Vol. 4



  January 2, 1963
January 9, 1963
January 12, 1963
January 14, 1963
January 18, 1963
January 30, 1963

February 15, 1963
February 19, 1963
February 21, 1963
February 23, 1963

March 6, 1963
March 9, 1963
March 13, 1963
March 16, 1963
March 19, 1963
March 23, 1963
March 27, 1963
March 30, 1963

April 6, 1963
April 16, 1963
April 20, 1963
April 22, 1963
April 25, 1963
April 29, 1963

May 3, 1963
May 11, 1963
May 15, 1963
May 18, 1963
May 22, 1963
May 25, 1963
May 29, 1963


June 3, 1963
June 8, 1963
June 12, 1963
June 15, 1963
June 19, 1963
June 22, 1963
June 26, 1963
June 26, 1963
June 29, 1963


July 3, 1963
July 6, 1963
July 10, 1963
July 13, 1963
July 17, 1963
July 20, 1963
July 24, 1963
July 27, 1963
July 31, 1963


August 3, 1963
August 7, 1963
August 10, 1963
August 13, 1963
August 13, 1963
August 17, 1963
August 21, 1963
August 24, 1963
August 28, 1963
August 31, 1963


September 4, 1963
September 7, 1963
September 18, 1963
September 21, 1963
September 25, 1963
September 28, 1963

October 3, 1963
October 5, 1963
October 16, 1963
October 19, 1963
October 26, 1963
October 30, 1963

November 4, 1963
November 13, 1963
November 20, 1963
November 23, 1963
November 27, 1963
November 30, 1963

December 3, 1963
December 7, 1963
December 11, 1963
December 14, 1963
December 18, 1963
December 21, 1963
December 25, 1963
December 29, 1963
December 31, 1963

dead! ... They'll become a plague. What will we do with all that? They will be far more numerous than the living and will crowd everything - what will we do with all that?" There, you see the type of reflection.


The attitude of the living towards the dead is one of the most loathsome expressions of mankind's selfish ignorance.

It's either a complete I-couldn't-care-less attitude, or else, "Ohh, anything to get rid of that!" I have some children here (they're no longer children), who live here with their fathers and mothers (who aren't very old), and some of those children told me "dreams" in which they saw their fathers or mothers dead and coming to them ... and they sent them back violently, saying, "You're dead, you've got no right to come and bother us"! ...

You're dead, you've got no right to come and bother us. There you are.

That's ... few will be frank enough to say so, but it's very widespread.

Many things must change before a little bit of truth can manifest - that's all I can say.

August 13, 1963

(Regarding an old "Playground Talk" of 1950 and noted from memory by a disciple, which Mother asks Satprem to scrap. The subject was Nirvana, which one was to reach - or so the notation said - by withdrawing all one's energies into the psychic being or soul.)

None of that is true! In the first place, we should say that each realm has an energy of its own. But what people generally feel as energy is vital energy;

 [[Can we ever overemphasize the fact that what happened to Mother ten years later, in 1973, is an unspeakable betrayal ... of which she had a presentiment? ]]

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