worlds that are still more noble, yet more fair in their felicity. These heavens climb endlessly in their aspiration. Savitri beholds realm after realm as her sight soars.
Then on what seemed
one crown of the ascent Then she beholds on what looks like one summit of ascent where the finite and the infinite join, the strong, unassailable seats of the immortal gods who live for a celestial joy and preside over the intermediate regions of the ever-new Radiance of Truth.
Great forms of
deities sat in deathless tiers, The deities with their magnificent forms are seen seated in immortal rows. Their eyes with their unborn gaze lean towards her through a transparent veil of pure, bright fire.
In the beauty of
bodies wrought from rapture’s lines, Heaven’s cup-bearers go round bearing the Eternal’s celestial wine. Beautiful are their bodies formed out of rapture; they are shapes of bewitching sweetness that holds the bliss still; their feet glimmer upon the sun-bright courts of the mind.
A tangle of bright
bodies, of moved souls The golden-bosomed Apsaras — celestial nymphs — are seen in intricate patterns of bright bodies, their sensitive souls experiencing an intimate and intertwined delight; their lives pass harmoniously joined for ever in the intense oneness of a mystic joy, as if they were so many sun-beams turned living and divine.
In groves flooded
from an argent disk of bliss These Apsaras circle arm in arm in moonlit revels of the heart, in ever-new motions of intoxicated innocence, knowing their riotous movements for a dance of God. In groves that are floodlit by the silvery moon floating through a luminous azure dream-sky, dressed in could-like raimen’s lit with golden limbs and shining footfalls they tread the faery lawns.
Impeccable artists
of unerring forms, There are the Gandharvas — the celestial musicians —, faultless artists of exact forms, magician builders of sound and harmonic words; heavenly minstrels with wind-like hair, chant odes that give rise to and shape universal thought, recite lines that tear away the veil from the face of the Deity and rhythms that bring to the ear the sounds of wisdom’s sea.
Immortal figures and
illumined brows, There are also seen our great ancestors moving in those splendours, immortal figures with illumined brows. They wield endless power and are content with the light of knowledge they have. They enjoy the essence of all for which we mortals strive.
High seers, moved
poets saw the eternal thoughts There are the high seers, inspired poets who see the eternal thoughts that journeying front the higher regions arrive to us in shape that are deformed by our restless search for them, deceived by our mind that coats them with its own stuff — like gods disfigured in the throes of earthly birth. The great words of these seers and poets dwindle into weak sounds when they are caught by mortal tongue for the rapture is too difficult for men to express.
The strong who stumble and sin were calm proud gods.
lightning-filled with glory and with flame, The strong who stumble in their defiance and sin without compunction on earth are here seen as calm proud gods.Savitri’s human nature is overwhelmed by heaven’s delight. tier nature is filled with fashes of glory and flame; it melts in waves of sympathy and sight; it is struck like a harp that throbs to the bliss of others it is drawn upwards by cords of unknown ecstasies. She beholds and bears the immortal eyes of unveiled love whose clasp and gaze are denied to earth.
More climbed above,
level to level reached, Worlds after worlds reveal themselves on soaring heights which are ineffable, beyond the reach of mind. They spread out infinitely crowning, as it were, the rising stair of Nature.
There was a greater
tranquil sweetness there,
There breath carried
a stream of seeing mind, A greater, calm sweetness reigns here. It is the field of an ether that is more subtle and more profound, a scheme that is mightier than the most heavenly scheme one can imagine. Here breath is a flowing stream of the seeing mind (the mind that sees as it thinks); form is a thin, fragile raiment of the soul instead of being its obscuring veil; colour is a significant, visual tone of ecstasy, — each degree of ecstasy has its own hue.
Shapes seen half
immaterial by the gaze
The high perfected
sense illumined lived Shapes arc seen in their half-subtle. form; and yet they yield concrete sensuous delight, making the indwelling spirit sensible to touch. The sense is perfected, illumined and is content to wait upon the inner Ray. Each feeling is a mighty issue of the Eternal. Each thought vibrates with a sweet lime of god.
Air was a luminous
feeling, sound a voice,
On a wide living
base of wordless calm The air is vibrant with a luminous soul-feeling; sound carries a soul-voice; sunlight is a vision of the soul and moonlight its dream. All is a potent and a lucid joy on the vast living base of speechless calm.
Into those heights
her spirit went floating up Savitri’s spirit goes floating high into these summits, like a soaring bird climbing unseen and voicing his vibrant heart of melody to the ascent till the wings close with a last contented cry and he is silent with the impulsion of his soul discharged and his heart’s burden of delight delivered.
Experience mounted
on joy’s coloured breast
There Time dwelt
with Eternity as one; Her experience mounts up in spiral flights on the many-hued breast of joy to spheres that are normally inaccessible. Here where she arrives, Time companions Eternity, vast felicity is one with self-rapt repose.
As one drowned in a
sea of splendour and bliss Like one drowned in a sea of splendour and bliss, dumb in the labyrinth of these astonishing worlds, Savitri turns and sees their living knot and source, the source of their charm, the fount of their delight, She perceives him — who is the source of all — as the very same Being who holds our lives in a snare, caught in his fearful pitiless net, who turns the entire universe into his prison camp, who makes the stars circle in vain in his immense and vacant vases, who makes death the end of every human road and pays grief and pain as the wages of mans toil in the world.
One whom her soul
had faced as Death and Night Transfigured was the formidable shape. She finds that he whom her soul had confronted as Death and Night is here the one in whose limbs all sweetness is packed. In the contemplation of his beauty her heart becomes blind even to the beauty of the suns. The formidable shape of Death is completely transformed.
His darkness and his
sad destroying might A secret splendour arises and reveals itself where the vast embodied Void had been seen before; it abolishes for ever his darkness and sad destroying power and discloses the mystery of his high and violent deeds.
Night the dim mask had grown a wonderful face.
The vague infinity
was slain whose gloom The dim mask of Night has changed into a wonderful face. Slain is that vague infinity whose gloom had sketched the obscure calamitous figure of a god from some terrible Unknown; gone is the error that is the instrument of grief; lighted is the ignorant gulf whose empty deeps had lent a dreadful voice to nothingness.
As when before the
eye that wakes in sleep Just as before the eye that awakes in sleep the sombre bindings of a book open to reveal an illumined script containing a golden blaze of thought, so before Savitri’s awakened gaze a marvellous form reveals itself. Its sweetness justifies the blindest pain of life. The struggle Nature undergoes is an easy price to pay for this sweetness. The universe and its agony seem to be worthwhile to gain such a reward.
As if the choric
calyx of a flower From out of the trembling heart of things a veritable lotus of light-petalled ecstasy takes shape — like an aerial flower shaping itself on a wave of music.
There was no more
the torment under the stars, The torment that is usual under the earthly sky is no more; all evil hides behind the mask of Nature. No more is there the dark simulacrum of hate which is a cruel sheer altering of the face of Love. (Love denied or obstructed turns into a sudden movement of hate.)
Hate was the grip of
a dreadful amour’s strife; Hate is only a hold in love’s fearful strife. On earth the sweet: original God of Love who loves to give has been displaced by a hard impostor love which wants only to possess. It forgets the will to love that gave birth to it; it forgets its passion to merge itself and become one with the beloved and wants instead to swallow everything into its one single self, to devour the soul that it has loved and made its own. If the other is unwilling to be so treated, it inflicts upon it suffering and the pain of annihilation; it is angry with the refusals of the world to submit to its demands. It is passionately eager to take but not to give.
Death’s sombre
cowl was cast from Nature’s brow;
All grace and glory
and all divinity The dark mask of death is removed from Nature’s brow. Instead there gleams the lurking love of God on her front.All grace, all glory, all divinity are here focussed in one form; all adored eyes gaze through his eyes from one face; Death transformed holds all godheads in his grandiose limbs.
An oceanic spirit
dwelt within; An oceanic spirit surges within him. Intolerant, irrepressible in joy, a flood of freedom and supreme transcendent bliss rises up into immortal patterns of beauty.
In him the fourfold
Being bore its crown In this transmuted form is beheld the mighty Being of four poises9 —waking, dream, sleep and transcendent — in its supremacy, wearing the mystery of a Name which signifies the Nameless, bearing a Word in whose inexhaustible meaning the whole universe has compressed its stupendous sense. 9 And the Self is fourfold (Mandukya Upanishad, 2).
In him the architect
of the visible world, He is Virat, the Self of the waking universe 10, who presides over the wakeful state of Consciousness, the great designer of the gross world; he is the activating spirit, the seer and cogniser of things that are seen physically; the suns are his camp-lire ; the star-studded ether is his base; Matter is his mould of expression — he manifests primarily in Matter. 10He whose place is the wakefulness, who is wise of the outward…who feels and enjoys gross objects…the Universal Male, He is the first (Mandukya Upanished, 3).
Objects are his
letters, forces are his words, In this speech through Matter, material objects form his letters and the active forces his worth. The events that take place are the crowded pageant of his life; sea and land are so many pages of his tale. His instrumentation is Matter and his spiritual emblem also is Matter. He supports thought upon his vital force and makes the soul flow in the movement of the life-blood.
His is the dumb will
of atom and of clod; There is a mute Will that is alive in the atom and in the clod; that is the will of this Virat Purusha. It acts without apparent motive or sense. There is an Intelligence — which is again his — that does not need to think or to plan. The world forms itself spontaneously and victoriously; that is because its body is the body of the Lord in whose he-art stands Virat, the King of kings.
In him shadows his
form the Golden Child Close to Virat, in his subtle shadow emerges 11 Hiranyagarbha, the Self of the Dream-world, the Golden Child 11 He who place is in the dream, who is wise of the inward…who feels and enjoys subtle objects… the Inhabitant in Luminous Mind, He is the second (Mandukya Upanishad. 4).who takes birth in the luminous Vasts above, who is the source of thought and dream, whose sight penetrates the invisible, whose hearing catches sounds that have never reached the human ear.
Discoverer of
unthought realities, He discovers realities unthought of by the mind, which are more true than all the truths that we have ever known. Hiranyagarbha, the Golden Child, is the path¬finder on the inner roads. Seer that he is, he has entered realms normally closed to mortals. He is a magician wielding an all-powerful faculty of thought; he fashions new secret worlds.
Armed with the
golden speech, the diamond eye, With his golden (truth) speech and bright penetrating eye, what he sees is vision and what he speaks is prophecy: as the imagist, he constantly casts the formless into forms; be hews new unseen paths and travels upon them; he carries in him the mystic Fire, he speaks what is beyond speech, be is the unseen hunter of the light that eludes, the happy Angel of the mysterious ecstasies of the subtle realms. He conquers the inner kingdoms of the soul.
A third spirit stood
behind, their hidden cause, Behind both the Virat and the Hiranyagarbha — their secret cause — stands a third Purusha, the Prajna. His is a massed superconscience, 12 wrap in himself, with closed eyes. He broods in his omniscient sleep and creates all things. 12 He whose place is perfect slumber, who is bream oneness, who is wisdom fathered into _ itself… Prajana, the Lord of Wisdom, He is the third. This is the Almighty, this is the Omniscient, this is the inner Soul, this is the Womb of the Universe (Mandukya Upanishad, 5, 6).
All from his
stillness came as grows a tree;
All light is but a
flash from his closed eyes: Like a tree growing from the soil, all issues from his silence. He is at once our source, our core, our head and our base. All our light is only a flash from his closed eyes; in his heart is the mystic all-wise Truth, behind his closed eyelids is the omniscient Ray of Light. His wisdom is not arrived at by the process of thought it is self-existent. He does not need to speak to express the potent immortal word; his wordless silence brings it forth.
He sleeps in the
atom and the burning star,
His slumber is an
Almightiness in things, He is dormant in the atoms and in the burning star. He is asleep in all forms, god, man, beast, stone. Because he is there within it, the Inconscient does its work faultlessly. And because he is there indwelling, the world does not die. Of the circle of God, he is the Centre, he is also the circumference within which Nature moves. His is a creative slumber that is the pervading might of God in all things, Awake, he is the Eternal, the Supreme.
Above was the
brooding bliss of the Infinite, All powers were woven in countless concords here. Above this Being is the Infinite in its conscious bliss, reposing in its omniscience and omnipotence, alone and absolute in its immutable silence 13. All powers are held together here in infinite harmony. 13 Whose essentiality is awareness of the Self in its single existence,… Who is Calm, Who is Good, Who is the One than whom there is no other, Him they deem the fourth (Mandukya Upanishad, 7).
The bliss that made the world in his body lived.
Love and delight
were the head of the sweet form, Here in the body of the Infinite is the bliss that has made the world; of his sweet form love and delight are the head. All joys outstripping the passionate human heart, escaping from the clutches of life’s desire are here recaptured and held by the proud blissful members of the Being in the captivating meshes of their net.
Whatever vision has
escaped the eye, In the beauty of his face is collected whatever vision may have escaped the mortal eye, whatever happiness that comes in dream and trance, the sweet nectar spilt by love in excitement, the joy that Nature’s vessel cannot contain; they are all there in his honeyed laughter.
Things hidden by the
silence of the hours, In him are born and burn bright the things that lie veiled by the silence of earthly time, the ideas that are not expressable in speech, the potent meeting of the inner soul with infinity. In his profound, deep look stands revealed the meaning of the secret message of the flower and the star.
His lips curved
eloquent like a rose of dawn; The curving of his lips is as exquisite as the rosy dawn. His smile sporting with the wonder of his mind continues to remain in his heart even after it leaves his mouth; it shines with the sparkle of the morning star, bright as a gem of heavenly revelation.
His gaze was the
regard of eternity; His look is the gaze of Eternity. In its sweetness and concentrated calm of purpose is a sage felicity; it reveals the wisdom of the ages in the joy of fleeting time. In that gaze is gathered wisdom in a miraculous cluster.
In the orchestral
largeness of his mind All opposites find a close inner relation in the harmonious wideness of his mind; opulent in spirit, they appear wonderful to each other and mutually marvelling at each other’s myriad different qualities, they dwell like members of one family who have found their common and mysterious home.
As from the harp of
some ecstatic god
He seemed the
wideness of a boundless sky, Two looked upon each other, Soul saw Soul. Life in this manifest Light is like a harmony of lyric bliss issuing from the lyre of an ecstatic god. striving to leave no celestial joy unsung. He seems to be the wideness of the boundless sky; he seems to personify the passion of an earth freed of sorrow; he seems to be the flaming of a world-wide sun.The Two look at each other. Soul regards Soul. The Soul that was Savitri faces the Soul that was Death.
Then like an anthem
from the heart’s lucent cave Then like an anthem rising from the luminous cavern of the heart, a voice soars up whose enchanting sound can change the painful weeping of suffering earth into sobs of rapture and her cry into a happy song of the spirit.
“O human image of
the deathless word, "O human image of the immortal word, how hast thou seen beyond the transparent walls the bright sentinel-companions of the divine gate, called the genii from their conscious sleep, forced the thought-covered doors under the arches of revelation to swing open, unlocked passages of spiritual sight and shown the wide entries of a heavenlier state to thy intense soul carrying the precious golden key to the treasures beyond? 14 Alternative: " Vistaed”.
In thee the secret
sight man’s blindness missed
I am the hushed
search of the jealous gods "The secret sight which man misses in his blindness has opened in thee its view beyond Time and shown to thee the course of my chariot, shown how death is my underground channel through life to reach my hidden vistas of bliss. I am the objective of the intense quest of the jealous gods who pursue the vast mysterious word of my wisdom which is seized in the confluence of the myriad ways of heaven.
I am the beauty of
the unveiled Ray I am the beauty of the secret Divine Ray, attracting, through all the deep roads of the endless night, the unconquerable pilgrimaging soul of earth beneath the flaming torches of the stars.
I am the inviolable
Ecstasy; The eyes that live in night shall see my form. I am the Ecstasy that is unassailable. Those who have looked on me shall have no more grief. They who are not distracted by the pleasures and the little joys of life but live closed in their consciousness to the outside world shall see my forms.
On the pale shores
of conscious foaming straits "On the obscure spaces of the earth where consciousness is labouring to emerge below the dull agitated skies, two powers issuing from one source of Bliss move close to each other and yet are divided in the life of man; they are Soul and Nature. Nature leans down to earth; the Soul longs to reach the skies. Heaven in the rapture of its perfection dreams and works for the perfection of earth; earth in its imperfection and sorrow dreams and longs for perfect heaven.
The two longing to
join, yet walk apart, "These two powers — Soul and Nature — yearn to unite but still walk apart from each other, vainly divided by their empty conceits of independence. They are kept apart from uniting by baseless but enspelling fears of each other; they are cut off from one another inexplicably by thought-woven distances; they look at each other across the mute gulfs of obscurity.
Or side by side
reclined upon my vasts "Or these two Powers — Nature and Soul — recline upon my vasts side by side like bride and bridegroom inexplicably separated. When they wake up they yearn for each other, but they cannot clasp one another as long as the shadowy spectre of a sword hangs above, swinging hesitatingly without striking, between these lovers on their marriage bed.
But when the phantom
flame-edge fails undone, "But once this unsubstantial phantom sword with its sharp edge fails and is dissolved, then the two can no longer be divided by space or time. Space shall draw back her transparent dividing veil between the lover and the loved Time shall vibrate with the endless bliss of the Spirit.
Attend that moment of celestial fate.
Meanwhile you two
shall serve the dual law "Await thou that destined moment of heaven. In the meanwhile you both shall follow and serve the dual law — the law of the separated Two — the true nature of which is at present glimpsed only by the wide-winged messengers of vision who press through the thick forest of their thoughts and discover the narrow bridges of the gods which shall span the gulf.
Wait patient of the
brittle bars of form "Be patient, bear with the fragile bars of form making this division your delightful way of achieving a happier oneness, by an ecstatically enhanced attraction in the vibrantly yearning air between you.
Yet if thou wouldst
abandon the vexed world "But, if thou wouldst give up this troubled world, heedless of the cry of distressed things below, then walk over the linking land-strip, leap across the separating flood, cancel thy contract to share the toil of the Force at work in earth-nature, abandon the bond that ties thee to the earth-kind, throw away thy sympathy with those mortal hearts.
Arise, vindicate thy
spirit’s conquered right: Arise, assert the right won by thy spirit over Nature. Give up thy burden of the fleeting breath of life, leave this body borrowed from Nature on the sward under the cold gaze of the stars that care not, and ascend, O soul, into thy own blissful home.
Here in the
playground of the eternal Child
Cast off the
ambiguous myth of earth’s desire, “Here in the happy playground of the eternal Child or in the domains of the wise Immortals, walk with Satyavan, thy splendorous Comrade under spiritual skies lit by the sun that never sets; live here as the gods live, caring not for the world, sharing not in the toil and hardship of Nature’s forces. These gods live ever absorbed and contented in their self-ecstasy. Cast off, thou, this dubious fiction of the earth’s desire. Arise to felicity, O immortal."
On Savitri listening
in her tranquil heart As Savitri listens in her tranquil heart to the harmonious notes of this deceptive voice, a joy pours down on her exceeding the joy of earth and even the joy of heaven it is the bliss of some unknown eternity, a rapture from some Infinite awaiting her.
A smile came
rippling out in her wide eyes, As a messenger of the confident felicity of her heart, a smile gently ripples across her wide eyes, like the first beam of the morning sun rippling along two awakened lotus-pools.
“O besetter of
man’s soul with life and death "O thou who assailest man’s soul with life and death, the pleasure of the world and its pain, light and obscurity — Day and Night —, who tempest man’s heart with the distant lures of heaven, testest his strength and endurance with the close touch of hell, I reject thy everlasting Day of Light, even as I have scorned thy eternal Night of Darkness.
To me who turn not
from thy terrestrial Way, "l do not turn away from thy terrestrial course; give me back my other self — Satyavan — whom, surely, thy spaces do not indispensably need for their happiness. The earth, on the other hand, needs his beautiful spirit — made by thee — to cast down delight like an enchanting net of gold.
Earth is the chosen
place of mightiest souls;
Thy servitudes on
earth are greater, king, "The earth is the appointed field for the mighty of soul. The earth is the combat place for the heroic in spirit. It is the forge where the greatest creative builder shapes his material. O King, subjections to thee on earth are greater than all the glorious freedoms in heaven.
The heavens were
once to me my natural home, "Indeed the heavens were once my natural home, before I came down to earth. I too have wandered in their star-studded groves, walked in their sun-bright tracts and moon-lit turfs, heard the musical laughter of their streams and halted under branches dripping sweet myrrh.
I too have revelled
in the fields of light "I too have exulted in the fields of light fanned by the ethereal raiment of the winds; I have trodden thy wonderful rounds of music; I have lived in the rhythms of bright and spontaneous thoughts; my heart has beat to the quick harmonies of vast rapture; I have danced in the spontaneous steps of the soul the great and easy dances of the gods.
Oh, fragrant are the
lanes thy children walk How fragrant are those lanes where thy children walk and how lovely is the memory of their feet amid alt the marvels of the flowers of that Paradise! But my tread is earthly, heavier than that of those celestial children. It has a mightier touch — because of the purpose before it.
There where the gods
and demons battle in night "There, in the earth-field, where the gods and demons fight in darkness or engage in combat on the outskirts of the Sun of the Spirit, my spirit of immortal love extends its arms wide to embrace the whole of mankind. My spirit has been taught by the joy and pain of life to bear and endure the uneven and tiring beat of the heart of earth-life that throbs at the brink of a supremely divine hope; my spirit has been taught to attempt the impossible in its suffering search.
Too far thy heavens for me from suffering men. Imperfect is the joy not shared by all.
Oh to spread forth,
oh to encircle and seize For me thy heavens are too far away from the suffering men for whom I strive. Joy that is not shared with all is indeed imperfect. How I long to spread myself, to encircle and seize in the net of my love more and more hearts till love in us has tilled thy world!
O life, the life
beneath the wheeling stars
O thou who soundest
the trumpet in the lists, Are there not still a million fights to wage? “O life beneath the labouring stars in the heavens, O thou who blowest the trumpet in the call for battle, in order to win victory in this tournament with death, in order to bend the fierce and difficult bow of Nature, in order to flash-strike the splendid sword of God, do not separate the hilt from the steel before it is used, do not snatch away the warrior before he has struck his blow.Surely there are innumerable fights still to be waged.
O King-smith, clang
on still thy toil begun,
Thy fine-curved
jewelled hilt call Savitri, Fashion to beauty, point us through the world. “O King-smith, continue thy toil in thy powerful smithy of life, till thou hat welded us into one. Call thou thy fine-shaped jewelled hilt Savitri; for I am that. Call the exultant flash of thy blade Satyavan; for he is that. Fashion us together into a head of beauty draw us through the world.
Break not the lyre
before the song is found;
O subtle-souled
musician of the years, "Do not break the lyre before the intended song is found. Innumerable are the chants still to be woven and sung. O fine-souled, sempiternal musician, play to the end the notes that thou didst begin to strike on my way-stops. Ascend from the movement pointed by their first spontaneous cry. Discover that which is still not sung.
I know that I can
lift man’s soul to God,
Our will labours
permitted by thy will "I know fully well that I can lift man’s soul to God; I know also that man can bring the Immortal down on earth. Our will works under the sanction of thy will. Without thee, the force of the titan turns out to be a mere empty roar of storm, a whirlwind without issue. Without thee, all the strength of the gods is a mere snare that misleads.
Let not the
inconscient gulf swallow man’s race
O thunderer with the
lightnings of the soul, "Let not the gulf of inconscience swallow up the race of man which is struggling towards the Light through all the earth’s ignorance. O thunder with soul-lightnings, do not deliver thy bright sun unto darkness and death. Fulfil the hidden, firm decree of thy Omniscience, the mandate of thy secret world-embracing love."
Her words failed
lost in thought’s immensities Savitri’s words fail and get lost in the immensities of thought which seize them at their farthest points and. conceal their meaning in the far seniors that vibrate with what can never be won from the Unthinkable and expressed by speech, — the Unthinkable in which all our thought ends, the Ineffable which is the source of all our words.
Then with a smile
august as noonday heavens
Heaven and earth
towards each other gaze Then the Godhead replies with a solemn smile "How is it possible for earth-nature and man’s nature to rise to the celestial levels, assume celestial nature and at the same time for the earth to continue to exist? Heaven and earth caw at each other, but there is a gulf between which few can cross. None, coming through the ethereal spaces from which all forms in space issue, can touch the other shore which all can see but none ever reach.
Heaven’s light
visits sometimes the mind of earth; It is true that heaven’s tight does visit the mind of earth sometimes and heaven’s thoughts burn in the sky of that mind like solitary stars. Celestial aspirations and quests — delicate and beautiful like the undulating wings of birds — move in the heart of earth. Visions of joy that she can never attain flit across the mirror of her dissolving dreams.
Faint seeds of light
and bliss bear sorrowful flowers, "Weak seeds of light and bliss bear flowers full of sorrow. Faint notes of harmony grasped from a song that is only half-heard, vet lost amidst the cacophony of the wandering voices. The white spray of the luminous seas where dwells the beautiful and distant delight of the gods, unknown raptures, happiness that is miraculous, thrill the earth and touch half-formed its mind and sense.
Above her little
finite steps she feels There is the All-Truth and there the timeless bliss. Earth-nature is aware, above her small, limited steps, of worlds which fashion — disregarding incidental knot; and halts — a new pattern of perfection quite beyond earth’s law and rule. It is a new universe of self-caused, self-sufficient felicity; an ineffable rhythm of the beats of the eternal, of the multiply acting heart-beats of the One; an enchantment of the infinite harmonies of self; an order of the unfettered liberty of the infinite; the wondrous formulations of the Absolute. In that realm is All-Truth, and there is eternal bliss.
But hers are
fragments of a star-lost gleam,
They are a Light
that fails, a Word soon hushed "But they are not for earth. The earth’s share is only sonic fragments of a dim gleam, a few casual visits of the gods. All these visits bring nothing more than a Light that fails, an inspired Word that is soon muted Nothing these gods can offer stays on earth for and Meaningful length of time.
There Are High Glimpses, Not The Lasting Sight.
A Few Can Climb To
An Unperishing Sun, "For the earth there are brief glimpses, of heights but not their lasting view. Only a few can climb to the eternal sun or get close and live near the moon of spiritual bliss and direct the wonder-producing ray of the Spirit to the earth-mind.
The heroes and the
demi-gods are few
Few are the silences
in which Truth is heard, "Few indeed are the heroes and demigods on earth to whom the immortal voices of the gods draw nigh and speak, whose acts attract the heavenly host. Few are the silences in which alone Truth can he heard revealing the eternal Word which lies within the depths of her being; few are the inspired moments of the seer on earth when this becomes possible.
Heaven’s call is
rare, rarer the heart that heeds; "The call of the Spirit is rare; but even more rare is the heart that listens to it. The doors of light are shut to the common earth-mind. Preoccupation with creature-needs tie the human mass to the gross earthly existence. Only in moments of crisis are men uplifted and they respond to the touch of greater things.
Or, raised by some
strong hand to breathe heaven-air, "Or, if men are raised by some special missioned spirits to the higher altitudes, they gradually slide back to the mud from which they climbed, the mud from which they are fashioned and whose law is all that they know. They rejoice in finding themselves back on their accustomed ground. And although something in them regrets and is sad at losing the glory that has been forfeited and the greatness that has been blotted out, they reconcile themselves to their fall.
To be the common man
they think the best,
For most are built
on Nature’s earthly plan "They think that to live safe in common conditions is the hest. Their happiness lies in living as others do. For most men are formed on the ordinary earthly plan of Nature and owe very little to the truths of higher planes. Their normal level is the average human —the material range of a thinking animal that is man.
In the long
ever-mounting hierarchy, "In the long ascending hierarchy of Nature, in the rigid economy of cosmic life, each creature is bound and limited to its assigned task and position by the form taken by his nature, svarupa, by the force wielded by his spirit, svabhava.
If this were easily
disturbed, it would break "If this order were to be easily disturbed, it would shatter the established balance of created things. The permanent order of the universe would shake and a gulf created in the determinations constructed by Fate.
If men were not and
all were brilliant gods,
"If there were
no men at all and all were brilliant gods, the ladder between Matter
and Spirit would be lost — the linking stair up which the
consciousness, awakened in Matter, slowly winds its way, accepting
the circuitous paths of the Way in between and by hard toil and slow
agelong steps, arriving at the luminous, miraculous borderland or God
and thence into the glory of the Soul presiding over all things.**
My will, my call is
there in men and things;
Imprisoned in its
dark and dumb abyss "Though my will, my cal! is there in men and things, the Inconscient which is at the dim, dull back of the world pulls everything to its bosom of Night, Death and Sleep. It allows a little of the consciousness that is imprisoned in its dark and dumb depths to escape, but being jealous of the light that forms and grow around the released hit of consciousness, it holds it back as near as possible to the dark edges of its cavern as though it were a doting ignorant mother keeping her child always tied to her apron strings of Nescience.
The Inconscient
could not read without man’s mind
But still it holds
him dangled in its grasp: "The world has been fashioned in the swoon of the Inconscient. Its mystery cannot be unravelled by the Inconscient except through man’s mind. Man is its key to unlock a conscious door opening upon that mystery. And yet the Inconscient holds man in its extended grasp. It draws boundaries — though large — around his thoughts; it acts as a curtain screening his heart from the spiritual Light. Above man shines a high and brilliant Light of the Spirit; below man is the border of a black and blinding regime. Between these two firmaments of the Superconscience and the Inconscience the mind of man is shut.
He seeks through
words and images the Truth,
He is barred out
from his own inner depths;
How shall he see
with the Omniscient’s eyes, Man seeks the Truth, not directly but through words and images. His mind dwells upon the exteriors and the semi conscious or unconscious outsides of things. He dips his feet warily in the shallow waters of life. Consequently even his Knowledge turns out to be an Ignorance. He is an outcast from his own inner depths of being. He does not have the capacity to reach and behold the Unknown. How then can such a being see with the sight of the All-Knowing? How can he will with the force of the All-Powerful?
O too compassionate
and eager Dawn, "O thou, Dawn, who art too compassionate, too eager to bring about a change, leave it to the slow pace of Nature circling the ages, to the sure though slow working Of the will in the Inconscient; let the earthly race remain in the imperfect light that is given to it. All shall be done in the eventual fullness of Time.
Although the race is
bound by its own kind, "Although humanity is bound to its own human type and cannot exceed it, still, the soul in man is greater than his fate; the soul can surpass fate. Rising above the ebb and flow of Time and Space, detaching itself from the universal common nature due to which life is invariably associated with grief and joy, freed from the hold the universal Law, the radiant, lone and transcendent spirit can blaze its way across the obstructing wall of mind and burn above in the skies of the Eternal, inhabitant of a vast and endless calm.
O Flame, withdraw
into thy luminous self “O Flame, draw back into thy own luminous self. Or, come back to thy original might on the seeing peaks above thought and world. O thou, partner of my limitless eternity, be one with the infinity of my power. For thou art ever the World-Mother and the Bride of the Supreme.
Out of the fruitless
yearning of earth’s life,
To that thou canst
uplift thy formless flight, "Recover thy wings that can cross infinity and pass out of this vain yearning of earth’s life. out of earth’s weak dream that fails to convince; go back into the Power from which thou hest come.Thou canst soar in thy formless flight to that Power. Thy heart can rise above its unsatisfied heats on earth and feel once more the immortal and spiritual joy that belongs to a soul which has never lost its felicity by coming down to earth.
Lift up the fallen
heart of love which flutters,
For ever rescued out
of Nature’s shapes Lift thou thy fallen heart of love that flutters; throw away the depth of desire into the gulfs. And so rescued from Nature’s forms, discover thou what these aimless cycles of Time on earth seek for, that which coalesces up there with all the significance of thy life is vainly sought here in earthly form.
Break into eternity
thy mortal mould;
Clasp, Ocean, deep
into thyself thy wave, Break thy mould of mortality into eternity. O Lightning, melt into thy own invisible flame. O Ocean, draw in and clasp into thyself thy own wave and be happy for ever thereafter in that enveloping surge.
Grow one with the
still passion of the depths,
Receive him into
boundless Savitri, "Become one with the calm intensity of thy depths; then shalt thou come to know the identity of the Lover and the Loved, having left the limits that divide him and thee. Receive him into the boundless Savitri merge thyself into the infinite Satyavan. O miracle, cease thou there where thou beganst”.
But Savitri answered
to the radiant God: Savitri answers to the radiant God:"Thou temptest us in vain, with solitary bliss, two spirits salvaged from a suffering world. My soul and Satyavan’s are linked indissolubly in the carrying out of the task for which we took birth. And that task is to raise the world to God in immortal Light, to bring God down to the world on earth, to transform earthly life into a divine Life.
I keep my will to
save the world and man; I sacrifice not earth to happier worlds. "I hold on to my will to save the world and man. O blissful godhead, even the charm of thy enchanting voice cannot seize my will and claim any part of it. I will not abandon the suffering earth in order to gain happier worlds.
Because there dwelt
the Eternal’s vast Idea
Whence came this
profitless wilderness of stars, "This enormous world-scene could begin only because the cast Truth-Idea of the Eternal and his dynamic Will was lodged in men and things. From where else could have come about this vain wilderness of stars, this mighty, barren revolutions of the suns?
Who made the soul of
futile life in Time,
What force condemned
to birth and death and tears "Who created the soul of useless life in Time? Who planted a purpose arid a hope in the heart? Who set Nature to this huge and meaningless task or planned out this wasteful effort lasting over a million aeons? What force has condemned these conscious creatures crawling on the globe to birth, death and tears?
If earth can look up
to the light of heaven "If earth can look up to the light of heaven for help in her journey and get heaven’s response to her lonely cry, then the meeting of earth and heaven is certainly not in vain; the touch of heaven is not an alluring trap.
If thou and I are
true, the world is true; If thou, O radiant god, art true and if I am true, then the world also is true. Even if thou veilest thyself behind thy works, to exist, to be, is not a meaningless paradox. Since God has created the earth. the earth in her turn has to create God in herself; she has got to reveal what is concealed in the core of her being.
I claim thee for the world that thou hast made.
If man lives bound
by his humanity, "I claim thee, O God, for the world that thou thy¬self hast created. If man is unable to exceed his human mould, if he is forced to live within the bounds of his humanity, if he is inseparably tied to his pain, then let a being greater than man arise from man; let that super¬human being mate with the Eternal, and the Immortal manifest through earthly forms.
Else were creation
vain and this great world
But I have seen
through the insentient mask; "Otherwise this creation is in vain and this great world that seems to exist in Time a nothing. But I have seen through the mask of the insentience that covers the evolving spirit. I have felt vibrating in things a secret Spirit carrying the body of a growing God. That emerging Spirit looks through forms that veil, at the truth that is unconcealed, without any veil. It pushes back the curtain that the gods have hung over their mysteries. It ascends through mortality towards its own eternity."
But the god answered
to the woman’s heart:
But knowledge too is
thine, the world-plan thou knowest But the god answers to the feeling heart of the women Savitri"O living power of the manifest Word of the Spirit, thou canst create all that the creative Spirit has dreamed. For thou art the very Force by which I made the worlds; thou art my vision over all creation, my will to execute, my voice to express. But knowledge also is thine; thou knowest the world-plan, thou knowest the slow process of Time’s pace in which all is worked out.
In the impetuous
drive of thy heart of flame, "Do not, in the violent drive of thy flaming heart, in the intensity of thy passion to liberate man and earth. in thy impatience and wroth at the impediments of Time and the lazy steps of slow evolution, lead the evolving spirit in the world of ignorance to dare the adventure of the Light even before it is ready for it; do not push hard the bound and sleeping god in man just awakened amid the inexpressible silences of the Spirit, into the endless vistas of the unknown and unseen Existence, beyond the last borders of the limiting mind, beyond the hazardous border of the Superconscient into the danger of the Infinite.
But if thou wilt not
wait for Time and God,
As I have taken from
thee my load of night "But if thou art not content to leave things to Time and the will of God, then do thy work and impose thy will on Fate. Even as I have removed from thee my load of night, taken away from thee the doubts and dreams of my twilight, I now withdraw my light of sheer Day.
These are my symbol
kingdoms but not here
Arise upon a ladder
of greater worlds "All these, however, are only my symbol kingdoms. Not in them can the great final choice be made that decides fate nor can the sanction of the supreme Voice be expressed. Arise, ascend the stairs of greater worlds to the infinity where no world can be.
But not in the wide
air where a greater Life "But the firm command of the Eternal joining the issue of destiny to its origin cannot be heard in the wide realms where a greater Life unveils its mystery and its miracle, nor on the luminous peaks of the highest Mind, nor in the concealed region where subtle Matter’s spirit hides itself in the glimmer of its secrecies.
These only are the
mediating links; "These are only the intermediate steps; not in them is the original vision, nor the final act that fulfils the vision, nor the last support bearing constantly the cosmic pile of Existence.
Two are the Powers
that hold the ends of Time;
It cancels not a
tittle of things done; "’There are two Powers at either end of Time: the Spirit that foresees everything and Matter that unfolds The thought of the Spirit. Matter is the mute executor of the decrees of God leaving out not the least point, an agent. unquestioning, inconscient, bare. It evolves without fail the contents in Time and Space. fulfils without any change the task imposed upon it in things inanimate and beings animate. It does not cancel even slightly the thines that are done. It does not deviate from the authoritative command: it does not alter the steps of the Unseen Power.
If thou must indeed
deliver man and earth
Ascend, O soul, into
thy timeless self; "If thou must at all lead and liberate man and earth into the spiritual heights, then look down on life and the world. Discover thou the truth of God, man and world. Know all, see all and then proceed to do thy work. O soul, ascend into thy self which is above Time ; and from there see and choose the line of destiny and cast thy will on Time."
He ended and upon
the falling sound
Absolved from
vision’s grip and the folds of thought, As the god ends his words, a mighty power goes forth. It shakes the very foundations of the spheres and loosens the fixities of forms. Freed from the hold of vision and the coverings of thought, removed from her senses like scenes that disappear, the heaven-worlds around Savitri vanish in spiritual light in the vast theatre of Space.
A movement was
abroad, a cry, a word, In an ineffable world she lived fulfilled. There is a movement around, there is a cry, a word. beginningless in its great revelation, timeless in its return beyond the range of thought Set in the rhythm of calm seas Savitri hears the eternal Thought vibrating ineffably in orbits beyond Space and on roads beyond Time. She finds herself living fulfilled in an ineffable world.
An energy of the
triune Infinite, Savitri becomes an energy of Sat-Chit-Ananda; she lives in a measureless Reality as a rapture, a being. a force, a fullness many-motioned and inter-linked, a fresh virgin unity, a luminous spouse extending a multitudinous embrace to wed all in the immense delight of God, bearing the eternity of each spirit, hearing the burden of universal love — a wonderful mother of innumerable souls.
All things she knew,
all things imagined or willed, She knows all things, imagined or willed; her hearing is opened to ideal sound; her, sight is no more bound by the convention of shape, she can sec even what has no form; her heart is one with all through its thousand doors.A vault and sanctuary of brooding light appears — the last borderland of what is beyond.
Then in its round
the enormous fiat paused, The form of things had ceased within her soul. Invisible that perfect godhead now. The formidable movement pauses. Silence with its contents rolls back into the Unknowable. Savitri’s listening thought is absolutely still. The phenomenon of form ceases in her soul. Even that radiant, perfect god-head is no longer visible.
Around her some
tremendous spirit lived, Some tremendous spirit is felt around Savitri like a mysterious flame around a pearl that is about to melt. In that strange unsubstantiality where Space is not, cries a voice which cannot be heard by the ear but only by the soul.
“Choose, spirit,
thy supreme choice not given again; "O spirit, choose now; for this supreme choice is not offered again. The peace beyond name and form, the peace in which all things come to rest, now looks at thee from my highest being.
In a happy vast
sublime cessation know,—
Accept, O music,
weariness of thy notes, "Experience in the happy vast the profound cessation of all things, the immense fade-out in eternity, disappearance of a point in the infinite, the felicity of the flame that is extinguished, the last sinking of a wave in a boundless sea; find the end of all the trouble of thy wandering thoughts, the close of the pilgrim-journey of thy soul.O music, accept the fact that thy notes are weary, stream, accept the fact that thy channel banks are broken wide”.
The moments fell into eternity. But someone yearned within a bosom unknown.
And silently the
woman’s heart replied: Thy calm, O Lord, that bears thy hands of joy.” The moments fade into eternity. But there is some yearning in an unknown bosom and the woman’s (Savitri’s) heart replies without words: "O Lord, give thy peace, a boon to keep within for the magnificent soul of man struggling amidst the fury and ruin of wild Time; thy calm, O Lord, bearing thy joy."
Limitless like ocean
round a lonely isle
My spirit leans down
to break the knot of earth, Limitless like an ocean around a solitary island, the eternal cry arises again:"The indescribable gates are wide open before thee. My spirit stoops down to break the knot that ties thee still to earth, drawn to a oneness without sign or thought it leans down to destroy all wall and fence, to denude the heaven bare. Behold with the wide eye of infinity, unweave the garment of stars and pass thou into silence.
In an immense and
world-destroying pause
Through the
tremendous stillness of her thoughts In an immense pause which seems capable of destroying the world Savitri hears millions crying to her not to leave them. Then through the mightv stillness of her thoughts, the woman’s nature speaks in an immeasurable way: "May I feel, o Lord, thy oneness in the many hearts that are approaching, give to me the sweet infinity of thy on numberless souls."
Mightily retreating
like a sea in ebb
Out of its
incommunicable deeps There is a mighty retreat like an ebbing sea and for the third time swells the great reprimanding call:"I extend the shelter of my wings. From its un-relatable depths my power of utmost splendour looks forth, held still in its majesty of sleep, aloof from the dreadful whirlings of the world below."
A sob of things was
answer to the voice, In answer to this voice there is a sob of things everywhere. Moved by the sob, the woman’s heart answers passionately: "Give to me, O Lord. thy energy to gather all men and women, to take up all things and creatures that are in grief and enfold them into a mother’s !mint: arms".
Solemn and distant
like a seraph’s lyre For the last great time the warning sound, solemn and far-off, is heard: "I open to thee the wide eye of solitude to reveal the sheer rapture of my bliss, where it lies in a pure and perfect hush, unmoving in its trance of ecstasy. resting from the delectable madness of the dance from whose rhythms the creative throb of hearts was first born."
Breaking the silence
with appeal and cry A hymn of adoration, a harmonious rhythm of soaring, uniting souls, climbs without respite, breaking the silence with its appeal and cry. Then the whole being of the woman 15 replies: “Give to me, o Lord, thy embrace which cuts across the living knot of pain, thy joy in which all created beings breathe, thy enchanting streaming waters of deep love, give to me thy sweetness for earth and men.” 15 not the heart alone. not the nature alone
Then after silence a
still blissful cry There is a silence. And then begins a still blissful cry as that which arose from the Infinite when the first vibrations of its Delight stirred wanting to manifest in order to have the joy of seeking, the passion of discovering, and touching another, as blissful as the enchanted laugh which rhythms the chanting worlds into existence.
“O beautiful body
of the incarnate Word, My will is thine, what thou hast chosen I choose. All thou hast asked I give to earth and men.
All shall be written
out in destiny’s book "O beautiful body of the embodied Word creative, thy thoughts arc my thoughts. I have spoken through thee. My will is thy will, I have chosen thy choice. I give to earth and men all that thou hast asked for them. All this shall be entered in the book of Destiny by eternal Time, which is the trustee of my thought, plan and act, the executor of my will.
But since thou hast
refused my maimless Calm "But since thou hast refused to enter my flawless Calm, turned away from my boundless peace in which neither Space nor Time exists and from the happy dissolution of thy self in my solitary, single eternity, — for not for thee is intended the nameless, worldless, empty Nihil, the extinction of thy living soul, the end of all thought, hope, life and love in the blank measureless Unknowable. —
Because thou hast
obeyed my timeless will Because thou hast obeyed my eternal will, I take hold of thy soul of flame, I take hold of thy heart of love, and I charge thee with my power of work in Time.
Because thou hast
obeyed my timeless will, "Because thou hast obeyed my timeless will, because thou hast elected to share the struggle and fate of earth, leaned in pity over earth-bound men and turned away from peace and bliss in order to help and save them, I tie thy heart to mine by the passion of thy heart and I lay the magnificent yoke of my work upon thy soul.
Now will I do in thee my marvellous works.
I will fasten thy
nature with my cords of strength, "Henceforth I will achieve my marvellous works in thee. I will fasten thy nature with my strength, over¬whelm thy spirit’s limbs with my delight and turn thee into a living centre of my pervading bliss. I will build in thee my august and lucent home.
Thy days shall be my
shafts of power and light, "Thy days shall be the radiations of my power and light, thy nights the star-studded mysteries of my joy, thy hair shall tangle my clouds and thy mouth be the confluence of the high tides of my spirit.
O Sun-Word, thou
shalt raise the earth-soul to Light “O Word of the Sun of Truth, thou shalt raise the earth-soul to the Light Divine and bring down God into the lives of men on earth. Then shall earth turn into my field of work, my dwelling, my own garden of life to plant there a seed of the life divine.
When all thy work in
human time is done, "And when thy appointed work in human time is done, the mind of earth shall become a home of light, the life of earth a tree naturally growing towards heaven, and the very body of earth a dwelling place of God. God shall manifest
Awakened from the
mortal’s ignorance
My will shall be the
meaning of their days; "Men will be awakened from their sleep in mortal ignorance and lit with the ray of the Eternal; their thoughts will be radiant with my sunward uplift; they will feel the sweetness of my love in their hearts; their actions will be miraculously driven by my Power. The sole meaning of their days shall be my will: they shall live for me, they shall live by me they shall live in me.
In the heart of my
creation’s mystery
I will pursue thee
across the century; Nowhere shalt thou escape my living eyes. "I will play the drama of thy soul in the heart of the mystery of my creation; there I shall inscribe the sempiternal romance between me, the Purusha, and thee, the Shakti. I will pursue thee across the ages. By love thou shalt be hunted through the world. Bereft of the protecting mask of ignorance, without any protection from my radiant Powers, no form, no shape will be able to conceal thee from the grip of my divine desire; nowhere shalt thou he able to escape from my living, penetrating eyes.
In the nudity of thy
discovered self "I will sum up my mystic world in thy single soul and possess my universe in thee in the bareness of thy discovered self, in thy sheer identity with all that is. in thee freed of thy human cloak, freed from the thick veil of human thought, made one with every mind and body and heart, made one with all nature and self and God. And the universe shall discover in thee all that I am.
Thou shalt bear all
things that all things may change,
Assailed by my
infinitudes above, "’Thou shalt endure all things so that all may change: thou shalt till all with my splendour and my bliss; thou shalt meet all with my soul that transmutes all at its touch.Pressed by my infinitudes above, shaking in the immensities below, pursued by me through my mind’s open vastitude, becoming oceanic with the mighty surges of my life in thee, overcome by my pains without and my sweetnesses within, like a swimmer lost between two seas leaping over him, finding my joy in my opposing mysteries in the world, thou shalt respond to me with every nerve of thy being.
A vision shall
compel thy coursing breath,
The pains of hell
shall be to thee my kiss, A vision shall compel thy life-breath to How in its mould; thy heart shall drive thee on the wheel of works in the world: thy mind shall goad thee through the flames of thought to meet me in the depths of the abyss and on the heights, to feel me in both the storm and the calm, to love me in both the noble and the mean, to desire me in things beautiful and things terrible. Thou shalt feel the pains of hell as my kiss, thou shalt feel the pleasures of heaven as my persuading touch.
My fiercest masks shall my attractions bring.
Music shall find
thee in the voice of swords,
Thou shalt know me
in the rolling of the spheres
The wheeling forces
of my universe "My compelling attractions shall come to thee wearing masks most fierce. Music will greet thee in the clang of swords, beauty pursue thee through the heart of the flame. Thou shalt discover me in the imperious circlings of the cosmic spheres, meet me in the minute atoms of the whirl. The revolving and moving forces of my universe shall voice to thee the call of my name.
Delight shall drop
down from my nectarous moon,
Mirror of Nature’s
secret spirit made, "Delight shall flow down from my nectar-moon, the enchantment of the jasmine shall my fragrance seize thee, from the sun in the meridian shall my eye look upon thee. Thou shalt become a mirror of the secret spirit of Nature and thus shalt reflect my hidden heart of joy. Thou shalt drink deep my unmixed sweetness in my pure lotus-cup of star-studded brim — the cup of the universe.
My dreadful hands
laid on thy bosom shall force
Thou shalt discover
the one and quivering note "My hands, feared and powerful, on thy bosom shall compel thy being to be laved by streams of fiercest desires. As the harp of all my melodies, thou shalt discover the one and vibrating note and cry. As my foaming wave in seas of love, thou shalt heave and roll.
Even my disasters’
clutch shall be to thee "Thou shalt see even disaster as a deliberately assumed contrary shape of my rapture. My secret face shall smile on thee in the core of pain. Amidst all the intolerable ways of the world my pitiless beauty shall press on thee. Even when trampled by the violent misdeeds of Time, thou shalt feel the touch of my rapture and cry out to its ecstasy.
All beings shall be
to thy life my emissaries; Thou shalt not shrink from any brother soul. Thou shalt be attracted helplessly to all. All beings shall be my messengers to thy life. Depending on whether they see me in thee as thy friend or as thy enemy, my creatures shall be either themselves attracted to me or compelled to meet me. In every way they shall demand me from thy heart. Thou shalt not draw away from any fellow soul. To all shalt thou be helplessly attracted.
Men seeing thee
shall feel my hands of joy, "On seeing thee, men shall feel the touch of my hands of joy, and they shall feel the footsteps of the world’s delight in the pangs of sorrow. Their life shall experience a convulsive shock in the craving of the two opposites, joy and sorrow, for each other.
Hearts touched by
thy love shall answer to my call, "Those whose hearts are touched by thy love shall respond to me; they shall discover the sepiternal music of the spheres in the revealing notes of thy voice; they shall draw nearer to me because of the fact that thou art. Captivated by the loveliness of thy spirit, they shall truly embrace my body in thy soul, hear in thy life the beauty of my laugh, come to know the vibrant bliss with which I created the worlds.
All that thou hast,
shall be for other’s bliss,
I will pour delight
from thee as from a jar, "All that thou halt shall serve for the bliss of others. All that thou art shall belong to my hands. I will pour out delight from thee as from a jar; I will whirl thee as my chariot through the pathways of the universe; I will use thee both as my sword and as my lyre: I will play on thee my songs of thought.
And when thou art
vibrant with all ecstasy, "And when thou art charged with utter ecstasy, when thou becomest one in spirit with all things, then will I heap unsparingly my living fires on thee; I will make thee a channel for my timeless force.
My hidden presence
led thee unknowing on It is my hidden presence that has led the on. without thy knowing it, from thy very beginning in the mute bosom of the earth through all the circumstances of life, pain, time, will and death, through all the outer shocks of nature and the inner silences of the soul, along the mystic road of Space and Time, to the experience which all Nature hides.
Who hunts and seizes
me, my captive grows: For ever love, O beautiful slave of God!
O lasso of my
rapture’s widening noose, "Whoever pursues me and seizes me becomes my prisoner. This thou shalt learn henceforth from thy heart-beats. Love and love for ever, o thou beautiful slave of God! O lasso of the widening noose of my rapture, become thou my binding cord of universal love in the creation.
The spirit ensnared
by thee force to delight Force the spirit held captive by thee to joy in the sweet fathomless oneness of creation; compel it to embrace my countless unities, my endless forms and divine souls.
O Mind, grow full of
the eternal peace; O Mind, grow thou full of peace eternal. O Word, chant aloud the immortal hymn of the Spirit. The golden tower of Truth is built, the luminous child of the new creation is born.
“Descend to life with him thy heart desires.
O Satyavan, O
luminous Savitri, "Descend thou to life with him whom thy heart desires. Far back in time, O Satyavan, O luminous Savitri, I sent you forth beneath the stars — both of you a dual 16 power of God in an ignorant world, in a bounded creation shut off from the boundless self — bringing down God to the insentient globe, lifting earth-beings to the immortality of God. 16Purusha and Shakti
In the world of my
knowledge and my ignorance In the world where my knowledge and my ignorance co-exist, where God is not seen but is only heard of as Name, where knowledge is cabined in the narrow boundaries of mind, where life is a slave of desire and where Matter covers and conceals the soul from its own sight, you both are my Force at work to uplift the earth’s fate, you are my own self that ascends the immense range extending between the two ends of the Spirit’s night and day, obscurity and light, Ignorance and Knowledge, Inconscience and Superconscience.
He is my soul that
climbs from nescient Night "Satyavan is my soul that climbs from the Night of nescience through the intermediate stages of life and mind and the Vast of Supernature to the God-light of Timelessness, to my Eternity that lies hidden in the movement of Time, and to my infinity which is segmented by the curve of Space.
It climbs to the
greatness it has left behind "The soul climbs hack to the glory it had left behind when it set out on its journey, to the beauty and joy from which it fell in its descending plunge. to the intimacy and sweetness of all divine things, to unrestricted light and unbounded life, to the taste of the bliss of the profounds of the Ineffable, to the touch of the immortal and the infinite.
He is my soul that
gropes out of the beast
He is the godhead
growing in human lives "He is my soul that feels his way out of the lair of the beast to reach man’s heights of bright thought and draws near the sublimity of Truth, He is the god-head that is growing in human lives and in all the forms of the earth-being, he is the soul of man ascending to God in the expanding thrust of Nature out of earth’s ignorance.
O Savitri, thou art
my spirit’s Power, "O Savitri, thou art the Power of my spirit, the expressive voice of my immortal Word, the face of Truth in its manifestation in Time, showing to the souls of men the paths to God.
While the dim light
from the veiled Spirit’s peak "While the faint light from the veiled peak of the Spirit falls upon the unrelieved inconscient sleep of Matter, like a pale moon-beam on a thick glade in the forest, and Mind half-lit moves amid half-truths, and the human heart knows nothing more than the pseudo-love of the humans, and life is only a stumbling and imperfect force, and the physical body awaits its disintegration.
You shall be born
into man’s dubious hours "you both shall be born in human time in forms that conceal the divinity of the soul and through all the veils of the earth’s sceptical air reveal my glory, breaking through the clouds like a sun, or flaming like a rare and inward fire. fill men’s lives with my impersonal influence.
Yet shall they look
up as to peaks of God
Yet shall there glow
on mind like a horned moon
But more there is
concealed in God’s Beyond "For yet shall men look up to the summits of God, feel God around them like an enfolding air, and rest on God as on an unshakable base. Also the emerging splendour of the spirit shall grow on the mind like a waxing moon and light up man’s life upon his road to God.But that is not all. Much more is veiled in God’s Beyond and that too shall reveal itself one day in the future.
Now mind is all and
its uncertain ray, "At present the mind is everything, its uncertain ray of light is all. But in truth the mind is only a vehicle of the soul; it is a thought-driven chariot carrying the luminous voyager — the soul – through the night of ignorance to the horizons of a distant, vague dawn, to the end of the fathomless urge of the Spirit, to its dream-objective of absolute truth and sheer bliss.
There are greater
destinies mind cannot surmise
Mind is not all his
tireless climb can reach, There is an infinite truth, an absolute power. "But there are greater destinies open to men which the mind cannot guess. They are fixed on the summit of the evolving Path which the traveller-soul now walks in Ignorance, not knowing his next step, not knowing his goal. The mind is not the last summit that this traveller can scale in his tireless climb; on the apex of the worlds where he has to arrive there is a lire burning, an abode of the Eternals Light, an infinite truth, an absolute power — these he must attain.
The spirit’s
mightiness shall cast off its mask;
It shall be seen in
its own veilless beams, "The might of the Spirit shall throw away its mask; its glory shall be experienced governing and forming the course of the world. It shall be seen in its unrestricted beams, a veritable star rising from the night of the Inconscience, a sun climbing the lower skies of Nature to the peak of Supernature.
Abandoning the
dubious Middle Way A few, however, giving up the doubtful way between the lnconscience and the Superconscience, shall glimpse the supernatural Source of all and some of them shall feel in you the presence of the secret Force of Supernature; they shall turn to find a step that cannot be identified, a presence that is nameless; they shall be the adventurers into a greater, mightier realm of Light.
Ascending out of the
limiting breadths of mind, "Climbing out of the wide and yet limiting regions of the mind, they shall discover the huge design of the world and enter into the Gnostic realm, the Truth, the Right, the Vast, Satyam, Ritam. Brihat.
You shall reveal to
them the hidden eternities, "You shall reveal to them the eternities that are nom, hidden from them, the air of unrevealed infinitudes, something of the rapture of the bliss that created the world, something of the force of the omnipresence of God, some ray of the omniscient Mystery that baffles them.
But when the hour of
the Divine draws near, Then shall the Truth supreme be given to men. "But, when the moment of the Divine Manifestation draws close, the mighty Mother of creation shall take birth in the world of Time and God shall be born into human clay in forms made ready by your human embodiments.Then shall the supreme truth be given to man.
There is a being
beyond the being of mind,
There is a
consciousness mind cannot touch,
It has no home on
earth, no centre in man, "The mind is not all. Beyond the being of mind there is another being, an immeasurable Reality cast into many forms, a splendid miracle of the One in its multitudinous aspect. There is above, a consciousness that mind cannot touch, speech cannot express, thought cannot reveal. It has yet no dwelling place, no station on earth, no centre in the being of man. And yet it is the true source of all things that arc thought and done on earth; it is the real fount of creation, the source of all its works.
It is the originer
of all truth here, "This consciousness is the originating cause of all truth on earth; it is the full sun of which the mind radiates only fragmentary rays; it is Infinity’s heaven from which rains the bounty of God; it is the wide Goal that justifies all the faltering and narrow attempts of man: it is the channel for the little Bliss that man is given to taste.
Some shall be made
the glory’s receptacles
These are the high
forerunners, the heads of Time, "Some shall be made the receptacles of the glory, vehicles of the luminous power of the Eternal. These elder ones are the high forerunners at the head of gal-lopping Time, the great liberators of the earth-bound mind, the powerful transmuters of the human clay, the first-born of a new celestial race.
The incarnate dual
Power shall open God’s door,
The superman shall
wake in mortal man "The incarnate dual Power (Savitri-Satyavan) shall open God’s door, and the eternal supermind shall directly touch the earthly time. Then shall the dormant superman wake in mortal man and reveal the demi-god hidden in man; or the awakened superman shall grow into God-Light and God-Force, revealing in the proems the deity secretly dwelling in the cavern of his being.
Then shall the earth
be touched by the Supreme, Then shall the earth be touched by the Supreme; his luminous, direct transcendental Radiance shall light up the mind and heart of man; it shall force the vital and the physical acts of man to expound the ineffable mystery of the Supreme in a celestial language of Divinity’s signs.
His living cosmic
spirit shall enring, The living cosmic spirit of the Supreme shall cancel the ages-old law of death and pain, wipe out the prevailing laws of Ignorance and enfold the being that is ready for immortality with the profound meaning of beauty and the hidden significance of life.
His regard crossing
infinity’s mystic waves The regard of the Supreme across the mystic waves of infinity shall restore to Nature her first joy of life, her rhythmic heart-beats of a delight which she has last, the cry of an ecstasy that has been forgotten, the ebullient dance of the primal Bliss that created the world.
The Immanent shall
be the witness God "The Immanent God shall be the Witness watching, from his many-branching sovereign seat, his static being and silent might ruling earth-nature by the laws of the Eternal, himself a thinker awakening the world of the Inconscient, an unmoving centre of many infinitudes in his multitudinous temple-creation on the shores of the sea of Time.
Then shall the
embodied being live as one Then shall it be possible for man, the embodied being, to live as a thought of the Divine, as a will of the Divine, as a mask or a robe of his Divinity, as an instrument and partner of the Divine Force, as a centre or a line of manifestation drawn in the Infinite, a concrete manifestation of the Imperishable.
The supermind shall
be his nature’s fount,
All then shall
change, a magic order come A mightier race shall inhabit the mortal’s world. "’The supermind shall be the source of his nature; the Eternal’s truth shall shape his thoughts and acts, it shall be his light and guide.Then shall all change. Then shall a new magic order overcome this mechanical universe. A race mightier than the mortal shall inhabit this world of mortality.
On Nature’s
luminous tops, on the Spirit’s ground, The superman shall rule as the monarch of life on the luminous summits of Nature, on the sacred grounds of the Spirit; he shall turn earth almost into the companion and equal of heaven, lead the ignorant heart of man towards God and truth, and uplift his mortality towards godhead.
A power released
from circumscribing bounds, "Life shall be a power freed from its constrictive limits, its heights shall be lifted beyond the reach of hungry death the Immortal’s thoughts shall set aflame the summits of life and Light shall invade the darkness of its base.
Then in the process
of evolving Time Then in the process of the evolution of Time all shall be drawn into a single plan. A divine harmony shall become the law of the earth; Beauty and Joy shall recast her way of life. Even the physical body shall remember God dwelling in it; Nature shall withdraw from the hold of mortality, the luminous fires of the Spirit shall guide the blind force of the earth; Knowledge shall bring to aspiring Thought a high nearness to Truth and God.
The supermind shall
claim the world for Light The supermind shall till the world with Light and thrill the captivated heart of Nature with love of God; it shall place the crown of Light on the upraised head of Nature and establish the reign of Light on her firm, unshaking base.
A greater truth than
earth’s shall roof-in earth A truth greater than the regnant truth of earth shall cover the earth and shed its bright sunlight on the roads of the mind; an unerring power shall lead the thought; a conscious Puissance shall govern life and action and the Immortal’s fire shall be kindled in earthly hearts.
A soul shall wake in
the Inconscient’s house; "In the very home of the Inconscient a soul shall awake; the mind shall be the living abode of God-vision, the body an unsullied instrument of intuition and life a ready channel for the manifest power of God.
All earth shall be
the Spirit’s manifest home,
The Spirit’s eyes
shall look through Nature’s eyes, "All earth shall become the open home of the Spirit, no longer veiled by the body and the life, no longer hidden by the mind’s ignorance the infallible Hand of God shall mould each event and act.The Spirit’s eves shall look through the eyes of Nature; they shall become one. The Spirit’s force shall occupy the forces of Nature; they shall fuse into each other.
This world shall be
God’s visible garden-house, "This world shall he God’s manifest garden-house, the earth shall be a field and bivouac of God; man shall no longer accept death, no longer embody a weak transience in himself.
This universe shall
unseal its occult sense, "The universe shall reveal its hidden meaning, creation’s process shall change its age-old appearance, and the hierarchy of this evolution in ignorance shall release the Wisdom imprisoned underneath its base i.e. in the Inconscience.
The Spirit shall be
the master of his world "The Spirit shall no more stay hidden in the obscurity of form, it shall be the undisputed sovereign of his world Nature shall reverse the process of her action, the external world shall reveal the Truth it conceals. All things shall bring into open their hidden Godhead. All shall reveal the light and might of the Spirit embodied in it and move to its destined goal of felicity.
Even should a
hostile force cling to its reign
For in the march of
all-fulfilling Time “Even if an adverse force were to insist on continuing to rule and claim permanence for its right to reign, and man were to refuse his high spiritual destiny, still, the secret Truth in things would prevail over all resistance and denial. For in the unrolling of the all-achieving Time, the hour of fulfilment of the Will of the Transcendent Supreme must come.
All turns and winds
towards his predestined ends "All turns and moves towards the ends pre-cast by the Supreme Transcendent in the fixed inevitable course of Nature, sanctioned and decreed from the very beginning of the worlds in the core of created things. As the high crown of it all, there shall even come the end of Death, the death of Ignorance.
But first high Truth
must set her feet on earth This too shall be; "But before that the high Truth must first descend on earth, man must aspire for the light of the Eternal, all his parts feel and respond to the touch of the Spirit and all his life-movements obey the inner Force of the Spirit. And this too shall come to be.
… for a new life
shall come, "For a new life shall come into being; it shall embody the Superconscient’s truth and shall he a native field for the play of Supernature’s mights. It shall convert the nescient base of earth into a colony of Truth, make even the Ignorance a transparent robe through which the radiant limbs of Truth shall shine. And Truth shall radiate sun-like from the crown of Nature. Truth shall guide the steps of Nature, Truth shall look out from the obscure nether depths of Nature.
When superman is
born as Nature’s king "When the superman is born as the king of Nature, his presence on earth shall transform the world of Matter. He shall kindle Truth’s fire in Nature’s night, he shall impose upon earth the greater law of Truth (in the place of the prevailing law of Ignorance). And as a result, man also shall turn and respond to the call of the Spirit.
Awake to his hidden
possibility, "Man shall awake to the possibility lying hidden in himself, to all that has been dormant in his heart, to all the intention in Nature when the earth was first formed and to the purpose for which the Spirit chose to make this ignorant world his home. And he shall aspire to realize and manifest the Truth latent in himself, God intended by Nature to be delivered from her, Bliss for the revelation of which the Spirit made his home in this world.
Interpreter of a
diviner law Man shall desire to climb to his own heights.
The truth above
shall wake a nether truth; "The higher beings, rendering a higher, diviner law into life, instruments of the supreme design of the creative Divine, shall uplift man. Man shall want to climb to his own unsealed heights. The truth that is above this lower hemisphere shall awaken the truth that is embedded below. Even the dumb, inconscient earth shall become a conscious force.
The Spirit’s tops
and Nature’s base shall draw
The Spirit shall
look out through Matter’s gaze
Then man and
superman shall be at one "The summits of the Spirit and the base of Nature shall come close to the common secret of their respective truths and know each other as but one divine manifestation. The Spirit shall look out through the eyes of Matter and Matter shall reveal the face of the Spirit. Then shall man and superman become one and all on earth become one single Life. There will be no division, no separation of one from another, any longer.
Even the multitude
shall hear the Voice
Even the many shall
some answer make Even the common multitude — not the few awakened ones alone — shun hear the Voice of God and turn inwards to commune with the living Spirit within and strive to obey in their lives the higher spiritual law. This earth shall be moved with sublimer impulses, humanity shall awake to its deepest self, and Nature shall come to recognise the godhead hidden in herself. Even the multitude shall respond in some way and bear the splendour of the Divine’s invasion and his loud. impatient knock on the subtler doors of the being.
A heavenlier passion
shall upheave men’s lives, "A heavenlier pas ion shall hear men’s lives upwards; their mind shall partake of the gleam of the ineffable; their heart shall feel the high ecstasy and the lire: the bodies on earth shall become conscious of an indwelling soul : the slaves of mortality shall unfetter their bonds ; those who are mere men now shall grow into spiritual beings and behold the dormant divinity awake.
Intuitive beams
shall touch the nature’s peaks, "Intuition shall play on the heights of nature: a new revelation shall set astir the depths of nature; the one Truth shall lead men’s lives; Truth shall govern their thought, speech and act; Men shall feel themselves lifted up nearer to the sky, as though they were but a little lower than the gods.
For knowledge shall
pour down its radiant streams "For knowledge shall flood with its radiant streams and even the darkened, obscure mind shall vibrate with a new life, burn with the lire of the Ideal and turn to free itself from the hold of mortal ignorance.
The frontiers of the
Ignorance shall recede, "The present borders of ignorance shall retreat and more and more souls shall enter into light ; lit and inspired by the light, minds shall hear the call of the occult, divine summoner, lives shall blaze with a sudden inner toilette of lire, hearts shall he charmed with divine (not human) delight, human wills shall tune themselves to the divine will. These selves — now separate from each other — shall come to feel their oneness in the Spirit; the earthly senses shall grow capable of experi¬encing heavenly sensation, the flesh and nerves shall learn to feel a new ethereal joy, the mortal bodies shall find it possible to assume immortality.
A divine force shall
flow through tissue and cell A divine force shall course through every tissue and cell and govern the breath, speech and act; all the thoughts shall be luminous with the radiance of knowledge and every feeling shall throb with a celestial thrill.
Often a lustrous
inner dawn shall come "A luminous inner dawn shall come often, lighting up the chambers of the sleeping mind; a sudden bliss shall flow through every limb and Nature shall he filed with a mightier Presence.
Thus shall the earth
open to divinity
Nature shall live to
manifest secret God, "Thus shall the earth open to divine Nature and common natures begin to feel the all-embracing. to illumine common acts with the ray of the Spirit and to meet the divine being in common things. Then shall Nature live to manifest the Godhead hidden in her, the Spirit take charge of the human play and this earthly life become the life divine."
The measure of that subtle music ceased.
Down with a hurried
swimming floating lapse
Amidst a laughter of
unearthly lyres A choir of laughing winds to meet her came. The rhythm of that subtle music ceases. Like a star, the soul of Savitri sinks down hurriedly in a forced plunge through unseen worlds and bottomless spaces. There is a laughter, as it were, of unearthly lyres and amidst it she hears around her a triumphal cry of nameless voices, a multitudinous sound. A choir of happy, laughing winds comes to meet her.
She bore the burden
of infinity
Pursuing her in her
fall, implacably sweet, Savitri bears the pressure of infinity and feels the stir of the ethereal space around her. As she falls, she is pursued by a young, beautiful face — a symbol of all the beauty that is not perceived by the eye — the PURUSHA It is crowned as though with peacock feathers of magnificent hue with an inset of sapphire; its smile is heart-disturbing in its insatiable attraction to delight; it passions in the embrace of her soul.
Changed in its
shape, yet rapturously the same, The face gradually changes its form — though the rapture of it continues and it grows into the face of a woman. — Nature, — dark and beautiful, imperious in will and oppressive in love, like a moonlit night with sailing star-studded clouds, a night of a dark glory and a stormy depth.
Eyes in which
Nature’s blind ecstatic life Nature’s blind blissful life springs into these eyes iron some spirit’s passion and they direct Savitri to the whirling dance of earth below.
Amidst the headlong
rapture of her fall In the precipitate rapture of her fail, Savitri is held like a bird in the satisfied hands of a child and in that captivating grasp allowing no possibility of any release till the end of Time, her spirit strives. And as the fruit of this mysterious joy, Savitri holds inextricably within her strong enveloping soul — like a flower in the bosom of spring — the soul of Satyavan drawn down by her in that mighty plunge.
Invisible heavens in
a thronging flight As Savitri plunges down, invisible heavens soar past her in a crowded flight. Then all the blind and close attraction of the earth compels her into the awful rapidities of downward bliss.
Lost in the giddy
proneness of that speed, Savitri is lost in that giddying current of speed. Whirled, sinking, completely overcome, she disappears, like a leaf twirling down from a tree in heaven, in broad unconsciousness as in a pool.
A hospitable
softness drew her in A welcoming softness sucks her in into a marvel of miraculous depths. Above her close the great wings of the superconscient darkness. Savitri is buried in breast of the earth-mother.
Then from a timeless
plane that watches Time, All still was in a silence of the gods. Then a Spirit gazes out upon the destiny. that is forming from a timeless plane which watches the movement of Time below. It sees the ages roll by in its unending moment. Everything is still in silence, the silence of the gods.
The prophet moment
covered limitless space This prophetic moment spans measureless Space and flings into the heart of speeding Time a pure, impenetrable light of the Eternal’s peace, a fervent-red seed of God’s felicity. From the gaze of the Spirit goes a glance of immortal Love.
A wonderful face
looked out with deathless eyes; A key turned in a mystic lock of Time. A marvellous face looks out with immortal eyes. A hand is seen pulling back the golden bars which guard the eternal secrecies. A key is turned in a mystic lock of Time. A chapter in cosmic history is closed.
But where the
silence of the gods had passed, Where there had been the silence of the god, greater harmony is born from the stillness and tills yearning hearts with joy and sweetness. There is an ecstasy, a laughter, a cry of joy.
A power leaned down, a happiness found its home. Over wide earth brooded the infinite bliss. A Power leans down, a happiness finds its home upon earth. An infinite bliss looms and broods over the wide earth. |